20—MANCHESTER HERALD, Friday, Nov. 23, 1990 / Bridge SATURDAY Angling for by East, declarer's last diamond was ** </ rA Specioli^ NORTH U -23-S 0 ruffed with dummy’s queen of hearts, ♦ A843 a favorable lead making the game contract. YQ 8 5 Wasn’t it dangerous for South to bid ♦ 7 4 spades? What if North raised to four ♦ Q97 4 By James Jacoby FEATURES INSIDE TREE SERVICE/ CARPENTRY/ spades? That should not be possible in HanrhTHtrr EAST Suppose you held the South cards a well-ordered partnership. When a PRUNING REMODELING WEST major suit is supported, a new suit bid ♦ Q7 e K to 9 6 5 and opened one heart in third position. V4 3 Y J 9 When North raised you to two hearts, as a game-try may well be an artifi­ JAN'S NOW AVAILABLE TV listings grids /Pages 12,13 ♦ K J to 8 6 ♦ 5 2 what would you do? Perhaps you cial bid. North could raise spades very ♦ K J 10 3 properly but should not leap beyond HAWKES TREE SERVICE F. YOUNG VI^EIGLE'S PAINTING CO. FOR INDOOR WORK ♦ A652 would go right to four hearts, or may­ Whats Buclwt, kuck & chipper. .Quality work at a Lmn S UndKWM Ciar*, All Ywd be you would mention your diamond the four-heart level. Social and Seniors news /Page 5 REMODELING tilaintwuno*, noloriling. Hoo»« .SOUTH Stump removol. Free reasonable pricel I also held the South cards in Gene­ ★ Expert Craftsmanship CiMnIng, DrivwMr< Sm M, Odd Jotx. 4>.l 2 suit. Who knows? Anything could be . estimates. Special Interior & Exterior ATnmHtndyVromtn Y A K to 7 6 2 right. The great Brazilian world va. My partner responded one spade to A Decks Religion update /Page 6 News oottsidefatton lor elderly and Free Estimates FrwEerSwW ♦ AQ93 champion Gabriel Chagas, playing in my one-heart opening. So I bid dia­ ★ Window Replacement handicapped Call Brian Welgle Call 569-2401 monds, partner supported hearts, and ♦ 8 the World Mixed Pair Championship Weekend Edition 647-7553 ■k Vinyl Siding (Alcoa) 645-8912 in Geneva last September, bid two eventually we reached the heart Children’s games /Page 6 ★ Roofs Vulnerable: Kast-West game. Without the favorable diamond Dealer: North spades. His partner raised him to Nov. 24,1990 ■k Rac Rooms HEATING/ three spades, and he bid four hearts. lead, nine tricks were the limit for the Reader’s forum /Page 4 k Senior Discount hand. Wall Papering and Painting PLUMBING South West North East How well did that work? Just fine, MASONRY k Licertsed, Insured Pas-s Pass since West led a diamond right into the i : Free Estimates 30 years Experience James Jacoby's books “Jacoby on Bridge" and 1 r f’ass 2 Y Pass A-Q. Eventually Chagas ruffed a third “Jacoby on Card Games " (written with his father, Germany to help Serving Manchester lor Insurance, References and 2 ♦ Pass 3 ♦ Pass diamond with dummy’s eight of the late Oswald Jacoby) are now available at Over 18 YearsI 4 Y All pass bookstores. Both are published by Pharos Books. solve food crisis K t R Masonry - Brick, stone,' ' Free Estimates NO JOB TOO SMALL hearts. Although that was overruffed Voted 1990 New England Newspaper of the Year concrete, path's and chimney repair. 6 4 3 -6 7 7 4 tnstant Service/Free Estimates Ybur Hometown Newspaper Newsstand Prlqe: 35 Cents j BONN, Germany (AP) Fitleon years experience. Fuly Insured. MARTY MATTSSON Opening lead: ♦ 10 Bath/Kitchen Remodeling Germany on Friday rejected License «S2364a 649-4431 One Call Does It All For Intormallon on my businoss cal U.S. claims that the Soviet CUSTOM QUALITY 30 Years Experience 32 APARTMENTS FOR 87 HISC. FOR SALE B1 CARS FOR SALE 91 CARS FOR SALE Banar Businaas Buaau. Begislarad One stop Improvements. Union has sufficient food sup­ nrlth ConaumarPmlacUon. M&M Plumbing & Heating RENT Framing to Painting. NAM E YOUR JUNK CARS-Towod free. plies this year, and said it will V Cal 569-7671 649-2871 END R O L L S , Call Joey, 528-1990. S ch aller send experts to Moscow next Licensed & Insured. OWN PRICE ~ MANCHESTER-2 Quality Call Dave Adamick 27 V," W idth - 509 Need title. Army puts freeze on active personnel week to try to resolve distribu­ Father and son painting, BedroomDVUiuviiM flat,lieu, 1stla i floor. Pre-Owned Autos lor a free quote. Installation and Replacement Bathroom. Fully ap-ap 13" w id th " 2 for 509 OLDSMOBILE-1976 tion problems. WATERPROOFING papering, removal. Newsprint end rolls can be Value Priced 6 4 5 - 6 5 2 3 _ ofOil.Ga.s&Electnc plianced kitchen. Ailir Omega, 6 cylinder, 4- By ROBERT BURNS definitely. military schools. between 1,000 and 1,500 people per said. There have been dire predic­ conditioned. Basement, picked up at the Manchester door, air. Runs good. USED CAR BEST BUYS! Also today, the Marine Corps dis­ 5 2 8 -5 0 1 5 •V; ...LffHeaters Herald ONLY before 11 a.m. $8,69S The Associated Press The decision, approved Friday by The cancellation of holiday vaca­ month, said an Army officid who tions of what the winter holds in storage, garage. $500. 742-1687. 1988 Mercury Cougar ■W'liim Air Furnaces Monday through Thursday. Loaded Defense Secretary Dick Cheney, is tions will affect 22 Army institu­ discussed the measures on condition closed that it invoked a measure on store for the Soviet people and Rick's Handyman and Central location. Close WET BASEMENTS? •BoSets PLYMOUTH-1973 Gold 1988 Hundal QLS $4,995 an extraordinary move that will tions, not including the West Point, he not be identified. Nov. 8 that means as many as fears that food shortages could Carpentry to stores. Immediate 5 Speed, Air, Sunroof WASHINGTON — The Army, Hatchways. toundUtion cracks, Wilson Oil Company Duster, air, power N.Y., military academy. Included The combination of measures is 12,000 Marines, both regular and worsen long-standing tensions ■ftomodcling & Ropairs occupancy. $650/mon- steering, slant 6. Runs 1984 Toyota Calica $4,995 facing a possible manpower squeeze upset the plans and expectations of sump pumps, tie anns. gravity Attcs, basoments. yards cleaned NOWS 6466393 ____ th plus security and AMTFM, Clean many Army soldiers, including are seven basic training posts such designed to keep the Army at the reserve, could be prevented from and lead to widespread civil un­ 88 TAa SALES good. feoo. 742-1687. 1987 Olds Cutlass Sup. $7,900 in Operation Desert Shield, said -Hauima RlAllQH* deposit. 649-5678 highest possible state of readiness in leaving the service even though they toec^ and dry Afso damp­ V-8, Auto. A/C, Low Miles Friday it is keeping in uniform all those who had lined up civilian jobs as Fort Jackson, S.C., and advanced rest. •Insun..jred ^ THE TIME evenings. 1989 Lincoln Town Car $18,000 case additional reinforcements are were due to retire or end their ser­ In a meeting with reporters ness prctfrg of oc'iicrels walls •FREE ESTIMATES CRAFTS AND TAG soldiers and officers who had in anticipation of retiring or who training centers such as the artillery CARDINAL Signature Series. Like New vice obligations. Unlike the Army, and Boors. Chin-.nev clean outs, 646-1948 SALE-Saturday, 11/24, planned to leave the service. had planned to enter college after school at Fort Sill, Okla., the in­ needed in the Persian Gulf crisis, the Friday, government spokesman ® TO BUY! MISCELLANEOUS 9am-3pm. Spencer Vil- 1967 Buick Park Avenua $9,800 the Marines will not apply the slono walls, and cortcrete repairs. BUICK, INC V-6. Full Power. Leather The move, marking the first such comleting their enlistments. fantry training post at Fort Benning, official said. Dieter Vogel underscored SERVICES lage 6oCommunit Hall. 1987 Acura Legend Sad. $13,900 measure service-wide, said Maj. Over 40 years experienced. Seri 34 HOMES FOR RENT 1990 Bukk Skylark freeze of Army personnel lists since The Army also said it is freezing Ga., and the personnel, administra­ “I’ve got an unprecedented Bonn’s view that food ship­ KITCHEN & BATH 5 2 Pascal .ane. V-6, Auto, Full Power 1969 BuIckSlyhawk VA80 tion and finance school at Fort Ben­ deployment under way in Saudi Nancy J. LaLuntas, a spokeswoman ments and other aid to Moscow ior dtiren rBscounls. MANCHESTER-3 Manchester. 1988 Acura Integra 3 Dr. $11,900 the all-volunteer services were indefinitely all transfers of soldiers REMODELING REMODELING 1989 Cavaier Crxipe $7485 5 S |^., A/C, Sunroof, SE from overseas to bases in the United jamin Harrsion, Ind., said Army Arabia,” which required the Army at Maine Corps headquarters. this year were absolutely essen­ Albert Zuccaro Bedroom, 2 bath 1969 Buick Riviera $14480 created in 1973, will mean that From the smallest repair to the D PROFESSIONAL CAR CLEANING 1987 Acura Integra 5 Dr. $7,900 spokewoman Capt. Barbara Good- leadership to take the exuome step The Marines also announced tial. largest renovation, wo will do a duplex. $765 plus 1969 Honda Accord LX $13480 about 5,500 people per month who States, and it is cancelling the tradi­ Butting, Waxing, 91 CARS FOR SALE Auto, PS, PB, AIWFM Stereo Waterproofing utilities. 12/1 1966 Buick Skylark $7485 1987 Chrysler Lebaron $6,600 tional Christmas vacation period for no. of preventing soldiers and officers “According to our knowledge, oomplote job. LET US HELP tmedor Shampooing, otherwise would have left the ser­ Visit our beautiful showroom or occupancy. 645-7717. BUICK- 1978 Station 1968 Chev Cavalier $6490 Cpe., Auto, A/C, PS, PB The freeze on transfers will affect from leaving the service, the official Please see ARMY, page 8.
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