I. Author Index

I. Author Index

I. Author index Adatia, R. D., Sharma, Y. B. & Vijaijaragliavan, Almén, O. see Almén, B. & Almén, O. M. R. Studies in the Gesneriaceae. I. Morphol­ Almquist, E. Ett par skånska hieracier av dansk ogy and embryology of Platystemma violoi- härkomst. 62: 101. des. 71: 25. — Vad är Hieracium auricula ß majus Wahlen­ Adsersen, H. Ombrophytum peruvianum (Balano- berg? (mit deutscher Zusammenfassung). 66: phoraceae) found in the Galåpagos Islands. 259. 76: 113. Al-Sani, N. see Fadeel, A. A. & Al-Sani, N. Afzelius, K. Some species of Pseudogynoxys from Al-Shebaz, I. A. see Al-Mayali, A.-R. A. & Al- Ecuador. 66: 233. Shebaz, I. A. Agarwal, S. see Chopra, R. N. & Agarwal, S. Amin, A. Chromosome counts of some Egyptian Ahlstrand, L. Embryology of Ursinia (Composi- plants. 72: 536. tae). 78:487. —• Seven chromosome numbers of Egyptian — Embryology of Arctoteae-Arctotinae (Corn- plants. 72: 537. positae). 79: 109. — liequest for seeds and flower buds. 78: 387. — Embryology of Arctotideae-Gorteriinae (Com- — On the genus Launaea Cass. 78:444. positae). 79: 371. Andersson, F. Soil moisture in relation to heath — Embryology of Arctotideae-Gundeliinae (Corn- and meadow vegetation. II. Soil moisture con­ positae). 79: 377. ditions in a tall herb meadow. 63: 376. Ahmad, K. J. Cuticular and epidermal structures — Ecological studies in a Scanian woodland and in some species of Eranthemum and Pseud- meadow area, Southern Sweden. II. Plant bio­ erantbemum (Acanthaceae). 74:256. mass, primary production and turnover of Akhtar, S. see Baquar, S. R., Akhtar, S. & Hu­ organic matter. 70: 8. sain, A. — Ericson, J. Soil moisture in relation to heath — see also Baquar, S. R., Husain, A. & Akhtar, S. and meadow vegetation. I. Principles and Akram, M. see Chaudhary, S. A., Clmudharij, G. methods. 63: 257. A. & Akram, M. Andersson, L. The synflorescence of the Maran- Albertson, N. & Larsson, B. M. P. Bidrag till taceae. Organization and descriptive termin­ kännedom av Saxifraga hirculus-myren Sjö­ ology 76:39. ängens växtsamhällen. 60: 353. — Multi-layered distribution patterns and the Aldén, B. Floristic reports from the high moun­ hypothesis of rain forest refugia. 79: 185. tains of Pindhos, Greece. 76: 297. — Molau, U. The inflorescence of Calceolaria. Ali, S. I. A taxonomic study of the genus Colutea 80: 21. from Indo-Pakistan subcontinent. 59: 489. — Contributions to the genus Astragalus L. from Arekal, D., Rajeshwari, S. & Swamy, S. N. R. West Pakistan. I. Subgenera Pogonophace Contribution to the embryology of Scoparia and Astragalus. 65: 87. dulcis L. 71: 237. — Revision of the genus Vicia Linn, from West Arekal, G. D. & Nagendran, C. R. Embryo sac of Pakistan. 67: 46. Hydrobryopsis sessilis (Podostemaceae) — Al-Mayah, A.-R. A. & Al-Shebaz, I. A. Chromo­ origin, organization and significance. 75: 332. some numbers for some Leguminosae from — Ramaswamy, S. N. Embryology of Eriocaulon Iraq. 77:437. hookerianum Stapf and the systematic pos­ Almborn, 0. Studies in the lichen family Telo- ition of Eriocaulaceae. 80: 295. schistaceae. I. 63: 161. — Swamy, S. N. R. A new species of Iphigenia In memoriam. Adolf Hugo Magnusson. 64:428. Kunth, Liliaceae, from Mysore. 72: 220. — The species concept in lichen taxonomy. 65: —• see also Nagendran, C. R. & Arekal, G. D. 454. Arnell, S. Hepatics collected in the Cape Verde — Revision of some lichen genera in Southern Islands by Mr. Knut Byström. 61: 176. Africa. I. 66: 70. — Notes on South African Hepaticae. VI. 61: 400. —- Three centuries of Botany at the University of — Notes on South African Hepaticae. VII. 62:203. Lund, a short survey. 80: 451. — Hepaticae collected by Dr. O. H. Selling in Almén, B. & Almén, O. Kärlväxternas höjdgränser Central Australia, Tasmania and New Zea­ i Sulitelmafjällen. I. Växtgeografisk översikt. land in 1949. 62: 311. 59: 285. — Some hepatics new to Egypt. 63: 7. Kärlväxternas höjdgränser i Sulitelmafjäl- Arroyo, S. The genus Benthamiella (Solanaceae). len. II. Artförteckning. 59: 407. 80: 67. BOT. NOTISER GENERAL INDEX 1959-1980 1 Arvidsson—Böcher I. Author index Arvidsson, L. & Galloway, D. J. The lichen genus Wendelbo, P. Chromosome morphology in Coccocarpia in New Zealand. 79: 239. Afglianian Bellevalias. 72: 153. — Lidén, M. Galenia secunda (Aizoaceae) new to — Cytology and morphology of the genus Europe. 77: 130. Hyacinthus L. s. str. (Liliaceae). 74:297. Aryavand, A. Contribution ä l’étude cytotaxo- — see also Bothmer, R. von, Engstrand, L., Gus­ nomique de quelques angiospermes de l’lran. tafsson, M., Persson, J., Snogerup, S. & Bent­ 75: 299. zer, B. Ashour, F. M. see El-Sadek, L. M. & Ashour, F. Al. —• see also Gustafsson, M., Bentzer, B., Bothmer, Asker, S. Flora och vegetation i Malmö. 59: 257. R. von & Snogerup, S. Asmund, B. & Cronberg, G. Two new taxa of Mal- Berg, C. C. Revision of Dorstenia sect. Nothodor- lomonas (Chrysophyceae). 79:409. stenia (Moraceae). 78:53. Ayyad, M. A. A preliminary assessment of the Berggren, B. Anatomy of the phyllociades of effect of protection on the vegetation of Medi­ Phyllocladus hypophyllus. 80: 189 terranean desert ecosystems. 78:444. Berglund, B. E. Vegetationen på ön Senoren. 1. Bain, J. F. & Denford, K. E. The herbaceous Vegetationshistoria (Vegetation of the island members of the genus Cornus in NW North of Senoren. I. Vegetational history). 62:387. America. 79: 121. — Vegetation på ön Senoren. 11. Landvegetatio­ Bajpaj, N. see Nayar, B. K., Kaur, S. & Bajpaj, N. nen (Vegetation of the island of Senoren. II. Bapna, K. R. A new species of Riccia from Jodh­ The land vegetation). 63:31. pur (India). 61: 181. — Late-Quaternary records of Sanguisorba of­ Baquar, S. R., Akhtar, S. & Husain, A. Meiotic ficinalis in South-Eastern Sweden. 63: 289. chromosome numbers in some vascular plants — Vegetation på ön Senoren. III. Havsstrand­ of Indus delta. I. 65: 289. vegetationen (Vegetation of the island of — Husain, A. & Akhtar, S. Meiotic chromosome Senoren. III. The shore vegetation). 63:305. numbers in some vascular plants of Indus — Inventering av Blekinges flora 1958— 1968 — delta. II. 66: 24. resultat och metodik (Investigation of the Barker, W. F. The rediscovery of two South flora in the province of Blekinge 1958—68 — African plants and the renaming of another. results and methods). 68:287. 6 6 : 201. — see also Barth, E. K., Lima-de-Faria, A. & Barth, E. K., Lima-de-Faria, A. & Berglund, B. E. Berglund, B. E. Two 14C dates of wood samples from Rondane, Bergquist, N. O. Absorption of carbon dioxide by Norway. 80: 643. plant roots. 64: 249. Bawa, S. B. see Kapil, R. N. & Bawa, S. B. Bergström, G. see Kullenberg, B. & Bergström, G. Behnke, H.-D. Phloem ultrastructure and system­ Bhandari, M. M. & Sharma, V. S. A new Tribulus atic position of Gyrostemonaceae. 77:255. (Zygophyllaceae) from India 76: 367. — Dahlgren, R. The distribution of characters Bhandari, N. N. & Indira, K. Studies in the Visca- within an angiosperm system. 2. Sieve- ceae. IV. Embryology of Eubrachion (Ilook. et element plastids. 76: 287. Arn.) Engl. 69:'183. —- see also Goldblatt, P., Nowicke, J. W., Mabry, Bhatnagar, S. P. & Gupta, M. Morphology and T. J. & Behnke, H. D. embryology of Mimusops elengi L. 70 455. Bendz, G., Mårtensson, O. & Nilsson, E. Moss pig­ Björk, S. & Diger fehlt, G. Notes on the limnology ments. 6. On the pigmentation of Sphagnum and post-glacial development of Lake Trum­ species. 67: 345. men. 65: 305. Bentzer, B. Chromosome morphology in Aegean Björkman, I. Fvsiologiska raser av stråsädesrost populations of Leopoldia Pari. (Liliaceae). i Sverige 1958. 59: 433. 69: 457. — Experiments with cereal rusts on detached — Structural chromosome polymorphism in leaves in benzimidazole. 69: 82. diploid Leopoldia Weissii (Freyn) Freyn ex Björkqvist, I. Studium av släktet Alisma L. Några Heldr. (Liliaceae). 72: 180. uppgifter om en avvikande form. 59: 377. —- The chromosomes of Leopoldia bicolor — Kromosomtalsförhållanden inom släktet. Alis­ ma L. 61: 281. (Boiss.) Eig & Feinbr. (Liliaceae). 72:329. — Luronium natans (L.) Raf. återfunnen i Skåne. — Variation in the chromosome complement of 61: 365. Leopoldia comosa (L.) Pari. (Liliaceae) in the — Bothmer, R. von, Nilsson, Ö. & Nordenstam, Aegean (Greece). 72: 406. B. Chromosome numbers in Iberian angio- — Taxonomy, variation and evolution in rep­ sperms. 69: 271. resentatives of Leopoldia Pari. (Liliaceae) in Bliding, C. A preliminary report on some new the Southern and Central Aegean. 73: 67. Mediterranean Green Algae. 60: 172. — Karyotypes and meiosis in Leopoldia Pari. — A critical survey of European taxa in Ulvales. (Liliaceae) from the Southern and Central IL Ulva, Ulvaria, Monostroma, Kornmannia. Aegean (Greece). 74:69. 68: 535. •—- Bothmer, R. von, Engstrand, L., Gustafsson, Böcher, T. W. The chromosomes of Anemone M. & Snogerup, S. Some sources of error in Richardsoni Hook. 59: 353. the determination of arm ratios of chromo­ — A cytologically deviating west-alpine Campa­ somes. 71:65. nula of the C. rotundifolia group. 63: 113. 2 BOT. NOTISER GENERAL INDEX 1959-1980 I. Author index B öcher—Brodie — Leaf anatomy in Sporobolus rigens (Tr.) Desv. — Taeckliolmia, a new genus of Compositae (Gramineae). 72:344. from Canary Islands. 67:95. — Variation and distribution pattern in Draba — On the weed flora of Aswan, Egypt. 67: 369. sibirica (Pall.) Thell. 74: 317. — Sonchus Friesii, a new African species of — Gerastium alpinum and C. arcticum, a mature Compositae. 67: 456. polyploid complex. 77: 303. — The discovery of Medemia palm in the Nubian Bocquet, G. see Humphries, C. J., Murray, B. G., desert of Egvpt. 68: 117. Bocquet, G. & Vasudevan, K. N. — Vivi Täckhoim 75 years old. 72:281. Bohlin, B. The flower-buds of the linden. 72 : 539. — Revision systématique du genre Sonchus L. Bohm, B. A. see Gornall, R. J., Bohm, B. A. & s.l. I. Introduction et classification. 72: 287. Dahlgren, R. — Revision systématique du genre Sonchus L. Bokhari, M. II. & Wendelbo, P. On anatomy, s.l. IV. Sous-genre 1. Sonchus.

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