--·C_1- )----C- ORGANIZACION SANITARIA PANAMERICANA PAN AMERICAN SANITARY ORGANIZATION Lima, Perd CE8.L-7 October 39 1949 EIGHTH MEETING OF THE EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE LIMA, PERU October 3-59 1949 TOPIC III - PAN AMERICAN SANITARY BUREAU - STAFF REGULATIONS .AND RULES BACKGROUND The Executive Committee of the ran American Sanitary Organization, in its Seventh Reunion held in Washington, formu- lated the following resolution when considering the subject of staff regulations and-rules for the Pan American Sanitary Bureau: "To request the Director of the Pan American Sanitary Bureau to appoint a Special Committee to prepare a pre- liminary draft of rules based on those of the World Health Organization to be considered by the Executive Committee at its next m eting and submitted afterwards to the Directing Council for its approval." In accordance with the above resolution, on July 13, 1949, approval was requested and obtained from the appropriate govern- ments for the designation of the following persons to form the Special Committee which would prepare the draft of the Staff Rules and Regulations: Dr. Alfredo Arreaza Guzman - Venezuela Dr. Jose Zozaya - Mexico Dr. H. Van Zile Hyde - United States of America The Special Committee mentioned met in Washington towards the end of July, and after studying the staff regulations and __ _I_ - 2 - rules of the World Health Organization, prepared ±ts First report which is appended to this documnent. In accordance with the suggestions made in the First Report, the Director of the Pan American Sanitary Bureau communicated on various occasions with the Director of the World Health Organization, with the Secretary General of the Panamerican Union, and with the respective Officers of the United Nations, and after studying the points under discus sion, presented them to the Special Committee which met again in Lima, Peru, on October 1 and 2, 19.49 composed as follows: Dr. Carlos Luis Gcnzales - Venczuela Dr. Jose Zozaya - Mexico Dr. HI. Ven Ziloe Irde - United States of yAmcrica This Crlr.itteie prsarod th..e Final Report wvhich appears appended to th- First Report, the recommendations of which are: ,,1. That the '-'n American Sanritary Bureau adept the ,iH0 Staff Rcgulatic;.s and Rules, as appropriately modified and set forth in Doc.CES.L-7, with the following exceptions: Regulaticns 20, 27 and 28; Rules 550, 610, 852, 853, 1111 and 1120; and the whole Section 1000 whic~h is ti applicable in the case of the PAOC. 2, That the ,irectcr ¢cntimue the study and'negotiations which are underway in regard to pensions, compensa- tions aindadministrative tribunal, 3. That the Executive CoImrittee be authorized to take final actions in regard to Regulations and Rules cited in paragraph 1 above at such time as full information pertaining thereto is available. - -- PIIL-rdd-;--I- -- 4. That, pending action by the Executive Committee, in ac- cordance with above paragraph, (a) the Pan American Sanitary Bureau employees continue to participate in the PAU Pension Plan, (b) present insurance arrangements covering employees' compensation be continued, and (c) no provision be made for administrative tribunal." PROPOSAL With tho reservation to continue study and negotiations in regard to ponsion3, ccmpcnsations, &ald administrativo tri- bunal as roco-,cndcd by the Sp3cial Commrittee, th3 Diroctcr of the Pan Amorican Sanitary Bureau rospsctfully rccrlmnnd3 approval of the Staff Regulations and Rules as propc3sd by the Special Conmittee which are in keeping with the present condition and needs of the Pan American Sanitary Bureau Fred L. Soper Director, Pan American Sanitary Bureau MEB/ceu/ca eE8.L-7 FIRST REPORT OF SPECIAL COI1MMITTEE ON STAFF REGULATIONS AND RULES PAN AMERICAN SANITARY BUREAU A special Committee appointed by the Director of the Pan American Sanitary Bureau under authority of Resolution IV of the Seventh Meeting of the Executive Committee of the Pan American Sanitary Organization met in Washington July 26 - 28. The Com- mittee was composed of Dr. Alfredo Arreaza Guzman (Venezuela), Dr. H. van Zile Hyde (U.S.A.), and Dr. Jose Zozaya (Mexico). Dr. Alfredo Arreaza Quzmrn was elected Chairman. The Director of the Pan American Sanitary Bureau served as Secretary. The terms of reference of the Committee as set forth in Resolution IV of the Seventh Meeting of the Executive Committee are as follows: THE EXECUTIVE COIV1ITTEE RESOLVES: 'To request the Director of the Pan American Sanitary Bureau to appoint a special committee to prepare a preliminary draft of rules based on those of the World Health Organization, to be considered by the Executive Committee at its next Meeting and submitted afterwards to the Directing Council for its aporoval.1" The Committee made a detailed study of the staff regulations and rules of the World Health Organization and a study of the present practices of the Bureau. The Special Committee presents herewith its first report to the Eighth Meeting of the Executive Committee to be convened in Lima, Peru, October 3, 1949. The report recommends certain modifications of the regulations and rules which are considered desirable or necessary to adopt them to the needs of the Pan American Sanitary Organization, and in- cludes, as well, requests for the Director to make certain fur- ther studies and report to the Special Committee. The Special Committee will make a further report to the Executive Committee on the basis of its consideration of the Director's reports. There are appended herewith the Staff Regulations and Rules of the World Health Organization with the modifications recommended at this time by the Special Committee. - 2 - With respect to the Staff Regulations, the only modifications deemed necessary,. in addition to changes in organizational and functional titles, relate to Regulations 4, 20, 27, and 28, Regu- lation 4 deals with privileges and immunities and is not alto- gether applicable in its present form to the Pan American Sanitary Organization and the revision proposed is contained in the attach- ed Annex. Regulations 20, 27 and 28 are discussed below in con- nection with the relevant rules (Rules 550, 610, and 1111). The Rules which require further study and consultation before a reconmmendation is made, and which will be the subject of fur- ther consideration and report concern: A. Pension Plan (in lieu of Section 1000 and affecting Regu- lation 20 and Rules 610, 852, 853, and 1120.) The Special Committee took note of the problem involved in adoption of staff rules with particular regard to the provision of pensions. At the present time, the personnel employed by the Pan Ameri- can Sanitary Bureau participate in the pension scheme of the Pan American Union. The World Health Organization has joined the United Nations pension plan as of May 1, 1949. Study of the two plans reveals that the United Nations plan offers certain advantages to the employee over the Pan American Union plan, with particular regard to protection of orphans and widows and to the amount of retirement and disability pensions. At the same time, the United Nations plan is more expensive in that it requires a contribution by the organization of 14% of salary and by the employee of 7%, whereas the Pan American Union plan requires a contribution by the organization of 6% of salary and by the employee of 6%. The Commlittee requests the Director to consult with the Director General of the World Health Organization, with the Secretary General of the Pan American Union and with appropriate officials of the United Nations and with the Pan American Sanitary Bureau staff with a view to exploring the feasibility and desira- bility of participating in the United Nations plan. The Director is requested to present his findings and recom- mendations to the Special Committee at a meeting in Lima, prior to the meeting of the Executive Committee, October 3, 1949. Pending action by the Directing Council, it is recommended that the members of the staff continue to participate in the Pan American Union plan, Depending upon the plan finally adopted, it may become necessary to modify certain of the staff rules, the modifications depending upon the provisions of the particular plan adopted. If the United Nations plan is adopted, Rules 852 and 853 would be -3- unnecessary provisions and the retirement age would become sixty, If, however, the Pan American Union plan is adopted, the Di- recting Council would need to determine whether these rules are to be adopted, and in addition would have to provide in Regulation 20 and Rule 610 for a retirement age of sixty-five. It should be noted also that since a pension scheme is now in effect in the Pan American Sanitary Bureau, the whole of Section 1000 and Rule 1120 are not applicable, regardless of whatever decision made by the Directing Council as to the pension scheme to be adopted on a permanent basis. B. Compensation (Regulation 27 and Rule 1111) The Special Committee considered Rule 1111, which provides: "A member of the staff who is injured as a result of an accident incurred in the course of his duty or who is compelled to discontinue his employment as a result of sickness directly attributed to his work in the service of the Organization shall receive reasonable compensation. Should the staff member die in such circumstances, reasonable compensation shall be paid to his widow or such dependent as the Director-General may determine.' The Special Committee was informed that provision in this regard is at oresent made by the Pan American Sanitary Bureau through individual commercial insurance policies paid by the Bureau, and the payments in case of injury or disability are paid to the individual. In the case of the World Health Organ- ization, the Organization holds a group commercial insurance policy covering all employees and the payments are made to the Organization, which, in turn, fulfills any obligations incurred under Rule 1111.
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