The Inventory of the Angela Lansbury Collection #787 Howard Gotlieb Archival Research Center Lansbury, Angela January 1981 Outline of Inventory I, MATERIAL RELATED TO STAGE PLAYS AND MUSICALS II, MATERIAL RELATED TO FILMS III, CORRESPONDENCE IV, PHOTOGRAPHS V, PRINTED ITEMS vr. MATERIAL RELATED TO LECTURES, DINNERS AND PUBLIC APPEARANCES VII, AWARD NOMINATIONS VITI., TAPE RECORDINGS LANSBURY, ANGELA January 1981 Box 1 I, MATERIAL RELATED TO STAGE PLAYS and MUSICALS IN WHICH MISS LANSBURY PERFORMED (May include script, programs, printed reviews, ads, photographs, correspondence), A. "All Over" by Edward Albee (London, Aldwych Theatre, 1971-72), 1, Script, with AL's holo notations. Typescript, 59p,, Aug.­ Nov. 1970. 2. Program, 3. Newsclippings and photocopies of reviews, c,22 items. (#2) B. "Gypsy" by Arthur Laurents, Stephen Sondheim and Jule Styne. 1, London (Piccadilly Theatre, May - Dec.1973), a. Reviews. Newsclippings and magazine tearsheets from various London publications. c,65 items, (#3) b. Publicity, (#4) i. Advertisements, c.25, ii, Program. iii.Souvenir book (2 copies), c, Correspondence (many cards and notes from people at opening and closing involved with show). Ca,30 pieces incl,: Charisse, Zan, ANS (on birthday card from cast and others). Dowd, M'el, ALS, Jan.16, 1973, Hancock, Sheila, TLS, June 8, 1973. Ingham, Barrie, ANS (on birthday card from cast and others). Shaw, Peter. ANS, no date [oct,197~, Lansbur:y 1 Angela Janua!)'.'y 19.81 Page 2 Box l d, Photographs, Gf 5) i, Scenes fvom "Gypsy'''~ 2 8" x 10" black and white. AL~ ch±ldren, and unidentified man in car ("Baby Jane and He:i, Newsboys,,.. Let Me Entertain You"), AL in t.'Rose '·s Turn'·', t:t, Black and white photo of AL, signed, 3½" x 5½", i±i,Foup color photos of Raoul P~ne du Bois' costume designs Cwatercolor?1 for AL, 511 x 71', e, Newsclippings; publicity items re: "Gypsy"; interviews with AL; mention of AL, c,90 items, 2. United States, 1974-1975. (#6) a, Newsclippings: reviews of tour of "Gypsy", Summer 1975, c,30 items, b, Photographs, black and white. i, (left to right) Jule Styne, AL, Arthur Laurents, Stephen Sondheim, Sept,23, 1974, New York, 811 x 10". ii, Cast in parking lot next to Shubert Theatre, Boston, 11 1974, 4 3/8 X 8", c, Financial papers, c,40 receipts including hotel bills and telephone receipts, Box 2 C. "Hamlet". (London, Old Vic, Dec,1975), 1, Script with AL's holo, notes. Typescript, 131p, (#1) 2, Correspondence, "First night wires and notes". (//2) 17 AN$ on cards; 16 teleg'l'.'ams ; 13 cards; 5 ALS Incl, ; Lansbury, Angela Janua1'y 1981 Pi'l.ge 3 Box 2 Brown, Bar'l?y· (p1:oducer of ''Gypsy''} and Lee Menzies, Telegram1 Dec,10, 1975, C//2) Cohen, Hildy (Parks) and Alexander, Printed card, Finney, Albert, ANS on card. Dec,10, 1975, Gielgud, Sir John, ALS, Dec,10, 1975, Ingham, Barrie, Telegram. Dec,10, 1975 (signed "Barrie, Tarne & the girls"). Quilley, Denis. Signed card. Shaw, Deirdre,Anthony, David and Peter, ANS, no date, D, "The King & I" by Richard Rodgers and Oscar Hammerstein II. (New York, Uris Theatre, April 1978). Photographs: AL, Michael Kermoyan and Hye Young Choi (AL and Michael Kermoyan ;l'.'eplaced the vacationing Constance Towers and Yul Brynner}, 3 color snapshots, 3½" x 4", (1/3) E, _:Marne'·' by Jerome La,wtence, Robert E, Lee and Jerry Herman. (New York, Winter Garden Theatre, 1966-1968. Tour, 1968; Summer 1972; Summer 19-761, 1, Photographs, 1 11 a, Billboard advertisement, 1966, 8 ' x 10 black and white. b, At in production number "Open a New Window'' for Life, 7½" x 9½" color shot, mounted, c, AL and Beatrice Arthur (as Vera Charles} in the production number ''Bosom Buddies" for Life, 7½'' x 9½". d, Opening night party, May 24, 1966, (all photos are black and white and are by Ken Regan unless otherwise noted) 14 photographs. Lansbury·, Angela J /3,nua,ry 1981 Page 4 Box 2 AL with. son Anthony and daughter Deirdre, Photo by (f/3) Mark Kauffman, (2 copies} 8" x 10", AL w;i:th s0n Anthony, 8" x IO'' AL with daughter De±ridre, 8 3/ 4'' x 11 ''; AL with composer, Jerry Herman, Photo by ;Friedman-Abeles, AL w:ttll. Claudia Card;tna.le, 9¼" x 12 3 / 4" , AL VJ.Pms ira±sed with fu'); in hand), 9 3/ 4" x 14",. 1 AL w:ttn husband 1 Peter Shaw, 9¾" x 14 ', '.Family po',l'.'t',1'.,'a;i:ti AL, husband 1 3 chtldren. 11" x 12 3/4''. AL with her mother Moyna Macg;i::11. 9 3/411 x 1411 , 11 AL w:i:th stepson Pa.vid Shaw, 10½;" x 14 , 11 P::Lev\i,r,e ±n AL's dressing poom 1 wear;i..:ng fur, 10" x 14 , AL and Peter Shaw, 101' x 14", Robert E 1 Lee 7 Jerry Hel;'man, AL and Jer,rome Lawrence, 9½''' ·x i4"', Robert E, Lee, Jer\t'y B.eil:'man 1 AL and Jerome Lawrence, l?hoto by ~ar,k l(auf:f;man, io\'·1 -x 1311 , e, P:t'±ncess Grace of Monaco, AL and Pr;i..:nce Rainie.r, l?hoto by Maurey Garb-er.. 81' x 10" bla,ck and white, f, AL and Rock Hudson, 8'·' x 10" black a.nd wh:i:te, g I Rock Hudson7 AL and J;i:m Na.bars, 8"' ·x 10" black and wh;i..:te. h, Rock lfudson 7 AL and Jim Na,bors (different poae from gL 8'•' x 10'' ola.ck and whit~, ;i:., AL and unident±f;i:ed man presenting a ce:rtif;i:cate on the f;irrst ann:i:vepsa:ry of ''Ma.me'\ May 24, 19-67. 8" x 10" black and white, Lansbury, Angela January 1981 Page 5 Box 2 j, 1966 Tony Awards. All black and white unless otherwise (#3) indicated (all photos by Jack Mitchell). 7 photographs. Ray Milland and Ginger Rogers, 8" x 10", Frankie Michaels and AL. 8" x 10". AL, Ray Milland, Ginger Rogers, 8" x 10", AL, Ray Milland, Ginger Rogers. 8" x 10". AL and unidentified man, kissing. 8" x lO"; AL, Jerry Herman and Ginger Rogers, Photo by Friedman­ Abeles, 8'' x 10", 11 Richard Kiley and AL, 7" x 9 , k, AL as Mame, 1968 (3 copies and negative). 8 11 x 10". 1, AL and male chorus in title number (4 copies and negative). 11 11 8 X 10 , m, AL and female chorus in title number (4 copies). 8" x 10". n, Color photos taken during a performance of "Mame", March 30, 11 11 X , 1968, by George Heymont, In black binder, 43 ') 5 7 o., AL in production number "It's Today!", Dallas, Texas, 1976, Photo by Doris Jacoby. 8 11 x 10", (//4) p, AL and Lee Trink (as Patrick) in production number "Open a New Window", Dallas, Texas, 1976, Photo by Andy Hanson, 11 8 X 10", q, AL and Anne Francine (as Vera Charles) in production number "The Man in the Moon". Dallas, Texas, 1976. Photo by Doris Jacoby. 8 11 x 10", r, AL on a staircase. Dallas, Texas, 1976, 811 x 10", In color. Lansbury, Angela January l 9_81 Pa,ge 6 Box 2 s, Robert R, Kaye Cas Beaurega't'd Jackson P:i.cket Burns:;i:de) and AL, Dallas, Texas, 19-76, 8" x 10". (//4) t, Color photo of Robert R, Kaye (as Beauregard) and AL, Dallas, Texast 1976, 8" 'X IO'', u, AL in title number, Dallas, Texas, 1976, Photo by Andy Hanson, 8° x 10", 2, Printed items, (//5) a, Publicity book for the original cast album for Columbia Records, 1966, b, Cover of Life magazine, June 17, 1966, c, ~ magaz:i.ne (international edition), July 25, 1966. 1 "New Dame for 'Mame' ', p, 22, d, Souvenir book, 1968, e, ~ magazine (Los Angeles Times), June 23, 1968, "Angela Comes Home", f, Rev:;i:ews for the 1972 summer tour, Photocopies and news­ clipp:i.ngs, 13 items. g, Souvenir book, 1976 (2 copies), h, Program from the Starlight Theatre, Kansas City, Missouri, 1976, i, Reviews and publicity for the 1976 Summer Tour, Newsclippings, 20 items. ' 3, Fan letter, TLS, 1972, Lansbury, Angela January, 19_81 Box 3 F, "Ptettybelle'' by, Boo Merrill and Jule Styne (Shube!rt Theatre, Boston, 19711, 1, Musk, (till a, Lyr;tc sheets, typescript and photocopies of typescript of 7 songs (a;rranged as sung in show), ''P;tc;tyumi Gazette'", lp, "Manic Depress;tves", lp, "To a Small Deg:1?ee'', lp, ''I Never Did Imagine", 2p 1 ''Jn the Japanese Gardens'', 1p, "r 'm ;tn a Tree'-\ 1p, "When I 1,m D:l'.'unk'', lp, b, "I'm ;tn a Tree1', Copy of holograph score dated Jan,26, 1971. c, ''I Met a Man" ,pr;tnted sheet music, d, "Vocal Select;tons11 , printed book, 2, Printed Items,, a, Program, b, Newsclipp;tngs of !reviews, 10 ;items, G, "Sondheim: A Musical Tribute'' (New York, Shubert Theatre, 1973), 1 1 Photog:raphs, G/21 a, AL, 7½" x 9½", color, b, AL, 8" x 10", color, c, (left to right) John McMartin, Alexis Smith, Stephen Sondheim (seated at piano), Larry Kent, AL, Glynis Johns, Len Cariou, Lansbury, Angela January 1981 Page 8 Box 3 Hermione Gingold, Nancy Walker, Jack Cassidy, Dorothy Collins and Ron Holgate. Photo by Ron Gallela. Black and white, 8 11 x 10". (f/2) 2. Printed items. a. Program, inscribed to AL by Craig Zadan and Neil Appelbaum. b.
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