MASARYK UNIVERSITY BRNO FACULTY OF EDUCATION Bachelor Thesis Brno 2015 Supervisor: Ailsa Marion Randall, M.A. Author: Petr Palčík 1 MASARYK UNIVERSITY BRNO FACULTY OF EDUCATION Department of English language and literature YouTube as a source of study materials for English learners and teachers Bachelor thesis Brno 2015 Supervisor: Ailsa Marion Randall, M.A. Author: Petr Palčík Bibliography 2 PALČÍK, Petr. YouTube as a source of study materials for English learners and teachers; bachelor thesis. Brno; Masaryk University, Faculty of Education, Departement of English Language and Literature, 2016. 61 pages, 2 pages of attachment. The supervisor of the Bachelor thesis: Ailsa Marion Randall, M.A. Bibliografický záznam PALČÍK, Petr. YouTube as a source of study materials for English learners and teachers; bakalářská práce. Brno; Masarykova univerzita, Pedagogická fakulta, Katedra anglického jazyka a literatury, 2016. 61 s., 2 s. příl. Vedoucí bakalářské práce: Ailsa Marion Randall, M.A. Abstract The purpose of this thesis is research into YouTube and its influence on English learners in the 3 present day as well as its potential for English teachers. The first part of the theoretical section of the thesis aims at introducing YouTube as a popular and enormous source of information and entertainment. In this part I explain the basic functions of YouTube and it´s background. Afterwards, the thesis shows the significance of YouTube for self-learners and its strong influence on their intrinsic motivation for learning English. It also provides a number of example channels that differ between those that provide study resources intentionally and unintentionally. Finally, the thesis considers the vast variety of uses that YouTube has to offer to teachers of English. In the practical part, I further develop the idea of using YouTube for teaching English by creating a private YouTube channel. I have recorded and uploaded several sample videos, that can serve as teaching materials for English teachers. Anotace Cílem této práce je výzkum internetové stránky YouTube a jejího vlivu na studenty anglického jazyka a potenciálu, jež skýtá pro učitele anglického jazyka. První část teoretické sekce se zaměřuje na představení stránky YouTube jakožto populárního a bohatého zdroje informací a zábavy. Tato část vysvětluje základní funkce stránky YouTube a pozadí jejího vzniku. Dále se tato práce zaměřuje na význam stránky YouTube pro samouky a jejího silného vlivu na jejich vnitřní motivaci pro studium anglického jazyka. Rovněž se zde nachází řada exemplárních kanálů, které se rozlišují na ty, jež poskytují studijní materiály intencionálně a na ty, které je poskytují neintencionálně. Závěrem tato práce zkoumá řadu možností uplatnění stránky YouTube pro učitele anglického jazyka. Praktická část dále rozvíjí myšlenku využití stránky YouTube pro učitele anglického jazyka prostřednictvím soukromého YouTubového kanálu, na nějž jsem nahrál několik ukázkových videí, která mohou sloužit jako studijní materiály pro učitele anglického jazyka. Keywords YouTube, youtuber, channel, internet, E-learning, motivation, autonomy 4 Klíčová slova YouTube, youtuber, kanál, internet, E-learning, motivace, autonomie 5 Declaration I hereby declare that I wrote this bachelor thesis on my own and I used only the sources listed in the biblography. Prohlášení Prohlašuji, že jsem bakalářskou práci vypracoval samostatně, s využitím pouze citovaných literárních pramenů, dalších informací a zdrojů v souladu s Disciplinárním řádem pro studenty Pedagogické fakulty Masarykovy univerzity a se zákonem č. 121/2000 Sb., o právu auroském, o právech souvisejících s právem autorským a o změně některých zákonů (autorský zákon), ve znění pozdějších předpisů. In Brno 2016 Petr Palčík 6 Acknowledgement I would like to express my gratitute towards my supervisor Ailsa Marion Randall, M.A., for her kind help, support and advice throughout writing this thesis. I would also like to thank Mr. Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart for making my writing more enjoyable. Content Introduction ......................................................................................... 10 Theoretical section 7 I. What is YouTube? ............................................................................ 12 I. 1. The history of YouTube ........................................................... 12 I. 2. The people behind YouTube .................................................... 14 I. 3. YouTube channels and youtubers ............................................ 15 I. 4. Creating a profile and following the rules ............................... 16 I. 5. Influence of YouTube on "Generation Z" ................................ 17 II. YouTube and self-learning ............................................................. 19 II. 1. Finding study materials ........................................................... 19 II. 2. Intentional and unintentional learning on YouTube ................ 20 II. 3. Sample channels ...................................................................... 21 II. 3. 1. JamesESL English Lessons ................................................... 21 II. 3. 2. Learn English with Ronnie .................................................... 22 II. 3. 3. Holmwood´s online learning ................................................. 22 II. 3. 4. Learn English with Let´s Talk ............................................... 23 II. 3. 5. TED ....................................................................................... 25 II. 3. 6. Other convenient channels .................................................... 25 II. 3. 7. Vlogs and Vines .................................................................... 26 II. 3. 8. Other videos .......................................................................... 27 III. YouTube and teaching ................................................................. 31 III. 1. Motivating students via YouTube ............................................ 31 III. 2. Supporting students autonomy via YouTube ........................... 34 III. 3. Application of youtube in lessons .......................................... 36 III. 3. 1. YouTube in conversational English lessons ….................... 36 III. 3. 2. Teaching "World Englishes" through YouTube ................... 39 III. 3.3. YouTube in non-conversational English lessons .................. 41 III. 4. Creating study materials on YouTube ...................................... 41 Practical section IV. 1. Survey of YouTube´s popularity among students of the English 8 language ............................................................................................. 43 IV. 1. 1. Questionnaire n. 1 – Learning sources ................................. 45 IV. 1. 2. Questionnaire n. 2 – YouTube .............................................. 48 IV. 2. My channel .............................................................................. 50 Conclusion ......................................................................................... 56 Introduction In the 21st century, the technologies are becoming more and more significant in everyday life and as a result, people are starting to be increasingly more dependent on these technologies. This tendency can be observed in almost every aspect of life and education is not an exception. Students all over the world cannot imagine their studies without the internet, using notebooks, tablets or smartphones during lessons is very common these days in almost every level of education. At universities, the majority of homework assignments or 9 administrational operations are done via the internet and at the same time the vast majority of information and study materials can be found on the internet. Clearly, the internet is indispensable for education nowadays. Apart from the internet´s educational use at schools, we can notice an increasing popularity of self-learning on the internet. In today´s rushed world, many people simply lack the time to spend in classes. It is far more convenient for such people to study at home and the internet allows that. There are numerous ways of learning almost any subject on the internet, from finding interesting articles and literature to purchasing online courses. Especially language learning is becoming very easy online. With the overwhelming amount of courses available anybody can study just about any language through well designed, often interactive lessons with just a few clicks. However, the internet´s use for education, mainly for language learning, is not always as obvious. Almost everybody with access to the internet uses it for spending their past time and the primary language of the internet is English. Naturally, it can prove to be rather limiting to use the internet, without the knowledge of the most elementary English vocabulary and since the most popular websites are mostly English, non-English speakers might feel the need to understand the meaning. Consequently, while facing English each time being online, it is only natural to absorb some of the vocabulary and develop certain level of understanding without showing much effort. After all, this long-term confrontation with English is one of the main reasons, why young students at elementary schools and grammar schools often tend to show better language capabilities than some of their older teachers, who had to learn English in a more traditional way. Once a non-native speaker becomes capable enough to understand English to a certain extent, it becomes much more attractive to search
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