leter-Siilnirbaif ^ Serving Lowell, Ada, Cascade and Eastern iKent Countylif e VOL. 76 NO. 8 THURSDAY, MAY 29.1969 NEWSSTAND PRICE lOMnts VOL. 15 NO. 9 Honor Nation's Heroes Tributes to the nation's honored dead will be offered throughout the area this Friday morning in Memorial Day services. Included on the list of local ceremonies are parades in Lowell and Cascade. The Lowell parade will gather at Rich- ards Park at 9:30 a.m. and march to the Soldier's Monument in Oakwood Ceme- tery, En route, marchers will pause at Flat River where a three-volley gun salute to fallen sailors will be made. CR-R-R-R RUNCHI A haad-on craih on M-21 in Lowell Monday sent ona driver Another gun salute and taps are sched- to tha hospital in Mriout condition and resulted in serious injuries to four other uled at the cemetery. Reverend Hartwell persons. The scene above shows closaup of car driven by Eugene Randall of Gosney, associate pastor of Lowell First Saranac, which reportedly veered out of control as the driver reached for a ciga- Methodist Church, will give a brief ad- rette. Randall's car struck one vehicle, then plowed head-on into an auto driven by 1 dress. Robert Jackson of Wayland (above right). The picture below shows new speed limit sign of 50 miles an hour. .posted at the accident scene Just three days earlier Members of the American Legion and when speed was increased from 45 m.p.h.l / Veterans of Foreign Wars and auxiliaries from both organizations will join in the parade. Boy Scout, Cub Scout, Girl Scout and Campfire Girl units will join the line of Driver Serious Following Head-on Crash on M-21 march with music provided by the senior and junior high bands. A Saranac man U listed in serious con- There will be bicycle and horse units as dition at Butterworth Hospital following a head-on automobile crash in Lowell well, according to Commander Roger Bieri of the American Legion, who serves as pa- Monday afternoon. LHS Classes rade marshall. Ironically, the mishap took place in an ' • area on M-21 that just three days before Ceremonies are scheduled to be held at had changed from a 45-m.p.h. speed Planning the Veteran's Memorial Marker on the east end of Cascade Bridge immediately fol- zone to 50 miles an hour. lowing a parade that gets underway at 8 Hospital officials said that Eugene R. a. m. from the assembly area at Cascade Randall, 22, who just recently moved from to Reunite Christian Reformed Church. Lowell, was suffering from a fractured BY PATT BAMBR1CK Sponsored by the McDonald-Osmer left leg and chest and head injuries. June traditionally is the season for American Legion Post 451, commanded by Randall was the driver of one of three graduations... and also for class reun- James Wood, the parade will include a- cars involved in the accident ions. mong its marching units the Forest Hills According to Lowell police, Randall's This June will herald the respective get- High School band and members of Cadet westbound car veered out of control as togethers of the classes of'39 and '49 and Scout organizations from the area. he reached for a cigarette. After missins from Lowell High. one car, the Randall vehide glanced off I* hi iJobAiwrC. Caaon uf Grakd w - The class of'39, boasting an all-time then plowed headoit into a car high (to that date) of 78 graduates, will Graduation driven by Robert Jackson of Wayland. hold its reunion on June 21. Jackson, 21, suffered no apparent The evening's festivities will be held at injuries. His wife, Patricia, 20, who is ex- Shady Acres, formerly known as the Monday for pecting a child, was hospitalized with Lone Pine Inn, where a great many of the possible skull fractures and facial cuts.. teen-age parties during the middle 30's Three passengers in the Randall car were and early 40's were held. Record 240 injured, one of them requiring hospital- A dinner dance, preceded by a cocktail Commencement exercises for a record ization. 240 graduating seniors at Forest Hills High Giuck Wilson, 18, ofEdmore reportedly hour, is planned. School are scheduled this Sunday and Mon- suffered lacerations of the face and head Committee for the reunion consists of day. and was listed in satisfactory condition. Florence Young, Mary Ann Ayres, Doris Keith Wilson,}6, also of Edmore and Boyd, Mary Phillips, Lawrence Arm- Prior to the more solemn ceremonies Chet Toth, 23, of Lowell, were treated strong and Bernard and Betty Kropf. marking their final hours as high school and released for face and head injuries. Reservations from Florida, Ohio, Penn- students, the seniors will meet for the an- The accident was the second within a sylvania, Illinois and Indiana have already nual Senior Class dinner this evening week on M-21 between Lowell and Ada been received, and many more are still (Thursday) at 9 p.m. at Scottie's Restau- coming in. on what has become known as "Accident rant. Alley". Special guests for the evening will be Baccalaureate services are scheduled On Monday, May. 19, John H. Videan, 26, former Superintendent Walter Gumser, Sunday in the high school gym starting at of Lowell suffered minor injuries when his Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Walter, and Mr. and PRE-REUNION REUNION: Members of Lowell High School's Class of 1939 car hit a tree about midway between the Mrs. Chris Burch. 4 p.m. while commencement itself will gather in front of the old high school building (now the junior high) to discuss Class president Colleen Swan announc- take place Monday evening at 8 p.m. in two communities. plans for 30-year reunion June 21. From the left are Lawrence Armstrong (rear), Videan told Kent County Sheriffs ed that "after 20 years away from the hal- the Civic Auditorium in Grand Rapids. Bernard Kropf and wife, Betty, Mrs. Florence Young. Mrs. Mary Ann Ayres, Ralph officers that he swerved to avoid a rear- lowed halls of Lowell High, the class of Roth. Mrs. Doris Boyd. Ed Roth and David Coons. Featured at Monday's services will be end collision, then continued acioss the '49 will hold its 20th class reunion on speeches by class valedictorian Robert road to avert a"head-on crash. June 28." VandenBos and salutatorian Curtis Thon, Videan said thai cars ahead of him were The reunion committee planning the Holiday Schedule stopped behind a school bus parked on the gala evening are John R. Timpson, Pat who will be presented by Principal How- side of the road, but reportedly without Cbuncil OK's Record O'Neill, Walt Eyke and Susan Chaffin. ard Dalman. at Post Offices its warning lights flashing. American Legion Boat and Canoe Club, Following the presentation of the class, 401 N. Park Street, Grand Rapids, will be awarding of diplomas will be handled by Holiday schedules will be observed SUFFERS HEART ATTACK the scene of the event. class president Paul Silver and Superin- by area post offices over Memorial Day Budget of $270,087 A cocktail hour will precede the cater- this Friday. Reverend Father Henry Niedzwiecki, ed dinner and ensuing evening, which will tendent of Schools Robert R. Masten. A budget calling for an outlay of for the general fund and street depart- pastor of St. Roberts Church in Ada, is include a "get to know each other-again" Offices at Lowell, Ada and Alto will be $335,227 for fiscal 1969-70 was adopted ment. Silver will also present the school gift reported in satisfactory condition at St. program, and dancing. closed and no window service, city or last Friday in a special meeting of the An across-the-board pay raise of five on behalf of the Class of 1969. Reservations, and an enclosed check, rural delivery services, except special de- Mary's Hospital following a severe heart Lowell city council. percent for city employees is included ih Reverend Herbert Vander Lugt of Trin- for the class of'49 reunion should be livery, will be provided. attack suffered last Friday. Of this amount, $270,087 is scheduled the record budget. ity Baptist Church will offer the invoca- sent to Pat O'Neill, 6749- 28th Street SE, Pay of the position of city manager, tion and benediction. Grand Rapids, by June 21. Further in- which becomes vacant in several weeks, formation can be obtained from commit- The featured address at Sunday's serv- is pegged at $10,699.. .up from $ 10,200 tee members or Colleen Swan, class pres- ice will be given by Reverend Vander- for 1968-69. The clerk-treasurer's pay is ident. Lugt. The invocation and benedication t Millage Not to Exceed 8.35 I raised to $6,630 from $6,300 and that of will be offered by Reverend Ralph Brux- chief of police is elevated from $6,968 BY SHIRLEY DYGERT is expected that this figure will begin to (Ada Township residents will add 14 voort of Ada Christian Church. to $7,500, both figures including holiday Qualified electors of the Forest Hills decrease on the third tax year. percent to the tax increase for equaliza- pay- Joseph McCarger will read selections School District will go to the polls on tion factor next year.) Special Vote In dollars and cents, the new millage, June 9 to vote for a 1.5-mill increase in Council also approved a motion to re- from "The Yard Went On Forever" and if approved, will give the following ap- The projects will put an addition of 12 debt taxes for a building and remodeling tain the present 12-mill levy on real Barbara Ann Welsh will sing "The Lord's proximate increase in taxes: classrooms, one physical education teach- program.
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