Newcomers April 2019 Safety at Sea Volume XCV Number 4 Fleet Racing Tales of the Sea April • May 2019 SU NDAY MO NDAY TU ESDAY WE DNESDAY TH URSDAY FR IDAY SA TURDAY 1 2 3 4 5 6 APRI L st 1 Fr iday Mu sic 6:30p Snac k Bar 11a -5p De ckha nds UD 6p CG #14 UD 6:30p CG #17 LH 6:30p Li pt on Cup 1 Bul khe ad Ra ce 6p Locker 5-7p Cr ibbage/Br idge 6:30p Locker 5-7p Fam ily BBQ Yoga UD 5p; 6p Ex pr es s Window 5-8p Di nner 5-9p Ex pr es s Window 5-8p 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 Li pt on Cup 1 Snac k Bar 11a -5p Locker 10a -Noon Mo oring UD 6:30p Tenni s Tour nam ent /Pupu Br unc h 9-11 :3 0a Snac k Bar 1-5p Bul khe ad Ra ce 6p Sm al l Boat Race 6p Cr ibbage/Br idge 6:30p Locker 5-7p Fam ily BBQ Yoga UD 5p; 6p Ex pr es s Window 5-8p Di nner 5-9p Ex pr es s Window 5-8p 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Ladi es Tenni s 8a Cl ass Boa t D 3rd Fr iday Musi c 6: 30p Snac k Bar 11a -5p Wa hine Cal 20’s Me mb ership UD 6p Fl eet Ops UD 6p F & P UD 6: 30p Locker 10a -Noon Sm al l Boat Race 6p Ke iki Ea ster Pa rty 10a Br unc h 9-11: 30 a Cr ibbage/Br idge/M ahjo ng Bul khe ad Ra ce 6p Locker 5-7p Snac k Bar 1-5p 6: 30p Locker 5-7p Fam ily BBQ Ex pr es s Window 5-8p Di nner 5-9p Ex pr es s Window 5-8p 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 Locker 10a -Noon Snac k Bar 11a -5p East er Br unch BO D UD 6:30p Bul khe ad Ra ce 6p Sm al l Boat Race 6p Cr ibbage/Br idge 6:30p Locker 5-7p Fam ily BBQ Yoga UD 5p; 6p Ex pr es s Window 5-8p Di nner 5-9p Ex pr es s Window 5-8p 28 29 30 IR F B 1 Locker 10a -Noon Br unc h 9-11 :3 0a Snac k Bar 1-5p Yoga UD 5p; 6p SU NDAY MO NDAY TU ESDAY WE DNESDAY TH URSDAY FR IDAY SA TURDAY 1 2 3 4 MA Y Snac k Bar 11a -5p CG #14 UD 6: 30p 1st Fr iday Musi c 6: 30p Sm al l Boat Race 6p Bul khe ad Ra ce 6p Locker 5-7p Cr ibbage/Br idge 6:30p Locker 5-7p Fam ily BBQ Ex pr es s Window 5-8p Di nner 5-9p Ex pr es s Window 5-8p 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Locker 10a -Noon Cl ass Boa t E Br unc h 9-11 :3 0a De ckha nds UD 6p Wo unded Wa rrior 7a Snac k Bar 1-5p CG #17 LH 6:30p Tenni s Tour nam ent /Pupu Bul khe ad Ra ce 6p Sm al l Boat Race 6p Snac k Bar 11a -5p Cr ibbage/Br idge 6:30p Locker 5-7p Fam ily BBQ Yoga UD 5p; 6p Ex pr es s Window 5-8p Di nner 5-9p Ex pr es s Window 5-8p 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 Ladi es Tenni s 8a Locker 10a -Noon Snac k Bar 11a -5p Mo ther’s Day Mo oring UD 6:30p 3rd Fr iday Musi c 6: 30p Br unc h 9-11: 30 a Sm al l Boat Race 6p Snac k Bar 1-5p Cr ibbage/Br idge/M ahjo ng Bul khe ad Ra ce 6p Locker 5-7p 6: 30p Locker 5-7p Fam ily BBQ Yoga UD 5p; 6p Ex pr es s Window 5-8p Di nner 5-9p Ex pr es s Window 5-8p 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 IR F B 2 OR F Mo lokai Locker 10a -Noon Me mb ership UD 6p Fl eet Ops UD 6p F & P UD 6: 30p Snac k Bar 11a -5p Br unc h 9-11 :3 0a Snac k Bar 1-5p Bul khe ad Ra ce 6p Sm al l Boat Race 6p Cr ibbage/Br idge 6:30p Locker 5-7p Fam ily BBQ Ex pr es s Window 5-8p Di nner 5-9p Ex pr es s Window 5-8p 26 27 28 29 30 31 OR F Mo lokai OR F Mo lokai Locker 10a -Noon ME MOR IAL DAY BO D UD 6:30p Br unc h 9-11 :3 0a Snac k Bar 1-5p Bul khe ad Ra ce 6p Sm al l Boat Race 6p Cr ibbage/Br idge 6:30p Locker 5-7p Fam ily BBQ Yoga UD 5p; 6p Ex pr es s Window 5-8p Di nner 5-9p Ex pr es s Window 5-8p RE D = KY C Meeting BL UE = KY C Event / Ra cing GRE EN = De ckhands Locker On the cover: Cal 20 Fleet racing in Classboat B March 3, 2019 Photo: Ken Fitzgerald Case 2 RCaOlpMh MFoOulDgeOr RE VICE REAR MCOikeM VManO WDoOeRrkEom PCeOteM SMtoOkkDa ORE Aloha Members, Spring is here! The March was another ‘G’ Pier renovations are warm weather and good month at KYC underway. Bellingham’s beautiful Hawaiian days with spring activities crews have arrived and are a reminder of how filling the calendar. We equipment staging is in lucky we are. It’s great had an excellent progress. to see the membership Newcomers' Pupu Questions have enjoying the club and all party that was very well emerged as to dock lines and such. Do I need to the boats participating in Classboat, IRF, and organized by the Deckhands and was a great remove them or will they be replaced? The safe even Thursday night races. I think there were opportunity to get to know and welcome answer is, remove them. Although the about 15 boats on the line last Thursday. newcomers to KYC. The bulkhead races every contractor has indicated that they will be I want to once again welcome all the new Thursday evening are off to a good season with replaced, if you want a guarantee, remove them members that I was fortunate enough to meet at a rotation for race committee at the end of the to be replaced by you when the slip is returned our last Newcomers' Pupu Party. It was a great dock with some excellent volunteers. Thanks to you. success and I welcome each and everyone of you to Lori Ford, the Deckhands, Dawn Hunt, Rose We had a wonderful turnout for the two all to KYC. The night was very nice and a big Jones and Anthony Burris for committing to work parties on Saturday and Sunday in mahalo to all the Deckhands for assisting and that rotation and Kai Andrade for serving as March. Mahalo to all of those volunteers, even putting on a great pupu party. These ladies do our emergency fill-in support. We’ve also had some new members who showed up to so much behind the scenes. Thanks again for all a great turnout at Classboat and IRF race days, demonstrate their commitment to the support! remember to contact Morgan Stephenson to fill volunteerism. I’m sure you all have noticed that we are in your PRO commitment for your boat this On another matter, since I have the “Bully well into the G-Pier renovations. All the season as we still have quite a few white spaces Pulpit”, I was at the Club for First Friday pre-construction environmental testing was where boats need to commit. recently where we had entertainment that was completed, and we started right on time. Thanks The entertainment at the club this spring well received. While the entertainment was in to all the members in the first phase of slips for has been excellent and I encourage everyone progress, however, there were footballs flying having your boats out on time as this has allowed to come out and enjoy these events. The 1st all around the lawn area, even intruding into us to get started right on time. If you are on and 3rd Friday’s have started and we have had the entertainer's area, kids running through the G-Pier, please stay tuned to the schedules put out some good entertainers coming out to KYC. I Long House, restrooms and generally running on when your slip needs to be vacated. This will didn’t make it but I heard the Saint Patrick’s rampant through the area. Parents need to read keep the project moving smoothly and therefore Day was a fun event and we are hoping to get the Rules and Regs of the Club. The activities will be completed on time. the band back again for next year. described above are in violation of the Club As mentioned before, I am working to clean The reason I missed the St. Patrick’s Day Rules and are disrespectful of those trying to up the area on the back side of the canal in the event was because I was in California at enjoy the Club or to provide a service to trailer storage area.
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