Creative Spaces in Westminster Map Facilities Company/organisation name Address Postcode Telephone For more information Key: C = cultural and community event; E = exhibitions; F = film / photography / cinema; L = launch, fashion show, reception; M = meeting / class / workshop; P = performance; R = audition / rehearsal Large Mixed Use Spaces 1 C, M Abbey Community Centre 34 Great Smith Street SW1P 3BU 020 7222 0303 www.theabbeycentre.org.uk/venue/ 2 M, P, R Amadeus Centre 50 Shirland Road W9 2JA 020 7286 1686 www.amadeuscentre.co.uk Corporate GIS Team 3 C, E, M, R Beethoven Centre Third Avenue Queens Park W10 4LJ 020 8825 1067 www.a2dominion.co.uk/rte.asp?id=984 4 Natural History Museum contact the Arts and Culture Service - 020 7641 2498 SW7 5BD www.nhm.ac.uk/ 5 C, E, M, P, R Paddington Arts 32 Woodfield Road W9 2BE 020 7286 2722 www.paddingtonarts.org.uk/roomhire.php 6 M, P, R Royal Academy of Music Marylebone Road NW1 5HT 020 7873 7373 www.ram.ac.uk/venue-hire 21 7 E, L, M Royal College of Art Kensington Gore SW7 2EU 020 7590 4118 www.rca.ac.uk/Default.aspx?ContentID=159651&groupID=159651 8 Royal Geographical Society contact the Arts and Culture Service - 020 7641 2498 SW7 2AR www.rgs.org/HomePage.htm 9 M, R Rudolf Steiner House 35 Park Road NW1 6XT 020 7723 4400 www.rsh.anth.org.uk/pages/house_fac.html 15 10 Science Museum contact the Arts and Culture Service - 020 7641 2498 SW7 2DD www.sciencemuseum.org.uk/ 11 E, L, M, P, R Tabernacle 34-35 Powis Square W11 2AY 020 7221 9700 www.tabernaclew11.com/rooms-for-hire/ 12 Victoria & Albert Museum contact the Arts and Culture Service - 020 7641 2498 SW7 2RL www.vam.ac.uk/ d Small Mixed Use Spaces A a b o b R 13 E, M, P, R Camden People's Theatre 58-60 Hampstead Road NW1 2PY 020 7419 4841 www.cptheatre.co.uk/hire.php e ad y ia o c R 14 P Canal Café Theatre Delamere Terrace W2 6ND 020 7289 6056 www.canalcafetheatre.com/Venue.php R a o c 36 M a A 15 M, P,R Cecil Sharp House 2 Regent's Park Road NW1 7AY 020 7485 2206 www.efdss.org/front/hall-hire/hall-hire/88 a d id 16 M, P, R Cockpit Theatre Gateforth Street NW8 8EH 020 7258 2920 http://thecockpit.org.uk/hire_our_spaces a V 17 M, R Danceworks 16 Balderton Street W1K 6TN 020 7318 4100 www.danceworks.net/studio-hire 3 a le 18 C, E, M Great Western Studios 65 Alfred Road W2 5EU 020 7221 0100 www.greatwesternstudios.com/hire 59 19 M, R Marylebone Dance Studio 12 Lisson Grove NW1 6TS see website www.m-dancestudio.co.uk/index.php/book-the-studio 20 M, P, R Soho Theatre & Writers Centre 21 Dean Street W1D 3NE 020 7478 0100 www.sohotheatre.com/p6.html 56 ue 24 21 M, R The Basement Dance Studio 400 York Way N7 9LR 020 7700 7722 www.jumpanddance.com/dancestudiohire.htm 52 en P v ar 22 C, M, P,R The Drill Hall 16 Chenies Street WC1E 7EX 020 7307 5060 www.drillhall.co.uk/p4.html A k 13 in R 29 lg o 23 C, E, L, M, P, R The Hellenic Centre 16-18 Paddington Street W1U 5AS 020 7487 5060 www.helleniccentre.org/conferences.htm 50 E ad 38 31 9 24 F, M, R The Place 17 Duke's Road WC1H 9PY 020 7121 1005 www.theplace.org.uk/2261/facilities/studios.html 65 2 16 25 C, E, F, M, R The Rag Factory 16-18 Heneage Street E1 5LJ 020 7183 3048 www.ragfactory.org.uk/activities/ 57 28 6 30 26 Romanian Cultural Institute London contact the Arts and Culture Service - 020 7641 2498 SW1X 8PH www.icr-london.co.uk/ 5 27 Serpentine Gallery contact the Arts and Culture Service - 020 7641 2498 W2 3XA www.serpentinegallery.org/ 45 33 oad 19 ne R 28 C, E, M, P, R The Showroom 63 Penfold Street NW8 8PQ 0207 724 4300 www.theshowroom.org/space.html o P 22 14 yleb 23 48 63 ar o 29 C, E, M, R Westminster Enterprise Centre St. Peter's House, 59 Elgin Avenue W9 2DB 020 7266 0636 www.enterprisecentre.org.uk/rooms.html M r l 64 a Community Halls in residential estates 18 n ay 66 62 d stw 30 C, M Amberley Clubroom 10 Clearwell Drive, London, W9 2JZ 0207 245 2354 www.cwh.org.uk/tenant-services/improving-communities/halls-and-activities/ We P l 31 C, M Greenside Community Centre 24 Lilestone Street NW8 8SR 0207 245 2354 www.cwh.org.uk/tenant-services/improving-communities/halls-and-activities/ d a ark Roa c rne P s e 32 C, M Lillington Gardens Community Hall Morgan House, Tachbrook Street SW1V 2LF 07903 156 436 www.cwh.org.uk/tenant-services/improving-communities/halls-and-activities/ estbou n W e rd C, E, M, P, R Other community rooms in Westminster see the website for details 020 7245 2354 www.cwh.org.uk/tenant-services/improving-communities/halls-and-activities/ I 53 n a 20 Libraries and Archives 11 v G 51 60 x e e R e 33 C, M Church Street Library Community Space 67 Church Street NW8 8EU 020 7245 2861 www.westminster.gov.uk/services/libraries/about/facilities/room-hire/churchst/ r s e r n 58 c s 17 g e u A S e 47 34 C, M City of Westminster Archives 10 St Ann's Street SW1P 2DE 020 7641 5180 www.westminster.gov.uk/services/libraries/archives/meeting-room/ s 40 g n n s t o 35 C, M Mayfair Library 25 South Audley Street W1K 2PB 020 7641 4905 www.westminster.gov.uk/services/libraries/about/facilities/room-hire/mayfair/ L T S e t d r d 36 C, E, M St John's Wood Library 20 Circus Road NW8 6PD 020 7641 1300 [email protected] oa e r r R n r te e ra a wa t 37 C, E, M, P Westminster Reference Library 35 St Martin's Street WC2H 7HP 020 7641 5250 www.westminster.gov.uk/services/libraries/news/wrfexhibitions/ ays t 37 S c B e 35 44 Schools - evenings, weekends, holidays P a Children's centres in Westminster contact the Arts and Culture Service - 020 7641 2498 r k 54 38 C, M, P, R Paddington Academy 50 Maryland Road W9 2DR 020 7479 3900 www.paddington-academy.org.uk/about-us/view/144/ L ly a il 49 n d 39 C, M, P, R Pimlico Academy Lupus Street SW1V 3AT 07850 048 218 www.schools-plus.org/html/schools/pimlico_academy.php e ca ic W Places of worship P h ll i 40 C, E, M, R St Anne's Church, Soho 55 Dean Street W1D 6AF 020 7437 8039 www.stannes-soho.org.uk/content/room-hire a t 27 e M e h 41 C, M, R St Gabriel's Halls Churchill Gardens, Pimlico SW1V 3AA 07967 655 515 www.stgabrielshalls.org.uk/rooms.html Th a l 42 C, M, P, R, St James the Less, Westminster Thorndike Street (off Moreton Street) SW1V 2PS 020 7630 6282 www.sjtl.org/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=155&Itemid=163 l 25 ridge 43 R, P St John's, Smith Square Smith Square SW1P 3HA 020 7222 2168 www.sjss.org.uk/pages/HiringTheHall/hiringthehall.htm htsb 8 Knig 44 C, M, P, R St Martin-in-the-Fields Trafalgar Square WC2N 4JJ 020 7766 1165 http://www2.stmartin-in-the-fields.org/page/hiringspaces/spaces.html 7 lk ge Wa 45 C, F, M, P, R St Mary Magdalene Church Rowington Close W2 5TF 07973 859 995 www.st-mary-magdalene.co.uk/index_files/bookings.htm 26 Birdca et 46 C, M, P, R St Saviour Pimlico St. George’s Square SW1V 3QW 020 7834 9520 http://www.stsp.org.uk/room-hire.html tre S Private sector ria d to 47 E, F, L, M 01zero-one Hopkins Street W1F 0HS 07944 833 256 www.01zero-one.co.uk/hire.htm a ic 1 o V 10 48 C, L, M Electric Barge The Stowe Centre, 258 Harrow Road W2 5ES 020 7266 8247 www.theelectricbarge.co.uk/ R 12 43 e 34 R 49 E, F, L, M Institute of Contemporary Arts The Mall SW1Y 5AH 020 7766 1413 www.ica.org.uk/hires c a e l 50 Institute Francais contact the Arts and Culture Service - 020 7641 2498 SW7 2DT http://www.institut-francais.org.uk/ g 4 a e P 51 E, M London Print Studio 425 Harrow Road W10 4RE 020 8969 3247 www.londonprintstudio.org.uk/G6_hire.html 61 n m c 52 F, L, M, P Porchester Hall Porchester Road, Bayswater W2 5HS 020 7792 2823 www.porchesterhall.co.uk a y h S 53 C, M, R The Avenues Youth Project 3-7 Third Avenue W10 4RS 020 8969 9552 www.avenues.org.uk/ g y t n a r i W 32 e 54 E, M, L, P, R The Hospital Club 24 Endell Street, Covent Garden WC2H 9HQ 020 7170 9148 www.thehospitalclub.com/corpsite/events/ k k e c ic w t 55 C, L Westminster Boating Base 136 Grosvenor Road SW1V 3JY 020 7821 7389 www.westminsterboatingbase.co.uk/Thames-Venue.htm u ar B W Sports venues, health centres etc 42 39 56 M, R Jubilee Sports Centre Caird Street W10 4RR 020 8960 9629 www.gll.org/centre/jubilee-sports-centre.asp 41 46 57 C, M, R Little Venice Sports Centre 10 Crompton Street W2 1ND 020 7641 5111 www.westminster.gov.uk/services/leisureandculture/active/littlevenice/ 58 M, R Marshall Street Leisure Centre 15 Marshall Street W1F 7EL 020 7871 7222 www.gll.org/centre/marshall-st-leisure-centre.asp 55 59 M, R Moberly Sports and Education Centre 100 Kilburn Lane W10 4AH 020 7641 4807 www.westminster.gov.uk/services/leisureandculture/active/moberly/ 60 M, R Porchester Centre Queensway, Bayswater W2 5HS 020 7792 2823 www.gll.org/centre/porchester-centre.asp 61 M, R Queen Mother Sports Centre 223 Vauxhall Bridge Road SW1V 1EL 020 7630 5522 www.gll.org/centre/queen-mother-sports-centre.asp 62 M, R Seymour Leisure Centre Seymour Place W1H 5TJ 020 7723 8019 www.gll.org/centre/seymour-leisure-centre.asp 63 M, R The Stowe Centre - weekends only 258, Harrow Road W2 5ES 020 7266 8258 www.westbourneforum.org.uk/ Outdoor spaces 64 E Subway Gallery Joe Strummer Subway, Edgware Rd/Harrow Rd W2 1DX 07811 286 503 http://www.subwaygallery.com/ 65 P Maida Hill Piazza 421 Harrow Road W9 3ET 020 8968 5543 http://harrowroadpartnership.wordpress.com/maida-hill-market/ 66 P PaddingtonCentral Estate Management Office, 1A Sheldon Square W2 6PY 020 7266 7440 www.paddingtoncentral.co.uk P Park or open space in Westminster see website: Filming or Events in Parks apply online www.westminster.gov.uk/services/business/specialevents/parks/ 0 405 810 1,620 Meters This is not an exhaustive list - here are some useful links: Westminster Facilities Gateway www.westminstercommunityspace.co.uk This is a list of community venues and affordable spaces in or close to Westminster The Seer www.theseer.info This product includes mapping data licensed from Ordnance which can be hired by creative and cultural organisations for exhibitions, workshops, The National Federation of Artists’ Studio Providers www.nfasp.org.uk/home.php Survey with the permission of the Controller of Her Majesty's Stationery Office.
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