OF EUROPE NATUROPA Number 25 e u ro p e a n information EDITORIAL K. Roma 1 c e n tre THE PURPOSE SERVED BY CONFERENCES for OF SPECIALIST MINISTERS H. Hacourt 2 n atu re conservation THE PROTECTION OF WILDLIFE - AN ABSOLUTE NECESSITY W. Zeller 4 THE MOUNTAIN REGIONS OF EUROPE AND K. POMA I find them especially pertinent and protected areas, enjoying different THEIR ECOLOGICAL AND HUMAN POTENTIAL - Secretary of State for the Environment, constructive and because they fit so degrees of protection depending on AS EXEMPLIFIED BY THE ALPS j. Billet 8 Belgium neatly into the framework of the their function and aims, give ample Council of Europe’s characteristic proof of the importance attached, at The second European Ministerial activities. the international level, to this essen­ TOWARDS THE SETTING UP OF A EUROPEAN Conference on the Environment was tial aspect of the conservation of the held in Brussels on 23 and 24 March Following the widespread realisation natural heritage. p. Baum NETWORK OF BIOGENETIC RESERVES 11 1976, and it was my privilege to take that many environmental problems the Chair on that occasion, which could be solved only through closely In this connection it is encouraging BIOGENETIC RESERVES offered a fresh opportunity to re­concerted international and even to observe that during the course of view the progress being made on worldwide action, there has been no the Conference itself three countries IN THE NETHERLANDS J. P. Doets 16 environment questions throughout want of effort resulting in a series ofmade a real contribution by designat­ Europe and, above all, to get a clear more or less specialised international ing protected areas in their terri­ idea of what priority the governments conventions. All of them apply totories; these are to form part of a NORTHEAST SVALBARD represented at the Conference were some particular aspect of the natural network of biogenetic reserves and NATURE RESERVE T. Larsen 22 prepared to give to the defence of environment, but there is some over­ thus come into the larger context of the natural environment, i.e. the pro­lapping in their application and their the world network of biosphere tection of flora and fauna, an ever- complexity is often such as to cause reserves sponsored by Unesco. THE ITALIAN CONTRIBUTION TO THE diminishing and increasingly en­ a substantial delay in putting them COUNCIL OF EUROPE NETWORK dangered countryside. into practice. I would not contest Lastly, all these efforts to protect the their merits or the need for them, but natural heritage might accomplish OF BIOGENETIC RESERVES M.Pavan 24 Some commentators expressed sur­ I am compelled to observe that the little enough if they were not sup­ prise and even regret that in the countries which have enacted ad­ ported by a coherent system of in­ difficult economic period we are equate legal instruments enabling formation and education reaching the EUROPEAN now traversing (although economic them to accede to and ratify these largest possible audience. A genuine activity is already showing signs of HEDGEROW LANDSCAPES F. Terrassen 27 conventions without reservations arethirst for knowledge about, coupled an upturn), emphasis should again few and far between. with a keen interest in everything be placed on measures for the pres­ connected with nature and its pro­ ervation of the natural environment.This is why the resolution on the tection has been observed in the The symbol for the Council of Europe’s protection of wildlife has instructed public, and is growing stronger with nature conservation activities. But surely it was just the moment, the appropriate Council of Europe passing time. It cannot be said often when everyone was looking for new body to prepare a legal instrument enough than an enormous amount courses to follow, when so many on the conservation of wild-life and remains to be done in this field which seemingly sure values were being natural habitats in Europe which has too long been left untouched by vehemently disputed, to concentrate “ Naturopa ” is published in English, in would obviate the difficulties encoun­ the overcrowded primary and sec­ more intensely than ever before on French, in German and in Italian by the tered in the implementation of exist­ ondary curricula. European Information Centre for Nature the preparation of guidelines for aing conventions. Special attention and Conservation of the Council of Europe, precautionary ecological policy. encouragement should be accorded In this respect, a body such as the 67006 Strasbourg Cedex, France. Should not the present difficulties to comprehensive protective measures European Information Centre for Na­ really encourage us to look harder for all migratory, threatened and en­ ture Conservation, which publishes Editor responsible : Jean-Pierre Ribaut at past errors, from which we can demic species and their habitats, the periodical Naturopa, has an es­ certainly learn the most valuable Editor : Gillian Holdup through the creation of particularly sential role to play. lessons? representative reserves and the en­ Printed by : Mörstadt, Kehl, FRG It was therefore most heartening to forcement of joint conservation I should like to take this opportunity see that the Council of Europe, act­ measures designed to eliminate the to congratulate the European Infor­ Articles may be reprinted providing a ref­ PHOTOGRAPHS ing on the judicious recommen­ causes of their scarcity. mation Centre on the excellent work erence is made to the source and a copy dations of the European Committee it has been doing, with the help of sent to the Centre. The copyright of all Cover: C. Sommer/EXPLORER for the Conservation of Nature and Here is a second point which compels national agencies, for nearly ten photographs is reserved. Natural Resources and guided by a attention: I have already mentioned years now, despite its meagre re­ the important role played by parks sources. It is my most fervent wish Information concerning “ Naturopa ” or the Page 3: Rheinische Braunkohlenwerke AG Köln, Informationsabteilung/Scheu- determination to ensure the conti­ and nature reserves, which are that it may be strengthened at every European Information Centre for Nature ren. Page 4: Summ/JACANA. Page 5: Summ/JACANA; Visage/JACANA; Schramll nuity of the work put in hand at the rightly regarded as genuine instru­ level, so that it can intensify its efforts Conservation may be obtained on appli­ JACANA. Page 6: P. Baum. Page 8: Bertrand/EXPLORER (2); Gazuit/EXPLO- previous Conference (Vienna, 1973), cation to the appropriate National Agency had understood the need for this form ments for the planning of the natural on behalf of nature conservation; for (see addresses inside back cover) or to RER; G. HallolJACANA. Page 10: Bertrand/EXPLORER; Gazuit/EXPLORER. of action when drawing up the environment and natural resources. in this field it is unique, both in the the Centre itself. Page 13: P. Baum. Page 14: J. Billet (2); Strobino/JACANA; Claude Carré/ agenda for the second Conference. Council of Europe and among other JACANA; Pillods/EXPLORER; Ph. Robert/JACANA; P. Baum (3); P. Lorne/EX- The interest shown in the prepara­ international organisations. The im­ The opinions expressed in this publi­ From the many documents, reports tion of inventories of natural habitats, portance of the specific mission of PLORER; Visage/JACANA; C. Delu/EXPLORER. Page 17: KLM Aerocarto bv; cation are those of the authors and do not and conclusions of the Conference Iresearch into the carrying capacity the European Centre must be appar­ necessarily reflect the views of the Coun­ Jan van de Kam. Pages 18 and 20: Jan van de Kam. Pages 21 and 22: Thor have chosen three points appearing of natural areas subject to rec­ent to all, as was indeed confirmed cil of Europe. Larsen. Pages 24, 25 and 26: Mario Pavan. Page 29: F. Terrasson. Page 30: in the recommendations and will con­reational pressure, and the institution by the conclusions of the Brussels Gazuit/EXPLORER. fine my comments to them, because in every country of a network ofConference. The Purpose Served by Conferences of Specialist Ministers Hector HACOURT, Agronomist, Principal Administrative Officer, Division of Environment and Natural Resources, Council of Europe There are at present 9 conferences the definition of the concrete ob­ should be able to meet and state of specialist ministers*, for which jectives of the intergovernmental their views, describe experiments con­ secretarial services are provided by activities undertaken within the ducted under their direction and en­ the Council of Europe Secretariat. Council of Europe in the various deavour to find a common denomi­ The task of preparing these confer­ sectors of its Work Programme. nator, for only in this way will it be ences is normally assigned to com­ possible to harmonise national legis­ mittees of senior officials set up for We shall examine this dual function lation on a European scale and co­ the purpose, or to committees of and, with Naturopa readers in mind, ordinate the administrative measures experts working within the Council. consider objectively whether the Min­ to be applied at national and regional The ministerial conferences, which isterial Conference on the Environ­ level. are held at the invitation of the ment, which has already met on government of a member state, enjoy 2 occasions, has fulfilled the aims Conferences of specialist ministers a certain degree of autonomy, the assigned to conferences of special­ are and should remain, for top-level specialist ministers being free to ist ministers. officials, a forum in which to define choose the conference agenda; once the main lines of a common European preparations have reached a suf­ FACILITATING CONTACTS BETWEEN policy designed to serve as a guide ficiently advanced stage, however, MEMBERS OF GOVERNMENTS for the conduct of national affairs. the Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe discusses the draft The problems of contemporary society agenda and any other aspect of the are becoming increasingly complex PROVIDING ELEMENTS WHICH MAY organisation of such conferences, in and difficult to solve.
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