Index Glan,299 St.Veit,299 A Austrocedrus abandonment of pasture lands, 177 chilensis, lO, 147, 149, 152, 156-157, A bies, 19 159, 163-164, 167 alba,8, I 11-112, 218,298,300 avalanches,81,238 amabilis,204 responses of trees,204 lasiocarpa,125, 130, 133-134, 136, A venella 194-198,200- 204 fiexuosa,260 acclimation,3 advance regeneration,296 B advection,56 air pollution,8, 20-23, 45 bark beetles,41, 211,213, 290, 294, 296, albedo,94 298, 300, 303-304, 306 Alexandersson method,26 in mixed species stands,304 allozyme analysis,202 predators,304 Alnus,238 Beer's law,293 sinuata,204 Betula,235, 237-238 tenuifolia,204 penduta,278, 282, 284-285 alpha diversity,237 biodiversity,231,307 altitudinal variation biomass,260, 277-278, 280-286, 299- effects on species richness,231 301,303,305,307 Amazonia, 10 accumulation,300 anticyclonic patterns,56 fine roots,259-260 A rctostaphylos foliage,260, 268 uva-ursi,141 grasses,260 Argentina production,242 Bariloche,155 stand,305 Chacayal, 155 biome distributions,1 Collun-co, 155 blocking highs,56 E1 Condor, 155 bootstrap methods, 110 Esquel, 155 bootstrapping, 174 Lake Norquinco, 160 Boreas Experiment,96 Leleque, 155 browsing, 149 Patagonia,146, 149, 153,163-164 San Martfn de los Andes,155 aridity index,155, 162 C ARMA modelling,174, 178 Canada,6, 10 Artificial Neural Networks,110, 174, Alberta, 11,204 t76 Athabasca Glacier, 123 Atlantic Ocean,54 Banff,123 Atmosphere Model Intercomparison Banff National Park, 121 Project,60 British Columbia,11, 193 atmospheric coupling,225 Columbia Icefield,121,125, 129 Australia Donald,123 Tasmania,2 Golden,123 Austria Jasper, 123 320 Index Jasper National Park,121 effects on individual trees,201 Mount Athabasca, t 29 climatic reconstructions, 109 Mount Wilcox, t 29 cloudiness,56 Quebec,6, 10 in the Tropics,222 Rocky Mountains,121,123, 142 coarse woody debris Sunwapta Pass,123, 125 as evidence of higher treelines, t 23 Valemount,123 competition,3, 192 Wilcox Pass, 123 between trees,289 carbohydrate compulsory felling,209 allocation,259 constrained growth potential,293 carbon,255 convective storms,94, 96 allocation,8,256, 263 Cordilleran ice,203 assimilation,7, 191,227, 259, 262 Czech Republic,19-20, 22, 24-25, 27, 45 atmospheric pools,241 Bohemia,20, 25-26, 42-44 balance,224, 255 Brno,26, 39-40, 42-44 cycle,261 Kostelnf Myslovfi,26, 39-40 in soils,237 Mile~ovka,28-31, 33, 37-40 investment,227 Moravia, 19, 26, 42-44 reserves,179 Prague,26-31, 33 terrestrial pools,241 Studnice,35-36 carbon dioxide,3, 11, 49, 59-60, 77, 89, Svratouch,36 t 13, 119, 171,187, 241-242, 273 effects on tree growth,197 D growth stimulation,225 carboxytation,242 defoliation,141 Carpinus deforestation,98 betulus,278, 282-285 dendrochronology,99, t06, 109, 125, Cassiope 129, 147, 153 mertensiana, 141 dendroclimatology, 19, 101, 109, 125, tetra g ona, 141 147, 244 cavitation,8 dendroecology, 172, 197 cellulose dendrometers,12, 177, 187 oxygen stable isotope diameter increment,290 composition,246 diseases,7, 106 Centre of Alpine Environment in forests,9, 22, 129, 290 (Padua), 178 disturbances, 192 Chamaecyparis anthropogenic, 165 nootkatensis,204 dynamics,2 Chile,10, 147, I49 in forests,167 China on slopes,237 Daxinganling Mountains,11 regimes, 145- t 46, 160, 173 Chinook wind,6 to forest management,215 Chusquea to forests,4, 9, 11,126, 145, 149, 166, culeou, 149 191,196, 204, 209, 258, 289, 306 Cinque Torri Mountain,177 Douglass climate Andrew Ellicott,99 continental,193 downscaling,86 historical variability,100 drought,3-4, 7-8, 10, 20, 22-23, 26, 4I, maritime, 193 49-50, 102, 104-106, 116, 146, 160, mediterranean, 193 162, 164, 185, 193,218, 246, 259- climate extremes Index 321 260,262,264,274,279,282,285, forest limits, 132 290,298-300,305 forest lines Siehe treelines effects ontme growth,201 Forest Modeling Assessment from Tree- droughtstressindex,275 rings,119 forest-meadow mosaics, 192 forests E age structure, 159, 163 earthquakes, 149 Central Europe,291 ecophysiology,116, 118, 172 conversion to other landuses,94 ecosystem disturbance,218 disturbances,145, 166 ecotones,121,126, 141,147, 149, 163, dynamic mosaic, 1 171,192, 289 dynamics,276 El Nifio,10, 99 gap formation, l, 4, 8, 145-146 elevation high-altitude,191 effects on climate response of invasion of steppes, 151, 153 trees,201 management, l, 13, 21,106, 209-211, endemic populations,206 225,269, 290 ENSO,99 nutrition,2, 3 European Centre for Medium-range productivity, 118 Weather Forecasts,61, 86 resistance to change,3 evapotranspiration,274, 291-292 salvage felling,21-24, 36, 44-46, 209- extreme events 211,215,218 economic impacts,21 species composition,I, 5, 7, 277 in future climates,49 subalpine, 192 succession, 145,289-290, 296 France,8 F Alps,81-82, 84, 110 Fagus Bauges,90 sylvatica,4, 7, 218, 244, 246-247, Bourg-Saint-Maurice,84 278, 281-282, 284-285,298,300 Champsaur,90-91 Festuca, 149 Chartreuse,88-90 field capacity,275 Col de Porte,82-84 fine roots,259-260, 263 Col du Lac Blanc,82 Finland,6, 7 Devoluy,90 fire,3, 9, 129, 131,149, 165,289 Embrunais-Parpaillon,86 anthropogenic, 10 Gap,116 catastrophic, 10-11 Haut-Maurienne,88 effects of E1 Nifio,10 Les Landes,6 frequency, 10, 106, 204 Marseille, 116 in forests,41,101,122, 146, 153, 196, Mercantour,85, 87-89 204, 222 Mont Blanc,85, 87-88 in subalpine meadows,196 Ubaye,86, 90 modification of soil conditions,196 Vanoise Massif,84 regimes, 167 Vosges Mountains,8 fire scars, 152 Fraxinus flagging, 136 excelsior,278, 282, 284-285 flammability of fuel wood,9 freeze-drying,6 floods,20, 49, 81 freezing foliage mortality,260 acclimatization,5 forced felling,209 injury,5-6, 222 forest decline,218 of roots,6 322 Index tolerance,5 glaze,20-22, 25, 35, 215 frontal systems,56 Graybill frost,6, 57, 224 Donald A.,100 autumn,5, 19 grazing,129, 165,236 damage to trees,5-6, 269 greenhouse effect,20, 59, 63, 77-78 spring,5, 19 greenhouse gases,49, 59, 62, 171 tolerance:, 5, I72, 222 Gremmeniella abietina See Ascocatyx wi nter, 19 abietina frost cracking,5 groundwater frost drought, 179 oxygen isotope composition,243 frost rings, 153 growing season length,223 fuel wood,9 effects on seedling establishment, 141, fungat pathogens,22, 152 196 effects on tree growth, 197 G H gales,9, 218 game hail,20 damage to trees,22 hardening,5 gap models,289 heat injury,7 gap-phase regeneration, 145 heat waves,49 gas exchange,205 heterozygosity,202 Gaussian filtering,174-175,178 high-altitude forests, t 92 genetic variation hoar frost,35 as a cause of variation in climate Holocene,204 response,202 tree-line variations, 192 as a cause of variation in climatic warmer periods,192 response, 142 hurricanes,9, 2t 1,215 genotype,202 hydrogen stable isotope analysis, 184 geomorphology effects on vegetation,203 I Germany,9, 256, 274 Angermtinde,275-276, 280-281 ice,7 Brandenburg,260, 273 cores, 121,242 Lower Saxony,l 3 deposits,20, 22-25, 27, 29, 35-38, 45 Max Planck Institut far precipitation,93 Meteorologie,89 riming,35 Potsdam,256, 258, 275-277,280-28 l, storms,8, 21 283 lcefield Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Columbia,121,125, 129, 135 Research,274 Indonesia, 10 Solling, 13 insects,9, 21-22, 41,106, 129, 146, 290. Glacier 294, 298 Athabasca,121,123, 125, 129, 131- IPCC scenarios,273,276 132 :ps Dome. 121 typographus,290, 297 Saskatchewan, 12 t isotope studies, 12 glaciers, 121 Italy,172 advances and retreats,125, 132 Cortina d'Ampezzo, 172 Neoglacial maximum, 129 S. Vito di Cadore,178 trimlines, 131 Index 323 micro-evolutionary changes,203 J microsite Juniperus variations, 141 c'omrnunis, t 41 micro-site conditions,4 variation, 197, 202 K migration history,203 krummholz, 126, 136, 172, 221 mineral nutrition,t72 Kuo scheme,94 minimum water potential,8, 183 mitochondrial respiration, 172 models L ARPEGE,86, 89, 113, 118 Lagarostrobus ARPEGE-IFS,60-62 J?anklinii,2 atmospheric simulation,93 CENTURY,98 lake levels,100 coupled atmosphere-ecosystem,98 Lakes coupled ocean-atmosphere,60, 113 Mono,100, I03 landslides,238 CROCUS,82, 88 response of trees,204 ECHAM 1/LSG,89 landuse change,93-94, 98 ECHAM-T21,276 Larici-cembretum community, 172 FORCLIM,273 Larix FORSANA,256, 258,261 decidua,lll, 115-117, 172-173, 177- FORSKA,273-274 t79, 181,184, 186 FORSKA_P,273, 275-277, 286 tyafIii, t 97 gap,286, 289 latitudinal treelines,225 GCM,59, 81, 86, 88, 90-91,109, 191, Laurentide ice,203 255,273,276 layering,126, 134-t 35, 138 HADCM2,62 leaf area index,94, 260-261 LEAF-2,93, 98 tee cyclogenesi s,91 limited area,60 life zones,191 patch,289, 291 light,291 P|CUS,291 attenuation,293 Regional Atmospheric Modeling lightning,10, 211,213, 215 System,93 limiting factors,203 risk,294 litterfall,260 soil water,275 Little Ice Age,106, 125, 129, 131 water balance,296 logging, 129 ZELIG,291 lower forest border,103 moisture deficits, 105 Moose Lake,205 Mountain Biodiversity Project,232, 235 M mountains in GCMs,59, 191 Medieval Warm Period,106 Mountains Mediterranean,61, 111 Alps,50, 54, 56, 81, 84, 86, 89-91, circulation patterns,88 110-111, t16, 237 meristematic activity,225 Andes, 147 Mdtfio-France,61, 87, 113 Becco di Mezzodi,172 MeteoSwiss,57 Beskydy,25 methane, 171 Brdy,25 Methuselah Walk,100, 102-103, 105 Cairngorm,232 324 Index Cascade,10, 193, 195-197, 200-201 SnChetta,233-234, 237 • esk~ les,25 Nothofagus,226 Croda da Lago, 172 dombeyi, 149 Daxinganling, l 1 obtiqua,5 European Alps,172, 221,223,226 pumilio, 149 Hrub~ Jesenfk,25 nunataks,204 Jizersk6 hory,25 Krkonoge, 19, 25 Krugn6 hory, 19 0 Medicine Bow,200 orographic effects,56 Moravskoslezsk6 Beskydy, 19-20, 25 osmoregulation, 184 Olympic,191,193-194, 197-198, 202- 204 Orlick6 hory,25 P Rocky,99, 12t, 123, 142, 193, 195, Pacific high-pressure cell, 147 197, 204, 221,223 Pacific Ocean,61,99, 147 Scandes,231-232 pateoecology, t 3, 192 Sierra Nevada,103, 105, 193 paleoenvironmental case studies, 142 Sumava,19 paleo-environmental proxies, 121 Vosges,8 Palmer Drought Severity Index,201 White, 102 paludification,239 Mt.
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