- 1 - ,ProCEEDINGS OF THE FIRS'r,SESSrON,O;,,'1HE, FIRST MlZOR...\M STATE LEGISLAT,IVE ASSEM'BLY,HELD A'r-''iHE "AsSEMbLY HALL FROM 10TH . , . ' ,C, ' , MAROi 1987 TO 27th MARCH"1?87. , • 1st sitting en ,10th Ma �h, 1987 at 10 :.30 A.M • " the �, PU H.HRANG"D_:.M:.:L.A.: p�tem Speaker at Chair, Chief Minister,. 1Q;'Ministers and 27 Members were present. BUS f N E'S $ 1� oath/Affairmat.ienbY Members. 2 . Electiel) , of "Sp�aker. : 3. Election. ef Dep1.1ty �eaker. ' � , 'PU H.HAANGDAwLA : , "And if'yeu ebey,the Veice ef the PROTEM SPEAItER 'Loid your Godibedng ��,reful to' de '_ ,all:' his commandments which I Comma- , ,'ncf you this clay, the Lord your GOd wil.! set you high above all the nations efthe Eart h. And all this bl'es.sings shall come "upon Yo'll ano. ever take you, if you obey the' voiCe of the Lord, your God. Bless shall you be in the f� � eld. Blessed shall b� th�;',f.XV·it of, your body and the fruit of evour ground, and the fniit of yotirbe��t.S, ,the increase of your c::attl�, and' ·the _young of YQu;r kneading:nc:;>ugh. Bless. ed shall be " you when yeu c::oroe',' in, and blessed shall YO).l be when you go ' ' : out. I: Deuteronomy 28': 1 - 8. , , " I PU VJ\NLALNGHAKA ,s, MrPI:OtemSpe,qker, why is it that ' >i·t-heHon.Protem sPeaker ,did not sa­ ,lute the House when he entered the Hou�e�,' , . :i' 'p U H .I-1RANGDAWLA " '�'I did. Ma'y be you did not seem me PROTEM SPEAKER " while I was doing.; pU VAN'LALNGHAKA ; Mr prot,em Speaker, I was seeing you when you entered- the Heuse� but you teok your seat without saluting the House., • • • • 2/ .... , , I I • .. • ',1c • PU H.HRANGDAWLA • I salutadthe House and then took pROTEH S.l?E.�ER my seat� Let the Secreta ..ry read .the order of Governor of appointment of Protem _ Speake r. SEC RETARY :"In pursuance of sub-rule (4) of Rule 71MB the Rules of procedure' and conduct�d·:f.: Business in Mizoram Legis­ lative Assembly read with clause (1) af Article 180 of the Constituti!"'aj I Hiteswar Saikia, Q)vernor of the state Mizorarn Legislative Assembly to perform the duties of the Speaker from the commencement of the first meeting of the first Legislative Assembly of the state of Mizoram until the Speaker shall have been chosen by the said Assembly under Articles 178 of the Constitution n. Hiteswar Saikia, . Gove roor 0 f . Mizoram. PU H.HAANGDAWLA : Let the Se�reta.ry read and Order of PROTEM the protem "" SPEAKER . the Governor authorising Speaker to administer the oath to members. SEC RET A R Y : In exercise of the powers conferred by article 188 of the constitutiob� I Hiteswar Saikia, Governor of the; state 0 f Mizo ram hereby appoint Mr the state -of Mizoram Legisla­ (a.) H�Hrangdawla, a member of . tive Assembly until the Speaker is chosen by the statE: of Mizoram Legislative Assembly., and CE' Thereafter the S;Jeaker, or the Deputy Speaker under clause (2) of Article 180 of the Constitution may the person before whom the oath or affirma­ tion may be made and subscribed by the members of the state - of Mizo ram Legislative Assembly. Hiteswar Saikia, Governor of Mizo ram • ..... 3/- - 3 ... p.u H .HRANGDAWLA :. we' shall now proceeJ to the f1 ret PROTEM SPEAKER item of Business, - oath, taking by • members. The Chief Minister and his cabinet Ministers will come forst followed by members in a serial nurrber of constituencies. Let • the Secretary call the name of pU Laldenga, Chief Minister first� (the' protem Speaker administered oaths of the follow'- . ing members - 1) pci Laldenga Chie flMiniste r 2) PU .'ZJ::J rarnthanga Minister 3) pu Tawnluia Minister 4) Pu RUalchhina Minister 5) PU H.Lalruata Minister 6) PU Lal rinchhana Minister 7) PU L.Ngurchhina M�nister 8) PU R.T1anghming- Mi nister thanga --- 9) Pu Saingura Sailo Minister 10) pu Aichhinga Minister 11) pi::.Lilhlirt{'.uii Minister 12) Pu Hiphei 13) pu S.Hiate • 14) PU H .. Rammawi 15) pu F.Lalramliana 16) Pu Ki rup am Chakma' 17) pUHari Kristo Chakma 18) pu p.Lalbiaka 19) Pu P.Siarp.liana 20) PU K.Thanf:ianga 21) PU Vanlalnghaka 22) PU .Lalrinmawia 23) pu K.Vanlalauva 24) pu R.Lalawia 25) ,.pu Andrew Lalherliana 26$ pu 'ZJ::Jsiama pachuau 27) pu Vanlalngena\ 28) pu Lalkhawnghinga ' 1'; 29) pu vanlalhruaia . 30) Pu J.Thanghuama 31) pu Saikapthianga 32) Pu K.Zahungliana 33) PU LiansuaITI.a 34) pu Lal Thanhawla '. 35) pu K.L.Lianchia 36 ) pu p.C.ZOramsangliana 37) pu Rokamlova 38) pu Chawngzuala The next bmsiness-is election of �Speaker AS prescribed by the provision of sub-RUle (2) of rule 7 of: the rules of procedure and cchnduqt of Business in Mizoram Legislative Assembly, nomination paper should be submitted to the secretary Legislative Assembly at any time before 3 :. 30 on the day proceding the date fi.. for election of Speaker. The rule has been introduced in bulletin Part II NO.3 of 2�.2.1987 .. •• • 4/- -4 - There are nominatl".n r Speaker i"e. those of pu J.Thang- huama and pu Liansuama Cong (I) pu j.Thanghuama is nominated of pu Chaw ngzuala and seconded by pu R .. Lalawia while Pu Liansuama is nominated By pu p.C.z.oramsangliana and seconded by Pu Rokamlova after careful scrutiny, the two nominations a re found to be, in 0 r .. AS there are tvvo nominations, and election will be held secret ballot. The Ballot Bax will be placed on table of the House, members will aallect ballot papers from the secretary and will put the stamp against the name of the candidate of their choice inside the bomth on my left side and the ballot paper will be cash in the box. P U VANL/\.LNGHAY-.A :;. Mr Protem speaker Sir, there in no returning officer to conduct the electiono . .. The two secretaries vIill funst.ior: P ROTEt1 .�PEAKE R as returning officers. PF VANLA,LHGHAKA f1r protem Speaker Sir, who appo the returning officers ? pu H. The tvvo secretaries will funct n as returning officers ? ;?U H .HRl\NGDAlII"LA The Election is to be conducted P RO':2:;;!;�i SPEAKER the protem Speakero It is my rea- tiQn to conduct the election and no one Can challenge ito . • Mr protem S::>eaker Sir, the p SDe aker is aut ho rised to perfo rm al l the duties of the speaker before elected. How can he appo return of r to conduct Speaker is election of Speaker ? IS the::ce rule which autho�iesed him to act as returni officers ? ••• 5/- 5 "" ... \ cas I'PDTEM SPEAKER :' Now we' shall: st-s·rt ting votes. " �he' appointment 0 roer has al ready :." '.' been read, if anyone fo rgets it, " l • ':>- ' et him be excused . : (' ' �., • 1 M i protE::m Speaker, we do not forget • p U VA1'lLALNGHAKA . ':.t:,;.[ . it, we know. the·' rules thc:::-aughly no a IL;, but there is order appointing returning officer.. "",.;": · J? US�.IK;..pTHIAN:.?A • Mr Protem spe2ker, will conduct an election of) Speaker, 'Let the secretary call names of ffierTIbers to cast votes. · j?U SAlKAP'I'HIANGA • Mr Protem SG\'eaker, you Can not do .' ·.like this .. There cannot be an ele­ ction without a returning Officers. r? . There is rio (' er appoint,ing the 'protem Speaker. as re:tutning Officers. 'On the ba,pis of wh�"It rUles will you conduct the election you must riot conduct the • House like th is wihtout following any rules. · · fNf; shall now sta rt cGsting 0 f . votes,. I the. secretary will function as a ietu:rning Officer. -I · PU,SAI�THIANGA -, j '. ". " •• . Mr J?rj'Cem Speaker_"Sir, if you . .... conduct the House in violation with rilles, the election will alSo be invalid. PROTEM SPE�R : PU SI.i\KAP'IHIANGA It . is not my opinion with: what rules will you conduct the election 7 Are those roles to be found in this RUles of' procedure & Conduct of, Bu­ siness in Mizoram Legislative Assem­ bly 1 please read the Book. :PROTEM SFEAKER You,.better read it. ..' .... 6/- , 1 .' . - 6 - JPU SJUKP.PTHIANGA .• Mr Speaker Proternt there are no such rules in this book and it is because of that we would like to know with what rules you are cond­ uctingthe election. P ROTE,M SPEAKER ·• I am going to conduct it. PU NGUFCHHINA · If there is no specific rule, the IvlINISTER · p rocern Specike r is to conduct the election. 1l?U VANLALNGHAKA : Hr protem Speakerm 'that is net fair. Unless more votes' are c e s t. in our favour we cannot accept it e Conducting 0 f 'erEtcticn by a political Party is urita.lr, If, the rules of procedure & Conduct of Business in Miz0I?,ffi Legis­ 'la.tive Assembly~ t.here is no rule that the protem Spci:'lker wiL_ count votes. If' r~OTEM SPEAKER You pleased read the rules, other · wise i do not except you oppLnLo n , It is a degradation of the dignity of the House. ?"l; V,,!\N:"ALNGI-LAKA : Mr protem Speaker, that point reguires clarification. There is rules regarding appointment of re­ turning officer to conduct the el- ection of Speaker. The only rule we have is that the protem Speaker will perform the duties of the speaker until such t-l_ me a Speaker is elec~ed.
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