Happy Kwanzaa! A group of young dancers performing in front of students and community members at the Northeastern University John D. O' Bryant African-American Institute Annual Kwanzaa celebration on Friday, December 3, 1999. (Photo Credit: Shad Hargrove, Freelance photographer) An International Turkey Day By Chhavi Sach dev to the ISF dinner for "a little bit of a Morocco , Poland, El Sa lvado r, Spa in, Onyx Staff warm up for Thursd ay." Arme nia, Brazil, Iran , Taiwan , Many student s sa id the main Trinidad , Jamaica , India, Bahrain , and Ove r a hundr ed students from reason they had come was to meet of course , the USA . A number of the arou nd the world gathered for a other International students and feel Americans presen t belonged to Thank sgiving Dinner at the like orga nizations like the Internationa l Intern ational Student Office on they belonged . Business Club an d the SGA. Tuesday , November 23. Sona m Dorje e and Decen Eno rmou s quantitie s of turk ey, Wangmo of Bhutan agree d that Karryann Dri scoll of Ashland, MA stuffing , bunernut squash, beans, they were there "to get around and and Courtney Mitchell of Belchertown , and mashed potatoes were doled know the other internat ionaJ stu- MA both o~the SGA and came "to out to the guests by members of dents . Dorjee an d Wangmo also said show support and have dinner." International Student Forumm embers at the Interna tional Student Forum the door fee was going to help Toward the end of the meal , ISF dinner. (Photo Credit: !SF website.) $1 .00 (ISF.) a sick child in El Salvador , a good President , Tien Lam , recounted the aspect of American cultur e. Jong , a A lthough a few of the international reaso n to come. history behind Thanksgiving Day. The stud ents had experienced Thanksg iv­ fres hman wh ose parents are from Asked what she thought of the evening conc lud ed with a raffle -type China , explained that his family never ing before , man y looked forward to effort , ljeo ma Nwankwo of N igeria quiz and hot apple pie. their first turkey meal ever. And for celebrates Th anksgiving despite hav ing rep lied, "I think it's great. Most of us The dinn er is tradi tionally held the many who had had a trad itional lived in America for many years. This don't have our fam ilies here ... [this] is Tuesday befo re Thank sgiving an d is Thank sg iving before, this was their year, he deci ded to "celebrate it for a way to feel a part of a famil y in a open to all members of the NU once." first time at an !SF- hosted dinner. way, to feel a part of something ." com munity , espec ially those w ith no Jamaican gra duate stud ent, Jun e Ma nas Adhikari from Nepal has Some of the other co untri es place to go on Turkey day. You can ce lebrated Thank sgiv ing with his Cowar d-Fe ron , ''[didn't) know w hat to represe nted at this dinn er were: find more information at: expect" but was ready to enjoy this cous ins in the States before, but came Romania, Co lombi a, Italy, China , http: //www .dac. neu.edu/isfl s. What's E-NUFF, page 2 AIDS in Africa, page 4 "My Soul, My Life" page 7 Black yo uth evange lism on Read how AIDS affects childr en on Check out up-and- coming R&B Inside... Nort heas tern 's camp us the continent artist,J-Shin E-NUFF says God is enough By Jamila Hill Onyx Staff At a time when Americans are language patl1ology and audiology major, embracing Spiritualism in every facet of and vice president of E-NUFF. their lives, a group of young people are "We thought we could reach a lot bringing "church" to Northeastern. more minority brothers andsisters . .. in a Members of The EvangelicalNorth ­ lot of these Christian groups, youdon 't eastern University Fellowship Forum sec too many," said Whilby. (E-NUPF) are detennined to show NU E-NUFF is not an official Nortl1east­ students thatGod is enough. em Universitys tudent groupbut they do According to Clifton Whilby.a senior hope to put together a charter soon. electrical engineering major at NU and They are, however, still active on a founding memberofE-NUPF, there is campus. Members meet every week to a strong need for groups like E-NUFF fellowship and support each other, Left1 0 Right: Shani Parrish. vice presidentand Clifton Whilby, president ofE-NUFFat to exist. E-NUFF has put on functions in collabo­ Chez Yous a rollerskating riinkin Mallapan.. (PhotoCredit : JamilaHi ll, Onyxs taff) "This generation weli ve in, there's a ration withot her student groups, and great lack of morals. Everyone's looking after Easter, they will participate in Jesus out for selfbut at this pointin time, week. E-NUFF is also planning on SoulClap: Annual Black people have tolook ,vithout, not within setting up a Bible study center in the and start recognizing the authority, of John D. O'Bryant African American Homecoming inBoston God," said Whilby. Institute library with different references. In order to help studenlS"recogn ize Currently, E-NUFF has 18 members the authority for God," E-NUFF uses on paper and five executive board ou ap to e I e e omecommgs o evangelism to spread the gospel on positions that include president,vice Historically Black Colleges and campus and into the community. president, treasurer, and two campus Universities but with a New England According to Whilby, E-NUFF wanlS liaisons. A young woman and man arc 0avor. everyone to know about Jesus so they E-NUFF hopes to grow and to do sitting in a restaurant.The scenario,it' s "The New England Oavori s that can lead good lives and help others do more. As ,vith many faith-based groups, the couple's first year anniversary.Th ey it's here. A lot ofininority studenlS here the same. however, there are stigmas that have are celebrating at Legal Seafood. l'h e are from New England, likeRhode "It's about living right and being been anached to them. first part of the conversation goes as Island, New York, or what have you, right,thinkingright andspreading th e There are rumors that E-NUFF is a follows: and anything produced herei s going to Word. One of the most importantthin gs radical group but Whilbybe lieves that MAN: Wh at arc you gening? extract from that navor," said White. is to spread the Word and that's those who think that have never gone to WOMAN: I want the lobster. TI1eevenlS were both educational evangelism," said Whilby. a meeting and ,viblessed the group for MAN: That's kind of expensive,h ow and entertaining. Among the programs According to members of E-NUFF, themselves. about a sa lad. was a forum on the state of the Black there arc many faith-based groups at "All we do is lift up the name of Jesus WOMAN: It's our first year anniverary. man, the SoulClap Comedy Jam which Northeastern but many do not have a and try to better ourselves and be a MAN : lf iliat's the case, why couldn't featured comedians from BET's Comic real minorityco nstituency. blessing to those around us," said we have just stayed home? view and HBO's Def Comedy Jam, an While E-NUFF is open to having Whilby. WOMAN: We need to talk about this. the Black & Gold Ball/Miss Black & people of all races as pan of their "All of those arc positive things," he You never spend any timew ith me. Gold Pageant. Unlike black colleges foi:um, they concentrate on making sure said. This is a sample of several skiis put where homecoming is held on that that black studenlSarc aware of E-Nuff E-NUFF meelS every Friday at on by audien ce members at Black particularcam pus, SoulClap evenlS and what they stand for. 7:00pm at The John D. O'Bryant Relationships 2000, a discussion on were held at various colleges inth e "I was already pan of Campus African-American Institute at Northeast­ gender roles, expectations, an d stereo­ Boston area. Crusade for Christ but I wanted to be a ern University.For more infonnation, types, on November IOa t th e North­ "There are not as many black part of one that had more minorities," contact Shani Parrish at 617-377- 1319. eastern University John D. O'Bryant studenlSin New England colleges as th said Shani Parrish, a sophomore speech African-AmericanIn stitute. Historically Black Colleges. In order to This program was one ofa series reach as many of them as possible, we of programs heldduring the week of held evenlS on various campuses. November 8 as part of The Annual Another reason is that the Alpha Phi Pretty Brown Eyes SoulClap College Fest put on by the Alpha Fraternity, Incorporated - Sigma Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Incorpo­ Chapter is a citywide chapter," said rated-Sigma Chapter. Beginning witl1 White. a discussion on Black economy at This year marks the thirdAnnual Boston University and culminating with SoulClap College Fest. The Alphas had the SoulClap MegatonParty at Roxbury high expectations and agreethat Community College, the Alpha's de­ things went well. Next year, they plan o scribe SoulC lap as the city of Boston's making SoulClap even bener. first Black Homecoming. "The first SoulClap was a party.
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