'V4fcu MU-NKAHir* CIIII.P l^^ri BLACK AND WHITE; OB, TlIK Ml. \KT, HOT TlIK . MBS. JAM. Ii < II Nl'l IV . rnr. r SOCIETY, 1 —dlM U *cl W C—«^-. ta M »wt 1-3. WI* • tad IWD««it.l CW1 «4 iw Mi.i' H—iliKO PUBUSHEBS' PREFACE AMONG UJC method* by which Slavery hu lo Mcopo ilio imiign.. • - irtico of defaming the unfortunate n»> They bate been tuthttaiDj dc* erous and cm.I — tluT^lin^ for the blo<"; I ' nine time as inferior in all intel­ lectual qualities, i^niuraiit. ttupid, Bad — .«- if uz »f worflJeiineM — unable lo •* take care of tHcnuehW Even at ihe nden liave aerved to keen alive ihoee prejudice* which dc-ny to Unto equal wrhool, and at 4 ..>..,. the ballot-box, and render them a proscribed and hated pcoplr. B, not only * legitimate l It is B duty — of the Christian pa • »ionJ under which they bra M) long Buffered. The talc here sketched i". b :• re. A faithful and mir. of ihi* people, while »h»v .• foible* common to mankind, would alao abound in exhibition" of < b ;d to adorn liuman character utiuW whatever outward accm- Eng. I-ot our country. »•> acoiirged with divine foe three quarter* of a century of , btm, tboogn laie, thai " ' Mood all nation* of D that the unly true test of character and merit [- •• mi MI vtn. inn nnt FACK." r- — CORTB N PS. i :tB I. '*•• lm «i ? •llAl'IUt II. !> • ••>. Tmr.— FAHILV rwtm If Ull.U — . •« A • • — Tin lii.rmiNo vnii II 'MHIII i.ii it W 0 I II Til • " i !i inn VIII. 1 - A \rw toVATKH •• CHAPTER IX- AK feuuxu or tov*. - A N*w lloum r»n Sn«.. w I i! IPWI X. A Tnr r 11 • ; tanm Ill ' I XII. HDfB. U* CH»mi xm. - • CHAPTIB XIV. A m-m-i ! • M.U'K AM) WHITE. CHA PTEB I . itnto Ain> i mro *• urnta. Ilwi: yon i I Mr. or lifting 1 from oul musses of tangled weeds •ndmbblsh? Rave you not seen*, rank thistle, <>r other noxious plant, flourishing where only I beauty an looked for? The world i- nill of just such incongruities! liveliness, oosa, and trull abodes of ig) Bnd poverty, while pride, msincerity, (71 8 tinea flaunt forth from UM I aleganofl and Mi- Imlb of iii-hii.n. I of i beautiful hap­ pen onlj i" '-u.il u sow good Hod in il"- hearts of th. ir ehQd • to surprise ti- in- bun i p IhoM who hove no eerfhij guide* Into '<ri-_clit and iblning oxamplea. Ii would bo highly iiii|im]KT :i flower, if only the Sue and ban won referred to. Bui If ii u of Hi.- fuari that we write, wo ma; fbncei the ogfly natural mill imcouili fon i lb-- iem- i!L Ii i- the iplril whkh la . who fonni'd ii; and ii" hi* •corn humble i laj I Burely we "f the atme dad wJD hardly II by tqrnmg into ridi­ cule hi* workmanship- 0 Juno Washington mu born an on • tobacco plantation, wbiofa I i I, when i child, of ber Metory, aba wool* . i- nn native place, though born on <ii' yoro plantation. I bad no fader; and my madder, the was worked to death in tli-• hurry to • . -nl renwmhnuK t for :i dara>inindod child . bio! When ihe saw the dare mothera ng their child) of tho i outing them at their b out, " V» mammy to help mo '" When I.;. •_• tUiered dor nine children in her cabin at night, and fbd them round tho pine Bro, •' loan egau irindow, looking In, and tomotun ii. "1 n [ah 1 si 11 your i bile, too, i • would any, " I j and I !••' I I OUl In "liii-c you, <l«\*ll find oul dal you b'Jongi i.» mo] Coma in, chile, and ';*i hoe-cake wid da Ann! Cborrj bad • buna boy, nod n« ha muni worth much any other way, ba wu nude " during tha boon of • /.'.I'jfatitl . or thinking mora would ba of liim iliii-. by saving the tuna "t" tfaa moth i. H have bad U of OW v.iih no kind linn !•> reuere them ;• tor Sam for twain <»r fourteen hoars, with abe, ! I. If" often complained ol add " if If ilidn'i hah i" bold bis crutch wid hui ri^'lit band, be'd rader boo." But Juno 11 mi .1 to comfort him thu : " Whj •. bard, l knows: bnt den v»uV got a mammy to uy 'Poor 8am' when night c • a free fader ilai promised to buy you BOTH Pd take care of all d« IHUJ 1 on, Sam, tamo loir, cratch and nil !'•:•. tap o' oomfort lavin* :i ui:milny. Sam.u It vu truly sad for, the poor child i<> bo tbui alonoj but -'.ill ibo had many mo in every cabin. She was kind and obliging to all, il tin- bouai iba had ikon wiih :i view to training hot I'MI U i: i Idea, her ii" pleasure, and when metimoa ••in. rly. (in. e hor mbta plained to her ti [1 would 13 I 4X0 trmrr I..- to kWM the told, and live ladloa and ge&tlouwn, and leare to i ride with Uifl i liil'li' ii. Juno only •book hef bead, nnd I md Co • Bold, miasbv Ploaae dont keep n»c" id the lady, "you'll ! • • i ln-i'.'." "Oh, I time. I Ilka boe-oake and bacon rajgbty wall; and 'aide*, Paa Tearod of thOM i bought from wi«J- doi WUliama, ['•••,• nroan mob hlgfator- Ibx mo! i Ukos Aggy, and (IMITV, u niifi ok IXnolo Jako, and nil dom, • now mil'- ili.ln'i;" The tni in amawnwnl at tbia ignorani child nuni- i delloato nature, and binttd : iiii-li.iinl that aba might to bo j KIHO V-ISTKB. 18 forced from the Bold tnd trained for something l.i "Something higher, my dear? Whet can it bi y - it's bo) ;v choice of work. The! may M well bo left tn herself. In the field ahe'a every child; but here, when . she'd be overj body*! dredge. Her mother Beerocd born for a queen, as I believe the grandmother, old Milly, olaimed to be nieh; and I remember, when ;i boy, alwaj - dropping i with :i foeliug of shame when I mot hen; thamc that she, ud noble, wu ;i •tare to my lather!" *' Wl:. the Child got her notions of religion? "* Inqutri .1 the lady. "I <l n't know. Flaa she any ? * aaked wncr. II • . an bora wit!. Hit* ill- birda* Vn no doubt the field hare their nun congenehoo on liberty, and b« bo a I. |Ml.' -.iy r " The l.i'l> nnilod. "She gwo "* ouo reuou foil nrjattng t.- •lay in the field) thai ihi • when tiny •• I how ' * Hi," she -ai'l, 'daft //ray* jhr, •£ thing lif pnj Tin' irriiilcMian n • 1 tin' Boor, wblsUodi tooia b, mid o» lain ' •'" Ha lb a o*> proaaod a arisb thai it wore I Inatoad of <•:..•. and I i k bii teal again. Id," I'm no) at • .( A / .W. -l/i 16 tDd I luaitilv Minpailii/.r with limn. L van! i" be iV.'o myself] I wiah thfl Uiv.i- would ri-.' mid sink the |il:iulat;. Dl when I'm at bono, me when away. When I'm punt mono) I have ii:ni'l.- undex this miaenbla 'i Brant, to be «li-iv. n HI hi- uin, for I v.\u'\ -iav and aeo i> done. TI,. the plantation >')'• - it' ' had the mauagctnonl thi I and I hali- it." you afraid that lomotimea thej are overworked when you are gono?*1 uked the d? I know they aw; and I go away on purpose not to BOO it-" 1 a kiivU'i OTOr- IO HI i. * i \ r> rain HO ' A mm tljjit will t:il. plnct* Un't a DIM. U I bad until uiildn'l pay, It U a choiM botwcou liniLiliiv ud ft< I . Miltji'ii. — I h:ivi' none too amen luii ihoj 11 \• • la -. I • oakl not help :i I put ten dol­ lar! ;. • in for Imltii ni] 1 t J1 • • n ndlng money over on I bad flftj luii within .. - - ii • I any i.. "Uiey knot* woo made thanh and till ; Uwjr aro not ".\«> thanka t.i u.; they would bo if it. 1 l.u DM • A KIXD *S : 17 Bleep,' I H'ish 1 could do justice to them without wronging you and UK> CO." And yet, with nil • • i kin.l- nd these rcetlcr • struggles in the heart, the slaveholder and hia family loft their horn fifty immortal beings driver, and went their way I Niagara, and the In their en­ joyment, li"iii' They a . :n I my unwol- . in the alien! hours wl en G pon their buna for tl«ir ud yel­ low turlxuu and neel hinted 14 H ('*• J v:i ; unci consul' then kind intention*, ,•. „on I deep •lumber, :itt'l went nn ns CHAP i K i: II. Mo.,- River, Mid one hnrvcal - i| yore, -in Its plans Uncle . u*s and Lilior, drew near : i.-r- hi- in.iii*'- fill. II'' li.nl ln'«'ii bul :i poor ' •.t, and in near! tax from reconciled r) short in lils dying h<mrs to round him. " Childuni," ho said. • all 1 knowi I bavc told yon a thousand and tell vou now agin.
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