VOL. XXVI. No. 18 BALTIMORE, MD., DECEMBER 9, 1921 PRICE 5 CENTS DORMITORY COMMITTEE FOOTBALL "H" AWARDED 0. D. K. INITIATES EIGHT INTER-CLASS RUSH AND TAKES CARD CENSUS TO THIRI EEN MEN NEW MEN Efforts Made to Determine Number of Brawner Re-elected Manager of Football Selection Based on Character and Un- FOOTBALL GAME TOMORROW Future Occupants. Basketball Dropped from 1921-22 disputed Leadership. Athletic Schedule. Class of '24 and '25 to mix it up and have it out. Tradi- In order to complete the esti- Eight men were taken into the tional conflict promises to hold unusual interest. mate of the amount of money At the last meeting of the Ath- Omicron Delta Kappa National which would be received for lodg- letic Association Board held Wed- Honorary Fraternity at the public LINEUP FOR TOMORROW'S GAME ing in the proposed Alumni Me- nesday night the final award of initiation held at yesterday's stu- morial Dormitory, a card has been letters was made to men on the dent assembly. The men to receive SOPHOMORES FRESHMEN sent to each student of the Uni- football squad during the past sea- this honor were Gilson C. Engel, Meyer or Ross L E Steck versity, requesting him to state son. The Varsity "H" will be Richard M. Wood, R. Dorsey Raleigh L T Bergin or Spurrier the price of the room he would given to Totterdale, Landy, Watkins, Edward 0. Huey, Wil- Smallwood L G Fargo wish to occupy. 'With the return Knecht, Middleton and Calkins, liam G. Totterdale, E. H. Salter, Shriver, G. M C Summers of these cards W. Graham Boyce, all of whom have been previous- Samuel A. Middleton and Oliver Homer R G Bates treasurer of the University, will ly honored with the coveted ath- D. Collins. Hutzler R T . Young be able to determine to what ex- letic emblem. Sweaters are to be .The principal factor in the se- Dunning R E •• . Gump won tent the proposed dormitory will given to those who have lection of men for membership in Marchetti Q.B Balsam time, benefit the students. Also he will their letters for the first and the Omicron Delta Kappa society McDaniel dr Ashton R H B Jones have some idea as to what would this list includes Markell, Darley, is character, but undisputed lead- Dorsey or Limbach L H B Merlees and be a fair price for the rooms, it be- Bonner, Westerman, Magill ership in at least one of the fol- Shriver or Ellicott F B Farbman man- ing natural to suppose that most Rich. H. Pierce Browner, as lowing branches of campus activi- of the students answering his card ager, will also receive a sweater, ties is required: Scholarship, ath- TWO PLANS FOR NEW STA- FRESHMEN AND SOPHS TO will name a room at something and Willis, Spinney, Coady and letics, social leadership, including • CLASH TOMORROW DIUM CONSIDERED near the price they are now pay- Barton will get "H. A. A.". conspicuous service to the insti- ing. To Carl Wilson, of the Medical Many More Features Introduced in In- $200,000 Necessary for Erection. Hop- tution ; literary ability, societies Proposition terclass Contest. Dance to Follow kins to Undertake Before the work can be started School, who played such a bril- and publications. Alone. Game and Rush: it has been found necessary to es- iant game whenever he was called Election to the society is, there- upon to take the generalship Chafing at the leash, the Sopho- Two plans for financing the sta- timate as near as possible the over fore, recognition of the leadership, of the team, will be Var- more and Freshmen- football dium which is planned to circle amount which would be available awarded proficiency and activity of the were proposed at sity "H" on special merit. Too teams are eagerly awaiting the ref- Homewood field each year to help pay off the origi- candidates in one or more activi- meeting of representa- much cannot be said in praise of eree's whistle for tomorrow's game Monday's nal cost of the building. With the ties and endorsement of his char- the spirit Wilson has shown dur- at Homewood Field. The rivalry tives of the University club and fund furnished by the Alumni As- acter and personality. ing the past season when he con- between the two classes is intense the Homewood Company. The sociation and the amount returned While membership in 0. D. K. scientiously attended practices in and this has done much towards first provided for the sale of 20,000 on the cards it will be easy to form is probably the highest honor the spite of the fact that Coach Van •Preading interest among upper- two year season tickets for a plan of payment for the build- which can be obtained by a stu- be held at Orman did not often find it nec- classmen and outsiders. athletic contests to dent, the society is, by picking out him for Homewood, to the public at $15 For several years the feeling has essary to call upon his the leaders in the various activi- It was decided by a joint com- services, and of his work apiece. This would net $300,000, been expressed at Hopkins that example ties on the campus and bringing mittee of the classes to allow none 50 per cent. more than the re- lack of school spirit was caused by should be an inspiration not only them together in a small group, to of the Varsity men who have par- to quired $200,000 necessary for the lack of dormitories. Not that to Medical School students but provide greater co-operation and ticipated in games this year to take as well. erection of a stadium. The balance school spirit has been lacking to Hopkins undergraduates more complete understanding be- Part in the inter-class contest, with Another man get an "H" on would be used to sustain athletics any great extent however, but it is to tween the activities. a view to discovering new mate- and finance the whole proposition thought by everyone interested in grounds of special merit is Jake It is the exchange of.ideas, con- rial for next year's squad. This Miller, who served as manager until the two years covered by the the welfare of the University that structive criticism and the presen- will bar a• number of good men part of season -of 1920. tickets would be past. The other the building of sufficient "dorms" during the tation of new schemes and plans from both teams; Coady, Bonner, will be given plan, which was the one finally to house all the students would All of the sweaters for the betterment of conditions Barton, Brumble and Harwood, of adopted, provided for the sale of greatly increase the feeling that out as soon as possible. at the University that the society the Sophomores, and Westerman, stock to the amount needed to give college life means more than the In view of the fact that Hop- primarily exists. Membership is McGill, Spinney, Willis, Darley, interest at 6 per cent. mere attaining of a degree. kins turned out a team which won not therefore the culmination of Osborne. of Councill, Turnbull and A possibility of enlisting the aid a So far very few traditions have clear title to the state football work in any one activity, but the Freshmen, being forced to view of the city in the Homewood pro- will been handed down to the lower championship, gold footballs rather a door to new and greater the game from the sidelines. This ject instead of a separate stadium classmen. Traditions of rooms oc- be given those men who partici- field of endeavor. For this reason will not cause the contest to de- at Mount Royal or elsewhere was cupied by famous athletes and pated in the St. John's game and it is necessary that a well balanced velop into a poor exhibition of also thought to exist until Dr. C. of brilliant students are entirely un- a letter thanks to Barney circle be secured and that no one football, as there are other good W. Bridgman stated that the will sent in apprecia- known due to the fact that, al- O'Rourke be type of leader predominate. men worthy of upholding the hon- Homewood undertaking would be though many of the students have tion of his great services in coach- The selection of the new men or of their respective classes. carried out by Hopkins alone. Dr. attained a wide reputation for di- ing the line and in making it a fulfill this requirement excellent- 'Bridgman, Blanchard Randall, The Freshmen will begin the vers university activities, none of successful cog in the mechanism ly. The eligibility of the men tak- Dr. Van Orman and Dr. Thomas game with the same lineup they them ever actually lived on or of the whole machine. H. Pierce en in is unquestionable, and with Brown the Varsity have had throughout the year, with represented were a part of the campus. Browner. '23, was re-elected as that addition to the ranks of the the addition of Young, of the Var- Club, while W. Stuart Syming- manager of the football team for elder members the circle possesses The Alumni Memorial will be sity tackle. The Soph- ton and other members of the ex- the season of 1922. The choice is unusual strength and versatility. squad, at the first dormitory completed and composed mostly of ecutive committee were the rep- considered a logical one as the effi- Gilson Engel is president of the omore team is may be ready for occupancy at the Fresh team, resentatives of the Homewood ciency of Manager Browner's Senior class, president of the Dra- members of last year's beginning of the next scholastic and these men have Company.
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