the e~t sb­ nty >irs :en­ .., ,..,_,....,_ Jr~ lue­ ·ad­ lfO· find bet tatt The Question of Quality or Quantity Camping - ~ill lOU th roun 1 an ~ of ,-er Vacation (7) Camping at Clear Lake 10 Years Ago (Page 6) Pago 2 I 0 W A C 0 N S E R VAT I 0 N I S T Iowa Conservationist Vol. 29 May, 1970 No. 5 Publ1shed monthly by the lowo Conservo tion Com­ miss on, State Office Building 3 0 4tn Street, Des Moines, lowo 50319. Address all mail (subscriphons. NORTHERN PIKE or MUSKY? chonge of oddress, Form 3579. monuscripts, moil .terns} to the obo\le oddress. Subscription price: two years at $1.00 Attention Io,,a anglers can ~ou dif­ and therefore t'allnot alwa\ s be depended Second closs post11ge p11 id ot Des Moines, Iowa ferentiate between a northern pike and upon. Mu skies arc usuall~ olive to dark (No Rights Reserved} a muskellunge? As these t\\O species a re J.!Ta~ "ith tiger-like markings on the side~. Robert D. Ray, Governor quite similar in appearance it is impor tant The northern pike are normally a bluish Fred A. Pnewert, D rect for anglers to know the identifkation dif­ g 1et!n to gra~ on the hack \\ ith irregular MEMBERS OF THE COMMISSION ferences or the} could possible \iolate the rows of light ivory colored spots on the KEITH A M NURLEN Cho rn ,n . Ames Jaw. Correct identification is necessary sides running length'"ise. EARL A. JARV S. Vice Choirman . .Wilton Junction because of difterent opening fishing dates, JI M D. BIXLER .. ............ .. ............. Council Bluffs limits and a mtnimum length r estriction l\1uskies are a'ailable in Clear Lake, JOAN GEISLER ... .. ....... .. ........... Dubuque East and \Vest Okoboji with the season LES LICKLIDER .......... -- ............. Cherokee on muskies. WILLIAM E NOBLE .............................. Oelwein One of the surest differences between opening l\Iay 15 and continuing through No\·ember ~0- A length limitation of 30 l0\\3, ED Wt:INHE MER ... ......... Greenfield the t" o species is the scales on the checks inches or longer must be attained in order its 0\\D. and g ill covers. The muskie has scales only David R. Evans, Editor on the upper half of the cheek and upper to be a legal catch. A daily and possession Rim Roger Sparks, Manoging Editor limit of one muskie is allowed. Julius Satre, C~r· ul11tion Manoger half of the gill cover. Northern pike's ber, 'P8 Wayne Lenning , Photogropher checks arc fully scaled while the gill CO\er The northern pike season in IO\\a's heritage -- millions. CIRCULATION . .................. -- .............. 70,000 1s scaled on the upper half Another dis­ natural lakes is open from May 2 to tinguishable difference is the underside Febr uary 28, 1971. The daily limit is And COMMISSION MINUTES of the lower jaw of the two fi sh. Northern three. There are no weight or length his thoue haYe fi,·e holes on each side of the Jaw re st ri ct i on~. Northerns have a continuous million March 3, 1970 whereas muskies have six to eight. open ::;eason in all waters of the state ex­ It's th De s Moines, Iowa The coloration of the two fi sh Yaries cept the natural lakes. Count A 39-acre land purchase option on the -the en Walters Creek \Vatershed, Adams County, littering was accepted. Who il Accepted an option for 195 acres on the Well · Big Creek Lake Project. won't h' Approved the following project pro­ stayed tc posals and project amendment request for me55? I submission of the Bureau of Outdoor look aroa Recreation: Pocahontas County Conser va­ Ins tea tion Board, Northwest Recreational Area, k!t's Development; Sioux City, Floyd National blanket~ Historical Landmark, Development; Sioux I City, Northside Playground, Acquisition n fron of one-half acre and development; Well­ Entrai man, Community Park, Deve lopment area spoj (project amendment). l\IU J{ELLUNGE , Food I Approved Policy 47 concerning retire­ ~unks a ment. Revised policy r eads as follows : AYOU! "All Commission employees are encour­ ~I'Yin~t. aged to retire f rom permanent employ­ hl>at, it ment at age 65, however, mandatory r e­ glass. tirement shall be age 70. There "Conservation employees reaching age ~gainst t sixty-five who desire to continue to work lllade bel in a permanent position with the Com­ Polluters mission must have a physical examination Memorial Park Addition. ser vation Commission that these cooper­ Possible 1 administered by a physician of the Com­ The following County Conservation ative efforts along with written accounts mission's choice at the Commission's cost Board Development plans were approved: s uch as may be found in the January, 1970 Ilo\\~· stating that the employee is capable of Scott County, Scott County Park Revision; issue of the IOWA SOIL CONSERVATIONIST lllent offil performing all assigned duties. Physical Van Buren County, Morris Memorial concerning the watershed of Lake Geode litterb~~ examinations are required each year of an Park. is the surest guarantee that these lakes . But, it employee between the ages of 65 and 70. Increased the total commitment of the will provide wholesome outdoor recreation han to ct "Physicals may also be required of an State Conservation Commission on the for the citizens of Iowa for many years about it. employee if the individual is not per­ Walters Creek Watershed to $301,000. to come." Our gJ forming his assigned duties because of Approved the following resolution, Approved the expenditure of $5,000 of ~re oi physical ailments. 11The State Conservation Commission Fish and Game Funds toward the recon­ lr~s ettor "E mployees in ..,.ood stnnding who de­ of the State of Iowa does hereby wish to struction of the Humboldt Dam, the re­ ~ackage I sire to retire at age 65 \Vill be encouraged commend the State Soil Conservation mainder of the cost to be borne by the f trash to work for the Commi~ ion in a tempo­ Committee of Iowa, its staff, and various Humboldt County Conser vation Board and beer ra rary or seasonal position.' soil (ltstricls throughout the State for the the local subscriptions. lllatred. The following County Conservation efiort .,. and assistance put f orth by them Established the opening dates of the The c' Board Land Acquisition ProJ ects were in encouraging landowners within the 1970 deer hunting seasons as follows: Lttthr· l Jgb approved: Chickasaw County ConsPrva­ wallm~hE>ds of State owned lakes to apply Bow and arrow season, September 26. ~enerati( tion Board, Wapsic Ri\'er Access Addi­ soil eros on and other conservation prac­ Gun season, Det'<'mber 5. Recommenda­ Get a I tion; Sioux County, Big Sioux Park tice~ to their land. t ions on all other regulations will be pre­ hut it , Addition; Van Buren County, Morris Furthermore, it is the view of the Con- sented to the Commission at a later date. longer Ill.!u, IOWA CONSERVATIONIST Page 3 ITORIAL the Beautiful? or by Richard Ranney the Ugly? The memory of the past hunting sea­ son is still fresh in mind: The quiet joy by David Evans of sitting in a squirrel timber in Septem­ ber, or dosing in a goose pit on a warm Iowa, bounded by two of the nation's greatest rivers, enjoys a umque beauty all October afternoon. The excitement of its own. the pheasant and quail as they rise in River bluffs and prairies, caves and windswept hills, natural lakes and native tim­ startled escape on a brisk November day. ber, sparkling streams and rich rolling farmlands. This is our outdoor heritage. A The hunting of rabbits or watching a heritage of beauty to be proud of. These natural resources provide recreation for deer glide away on silent hoofs in an millions. early December snow. This is part of And yet, in the midst of all this natural beauty there resides a spoiler. ·who, with the memory of the hunting season passed. his thoughtlessness, can undo in a single moment what mother nature has done in a Each require a hunting license and some million years? Who can wreck the carefully planned work of conservationists? extra equipment to pursue for sport in the outdoors. It's the litterbug. Now the season near at hand, which Count the bottles, soft drink cups, cans, papers, food wrappers, cigarette packages does not require a license or anything -the endless array of trash which litters our land and water. Actually, it goes beyond special, is the morel mushroom season. littering. It's pollution. There is no bag or possession limit and Who is this villi an committing these horrible acts? the time to hunt is set by Mother Nature. Well, it could be you. How many times have you thought, "one little piece of paper Mushrooms can not run and hide or fly won't hurt", and gone ahead and tossed it out the window? How many times have you away. Noise does not frighten them or stayed too late at a campsite and hurrying to get home neglected to clean up the make them spooky. Some people take a mess? Multiply this moment of carelessness a thousand times over and then take a portable radio, a camera, lunch and the look around. We reap what we sow. kids. It's ideal time to loaf along a Instead of "America The Beautiful", it will become "America The Ugly". wooded creek and enjoy Mother Nature's Let's take a look at some examples of littering. Refuse, scattered by the wind, spring flowers, birds and wildlife.
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