ROUND BROKEN FOR NEW CHAPEL OF DENVER SEMINARY iPEKMANEin ORGANIZATION TO IRlNt ECONOMC REFORM IS 0 BE STARTED IN DENVER A INTERCESSION OF SI. l l i l S Lnnouncement Made at Brilliant Banquet That As Lasting Monument of This Generation’s Closes Conference Faith, as Inspiration to Future The banquet that closed the regional At the closing banquet, the speakers Ground breaking exercises for the matic club o f the seminary gave a leeting of the Catholic Conference, were the Rev. Dr. William O'Ryan, new chapel and refectory at St. remarkable performance in the audi­ b n Industrial Problems, Tuesday Denver, toastmaster; the Rev. H. V. Thomas’ seminary, Denver, were held torium of the school. A tense war [light, drew a crowd that filled the Campbell, Denver, chairman of the Wednesday afternoo;i, with the Rt. drama was on the bill. The per­ Lnain dining room of the Brown Pal- local arrangements committee; Col­ The National Catholic Welfare Conference News Service Supplies The Denver Catholic Register and The Register. Rev. Bishop J. Henry Tihen turning formance was unusual and powerful fice hotel. The other sessions of the onel P. H. Callahan, of Louisville, We Have Also Our Own Extensive Special Service, the K. of C, Service, the Central Verein Service, the the first spadeful of earth, followed to a degree rarely seen in amateur conference were held in the K. of C. Kentucky; the Rev. Dr. William A. Fides Service and the California Catholic Press Service immediately by the Very Rev. Wil­ dramatics. The following students borne and are said to have set a Bolger, C.S.C., St Thoma.s’ college, liam M. Brennan, C.M., J.C.D., Ph.D., participated; Lawrence Farrell, Barry national record for attendance, St. Paul, formerly of the University president of the seminary, and a Wogan, Thomas Lynch, Elmore l-rpeakers at the various sessions in- of Notre Dame; and the R t Rev. J. VOL. XXV, No. 39 DENVER, COLO., THURSDAY, IVIAY 15, 1930. $2.00 ,PER YEAR group of more than fifty priests. The Moore, Clarence Kessler, who had the Jduded the Rev. H. L. McMenamin, Henry Tihen, D.D., Bishop of Denver. rites were .short but picturesque. leading role; Ray Newell, James lUcnver; the Rev. Thomas J. O’Dwyer, No banquet ever held in Denver About seventy-five seminarians, in Dowling, Roy Breen, Michael Flem­ IJjOs Angeles; C. V. Maddux, Great under Catholic auspices ha.s drawn a cassock and surplice, marched in pro­ ing and Forrest Barker. The pro­ ^Vestern Sugar company; Rev. Fran­ more distinguished attendance. There cession to the place where the dig­ duction staff included: Vincent Tiku- ks W. Walsh, Denver; • Thomas F. was a plentiful sprinkling of non- ging was to be done, followed by the isis, Walter Canavan, Philip Cassidy Alahony, Longmont; Charles F. Wills, Catholic leaders in the room. LISTENING IN priests. Monsignor Joseph Bosetti and and James Dessert. hicago; the Rev. Dr. John A. R ^ n , Father O’Ryan in his opening re­ Bishop Tihen. After chanting by the Other features of the program Washin^on, D. C.^ John H. Remlin, marks told how on a visit to a Wy­ The collection last Sunday for The seminarians and a group of the cler­ were a brief address by John Wogan, ttlenver; the Rev. John R. Mulroy, oming oil field he had been interested Register subscription fund came out gymen, the Bishop took the spade, on behalf of the students: one by ■)enver; George W. Kirk, C. F. & I. in the great number of by-products very fine in some of the parishes, declaring that in hfonor of the Blessed Bishop Tihen, on behalf of the clergy; Ipp., Pueblo; Josephine Roche, Rocky obtained from what seemed like although several of them were any­ Trinity and with the intercession of and musical numbers. After the per­ iountain Fuel Co., Denver; Earl waste. He reminded his auditors that thing but generous. We hope that St. Thomas Aquinas, patron of the formance? a banquet was served by loagc, Colorado State Federation of the Catholic j-eligion has many by­ -V- these latter will redeem their repu­ seminary and Angel of the Schools, the Vincentian Fathers to the visiting I.abor; Herbert Fairall, Denver; John products; that we should not be con­ tation this Sunday. A detailed report he lifted this first sod of earth, ask­ clergymen and the students. p;. Gross, secretary, Colorado State cerned with spiritual affairs alone. will bo sent to the pastors after ing the blessing of God upon the Work on the new chapel and refec­ Federation of Labor; R. H. McWil­ A reform in economic conditions ms about two weeks. We will continue work that was to be done here and tory will start within ten days to liams, Denver university; the Rev. one of these by-products for which with the plan of sending the paper dedicating the new chapel as a two weeks. The buildings will be jWilliam A. Bolger, St. Paul, Minn.; we should work. He said that while into every home. People who are not ing monument of the faith of this completed by autumn. The $150,000 land many others who participated in we have had unity of faith and are in desperate circumstances ought to generation and an inspiration to the needed for the work was subscribed |i.he open discussions. (Continued on Page 9) give something to this fund. generations yet to come. several months ago in a campaign Following the ceremony, the dra­ put dn in the Diocese of Denver. The Catholic Industrial Conference drew notable figures to Denver and had so much real n^ws in it than the iRetreat Masters and Dates Announced voluminous reports in today's Regis­ ter necessarily cover only the sur­ Five-Day Week Unemployment face. There was plenty of human in­ [or Three Retreats at Regis College terest material in this affair. For instance, it brought that dry-of- Solution, Dr. Ryan Declares each year finds not only a large ac­ The summer retreats for laymen Fathers Patrick F. Laffan (left) and James Lienhan, two missioners of the-dry’s, Colonel P. H. Callahan of -it Regis will take place this year on cession of laymen who have never St. Columban’s_ society and natives of Ireland, who have been identified as The Rev. Dr. John A. Ryan, of the “ The masses desire and could use before made a retreat, but, what is Louisville, on the same platform with ■the following dates; First retreat— the two_ Catholic missionaries recently reported to have been kidnaped by the Rev. John A. Ryan, who a few Catholic university, Washing;ton, D. vastly more than they now obtain lluly 11, 12, 13, under the direction a surer sign, the presence of the vast bandits in China. Latest report.s state that the missionaries are alive and well. of the standard necessities and com­ majority of the older retreatants who weeks ago denounced prohibition be­ C., the leading economist of America, Inf Rev. Adolph J. Kuhlman, S..T., pro- fore a Congressional committee. forts such as food, clothing, housing, are beginning to look upon the re­ |fessor of sacred eloquence in the Callahan succeeded him in a few days drew a capacity .house when he ad­ hospitals and medical service, educa­ treat as something without which the llesuit seminary at Florissant, Mo., and upheld prohibition at a Catholic. dressed the Catholic Conference on tion, recreation and amusements. We summer would be incomplete. Much Iind organizer of the retreat move- Colorado K. of C. Convention Both men made it plain to the con Industrial Problems at the K. of C. should ^ endeavor to supply these Inent throughout Nebraska, Kansas of the success of the retreat work is, grettmen that they were not author- hall, Denver, Monday night. He de­ wants instead o f hunting unknown I’.nd Oklahoma: the second— Aug. 8, of course, due to the able president ixed to speak for the Catholic Church fields. J, 10, under the direction of Rev. of the Regis Laymen’s Retreat guild, as an organization. Callahan was clared that the methods being used to Bayard K. Sweeney. Sunday and Monday at Springs “ We have already the workers and .Francis J. O’Hern, S.J., president of misrepresented in some newspaper combat unemployment in the United productive equipment to provide all ^ t. Mary’s college, St. Mary’s, Kan.; In the nature of things men make reports to the contrary. States today are futile, and suggested inquiries of others who have gone Colorado Springs.— The Colorado nual banquet will be held at 7:45 these goods in vastly increased quan­ ■the third— .\ug. 2^ 23, 24, under the that the five-day week and a shorter tities. And in view of the vast array llirection of Rev, Francis J. O’Boyle, through the retreats before determin­ Springs members of the Knights of o’clock in the Antlers hotel dining working day be introduced in Ameri­ room. Monday, May 19, the business Colonel Callahan is one of the most of preventable wastes the national K. J., professor of moral theology in ing to devote three entire daj’s to Colirtnbus have completed plans for active and one of the best informed can industry. He showed that he has spiritual exercises. Hence the per­ sessions will be held at 10:30 a.m. income might be doubled simply by Int. Louis university. the state convention of the order to, Catholics in the nation. He has made little patience with the attempt of eliminating them.
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