Volume X, Issue-10, October 2020 October in History Pakistan’s standing in the global rankings October 7, 1954: Foreign Minister Overview Ch.Zafarullah Khan becomes a = member of the International Court of m~âáëí~å=çÄëÉêîÉÇ=~=ëäáÖÜí=áãéêçîÉãÉåí=áå=íÜÉ=çîÉê~ää=áåíÉêå~íáçå~ä=ê~åâáåÖë=áå=OMNU=ÅçîÉêáåÖ=ëçÅáçJÉÅçåçãáÅ=~åÇ=========== Justice. éçäáíáÅ~ä=çìíÅçãÉë=çÑ=íÜÉ=ÅçìåíêóK=pÉîÉê~ä=ÉäÉãÉåíë=ÅçãéäÉãÉåíÉÇ=íÜÉ=éêçëéÉÅíë=áåÅäìÇáåÖ=ëìÅÅÉëëÑìä=ÇÉãçÅê~íáÅ======== íê~åëáíáçåIÉÑÑáÅáÉåí=ÅçìåíÉêJíÉêêçêáëã=ãÉ~ëìêÉë=äÉ~ÇáåÖ=íç=ÉåÜ~åÅÉÇ=éÉ~ÅÉ=~åÇ=ëÉÅìêáíóI=~åÇ=ÑçêÉáÖå=ÇáêÉÅí=áåîÉëíãÉåí= October 27, 1959: President General áåÑäçïë=ìåÇÉê=`mb`I=~ãçåÖ=çíÜÉêëK=^äÄÉáíI=ÇÉÅçìéäáåÖ=ÉÅçåçãáÅ=ÖêçïíÜ=Ñêçã=Üìã~å=ÇÉîÉäçéãÉåí=ëìÖÖÉëíë=íÜ~í=íÜÉ= Ayub Khan becomes Field Marshal. 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DEMOCRACY INDEX October 26, 1968: Pakistan becomes = Olympic Hockey Champion, m~âáëí~å =ê~åâÉÇ =NNOíÜ =çìí=çÑ=NST=ÅçìåíêáÉë=áå=íÜÉ=aÉãçÅê~Åó=fåÇÉñ=ëÅçêáåÖ== QKNT=çìí=çÑ=NM=áå=OMNU=Åçãé~êÉÇ winning over Australia 2-1. = =íç=QKOS=áå=OMNTK=== fåÇÉñ=Ñêçã=M=E~ìíÜçêáí~êá~å=êÉÖáãÉF=íç=NM=EÑìää=ÇÉãçÅê~ÅóF= October 24, 1971: Pakistan wins = World Hockey Cup defeating Spain `çãéáäÉÇ=Ä~ëÉÇ=çå=áåÇáÅ~íçêë=ÅçîÉêáåÖW=bäÉÅíçê~ä=éêçÅÉëë=~åÇ=éäìê~äáëãI=`áîáä=äáÄÉêíáÉëI== 1-0 at Barcelona. cìåÅíáçåáåÖ=çÑ=ÖçîÉêåãÉåíI=mçäáíáÅ~ä=é~êíáÅáé~íáçåI=~åÇ=mçäáíáÅ~ä=ÅìäíìêÉK== = October 28, 1972: President Bhutto HUMAN DEVELOPMENT INDEX= inaugurates Karachi Nuclear Power = Plant (KANUPP). m~âáëí~å=ê~åâÉÇ=NRMíÜ=çìí=çÑ=NUV=ÅçìåíêáÉë=áå=íÜÉ=eìã~å=aÉîÉäçéãÉåí=fåÇÉñ=ëÅçêáåÖ== MKRSO=çìí=çÑ=NKMMM=áå=OMNU=Åçãé~êÉÇ = =íç=MKRSM=çìí=çÑ=NKMMM=áå=OMNTK=== October 5, 1975: Pakistan and fåÇÉñ=Ñêçã=M=Eäçï=ÇÉîÉäçéãÉåíF=íç=N=EîÉêó=ÜáÖÜ=ÇÉîÉäçéãÉåíF= Bangladesh agree to establish = `çãéáäÉÇ=Ä~ëÉÇ=çå=áåÇáÅ~íçêë=ÅçîÉêáåÖW=äáÑÉ=ÉñéÉÅí~åÅóI=ÉÇìÅ~íáçåI=~åÇ=éÉê=Å~éáí~=áåÅçãÉ= diplomatic ties. = October 15, 1979: Dr Abdus Salam, PRESS FREEDOM INDEX eminent Pakistani Scientist, is = awarded Physics Nobel Prize. m~âáëí~å=ê~åâÉÇ=NPVíÜ=çìí=çÑ=NUM=ÅçìåíêáÉë=áå=íÜÉ=mêÉëë=cêÉÉÇçã=fåÇÉñ=ëÅçêáåÖ== QPKOQ=çìí=çÑ=NMM=áå=OMNU=Åçãé~êÉÇ = =íç=QPKRR=áå=OMNTK=== October 16, 1985: National f åÇÉ ñ=Ñêçã = M=Eãçëí =éêÉëë=ÑêÉÉÇçãF=íç=NMM=EäÉ~ëí=éêÉëë=ÑêÉÉÇçãF== Assembly adopts Eighth Amendment = `çãéáäÉÇ=Ä~ëÉÇ=çå=áåÇáÅ~íçêë=ÅçîÉêáåÖW=éäìê~äáëãI=ãÉÇá~=áåÇÉéÉåÇÉåÅÉI=ÉåîáêçåãÉåí== Bill. ~åÇ=ëÉäÑJÅÉåëçêëÜáéI=äÉÖáëä~íáîÉ=Ñê~ãÉïçêâI=íê~åëé~êÉåÅóI=~åÇ=áåÑê~ëíêìÅíìêÉK== = October 21, 1987: Jan Sher Khan TERRORISM INDEX wins World Open Squash = Championship for the first time. m~âáëí~å=ê~åâÉÇ=RíÜ=çìí=çÑ=NSP=ÅçìåíêáÉë=áå=íÜÉ=qÉêêçêáëã=fåÇÉñ=ëÅçêáåÖ= =UKNU=çìí=çÑ=NM=áå=OMNU=Åçãé~êÉÇ=íç=UKQM=áå=OMNTK=== October 1, 1989: Pakistan rejoins = fåÇÉñ=Ñêçã=M=EäçïÉëí=áãé~Åí Commonwealth. = F=íç=NM=EÜáÖÜÉëí=áãé~ÅíF= `çãéáäÉÇ=Ä~ëÉÇ=çå=áåÇáÅ~íçêë=ÅçîÉêáåÖ=W=qçí~ä=åìãÄÉê=çÑ=íÉêêçêáëí=áåÅáÇÉåíë=áå=~=ÖáîÉå=óÉ~êI=íçí~ä=åìãÄÉê=çÑ== October 20, 1989: SAF Games open Ñ~í~äáíáÉë=Å~ìëÉÇ=Äó=íÉêêçêáëã=áå=~=ÖáîÉå=óÉ~êI=íçí~ä=åìãÄÉê=çÑ=áåàìêáÉë=Å~ìëÉÇÄó=íÉêêçêáëã=áå=~=ÖáîÉå=óÉ~ê== in Islamabad. ~åÇ=íÜÉ=~ééêçñáã~íÉ=äÉîÉä=çÑ=íçí~ä=éêçéÉêíó=Ç~ã~ÖÉ=Ñêçã=íÉêêçêáëí=áåÅáÇÉåíë=áå=~=ÖáîÉå=óÉ~êK= October 19, 1993 : Benazir Bhutto is ECONOMIC FREEDOM INDEX elected Prime Minister by 121 votes. = m~âáëí~å=ê~åâÉÇ=NPNëí=çìí=çÑ=NUM=ÅçìåíêáÉë=áå=íÜÉ=bÅçåçãáÅ=cêÉÉÇçã=fåÇÉñ=ëÅçêáåÖ== October 17, 2004: Pakistani RQKQ=çìí=çÑ=NMM=áå=OMNU=Åçãé~êÉÇ=íç=ROKU=çìí=çÑ=NMM=áå=OMNTK=== physician Dr. Muhammad Saeed = fåÇÉñ=Ñêçã=M=EêÉéêÉëëÉÇF=íç=NMM=EÑêÉÉF= Fazal Karim Beebani sets new = Guinness world record for having the `çãéáäÉÇ=Ä~ëÉÇ=çå=áåÇáÅ~íçêë=ÅçîÉêáåÖW=j~êâÉí=çéÉååÉëëI=oÉÖìä~íçêó=ÉÑÑáÅáÉåÅóI== smallest Qur'an of the world. dçîÉêåãÉåí=ëáòÉ=~åÇ=íÜÉ=êìäÉ=çÑ=ä~ïK= Positive Post is a strategic effort to project achievement and contributions of Pakistan. While showcasing Greenwich University’s cultural diplomacy initiatives, it also encapsulates a compilation of different developments complementing Pakistan’s socio-cultural, economic and Political outcomes. On UN Day, PM Imran calls for implementation of Security Council resolutions on Kashmir Prime Minister Imran Khan and "I also reaffirm Pakistan’s abiding President Dr Arif Alvi urged the commitment to multilateralism. United Nations to exercise its Pakistan will continue to play a authority and implement the leading role in UN for the peaceful Security Council resolutions in settlement of international disputes occupied Kashmir. and for developing friendly rela- tions among nations based on the The president and the premier principle of equal rights and self- issued separate statements for determination as enshrined in the United Nations Day which marks UN Charter,” he concluded. the anniversary of the entry into force in 1945 of the UN Charter. In a separate statement, President This year marks the 75th anniversary Alvi said that the Security Council of the UN and its founding Charter. should put pressure on the Indian government to ends its oppression PM Imran said that the day was in occupied Kashmir. "The UN another somber reminder that the should have the military siege and Jammu and Kashmir dispute ment UNSC resolutions on Jammu peace and security around the globe." restrictions on communications and remains unresolved, despite being and Kashmir." peaceful protests in the occupied PM Imran also observed that the on the UN's agenda for over seven territory lifted," he said, according In his statement, the premier also UN faced many challenges amid the decades. to Radio Pakistan. touched on Pakistan's participation pandemic as the rise of ultra-nation- He highlighted that the situation in in UN Peacekeeping Missions. alist, populist, xenophobic and Is- The president added that the world the occupied valley had been lamophobic tendencies was being body should declare null and void exacerbated by India's unilateral and "Pakistan has played a critical role witnessed. "At the same time, inter- in preserving international peace the new domicile laws introduced unlawful actions in August 2019. national law and agreements are in the occupied valley which are an and security through its contribu- being flouted or set aside and trade attempt to change its demographic "Led by the ‘Hindutva’ ideology, the tion of ‘blue helmets’ to the UN barriers are being imposed while the structure as well as the unilateral RSS-BJP regime has continued an Peacekeeping Missions all around pandemic is being politicised." the world. steps taken last year in August. inhuman military siege and imposed draconian restrictions He added that Pakistan remained "At this historic occasion, I want to He said a Commission of Inquiry on freedom of movement and committed to supporting the UN in should be constituted to investigate communications," he said. pay tribute to all men and women realising the shared objectives of blatant human rights violations in peacekeepers, including from Pak- maintaining international peace "I urge the international commu- Illegally Occupied Jammu and istan, who remain ready to serve in and security, economic and social nity, especially the Security Council, Kashmir, the report said. the most fragile and conflict-ridden development, and promoting and to exercise its moral, legal, political Courtesy: Dawn areas and never hesitate to make the protecting human rights for all. and diplomatic authority to imple- ultimate sacrifice for maintaining 27 women cricketers named for high perform- ance camp The Pakistan Cricket Board (PCB) player support personnel will has announced a 27 player high undergo third round of testing performance camp for women to ensure their health and safety. cricketers that will be staged at During the training period, the Hanif Mohammad High the players and player support Performance Centre at the National personnel will follow the bio secure Stadium in Karachi from October protocols while being stationed 8 to 31. at a hotel in Karachi. As part of the PCB Covid-19 The High Performance protocols, all 27 players and player Department will appoint the support personnel will undergo first player support personnel, who will round of testing at their residences, be announced in due course. know our domestic season has not Zafar, Bismah Maroof, Diana Baig, the cost of which will be been announced though the High Fatima Sana Khan, Iram Javed, reimbursed by the PCB. Players Wicketkeeper-batter Sidra Nawaz Performance camp has been Javeria Khan, Javeria Rauf, Kainat and support personnel with said: “It is very refreshing to be at unveiled, but we are taking this Imtiaz, Kaynat Hafeez, Maham negative tests will then assemble the NHPC, which provides the period as pre-season training and Tariq, Muneeba Ali, Nahida Khan, in Karachi, where they will undergo cricket atmosphere and encourages preparation so that they are not Najiha Alvi, Nashra Sandhu, the second round of tests before professional cricketers to get rusty when our cricket resumes.” Natalia Pervaiz, Nida Dar, Omaima being allowed to integrate with the actively involved and utilise the Sohail, Rameen Shamim, Saba larger group. facilities.” Cricketers announced for the camp: Nazir, Sadia Iqbal, Sidra Amin, Aiman Anwar, Aliya Riaz, Anam Sidra Nawaz, Syeda Aroob Shah. All-rounder Aliya Riaz said: “I During the camp, the players and Amin, Ayesha Naseem, Ayesha Courtesy: Dawn 2 Pakistan's strong determination to continue to Building a cohort of mentors in integrity play role for peace in Afghanistan: PM education through hybrid learning in Pakistan UNODC’s Global Integrity capacity of local lecturers to use Education (GIE) Project stands out the contextualized modules in their at the cutting-edge of innovation in courses.
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