MASS INTENTIONS S T' G T We Welcome You To As we celebrate Mass together we include in our prayers: St. Teresa of Avila Catholic Church Are you a sustainability enthusiast? Have you Saturday, March 20 been building consistent, sustainable habits to Served by the Carmelites 4:15pm Dan Perea reduce your carbon footprint, especially Sunday, March 21 through this unusual past year? Do you have M 21, 2021 8:30am Fr. Peter Sammon any ps that you would like to share with your The People of the Parish faith family? Email the green team F S 10:00am Kathleen Uhlhorn (Spec. Int.) [email protected] to be featured in O L Tuesday, March 23 upcoming bullens! And remember, even 8:30am Rachael Humphrey small efforts can add up to great results, so 1490 19 S (C) Friday, March 26 don’t be shy! L NE C 19 C S 8:30am Connie Brown (Spec. Int.) PASTOR S M M Saturday, March 27 AAA 2020—Week 2 Rev. Michael A. Greenwell, O. Carm. Saturday Vigil 4:15 pm Please call 6 months 4:15pm James J. Burns, Sr. [email protected] Sunday 8:30 & in advance The People of the Parish Assessed Amount: $29,486 PAROCHIAL VICAR 10:00 am Amount Pledged: $17,270 Rev. Michael Kwiecien, O. Carm. B Sunday, March 28 W M Balance Remaining: $12,216 [email protected] R 8:30am Tillie Diaz Tuesday 8:30 am PARISH SECRETARY Please call for an 10:00am Kathleen Uhlhorn (Spec. Int.) We are at 59% of our goal! Thank you to all Friday 8:30 am appointment Stephani Sheehan, [email protected] who have donated & pledged. Last year we DIRECTOR OF MUSIC P O / M A had AAA wrapped up in 10 weeks (Fr. Green‐ Laura Diaz‐Flaviani, [email protected] H—10:00 4:30 LENT & HOLY WEEK SCHEDULE well would like to have it done in 4 weeks DIRECTOR OF FAITH FORMATION 390 Missouri St, San Francisco, CA 94107 (Check our website for information on this year) and received donaons from 78+ [email protected] Phone: 415.285.5272 Fax: 415.285.8510 In-person Masses or Livestream only) Anarose Schelstrate, parishioners/families. We would like to re‐ E‐mail: [email protected] PASTORAL COUNCIL Tuesdays & Fridays in Lent ceive pledges from 100 people this year. So [email protected] Website: seresasf.org Mass, 8:30am far we have received donaons from 48 indi‐ viduals/families. PALM SUNDAY OPEN FOR PUBLIC MASS—PALM SUNDAY WEEKEND Saturday Vigil, March 27: 4:15pm Please check with your employer to see if they Palm Sunday, March 28: 8:30 & 10am provide matching funds for charitable dona‐ ons. SATURDAY @ 4:15PM SUNDAY @ 10AM EASTER TRIDUUM Holy Thursday, April 1: 7:30pm You can donate through the Archdiocesan website: VOLUNTEERS NEEDED TO RESUME PUBLIC MASSES AT ST. TERESA’S Good Friday, April 2: 12:15pm Holy Saturday, Easter Vigil, hps://sfarch.org/aaa We are not able to open for public Masses unl we can do so in a safe manner. We have a safety Choose St. Teresa Church protocol set‐up already. We will require a minimum of five (5) commied volunteers per Mass to April 3: 8:00pm or by scanning this QR code assist us with these protocols. We are especially in need of volunteers for the Easter Sunday Easter Sunday, Mass on April 4 at 10:00am. At present, we are unable to open the 8:30am Sunday Masses. April 4: 8:30 & 10:00am Parishioners under the age of 60 are welcome to volunteer at and aend in‐person ON‐LINE GIVING Masses. To register for on‐line giving or to make a one ATTEND MASS BY PHONE me gi, scan the QR code, log in or scroll Parishioners age 60+ may only volunteer if they have received both doses of the down to Quick Give. vaccine more than two (2) weeks prior to the date they will begin volunteering. To access the audio only from St. Teresa’s livestream Masses Parishioners age 60+ who have not yet been vaccinated are encouraged to stay home and connue to aend Mass via our live‐stream. DIAL: 408‐638‐0968 from any phone St Teresa of Avila Church A sign‐up sheet was sent via email on March 10. You can sign‐up through that email or call/email ENTER Meeng Code: 820‐821‐335. is an EPA ENERGY STAR® the Parish Office to volunteer. ENTER ID: # cerfied building. P A Sਲ਼. Tਤਤਲਠ’ਲ Mਨਲਲਨਮਭ Sਲ਼ਠਲ਼ਤਬਤਭਲ਼ Central to our Chrisan tradion are the twelve apostles, yet – surprisingly – we know very lile about these original followers of Jesus. What we do know is oen a mixture of historical fact and As members of St. Teresa’s Parish we fulfill our baptismal commitment legend, and, for this reason, when one of the twelve is named in the Sunday readings, I’d like to by being the hands and heart of Christ in our world. focus my column on that parcular apostle. We achieve this commitment by accepting the human dignity of all persons, “Some Greeks who had come to worship at the Passover Feast came to Philip, who was and by advocating for and serving those oppressed in our society. The community of St. Teresa’s finds its strength to fulfill this through participation from Bethsaida in Galilee, and asked him, ‘Sir, we would like to see Jesus.’ Philip went and told in the Eucharist, prayer, learning the building of relationships, and action for Justice. Andrew, then Andrew and Philip went and told Jesus.” (Jn 12:20) So begins our Gospel passage on this, the Fih Sunday of Lent. We never learn whether these Greeks were able to see Jesus, since the passage transions immediately to a long dis‐ The name Philip means lover of horses, so Philip is the patron saint of jockeys, horse course by Jesus. I suspect that the homily will focus on the words of Jesus, but in today’s col‐ breeders, and horseback riders. And – for some reason – Philip is also the patron saint of pas‐ try chefs. Go figure. umn I’d like to write about the Apostle, Philip. In the synopc gospels, Philip appears on every list of the apostles, but he speaks not a Michael Kwiecien, O. Carm. word in the Gospels of Mahew, Mark, or Luke. It is only in the Gospel of John that Philip finds his voice, emerging from the background to enjoy his “fieen minutes of fame”. SECOND COLLECTION Mass Intenons In John’s Gospel, Jesus personally calls Philip with the words, “Follow me”. (Jn 1:43b) In The book for Mass Intenons for 2021 has This week we take up The Catholic Relief Ser‐ available Masses. If you would like to reserve the next verse, we learn that Philip is from Bethsaida, and it is at this point that Philip speaks vices Collecon to help Jesus in disguise. This for the first me. Addressing Nathanael, Philip tesfies: a Mass for a specific date for a loved one, collecon helps six Catholic agencies to pro‐ please call or email the Parish Office. “We have found the one about whom Moses wrote in the law, and also the prophets, vide relief and support for struggling commu‐ Jesus, son of Joseph, from Nazareth . Come and see.” (Jn 1:45‐46) nies and to work for peace and reconcilia‐ on among our marginalized brothers and Please join us in welcoming to Philip again speaks in the Gospel of John, when, in Chapter 6, Jesus feeds the 5000: our parish community: sisters here and around the world. “. [Jesus] said to Philip, ‘Where shall we buy bread for these people to eat?’ He asked Next week’s second collecon will benefit the Samuel Brylle Ramos, the son of this only to test him, for he already had in mind what he was going to do. Philip an‐ Jansteen & Emmanuel Ramos. swered him, ‘It would take more than half a year’s wages to buy enough bread for each St. Teresa Conference of the St. Vincent de one to have a bite!’” (Jn 6:5‐7) Paul Society. Samuel was baptized by Rev. Michael Kwiecien, O. Carm. on Saturday at Philip speaks for the third and final me in John, Chapter 14: THANK YOU TO EVERYONE WHO 11am. Philip said, ‘Lord, show us the Father and that will be enough for us.’ Jesus answered, Don’t you know me, Philip, even aer I have been among you such a long me? Any‐ CONTINUES TO SUPPORT OUR PARISH! STAY SAFE one who has seen me has seen the Father.” (Jn 14:8‐9) We are truly blessed to have such a STAY HEALTHY In the Acts of the Apostles a man named Philip is menoned (Acts 6:5), but this is a differ‐ WEAR A MASK ent Philip, known as Philip the Evangelist. This Philip is one of the seven men approved by the wonderful community!! twelve to serve as deacons, and he is spoken of as the Evangelist to disnguish himself from Welcome to St. Teresa of Avila’s Parish Community Philip the Apostle. We extend our hands and hearts in Christian fellowship to you here celebrating with us. Whether long-time There is really not much to say about Philip the Apostle without speculang. Neither ear‐ residents or newly arrived in our parish, we thank God that you are with us. If you are not registered or have ly church fathers nor contemporary scholars can agree on details of his life. Early tradions changes to your registration, please fill in the form below, or complete the form on our website.
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