=ffi nt of Blhar Department ofArt, culture & Youth Bihar Museum Society, Patna Bailey Road Patna, Patna-8oooo1 IO'flCE IITII|ITING SIIORT TENDER FOR PROVIDING, OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE OF AI'DIO GUIDE FOR BIHAR MUSEUM, PATNA ON aa MUSEUM BIENN ALE.2O2L" Sealed short tenders are invited from reputed agencies under "Two-bid.' system - Technical Bid (un-priced) and Financial Bid (priced) to Providing, Operating and Maintenance of Audio cuide for Biha.r Museuft Society, Patna (An Autonomous Orgarization under the Departrxtent of Ar-t, Culture & Yout}, Gott. of Bihar, Registered under Societies Registration Act, 21, 1860). Detailed information of the Tender Document can b€ dosnloaded from the website http://vac.blh.nlc.tp or http://ptdblhd.qov.h. The bidder has to submit non-refundable tender processing fee of Rs. 5,OOO /- (Rupces Ove thougaads orM aDd Earae.t Uo!.y Depostt IEUDI of R.. 5O,OOO/- lRupee. ilty thoua.adl through d6ln.nd dratt in favour of BIHAR MUSEUM SOCIETY, PATNA, payable at patna along with the Technical Bid. Bid Security money will be returned to the all unsuccessful Agencies after 30 days of finalization of the tender. Tender Document complete in all respects in a sealed envelope is to be submitted by Speed Post/Registered Post/ by courier or by hand only at the Oflice of t}le Director, Bihar Museum, Bailey Road, Patna - 8OOoOl.The tenders received late/tenders without Processing Fee/Conditional tenders/lncomplete Tenders in any respect would be rejected. The Director, Bihar Museum, Patna reserves the right to accept or reject any or all tenders without assigning any reason. Irrportatrt DrtG! for thc aelectloD p.oceas: (i) l,ast date for suboission ofTeuder- Feb 25,2O2l up to 12.00 p.m (ii) Date of opening Technical Bid Feb 25,2O2l at 02.OO p.m. (iii) Date of opening Finarrcial Bid Will be in-formed. n' ucmo r{o. -fro d"/--k-:1'-:------Y-}---------., r.."u ,- !-l--:-9-.L:..F2l Copy to - The Director, Information & Public Relation Depaltment, Bihar vrith 08 (eight) additional copies of the advertisement and CD for publication in nationa.l dailies. a&\ (Dire&orlh 1 _-ffi Government of Bihar Department ofArt, culture & Youth Bihar Museum Society, Patna Bailey Road Patna, Patna-8OOOO I NOTICE INVITING SHORT TEIIDER FOR PROVIDING. OPERATION AND MNNTENANCE OT AUDIO GUIDE FOR BIHAR MUSEUM. PATNA ON .MUSEUM BITNNALE-2O2 1" Sea.led short tenders a-re invited from reputed agencies under "Tvo-bid" system - Technical Bid (ur-priced) and Financial Bid (priced) to Providing, Operating and Maintenance of Audio Guide for Bihar Museum Society, Patna (Ar1 Autonomous Organization under the Depa.rtment of A.rt, Culture & Youth, Goit. of Bihar, Registered under Societies Registration Act, 21, 1860). Detailed information of the Tcnder Document can be downloaded from the website httrr://yrc.blh.llc.h or http://prdblhe!.sov.ln. The bidder has to submit non-refundable tender processing fee of Rs. 5,OOO /. (Rupce! flve thourald! oalyl .!d E r!e!t Uoley Depo.tt (EUD) of R!. 5O,OOO/- (Rut ocr ifty thou!.adl through dcEard draft in favour of BIHAR MUSEUM SOCIETY, PATNA, payable at Patna along n'ith the Techrical Bid. Bid Security money will be returned to the all unsuccessful Agencies after 3O days of finalization of the tender. Tender Document complete in a.u respects in a sealed envelope is to be submitted by Speed Post/Registered Post/ by courier or by hand only at the Office of the Director, Bihar Museum, Bailey Road, Patna - 80O0O1.The tenders received late/tenders without Processing Fee/Conditional tenders/lncomplete Tenders in any respect would be rejected. The Director, Bihar Museum, Patna reserves the right to accept or reject any or all tenders witiout assigning any reason. IEportalt Dates for the aclectlo! proccas; (i) Last date for submission of Tender- Feb25,2O2l upto 12.00 p.m. (ii) Date of opening Technica.l Bid Feb 25,2021 at O2.OO p.m {iii) Date of opening Financial Bid Will be inforrned. 2 r. scoPE oF woRx Bihar Museum is an experiential museum, with state-of-the-art architecture and technolory in Patna, Bihai. Showcasing the rich past of Bihar and incorporating a special space for children within, the Museum is emblematic of fostering an inclusive culture and bringing a global intemationalism to a national identity. The Bihar Museum wishes to initiate a fresh new idea of a Museum Biennale, which will bring together a taster of key collections from the various museums in our country. The idea is to celebrate the wealth and treasures of our country, which form a part of different museum collections, and in addition to learn about tndiat rich cultural heritage. The Biennale is to be held fuofi 22 Lo 28, March 2O2l- On this occasion, the authority of Bihar Museum has decided to make audio-video guide on the signature collection of the museum. This will be available along with the audio guide recording for all virtual visitors even after the launch through the period of the Biennale. We will post it on all social media platforms and t}te Bihar Museum Website. On the day of the inauguration we will host a dance-drama performance conceptualized around the Didarganj Yalcshi by a Patna-based theatre artist which wiU last 40 minutes. Technical Specifi cations . 1.3" backlit display and comfortably pressed ke5rpad o Incorporated HAC (Hearing Aid Compadbte) speaker delivers great sound o Embedded anti-theft system for exhibition control . Compact but robust design for lower upkeep . Anti-theft design incorporated o User-fiendly Audio Master eases audio management . 25 slots charging/uploading rack Audio Parameters Audio format High quality audio compression Bandwidth 50 Hz- l5kHz Dynamic range 70 dB Distortion <0.5 9o Speaker Buitt-in0.5w@8o ou t 3.5 mm Jack x 2 stereo General Parameters Number of language Max. 32 Number of message Max. 9,999 per language Memory capacity 8 GB, supports up to 32 GB Operating temperature -lOoC - SOoC Battery 1 x 3.7 V / 1,300 mAh LiPolymer battery Battery life 18 hours for OMG-IOO Dimensions(DxWxH) 19.2 x 5O-7 r 127.3 rn7n weight 95 g (with battery) 3 II. ELIGIBILITYCRITERIA Tcchdcat bld crvclop lhould cont h thr followt[g] 1 Registered OfEce/Branch ofrce in India, with Certificate of Incorporation and Rcgister of Comparies. 2 The Bidder oust bc a legally constituted Proprietarj. firE, Joint Venture Partnership firE, Limited Compaly or Corporate Body who possess the required licenses, regiat:ations ctc., as per law valid at lea.t for 12 months fioE t}!e date of the opening of tender. 3 lncome Tax Retun of 3 AssessEent ycars should be subaitted with technical bid. 4 There should be !1o case pending with the police against the hop.ietor/Fire/Partner or the Coopany srd ihodldl not Hr.rdid.d by any Corcrn,Mt o6ce. (An uudertaking in this regard oo NooJudicial Sta.Ep Paper ofRs. 100 is to be provided.) 5 The Bidder shall have the following Regist ations artd details of tlle sarae b€ provided in the Technical Bid: (l) Company Registation/Proprietary firm/Joint Venture/Pa.rtnership IilE/Lie.ited CoEpany or corporate Body (U) GST regiskatioo certifcate (Itr) PAN Numbcr 6 Bid reccived after the specifcd date and time for receipt of bids would oot be entertained. 7 Bid incoEpletc in any other forrD aie liablc to bc rejected out rightly. 8 Any enquiry a.fter suboission of the bid would not entertaifl. 9 The ratea quoted by the successi bidder shall remain valid for a period of clntract frorD the date of opening the bid. IU. PROCEDI'RE l. Tender Bids should be placed ilt a properly sealed envelope ad&essed to Director, Bihar Museum, Bailey Road, Patna, 8OOOO1, Bihar. Tech$ical bid along with Tender Processing Fee be put up in a sepa-rate envelop and the Finarrcial Bid should be put in sepaiate sealed another envelope, clearly indicating "TECHNICAL BID' and "FINANCIAL BID" witl the details of the Bidder. Both sealed Techrrical & Finaacial Bid's envelops should be put in one envelope and must be super-scribed "Provldlag, Opcrathg ard Mahtenalce of Audlo Gulde for Blhar UulcuE oa thc occalloa of Museua BIGE IG -2021*, to be submitted at the Office of the Director, Bihar Museum, Bailey Road, Patna, Bihar, 80OOOI on the date & up to the time mentioned in the tender notice and the tenders will be opened in the Offce of the Director, Bihar Museum, Bailey Road, Patna, Bihai in the presence of all Bidders or their authoriz€d representatives. 2. A! Ildcf, lragc shoshg coltcntr/an rexurc t pagc lo. rhould bc allcrcd fillt folloeed by rclev.lt docur[ert. wlth propcr pagc nuEberlng & a&ned by thc oencr of thc llrta or htr Authodzed Stgrratory as token of acceptance of Terms & Conditions. [n case t]re tenders are signed by the Authorized signatory, a copy of the power of attomey/ authorization may be enclosed 6long with tender. 3. The bidder must ensure ttrat the conditions laid dontr for submissions of offers aie complete and correcdy frlled. The rates atrd units shall not be overwritten and shall be in both i.e. frgures and words. 4 4. Opentng of Tenders: The technica.l bids of the tenders received will be opened by the competent authority, in presence of such frms or their: autltorized representatives who may choose to be present. It may please be noted that t-Ile sea-led envelope containing the firlancial bids will not be opened until the technical evaluation is complete and the result are approved by tender Comrnittee.
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