Crimirinals ..ElectionsE — ^ f r ^ JmiB _ , ’ — ~ ^ h O w a n ts I a-ieciiaNZ iutaiion nasn-X — fowrt in taiks [w fiSaE eSfc- xJiahce.; :1. grim outlook' Head th e1 supplement ! ;ays — Bl. ■--------- T^frtoday^s l^Fniies-News--— m ............................. “P s i :-: / - y - '■J ____J s .r . ^ r : _ i ^ t h y e a r, N<N o . 2 9 7 ________ • J win Falls,I, Idaho S uhH dV f Octitotim ^Z4n982— lassan E v aa n s l ee a d s 1B a t t ii n v o it e r SUYvey l r l ” ■ By KELLY EVERITTT I helas hope T/mes-A’ew s ivr//er TWLN F A L L S -G oov. v . John Evans, m sM I flexing the muscle o(of Democratic — ^ foor peace Party regulars; led challcngerchi Phil I B att In a random teleplMiphone survey of ' l Survvey Isrcjrael has to limit ' Magic Valley voters lastlastweek. ^ In a Tlmes-News straitraw poll of 313 ■ s oovereignty v claims ht-counly area, residents in the elghtn I— -’3 i , resuults K , By JOJOHN I MACI J;A N ’ those who intended lolo vvote — 301 — > favored the Incumbciibenl governor • 101 yalld resp o n ses | t \ Chlcag'cago Tribune over his Republican lielieutenant gov- ^ H ' ^ VASHINGTON — Morocco’s King . e m e r by a m argin of; 50 percent to 38 < 4 | | j 5 - ■ , “J ^ • •'> “ WAS ssan said Saturday lhat despite percenC with 12 perciercent of thofe H assai responding undecided!d ia l the end of 3)* ■ - 50 j M -■ 0 ^ U.S.). uturging, no m ore A rab states wiU mally recognize Israel'unttl~lt“ last week. 38 ' form al Although only 4 perclercent of those , L» ‘ limills its ll claims of sovereignly to Ils who volunteer^ respcsponses to our ' pre-l9Ct-lOC? borders. J e d ________._______ .1 2 . _ loncthclessrHassan-Indicated-he-------- surveysata'they'dldrdnofintend-to -----------■ ■ B -"S ! j ------------------------ None s optimistic Uial negoUaUons on a vote, 32 percenl of thithe 442 people ■ \ OF I called preferred noto t to ^ p o n d . ........- 9 U & ' broadlad Middle East peace setUement — —Some-clted-'^rel-bal•ballot” reasons n \T. ....... can1 bebegin. He said Iwo days of talks-------- s . : , ween an Arab League delegation, for not responding, otheIhershungupor' K Ec ( betwec Ich he headed, and lop Reagan Indicated that they dIdriidn’l know any*. _ j s (D ) 38 tllli I 'l l which ^ ® al , ministration officials including the thing aboul the races,t, aiand a couplc of 'I « V adm in i(R )* ■ 48 ssident.had produced a "friendly" the persons said theyey weren't citl- J _ presidi zens. d e d . 14 ® _ fe atmos]nosphere. Counly clerks In thede 1M agic Valley n "^ 1 -. •: U.S.J.S. officials callcd on Uie Arabs 6 ® I": 1 f 1 between a Ihlrd ___ ... ||< _________du rinring g Uie m eetings lo m ake a have pr^icled that bet mairpliblirdeclaration"as-a-group and a half of all ellglbl^ble voters will formal I . Percent of 301] Mgnlzing Israel’s right lo exist, cast ballots in the generneral election on ^ t i K . ' H ** m r - Has:rlassan, speaking a l a n elaborately N ov.2. .............. ....... .... l j j I g ^ __p^ c c nt the 1 those respond- , ^ R)___________ 3 9 . ^ S I Almost hair of .all th eraton Washington Hotelr said Uie------- lng, 49 percenl, indicalIcated they con- “«■"* Sheral i f I* abs want to live In peace wiUi -----------Bidered—themselves— R^BWlCanft.^------------ — Evans (D)'1(D) 21 r .. A rabs id for 25 percenl '-M—— Israel•ael. Diemocrats accounted f g . Batt(R) 5ted ? r •Otherwise w e Nvouldn’l be h e re ,” of our re^ndents and.od, not untypical •fiSWS' "0^ said, speaking French Uirough an for I d ^ o , 26 percentnt iof the voters . _____ U n d ecid fii • " “ “ I Independents. |||V Lerpreter. indicated they were lnd< But he said formal recognition of ________' V/lthln thftgp mpmlBmbers_of the m m __ rael cannot come without com- D cm Q oatlc P arty rc]represented In r S i l i omlse first '6Fthe tyaelis, wlw ' ' our siurey, Evans le<led Balt by u -m m '. ' mams ( - I. _ ■ -' ~ oroml !entlo 21 percent B - ifl- H -nnvE- commandlngfll percent eas captured from thcArabroirthe ----------- marglnrOnir7-percent«nt-of-the-parly-------- S— Stallings ( ------------ a re a s est Bank aad£fiza_Strip In the 1967 regulars were undecideided. ■ “ “* Hansen d(F e d _ _ ______ 24 W est) Wilhin his own parparty. Ball led ■ -------w ar. ir. - - ........... “ ■ -------- .* ■ § ------------liSome-conditions-havo-to-bcliSo ------- U n d e c id e lIlllBd.'' H assan said. “ As lonB as_____ 14 percenl undecided.i fiiifini ey are not fulfilled, Uiere will be no Evans also scoredcd well am ong H — \ A they i cognition of Israel by an Arab ng Ball 53 per- ■ • 'K recog Independents, leading 3 iBKiiffiHBII cent lo 33 percenl.t, 'wllh the re- ■ C{ ^ slate.ate.” In answer lo another question on “ • ■ ■ m’atnder undecided.'. lliams.(D).*-...... 34" W ' XL H ' — — FewTjrihe’poirspa•partlclpanis'in^; ® _L.eroxJBl. : recog^ognltlonrHassan sald-Uie :flrsl-.,.- dicaied "stral^l-llcke:kel" responses. > MitfchelKIId ed 48 requ*'fquirement is Uiat Uie "borders Those tabulating thee sisurvey noticed • * ^ H becorw im e what Uicy used to be.” He said, "The occupied territories ---------- a couple of Interestinglg ppoinis. ||H |[ I U n d e c id e He V haveive lobe evacuated." First, a lol of peoplMple offered a n ' a I opinion on lhe B all-EviEvans race. Sev- After Uie press conference, Arab ^ “ ery indlcated that-thehe contfoversial-------- dlploiiplomats said Uie Israelis have to ' 0 ^ aandon Uielr claim to sovereignty,- - ' comle book was, as; onone Republican \ abani put 11, “a disgustingg Uthing ... Batt • -• ~ .1 n W illi; 3t tnecessarily pull troops and set- : Should h av e sloppedill." it. In all those r :R) 17 tiee rs out of Uie occi^ied zones, before . cases, Evans gol theLhe nod, Among ' •, - ■ talkUks s can begin. ' J o n e s (R)I d e d 19 The Arabs said Uiey are asking Uiat • - • ■ tlfose who mentionedled the right-to- — le Israelis e n ter negoUaUons on Uie ' work issue. Batt wonlth lh e vote. ■' ® : Undecide U ieli A num ber of respond')ndentssaid they nal sta tu s of Uie territories wlUiout ________________ . were disgusted with/llh the entire recondlllon— --------- t ".— The Camp David accords of 1978 campaign for govenx:mor, Indicating ■ ' 2 2 aU for-Palestinian autonomy In Uie that the race had gottfotten away from ‘ , ‘ 1 ccupled territories. wlUi Uie lands’ the issues and into mud OCCU] ' ^ Young(R)lm 27 talus to be determined after a five- ., Second, the racee . between'U.S.I • r-- ■ statu ear transitional period Uial has not Rep. George Hansen.n. \a Republican, - . y e a r — Joe WillieId e d 50 et begun. Prime Minister Menachem and his Democraticlllc challenger, > ; y e tb legin has said Israel will assume Richard Stallings, w.was almost a - . - i ' Undecide Begii overeignty over the territories at the stra ig h t-p a rty vole. McMost Democrats ^ sovei whooffered commentsnts haled Hansen - endcn d of Uie five years.------------------r..,...'.. i ^ _ Hassan's remarks Indicated that, as • as passionately as the Republicans ’ gton (Ind.) 50 xpected. Uiere were no dramatic w ho com m ented loveloved him : T he expe ireakUiroughs In Uie Arab-U.S. talks, ratio of Republican1 Uto Democratic brea ^ Moon (D)R) 24 lu t Uiey also indicated Uial Uie A rabs voters In this race prolprobably will lell B u ll ^anl lo move toward negotiations, IhestoryasaresulL ' , Miner (R):ld e d 26 md a re willing lo give serious consld- Overall, Hansen ’ledlet Stallings 48 ' • xatlon to Reagan’s Sepl. I proposals rcent. with Re- . * — Incumbent - p ercen l to 38 percei ' i A-i Undecldi o r a1 )rtiad;Tiegotlaled setUement. publicans favoring H(Hansen ^68 per- Bn HHBEI ' Hassan said the Arabs came here •See SURVEY ool30 Pag e A2 w)/w>ra A sawirrji withviUi tw o docum ents. R eagan's plan g M B g a andmd their owi'^dcclaratton-froni_Uie__ !'ez sum m it of Uie A rab League in - B ru c e* arc ie^.feptem ber. He said Uiat now n Id bewi ‘b rid g es” m usl be.bulll between .Uie Survveys ar: ' ' Chisholn:y, SO eaderss shouli . ................................... ._.‘‘brl' tors a rc inherent m e a ns ,1the numbers wc ^vejop*lop^ population under M25 respond (6 per- two.wo. t w i n f a l l s - A «oommehtalor greater .11 ins Some of these factoi jot even be clc ^ to Uie totalsils ion cent)', compared totb what we should IsraIsi e l h as publicly rejected Uie once said, "A poll Is rnothing more --any race U n d e c ldadi in a ll suiTveys. m ay not oreakdowns only ElectionIon Day. __________ have had (17 percecent), and wc had RcajReagan, propo^s. But Arob sources ----------than-a-still pltture takeiiken of.fi m oving— s h ^ d ■."'ir'.be ________^WeJcept.dctalledbr iltl t ii^ n te n d to — -------------about a-Uilrd-morore people In th e __ ^said_laid Uie Arab League delegation was o b je c t." B ut ou ia- among those who said • higher Uian Uie ' Readeiders should also beware: thatth ovcr-50 category rcrespond than acti.* old'duiingtold Ihls vlsirUiarin-prtvate— With that admonlUorUon in mind, let Uons thei of vote, which was far h turnout.
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