I ~ kOIIUT L snnwooo LOUJSIIIDWNUJW ,.._.. , b n . rWt , _ _.," FRANKLIN D. ROOSEVELT ,__ GlACI G. tuU.Y MEMORIAL FOUNDATION ._,.,~u c• -·· 1/.N JNt C•••htu s-, CH.W.U .. MDaJ.AM c;;r:oace 1. At.u:-f HINIY WOaOIN'nf.AU, fl. ,,.,.,,_, C4ooir•••, AJ•II~r1 C.••hrff 1HJIJifll 110 UGHTE!NTH $1'Jli&T, N . W. 'IV ASHINGTON 6, D. C. April 29, 1947 111oo ~ o.nd I both are doopl.T l.Ddobted to Y"" tor y....r thOU&ilt­ fulnooo in ooodiJli to llr. llorgontho.u for tho l1bro.r7 of the Wuh1ngton of fico of tho Foundation the coYOr pre~~ontecl by tho T-.dco.l o.nd Vooat10Dal HJ.ib Sobool of Pa teroon !lew Joro-r Stup Club, wbiob boo.ro y....r autograph w>dor the dato of April 12, 1947. At tho proaant tiae there aro """"'"' l1a1tat1ona of apaco 011 wbo.t we can do in our ofticoa 111 Waah1ngt011 , but 111ao '1\ll.}T o.nd I o.ro 111 coaplote agreomo.ot that we should han th1o oonr fruod u tho one rop,...ontat1011 111 thio ortico of tho Preoidont' a 11J'Nt hobb)'. llo aro aloo excooding}T o.oJtiO\LO to ha.,. you c ... to aoo uo. Wo aro roao.-.ing =tU after 7<nr rta1t O.J:V' dotorw.l.nation of llbo.t to do about tho eventual docoratioo of tho off1coo. I bopo you will lil<o tho color oob- ( that •u 1opoeod on u• b)' the o...,..ro of tho building) 1 tbo.t 10U will lil<o the carpets and tho f.'urn1 turo that Ilia a ~ bought (not 00 101ob ... ronoc­ tioo of her own tute, but o.o tho exproaaion of wbo.t abe could got no~o) J and I a111 quite oure you rtll. lil<e our rather pleo.oo.ot locat1011 111 Ei gbto.nth Street. ' .- ~ :.. ··- Thoro 1e one' r o. tber lergo offico 111 wh1ob I bo.... W¥ doolt o.od 111 IIIIich thoro will be a tablo for d1roctora' -t o.od coooo.ittoo Motillgo. We th1ol< wo would lil<o to ban a roprnduction color of tho So.li obury por- tra1 t for that roc-, ond aloo a Jo Da rtdoon 111eo ~ alreaey hu got for of tho othor ...,... the two Shouoo.toff portraits, and wo aloo are go to bane up tho D-DoJ Prayer. 'l'bat 1o about ao tar ao ... o &o until 10\l bno a cbo.oco to c011e down here, .t..it ua, aDd adrt.e u O.or aDC! abon oll th1a, ll1.oo '1'11117 JolAI .. 1a a cordial. larl­ taUGA to aako thb otfica TOUT h•clquar'WrO 11bo...,.r 7011 ara 1a ~. 11b1cb •• bopo will bo oft.on. llo rlll l.rT 1.0 4o noqthlac wa - \o halp 70U. rit.b aecreu.r-Ul and t4l.e~OD1c au1at.&ftee &ad, to tha ut.t. tl:at. .. an able to reetraiD our-aU•"• keep au.t. ot JtAlr ..,.. Mr o. f ronkllc D. RoooOOT&lt 29 'luhlacton Squara Woot Me• Io.rt, ••• York J ·: -..r• ·~ tnp ~~lin~~·' ' ·• ~~~ ••e ~ ..... 11-.. Jla7 2h, 1947 )Ire , FranlUin D. RooseTelt .t.partll8nt 15-A 29 11'&8~tCXI SQuaH, w.. t New York 11, N. y, Dtar lire, Rooenelt 1 Thoee ot your papere which )'011 h8Ye thwl tar tiU'IWd Oftr to t he Libra....,. are not open tor public inepectian, You fllq be ueured that in accordance With your letter ot llq 16, the til.ee ot 7oar corresponde.nce and those ot :JOUl' two aecretariee durin& :JOUl' yean in the 'lbite Houae (sOlD& ot which w do not heft u T&t) Will not be Mde anilable to the Pllblic without further OCXI&ultatiCXI with 7ou, In your letter )'OU .mtiCXI ml.T your 11h1te H011se papere and indicate you do not wieh tl- opened now. I wou.ld like to aruael't tbat. you gift cone1deret1on to detenllining juet how lena ;rou would WUit tbie reetr1ct1on to be entorced and alao wbet.her you hew ~ w1abea ncard1nc other ot your pspere 70u are ..,.,1ng to the tibrary, .t.a 70U ~. the Joint Resolution establiahing the L1bra17 places UpCXI tbe .lrcbi...ut. tbe r ..ponaib1lit7 tor pr.. or1binc recuJ.ationa aowmin& tbe ue ot -t.erial. in the L1br&J7. It 1a illlportaut, howner, tor b1a to know under what conditions a donor whhes to preaent papere to it, We at the L1br&J7 are exoeec11n&l¥ anxioue to be ot aerrtoe ~J<.... to :you and ;you fllq be .ure t.bet nery ettort Will be _. to bonor &ZIT request ;you .an. I should tell )'all that a great~ ot 'fOGr papera - ~~ are not :yet arranpd and •- are etUl 1n their ortpnal oontai.Dan. ~~_.~ They haw not be.! • tad.ied to det&1'111Da tbeir conteuta which 18 a at.epl>P{ neoe.. ary before Ml!:ing &lJ¥ ot t.ba &ftilable to the pablio. For t.bna reuona and becauae ot 'fOGr a~m w1ebea, I wou.ld regard it u w.iN to 1 pend.t ex..inatioa ot u- by tbe g111eral public at tbia t.S... I ~ ,..,.,. • know tlat ewn 1n Mldng t.'- aY&il8ble to people worldllc 011 t'- tor ~ 7011 at this tiM, w are in no poa1t1cm to tell wbet.ber 1ntS..te let.tera are included &IICI'Ig the uteri&la thq aicht UNo Si.Doerel;y, ~4~~ .......1 ••• ; fii!Ol'~ N OIII Or:Jn"eAU •.ne lle;r 26, 1947 Dear wre . Rooe evelt: lo r.tr . J.torgen tbau 's abaonoe, I went to tbenk you very muoh ror your letter ot llay 2lat with the enoloaocl $28.00 to tba P'ranklln D. Roosevelt ,oundat1on rroe tbe Tr1endab1p Club ot New Brita1o , Connecticut. With warm.ut greet11181, 1 : ln•eroly /S?t&O --E,.- } Mrs. P'rankl1n D. Roosevelt Vel-Kill Cottageo Hyde Perk, DUtobeaa county Now York , HAllu,..,.,Y s. tmu,.,nuw,u.r aoeD.T I. SHDWOOO cw--. &u•'"' c.-. ;n.,, FRANKLIN D. ROOSEVELT l.OIJtS IIOWNWW PllAN'K C. WA.t.KD OI.ACI G. TUUY Ct..k• .,., p,,lll, C•• •Ittu MEMORIAL FOUNDATION IAn•-IJH Snnw, G.EOI.GII L AJJ.IN OLUW L IIOUIAW C'---. N.U_, c;.• .;,, HENlY woac.,.,...u. Jll. JC)UPH'f,-- M,,L DAVID -- 810 EIGHT2ENIH STIUIET, N. W. W.uH.INGTON f, D. C. ila3' 29, 1947 Dear llra. Rooaenlt: llhilo I know the. t Ilia a ~ thanked 7au. t or t.be ""'rT baDda... colored photograph of t.be Salisbury portrait., I would l ike to aM -q t.banl<e to here. It i a -rr well fnmed ind.-d, a nd I t.biak looka quite well IIbera we baft bung it. in the orticee here. I th1ak 1t wu nr.r thau&bttul ot the Fellowship Club in tho office of the Chicago OrdDaDce Dietrict to aka the donation. We are progradng with our plaDa for t.be work of t.be Foundation, but I f ear quite dow~. I expect to be in lew York ne.n WMI< to talk with Mr. F'ranl< C. 'llalker abau.t the reeulte or hb preliaina17 rlait to the -t coast. I n the aeanU..e, llias 11)-dnor lalkar 1a .Ui.Dg for us a S"""J' of the ti)'pea of aeeberehipa in orp.ldaationa Ulat U¥ be d.-cl soa....,at siai­ lar to thie Foundation. Bot.b llr. lalker and llr. Boa-.> aCJ'Md with M t.bat •e should have such e. ractua+ report before we undertake llbat sa.. to be a neoeue.r.r revilion or the cbarter and b,r-lan or the Foundation. At the saae tiM llr. Robert D. Leicb 1a working 011 a tacW&l ~ port. or the etatus or the 'ftriau.a toreip scholarahipa and exchange pro­ feeeorahipe now 1n existence in this countr,y. We ban be., receinng a r .. appl1cat1one tor aobolarahipa, which of course cannot be acted UpGII unW we an f\lrt.ber along with our orpa1- ze.t1onal plana. You aq be interested to lcnow, howeqr, t.bat the broadcut fro111 H)'de Pe.rk on April 12 br<:Alllht in scholarehip appl1cat10118, thousb rw 1n nuaber, rroa wi d e~ ..pareted parte or the world - Miar1a, Iueoalarla, India and Chine., Chile, and of aour.. the Untted States. ~d ·~~ 70Urll V"- • 7J~.......--- ~Lou.1a Bronlow lira. P'rankl1n D. Rooaenlt Val-IU.ll Cottqe lqde Park Dutoheu Co., "•• Iork --__ .., __ .. ____, -.... o.PAIIt'TMDn' C# Sl'A'R W.wttlNCIIOh Ia repl7 ~er to Juae 3, 194'1 I!P 117 dear lin, Roo.. nlts I u -l~S., tflfr ,._ s.f-'ia a OOW til a W'­ addnee..S to t!lo B•-bl• lllu7 ....-..., Prwl.._ til \M FrazlkliD D. a-welt ....u1 r.-.u., ritll ~... •• to t he illtorDati~ eolloluaad.pa 'llla1AIIa an to bo ..t:N•a• I 11r tho r-uuCIII. tloa ot tllo atrfllrte til~ r-.~eue to ,.._w a botMI' 11114orataM•nc bot- \M , ...... til tiM 11111wt auu. u4 ..._ oomatri• til tiM -u • - til tMH ~pa. ftaN ie DO D0..S ffllr - to ... tMt \M ~ ..U M - t-. clad to ooop~~Nto ritla 7W u4 ritla tiM r_..ua 1a .._, poodblo WT ill W. wartiQ' ede&tca • ·~,_.. ~~ tin. hut' •• D. • 1 raM, 29 ...~.._ ... ,..... ,.....•. , j ~ ........ ,.. , I--·· uWia~ m, ......... ..tsU-1 .t ftf ,, , I I Mfe ......... ta.f ssfp J, . ... call a 1111., a , •• Ia rt •'• .
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