Vol. 103 No. 30 Friday, March 9, 2012 50¢ Plus tax City & chamber near agreement on building lease By Pete Gawda tor and the fi re chief inspect the Okeechobee News building. The building has been vacant for so long, there was con- At their meeting on Tuesday cern about its structural integrity. ‘Mudding’ gains evening, March 6, the Okeecho- “We found that the building popularity ... see bee City Council came a step was in pretty good shape,” Mr. closer to leasing the vacant cham- Whitehall told the councilmen. ‘G.O.’ inside! ber building at the intersection of While there were some minor U.S. 441 and S.R. 70. problems detected, there were Since the last meeting, city ad- only two major problems discov- Man accused of ministrator Brian Whitehall said selling stolen he had the city’s building inspec- See CITY — Page 5 items to recycler ... Page 14 Special to the Okeechobee News Lake Levels Tim Lepard and his specialty act, The Ghost Riders. 12.83 feet Last Year: 11.97 feet Ghost Riders to 6SRQVRUHG%\ perform at rodeo 3RJH\·V)DPLO\5HVWDXUDQW By Pete Gawda bit the monkey’s arm off. The zoo 63DUURWW$YH Okeechobee News owner did not want to display a “I’ve always liked monkeys,” one armed monkey, so Mr. Lep- said Tim Lepard, who tours the ard got to take the monkey home country performing with his with him. The monkey became trained dog and monkey act, fast friends with his dog. They Ghost Riders. “They have been were soon sleeping side by side. my life.” As a small child he was One day when Mr. Lepard put them both outside he found the See page 4 for information about attracted to a sock monkey and he monkey riding on the dog’s back. how to contact this newspaper. was a big fan of Curious George. That is where he fi rst got the idea. His mother said she never saw Special to the Okeechobee News/Pat Ziglar newszap.com anyone who likes monkeys so He started out as a rodeo clown and then branched out into the Free Speech Free Ads much. Big Fish When he was around 15 or 16 monkey/dog act using especially Warren Peede and Chris Little of boat #35 may have taken he worked for a man who had a made saddles for the dogs. sixth place overall in the Christian Team Trail but their single small zoo. The zoo had a monkey The act consists of three dogs largest catch earned them the top prize for “Big Fish” weigh- whose cage was next to a cou- and three monkeys. While Mr. ing in at 8.50 lbs. The duo collected an additional $324 for gar’s cage. One day the cougar See MONKEY — Page 5 reeling in the big guy. For more, see page 12. 2 Serving the communitiesOkeechobee south News of Lake Okeechobee MarchMay 27, 9, 20102012 Commissioners delay action on donating land to IRSC Amateur Radio Club plans meeting By Pete Gawda FAA is approached about donating prop- Post your opinions in the Public Issues Forum at Okeechobee News erty. Commissioners concurred on this ap- www.newszap.com. Reporter Pete Gawda can The Okeechobee Amateur Radio Club proach. be reached at [email protected] will hold it’s next meeting on Monday, Another subdivision planned during In other action the board: boom times fell victim to the poor economy March 13, at 7 p.m. The meeting will be • amended the county budget to refl ect held at the regular place, the Classroom when Okeechobee County Commissioners, changes in balances brought forward and Okeechobee Forecast at their Thursday, March 8, meeting voted changes in revenue estimates; of the Red Cross building on North Par- to vacate a portion of the plat of Thorough- • proclaimed the week of May 20 through rott Ave. All club members, any local ham bred Estates. The subdivision is located on 26 to be National Public Works Week in the operators with interest in the club and the north side of N.W. 240th Street about county; anyone in the Okeechobee area with an one and one half miles east of N.W. 144th • as an equipment upgrade purchased interest in ham radio are urged to attend. Avenue. It is a 900 acre subdivision that was fi ve LifePack 15s for Okeechobee County For more information about the club or platted in 2007 with 85 lots. A road and 25 Fire/Rescue; in the amount of $117,387; Today: A 20 percent chance of showers lots have been developed. The developer re- • allowed consumption of alcoholic bev- after noon. Mostly sunny, with a high near meeting, please contact Tom Timmons, quested and commissioners granted vacat- erages at the 2012 Bassmaster Elite Series 85. East southeast wind between 5 and 10 Club President at 863-467-5435 and leave ing the plat of the remaining 60 lots consist- tournament at C. Scott Driver Park; mph. a message. ing of about 643 acres. • awarded a bid for the installation of a Tonight: A 20 percent Turning to another matter, the board had fan system at the Okeechobee County Agri- chance of showers before 10 previously discussed donating some airport Civic Center to Arlington Electric, Inc. for p.m. Partly cloudy, with a low land to Indian River State College for expan- $143,442 using a USDA Rural Development around 62. East wind around Fri., Mar. 9TH - sion. This would require approval from the Grant; and 5 mph becoming calm. FAA. Planning offi cial Bill Royce stated that • declared the U.S. 441 N. radio tower to Thurs., Mar. 15TH the county has not approached FAA yet on be surplus and approve demolition of the Extended Forecast this issue because there are airport wetlands tower and removal of debris by L.E.B Demo- Saturday: A 20 percent chance of show- For Info, Call 763-7202 that he feels should be mitigated before the lition & Consulting Contractors for $11,545. ers after noon. Partly sunny, with a high near I: “SAFE HOUSE” 84. East northeast wind between 5 and 10 Fri., Tues. & Thurs. 7:00 & 9:00, Sat., Sun., & Wed. BamBam is mph. 2:00, 4:15, 7:00 & 9:00, Mon. 3:00 & 7:00 R Saturday night: Mostly cloudy, with II: “JOHN CARTER” a low around 64. East northeast wind be- Fri., Tues. & Thurs. 7:00 & 9:00, Sat., Sun., & Wed. Pet of the tween 5 and 10 mph. 2:00, 4:15, 7:00 & 9:00, Mon. 3:00 & 7:00 PG-13 Sunday: Mostly sunny, with a high near Week 83. East wind between 10 and 15 mph, with III: “DR. SEUSS’ THE LORAX” gusts as high as 20 mph. Fri., Tues. & Thurs. 7:00 & 9:00, Sat., Sun., & Wed. BamBam, a Corgi mix, is 2:00, 4:15, 7:00 & 9:00, Mon. 3:00 & 7:00 Sunday night: Partly cloudy, with a low PG a quiet dog, always look- around 64. East northeast wind between 5 Movie Tickets: Adults - $6.50 • Children 12 & under - $5.00 ing for someone to pet and 10 mph. Senior Citizens - $5.00 all movies • Matinees - $4.50 him. Adoption fee is $175, which includes neuter and current shots. BamBam It’s A Family A-Fair MIDWAY PROMOTIONAL SCHEDULE Tue March 13th - is available for adoption Sun March 18th Tuesday - March 13th at Okeechobee Humane Fair Opens 5 PM Armbands $20 Good All Night Society/Pet Rescue on 2012 Tuesday $1 Night with Fireworks Highway 98, next door to ($1 Rides, $1 Admission, & $1 Select Food Items ALL Night) Wednesday - March 14th the Livestock Market. For March 13th Fair Opens 5 PM Armbands $25 Good All Night Fair Opens 5 PM Dairy Show - 5 PM more information, con- Fireworks Show - 7:30 PM Thurs - March 15th tact Humane Society Pet Wednesday Student Night - $2 Gate Admission for Students Fair Opens 5 PM Armbands $25 Good All Night Rescue Florida, at 863- March 14th Swine Showmanship - 5 PM Okeechobee Idol Prelims Contest - 7 PM Friday - March 16th 357-1104. To see more Fair Opens 5 PM - Sign up at the entertainment tent the day of the event. Fair Opens 5 PM Armbands $25 Good All Night available animals go to Food Drive Night petfi nder.com. Homes are Thursday (Bring 3 cans of food - $2 Gate Admission) Saturday - March 17th March 15th Swine Show - 5 PM Fair Opens 12 Noon Armbands $25 Good All Day also needed to “foster” Fair Opens 5 PM Talent Show- 7 PM animals who are waiting -Sign up at the entertainment tent the day of the event. Sunday - March 18th Fair Opens 12 Noon Armbands $25 Good All Day for a permanent adoptive TGIF Night $5 Gate Admission home. Friday Steer Show - 3 PM March 16th Beef Breeding Show - 1 Hour After Steer Show Ends Special to the Okeechobee News Fair Opens 5 PM Equine Exhibitions - 5 PM Our Sponsors Jackpot Barrel Races - 6:30 PM Okeechobee Idol Finals - 7 PM CHEVROLET Heroes / Livestock Sale Day Your Home Town Dealer Since 1933 $5 Gate Admission Armbands $25 - Good All Day Saturday Beef Fitting & Grooming Show - 9 AM Horse Exhibitions - 10:30 AM March 17th PLANTATION Fair Opens 12 Noon 1-D, 2-D, 3-D, & 4-D Barrel Racing - 1 PM Youth Livestock Sale – 2 PM (Sale Order: Dairy, Steers, Beef Breeding, Swine, Lambs, Goats) Jackie Steil Concert - 3 PM & 6 PM Heroes (Cops vs Firemen) Competition - 7 PM Dr. Tim Ioannides Sunday Family Day at the Races March 18th $5 Gate Admission Fair Opens 12 Noon (1 Free Child Admission Per Paying Adult) Daily Entertainment J.W.
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