Theory and Applications of Categories, Vol. 30, No. 30, 2015, pp. 1017{1031. FINITE CATEGORIES WITH PUSHOUTS D. TAMBARA Abstract. Let C be a finite category. For an object X of C one has the hom-functor Hom(−;X) of C to Set. If G is a subgroup of Aut(X), one has the quotient functor Hom(−;X)=G. We show that any finite product of hom-functors of C is a sum of hom- functors if and only if C has pushouts and coequalizers and that any finite product of hom-functors of C is a sum of functors of the form Hom(−;X)=G if and only if C has pushouts. These are variations of the fact that a finite category has products if and only if it has coproducts. 1. Introduction It is well-known that in a partially ordered set the infimum of an arbitrary subset exists if and only if the supremum of an arbitrary subset exists. A categorical generalization of this is also known. When a partially ordered set is viewed as a category, infimum and supremum are respectively product and coproduct, which are instances of limits and colimits. A general theorem states that a category has small limits if and only if it has small colimits under certain smallness conditions ([Freyd and Scedrov, 1.837]). We seek an equivalence of this sort for finite categories. As finite categories having products are just partially ordered sets, we ought to replace the existence of product by some weaker condition. Let C be a category. For an object X of C, hX denotes the hom-functor Hom(−;X) of C to the category Set. A functor Cop ! Set is said to be representable if it is isomorphic to hX for some X. A functor is said to be familially representable if it is isomorphic to a sum of hom-functors hX ([Carboni and Johnstone]). For a subgroup G of Aut(X), hX =G op denotes the quotient of hX by the induced action of G. We say a functor C ! Set is nearly representable if it is isomorphic to hX =G for some X and G. Existence of product of objects X and Y of C is phrased as representability of hX ×hY . Using familial representability and near representability, we obtain the following results for a finite category C. Firstly any finite product of hom-functors of C is familially representable if and only if C has pushouts and coequalizers; secondly any finite product of hom-functors is a sum of nearly representable functors if and only if C has pushouts. In Sections 2 and 3 basic properties of nearly representable functors and their rela- tions to weak pushouts are discussed. In Section 4 we prove a result about connected Received by the editors 2015-06-26 and, in revised form, 2015-07-18. Transmitted by Ross Street. Published on 2015-07-27. 2010 Mathematics Subject Classification: 18A30, 18A35. Key words and phrases: pushout, coequalizer, hom-functor, familially representable functor, nearly representable functor. c D. Tambara, 2015. Permission to copy for private use granted. 1017 1018 D. TAMBARA components of powers of a set-valued functor. In Section 5 we prove the above-mentioned results. In Section 6 we give a construction of a finite category having pushouts and coequalizers by using powers of a functor. In Section 7 we give an example of a finite category having pushouts based on a partially ordered set with group action. 2. Nearly representable functors Let C be a category. The category of sets is denoted by Set. The category of functors Cop ! Set is denoted by [Cop; Set]. Limits and colimits in this category are given pointwise. For instance, the product F ×F 0 of F; F 0 2 [Cop; Set] is given by (F ×F 0)(X) = F (X) × F 0(X). A final object of [Cop; Set] is the functor 1 given by 1(X) = f1g for all X 2 C. The sum F ` F 0 of F and F 0 is given by (F ` F 0)(X) = F (X) ` F 0(X), and an initial object is the functor ; given by ;(X) = ;. If a group G acts on a set E, E=G denotes the quotient set of E under the action. If G acts on a functor F 2 [Cop; Set], F=G denotes the quotient functor of F :(F=G)(X) = F (X)=G for X 2 C. For an object X of C, hX denotes the hom-functor Hom(−;X) on C. If G acts on an object X of C, then G acts on hX so we have the quotient hX =G. We call op a functor isomorphic to hX =G a nearly representable functor. For a functor F : C ! Set and an object Z of C, an element c 2 F (Z) corresponds to a morphism γ: hZ ! F by Yoneda's Lemma. If a subgroup G of Aut(Z) leaves c invariant, then γ induces a morphism hZ =G ! F . Thus a G-invariant element in F (Z) bijectively corresponds to a morphism hZ =G ! F . 2.1. Proposition. Let G be a subgroup of Aut(X). Let NAut(X)(G) denote the normal- izer of G in Aut(X). Then we have an isomorphism of groups ∼ Aut(hX =G) = NAut(X)(G)=G: Proof. The action of NAut(X)(G) on hX passes to the action on hX =G. This yields the homomorphism NAut(X)(G) ! Aut(hX =G), which we call θ. One sees Ker θ = G. To show the surjectivity of θ, take any automorphism α: hX =G ! hX =G. Then α lifts to a −1 morphism hX ! hX , which comes from a morphism σ: X ! X. Similarly α lifts to a 0 0 morphism hX ! hX , which comes from some σ : X ! X. Then σ σ induces the identity 0 −1 on hX =G, so σ σ 2 G. Thus σ is an automorphism. Also for any τ 2 G, στσ induces −1 the identity on hX =G, so στσ 2 G. Thus σ normalizes G. As θ(σ) = α, we conclude that θ is surjective. Hence the desired isomorphism follows. From this we obtain the following. ~ 2.2. Proposition. Let H be a subgroup of Aut(hX =G). Let H be the inverse image of H under the natural map NAut(X)(G) ! Aut(hX =G). Then we have an isomorphism ∼ ~ (hX =G)=H = hX =H. FINITE CATEGORIES WITH PUSHOUTS 1019 op ∼ An object F 2 [C ; Set] is said to be connected if F 6= ; and if F = F1 q F2 implies F1 = ; or F2 = ;. Representable functors are connected and so are images of them, especially nearly representable functors. op ` ` Let F1;:::;Fn be connected objects of [C ; Set] and put F = F1 ··· Fn. Let G be a subgroup of Aut(F ). Then for σ 2 G and i 2 f1; : : : ; ng there exist σ(i) 2 f1; : : : ; ng and σi: Fi ! Fσ(i) such that σ is the sum of σi for i = 1; : : : ; n. The map (σ; i) 7! σ(i) defines an action of G on f1; : : : ; ng. Let Gi = fσ 2 G j σ(i) = ig. The map σ 7! σi gives a homomorphism Gi ! Aut(Fi). Take a representative R of G-orbits in f1; : : : ; ng. Then ∼ a F=G = Fi=Gi: i2R Using this fact and the preceding proposition, we have the following. 2.3. Proposition. If F is a finite sum of nearly representable functors and G is a subgroup of Aut(F ), then F=G is a finite sum of nearly representable functors. We next review comma categories ([MacLane]). Let F : Cop ! Set be a functor. One has the comma category C=F . An object of C=F is a pair (X; a) for X 2 C and a 2 F (X). A morphism (X; a) ! (Y; b) of C=F is a morphism u: X ! Y of C such that F (u)(b) = a. We note that C=F is usually called the category of elements of F . One has also the comma category [Cop; Set]=F . An object of [Cop; Set]=F is a mor- phism K ! F of [Cop; Set]. A morphism (K ! F ) ! (K0 ! F ) of [Cop; Set]=F is a morphism K ! K0 of [Cop; Set] making the triangle commutative. As is well-known, [Cop; Set]=F is equivalent to [(C=F )op; Set]. An equivalence Φ: [Cop; Set]=F ! [(C=F )op; Set] is given as follows. Let u: K ! F be an object of [Cop; Set]=F . Then Φ(u): (C=F )op ! Set is defined by Φ(u)(X; a) = u(X)−1(a) for (X; a) 2 C=F . We note that u is an isomorphism in [Cop; Set] if and only if the unique morphism Φ(u) ! 1 of [(C=F )op; Set] is an isomorphism. Let an element c 2 F (Z) correspond to a morphism γ: hZ ! F . Then we have Φ(γ) = h(Z;c) in [(C=F )op; Set]. Furthermore let a subgroup G of Aut(Z) leave c invariant. Then γ: hZ ! F inducesγ ~: hZ =G ! F , and also G ⊂ Aut(Z; c). Then we have Φ(~γ) = h(Z;c)=G: 2.4. Proposition. Let F : Cop ! Set be a functor. Then F is a sum of nearly rep- resentable functors if and only if 1:(C=F )op ! Set is a sum of nearly representable functors. 1020 D. TAMBARA Proof. Let Zi be objects of C and ci 2 F (Zi).
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