tH E DAVlE RECOfeD IS OLDEST *>APEfe lN bAVlE eOUNtY AN£> ClftCULATES IN 30 0F THE 4« STATES THE PAPER THAT TH e VeO^lE READ. HERE SHALL THE PRESS. THE PEOPLE’S RIGHTS MAINTAlNr UNAWEO BY INFLUENCE AND UNBRIBED BY OAOf.” VOLUMN XL. MOCKSVILLE, NORTfi CAROLINA, WEDNESDAY. AUGUST 3 . 1938 . NUMBER 2 NEWS OF LONG AGO. ScpresRooseYelt. Why Abolish Primary? Don’t Slip The Poor If Priming The Pump. Prison Without Bars. More brass than a monkey! Pre­ Many'allegations of fraud In pri­ By Bernarr MacFadden, Publisher There will be no bars, wallsa- or Wbat Was Happening In Dane sident Roosevelt has it. In his maries. throughout the state have Into Uniform. ‘ 5 Liberty Magazine . gun-toting guards at a new-state Before The New Deal Used Up speech in Kentucky, he told of the given momentum to the movement (Reidsvilie Review) We'have had many crackbrained penitentiary being constructed at to abolish the primary method of nc awful days of 1932 , when he pass, More and more, as “ prepared­ schemes foisted upon us by the Stringtown, Okla., by 4 0 0 peniten­ . Hie Alphabet, . Drowned The minating delegates. Many, who Brain -Trusters of the present ad­ ed through the state on bis honey ness” agita'ion ' begins to gain tiary trusties. Tbe inmates of tbe perhaps are sickened at abuses of ministration. Pump priming was a Hogt and Plowed Up Tbe moon trip to the White House. force, eyes turn.' to the • Civilian new institution will be entirely upon the primary law. want to return to Conservation - Corps. Those who new theory, 'Spending yourself intc Gotton and Cora. W henbesaw sightsthat have dis­ the old convention system. prosperity is an ailuring slogan, but their honoT.' Those selected for the turbed his quiet slumber through believe in increased military pre­ new prison will be serving the last (Davie Record, Aug. 5 , 1914 .) The way it appeare now and after the money has to come from some­ the six years of his rubber stamp both methods have been tried it paredness are drawn, like flies > .to­ where. that is the main difficul stages of their sentences or those T- T. Baity made a business trip administration, his years of bank­ narrows down - to a choice of two ward sugar, to the hundreds of ty. being considered for parole by the to Statesville Saturday. rupting the nation, in pump prim­ evils and that neither system ,could thousands of young .men passing The first pump-priming efforts s»a*e. Dr. J. W. Rodwell spent several ing, his liquor - selling' days, the be held up as examples of honesty. through the CCC. '- were erroneously credited by tbe ad The new dormitory for the prison days in Freensboro last week. Kentucky scene looms before him In the,convention system, candidates . Here, they reflect, is the raw ma­ ministration with helping us out of will house approximately 4 0 0 , but A number of Mocksvillians at­ again and.he hurries there 'to set are often hand pickod bv politicians. terial of armies, ready at h a n d ., the original, depression, but: it was but there will be no locks o n '’the tended the Orphans’ picnic held at his approval and blessings on a rub In the primary, candidates are often Here are young, eager fellows, an artificial stimulant, like a shot in doots, and there wiU be no fencek-'or Mooresville Thursday. ber stamp man for senator. picked but are put -over by differ* receiving- outdoor physical training the arm. There was nothing de­ other obstacles to prevent escape. ent methods. Some ofthe methods pendable about it. And tbe partial A party of Mocksvilie young peo­ The, devil neveT went back to under the supervision of. army of Prison, officials will be foremen or most frequently mentioned a re ' vot­ withdrawal of these funds has teen ple are spending some t'me camp­ fleets, learning the rudiments of supervisors. garden after be deceived Adam and ing members of the other party, blamed for tbe present depression, ing at south River. tbe discipline in the necessities of Eve, but kept clear of tbat coun­ voting absentees without their know* when in reality the cause is .due en­ When the building program .is • Miss Luna Brown left Thursday living together. Why not use this try. Now when Roosevelt got the ledge or consent or by other unlaw­ tirely to, tbe continuance of the anta­ completed the institution will ac­ for Wadesboro where she has ac- whip hand of the nation he again ful methods, by the USe of coercion material, ready at hand, as the- nu­ gonistic attitude toward business by commodate about 1 ,0 0 0 tnen. To ' cepted a position. g. saw the haunted faces of “ my and. bribery and by the shameful cleus of a'military trained . reserve? administration. be built are an administrative build­ Misses Willte and Caro Miller friends in Kentucky,” and to feed practice of buying votes, which hnB AU it would take would.be a little We will never Kbt out of the pre - ing, a laundry, dining room and spent last week with tbeir sister, these hungry children, he' imme­ become as much a Dart of primaries close-order and small arms drill to sent depression until the investors kitchen, power plant, Chapelr school Mrs.-Carl Sherril', at Mt. Ulla. diately set out to plow under the and elections as ballots themselves. convert this great body of youth who control billions of idle money building, and. several machine Miss Mattie Sterling, of Winston wheat, to kill all the hogs and cows, In discussing a candidate’s chances into a valuable military reserve. can be induced to invest in private shop;:. '' to win, the first things mentioned spent last week in town the guest and to clothe them' he began to It sounds, superfieially, attrac­ securities in preference to govern­ According to plans of Governor are how much money does he have ment bonns. of Mrs. W. H. Smith. plow under cotton and flax, pay tive. But it ought to be- resisted Marland, prisoners will go to school Mr. and Mrs. Jay Ratledge and with which to buy votes and who a* with tae last ounce of strength. Busiaess is scared, and it will con­ men not to raise sugar cane and mong bis supporters and workers about four hours daily and will then Mrs..N. T, Andersen, of Calahaln, The key. to the’ reason why this tinue in this'same attitude as long as beets, so they would not g> t used can “control” votes. the government-supports socialistic work at agricultural and industrial spent Friday in Charlotte. plan won’t do was unwittingly ut­ to eating sugar and candy. He al­ It is true' that elections laws in legislation that denies business vocations on the prison grounds .7 - Miss Addie Caudell, of Robeson so promised every man a job. This North Carolina need a sweeping re­ tered by Maj. Gen. Hugh Drum in leaders their ,rights as Amrricao The structure -is bieing built oounty is visiting relatives and be has kept, for it is a job to keep vision and that the- late Attorney a message to CCC boys in the Chi­ citizens, under the supervision of a special friends in Mocksville. up with the new places of bread­ General Brumoiit /once said ' that cago area. General Drum said: We bad the N RA. which original­ co;umittee oppomted l>y Governor ' Miss Sallie Hunter, of Charlotte, lines, PWA work jobs and the rest North Carolina has tbe worst elec­ “Enroiles come from all walks of ly promised to put five million peo­ Marshall to reform the state’s pen­ who has been tbe guest of Mrs. D. of the procedures under the new tion laws in the country. American life ...” ple to work in a few months, but al system. Dr. Henry G. Bennettt F. Craver for some time left Thurs­ pump priming system. Perhaps the election laws need ISto, general, enroiles come trom tbis proved to be little more than a president of Oklahoma A. and M. making over but as a matter of fact fanciful dream. There-were manv day for her home. He now claims he has a right to only one walk in American life. College, is head of tbe committee. laws as they now stand have been other wild, fantastic plans for bring­ . Rev. D. F. Carverreturned Mon­ to campaign for his rubber stamp That is the all-too-great stratum day from King’s Mountain, where never been strictly observed. Some which has been unable to -find a ing artificial prosperity, but . about men. This is true. His ten-car the niost crackbrained of all was the Lower Prices. he went Sntnrday to assist in dedi­ are of the opinion tbat tbe laws, in­ place In' the “regular” economy of train dragging over the country cluding the primary system, should idea that you can bring- prosperity The big steel co npanies of tbis cating a church. the country. Tbe. CCC enrollers speaking for men whose Tecords be observed and enforced once be­ by increasing taxes countty have made an i>itcr Siinj{ Miss Ruth Butle'-, of Manila, P. are the children of need, and the won’t re-elect them. All this is fore being discarded in favor 'of un­ Doubtle9S no one will maintain and helplul move iti an effort to re­ I., is spending two weeks in this sons of necessity. paid for by the taxpayer’s money tried measures. that such a miicle can be accoir vive normal business conditions by city, the guest of Mrs.
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