John Carroll University Carroll Collected The aC rroll News Student 9-12-1975 The aC rroll News- Vol. 58, No. 1 John Carroll University Follow this and additional works at: http://collected.jcu.edu/carrollnews Recommended Citation John Carroll University, "The aC rroll News- Vol. 58, No. 1" (1975). The Carroll News. 528. http://collected.jcu.edu/carrollnews/528 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the Student at Carroll Collected. It has been accepted for inclusion in The aC rroll News by an authorized administrator of Carroll Collected. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Students may now take advantage of an open swim swimming, beginning diving and aquatics. For the story period in the Johnson Swimming Pool, which opened last on the pool, the coach, and the open recreation swim week.. Accredited courses offered include introductory ~chedule, see Page 7. 3.2% Beer Permitted In Dorms By JANE KVACEK Birkenhauer approved the recom- . lounge or other public area of a Murph} head restdenr Chnstr mendation and put this new residence hall without specific lgnaut says. "studenu; should use Prohibition at John Carroll has pohcy on a one year trial basis. written authorizauon. No kegs the new poltcy to prove to the ad­ been repealed and 3.2• beer may Accord1ng to the Alcohol are permitted in the pnvatc mini)tration that they are mature be consumed within the confines Polley, "the Umvers1ty as a rooms of the' residence hall. enough to handle thmgs of which of a pnvate room or in the dor­ general pohcy does not encourage "Students must be held respon­ they are really capable."' mitory lounges with written students to consume beverages, sible for the1r pc!rsonal behavior. Resident assistants state that authorization. but it does permit them to con­ as well as the behavtor of guests. the new policy makes things more After investigation of Jesuit sume 3 2• beer under certain Behavior that is judged to be ir­ comfortable and relaxed m the and other private colleges com­ gu1delines." These concerns in­ responsible or 1ncons1derate dorm. Soc1al activities will also parable in size and educational clude the following 1tems: "The while possessing or consumtng be promoted with the possibility goals, a University C9mmiuee sale or purchase of any alcoholic any alcoholic beverage 1s con­ of lounge parties. .composed of students, faculty and beverage in the residence halls is sidered to be an abuse of the administrators voted to allow the ·strictly prohibited. No open con- alcohol policy.'' consumption of alcoholic tainer. carrier , or cup of alcoholic Student Union Ch1ef Justtce beverages. Last spring Father beverage will be permilted 10 any Owen Dougherty has spoken Carroll News about the new policy and states, "although the fac ulty was aga1nst Smoke r Monclay Lavelle Named Business Dean, the proposal by a marg1n of three to one, their fears arc without foundation." The Carmll News Smoker "There have been no outbrea~ Will he Monday. September 15 Faculty Promotions Ann'auncecl of dipsomania in ep1dem1c from 1-6 p.m. in O'Dea proporuons and no one has been Ro_o m. P<lSilions are open for By KATHY BALDONI The new Chairman for the ment is Rev Dennts Dtllnn, S. k1lled by failings kegs. Many of wnten;. photographers and Eeonom1cs Department is Dr J He IS the Arts Manager for the the wrist slapping l1quor business management. All Rev Michael Lavelle. S J wa~ Francis Navratal.who has taught University. whtch 1nclude!i the violations wh1ch clogged the students are welcome an~ named Dean of the Busaness at the Untversity for two yea;s. Cleveland on Stage Senes D Ilion dorm boards and lost credibility refreshments will be ~ ., School last Agust. succeedmg Dr. Louis Pecek. Chatrman of IS an mstructor an line arts and 1s of the JUdicial system wtll be eradicated." Francis MeG urr. Fr Lavelle ha" the English Department. is on also work1ng with pnsoners at been tcachtng at the Un1vers1ty Sabbatical this year doing the Cuyahoga C1)unty Jatl since 1969. and has been Chair­ research on Mark Twain Acting John E. Cnllins is the new man of the Economics Depart· Chairman in his absence is Mr. Assistant Dean nf Students and mcnt since 1973. Joseph Couer. DIRECTOR OF Housing Frosh Approve College MeG urr served live years as Collins d1rected residence hall Random interviews with mem­ the Dean of the Business School, Returning from sabbatical is for three years at Temple Univer­ staggered throughout the summer bers of the freshman c lass reveal and will return to full time Dr. Clement Miller, who si ty. months. a strong emotional reaction to teaching for the Accounting received the Guggenheim Award David Berilla. Director of They spend one night in Mur­ college life and surprise at the Department to research Renaissance Housing for two years. is now the phy Hull. and-many arc accom­ Director of Career Planning and tnnc of friendliness at the Uni­ panied by their parents and Dr. Joseph Buckley. Professor musioians in Rome.Miller is a Placement at Western Stgte versity. famll1es. Studcn1s attend meetings of Philosophy is the new Director professor of musicology in the College in G unnison. Colarado. One freshman vo1ccd his ap­ abnut academic and University of the Honors Program He has Fine Arts Department. proval: " It seems to me that .JUSt life Also included in the A new member of that d epart- <Conttnued on Page 8) taught at the Unavcrsity sance about everynnc I've met is really program is the regiStration 1961, and has been a member of friendly. They are willing to talk process. innovated last summer _. the Honors Committee for five to me and share their experien­ with the use of a computerized years ces. They seem very open •· system The former chatrman, Dr Common cases of the "fresh­ Albert Ham1lton has been named man jitters" are not altogether Freshman enrollmen t in­ Associate Dean of St Peter's absent. however. " I supl)<lSe." creased by 17 studen t<; over last College tn Jersey City, New Jer­ said one freshman. "that the year's figure. for a wt. 1 of 71 n sey plight of freshmen a1 J.C U •s 37% .uc women. representing an 10cre:~se ,,,. 6 7 female students. Dr. Joseph Mtller, Cha1rman similar to many o ther univer­ sities. Th ~ male ranks are down 50 of the Speech COM­ .IUdents from the I 974 tigure. MUN ICATIONS DEPART­ " The upperclassmen oc­ MENT. HAS BEEN NAMED casmnally make hfe d ifficult. but . From a total of 14 77 applica­ TO PARTICIPATE IN T H E I don't think that any of that IS tions to the Unaver'ilty. 87% were President's Executive Interchange really malicious. Other freshmen adm1tted Accord1ng Ill John P. Program in Washington. DC. are just like myself. strangers. Sammon. Director · of Admis­ The first college administrator to slightly baffled and a little" sions. the acceptance rate is ~· scared." be selected for this organintion. higher in most instances than the Miller will be working with the Acclimation to the University .latinnal level. 40 10 43%. Department of H enlth, is aided by the New Student Sammon attnbutes th i!-1 to the Education and Welfare for one Orientation Program. in its fact that high school sent<>" are year. Acting Chairman 10 his ab­ .;econd year of operation. Fresh­ applying to fewer schools. anc sence is D r. Austin Freeley. men come to the University for only to those colleges which can M.J. Lanlle, S.J. two - day orientation sessions assure them acceptance. Page l The CarroH New•· University Applies Clamps Increasing vandalism on cam­ flow Of unrestricitve Inter-dorm key for all men's residence hall.s [>U!> ha' prompted the Un1versity traffic twenty-four hours a day would have been sufficienL ff the mstall .1 cumputer11ed lock Po suddenly will come to an end. Un1versity believes that students key '~ \t~·m tn all non-coed Havmg to call a friend every time themselves are the source of van­ dorms. Sn•'~rl 111 he ~Jperauve, the you w1sh to enter an "out-sider's" dalism, locking them up in their purpoo;o: of t.,e c;ystem IS to dorm will 1n lime become an­ own dorms will accomplish pr•" ide \CC:unl\ Ill dorm !>tudents noymg It this is the price of­ nothmg. A student in Pacelli who fn,m out<.1der~· sccunty. it's too h1gh. Students wants to destroy a ven..ding Th o· unique system •m· w11l not tnleratc the incon· machme in Bernet will have ac­ plcmcntcd by the Unr"ersity vcn 1cnce. and the repercussions cess ro it with or without this reveals ,m interesting nition that might ensue many not system. True, you can guard the on liS interpretation of v\JtSiders. CMresp<1nd with the Universlly's All three dornutories have dif­ dorms from non-students, but you nng1nal Intent. can't protect them from the ferent locks. and the student is A seperate key for every dor­ students themselves. The system 1ssued only the ke} to his own mitory is too much security. One only imposes on the mnocent rc\llkn.:~· hall The outsider has hcconw t h.: complcm..:ntary set, an~nm· wlw 1, not a member of ,.. the pani~o.ular dMnmury • The un1versuy's security system attempts to stifle vandalism. It President's W·elcome isn't going to work. What the .editorials· Two weeks ago you began your with facuity c6unselors. YoU-r system has done is in­ .. first year at Jopn ' Carroll: course program, I trust, has been convenienced the students.
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