UAMNC AMO MOST WIOtLT CIMCVLATtO WEOU.Y MKWMPULIM WHOM COUMTJ WE8TFIELD, NEW JERSEY, THURSDAY, JULY 13, 1950 fttbUik** •rr rawreiev. Seek Funds For YMCA U«p Opw sposito Here Up To Eight More Boy* Doll Parade And Education Of The WeetfeM YMCA is (till ac- Model Show Are New Offers Received cepting appliactiont for boys be- 1-2 Million Over '49 tween the ages of 11 and If who Japanese Youths would Hke to attend the ¥ ut PlayBeld Events area ca»» teeatoa1 at Dingman's South Avenue Property Red CMM Motor Ferry in the Poeono Mountains. Cookotjto, Nature luw Reports Of Hope. To Make Good A full quota of BO boy* wiU be Corp. Natfc Driven taken under local leadership to Hike* Abo On OaPrmakM the camp from July 23 to Aug. B. Hev.Milw To Preach fcving§& Mrs. Edward Gjray, Xortor Albert Ckrene, physicil director Week'* Program YMCA Iky TownToAodi*. Corps chairaun far the V«ti*M Three year* ago Malcolm F. of th* deal YMCA, will be the At Union Service Chapter of the Aawrican Roe" bed, Magistrate's Court Clerk pragma director for the local A doll parade and a model show ttgher Croat, aas saad* an appeal for acre .promised a group of Japa- group, and he will b* attitttd by are coming features for the RveCanty) Launches the Union services for the BuswewSit* I voluntatr driven f»r tha tuiamer nese itudcnto that be would do hit other adult leader* who will be playgrounds operated by the Wett- rirtt Baptist, First Congre- i : best to make arrangenmta for neld Recreation Commiition dur. gational and First Methodist (Tim I 1 '4C •'•••''.'' Wp Depotitt in VMUUU'I financial months. Replacement* an n**d*d atlMtoa far their interest in boy* Second Period for regular drivers was art «•then to atudy in America. Today, and tacit belief in the principle* ing the sumawr months. Th**e churches i* being held each ititutlom MI, tut* W amounted at atcretary of the Japanese Bchol- Sunday Morning at 10 o'clock , |48,«U^U.tt, • fain of 13,. vacation. of the YMCA, > special attraction* are in addition Then arc cancer patients who arthip Foundation of WeetSeld, There are (till about eight place* to the regular day by day activi- Boy* HikTTo throughout the months of July 124,8*4.47 over the MM period Read it within a few hundred dol- ties at all of the grounds. • and August. Sunday the Bev. lit year, financial statements pub- must depend en the Rad Croft Mo- available to boys who would like Byt43,000 tor Corps for transportation to lar* of bringing two of these stu- to regiiUr. Parents who are in- Also on the program for the Tamaquei Today Fred E. Milu of the Metho- Ished within the part few dayi, dents to study at Upsala College coming week are cookouts tt Ta- dist Church will preach in tke «veal > New York for treatments, and oth- tereated in tending their boys are For Field Day At Omndl Meetfag er patients, familial* of veterans, in East Orange. urged to get in touch with the maque* Park and nature hikes •aptitt Church. His topic will This large inert***, alnwxt four Reed's first step after returning which wiil be held Mondays and be "Monotonie*," the final ter- lillion dollart, reflects a tontinu- who must bt taken to nearby hos- Y (We. 2-2700). Spirited W^^MifliiilM pitals for clinic treatments. to America from Japan, where he Fridays, It I* planned to have The Wdtfleld YMCA Pay Camp mon in the series on "Chris- ng trend of increased tavlngi, had served at the War Trials in similar trips on those days thru- began its second period Monday tianity and Evaryday Prob- *rlp of to»n*wn«j preawty ft* •hich have been reported by local Those who hay* tint* to give to with lem*." The topic for the boy* acent to the railroad -tatleei^ drive th* ears are asked to phone Tokyo, was to secure scholarships out the balance of the season. full complement of boyt nancial houses for the past ftw for the students. Upstla Collegt % Kids! Health Every two weeka, piiitt of caps despite the inclement weather and girls will be "Colored South avenue develop**) » ears, Mrs. Gray, We. 2-2M4, or Bed Spectacles." Special music will night when two adaitieaal Croat Headquarters, We. 2-1031, responded by granting tuition and T shirts are awarded to point There were more than 140 boy* Deposits In the three locml banln scholarships to two of them. The leader*. The second group of and staff present on the first day. be provided by the Baptist wtre received by th* Tewa i ccount for a total «f »2,»o«,783- two, Jottph Ohmi and Hatao Ka- Department Says award* will be made at the tnd This is the second of four two- choir. The people of the com- cil, With a top offer inef |4MN.f 2 of the inereaa*, while depoaita wamura, are presently enrolled at of this week. Champions of indi- week periods in which the camp munity are cordially invited the Council vottd to p^ tfcif* i the two taringi and loan aaao- Mail Receipts Keio Vnivertity in Tokyo. Both Play It Safe vidual ground tournament* .in will operate. The latt period, Aug. to attend. erty up at aKtioa Jtu> M M ation* reprewnta U,0»,S00.75 of served at interpreters during th* horseihoes and checkeri, will com- 7 to Aug. 18, it the only period in Other church** will hold Municipal . B«iUla«, vWttil .ffi K fata. Total depoaita in the War Trials. pete in the nrst half of'play for which a boy may now register. their own lenrice* during the T»..Ur.rDennUN.Uveraa( inki wen fS7,«tt,MlM com- Show Increase liomwr.^- - :»;-"•:««;,• Last February, Keed wa* sur- Give. Simple the town championship. The second and third period* are summer month*. ired wtth 13I,O*7,2M.*3 at the prised to And Ohmi portrayed in A great deal of the day time filled to capacity. MM time • year ago. Total ac- Rrport"$15,000 a March of Time film entitled Rule. For Having at the Columbus ground it spent The camp la run for the pur- ei<W it weald i*a*e IM ninti in the saving* anil loan in- Mac Arthur', Japan. Reed obtain- in tournament play and practice pose of affording boys between th* Church Sponsors ta*trtcteeag*s*tatiea ;ltutiona amount to 111,080,212.62 Gain In Year ed hit photograph from the March Healthy Summer for the toftball team*. Columbus age* of 7 and 14 a program of mean* of producing ran rnipared with $10,080,911,73 at of Time and tent it to various has a young scrippy team in both supervised recreational, aduea- nnouneement that the le same time in 1919, An increase.of $15,000 in bus!- rat available stirred t*t , ness conducted at the Westneld newt services. When a newspaper The Westneld Health Depart- to make the trip to New York in ilonal and religious activity dur- Displaced Family The National Bank of Wett- in the vicinity of Upsala printed August. .ng the summer months. It hat eat and tt the lait M*etiiic I ;ld reported a total of $1,817,140- Pott,Office in the 12 months period ment today issued a timely list of offer* ware' i^«#:ft»#*rf' I in depoaita on June 30 thii year ending June 30, compared to thethe picture and an accompanying safety health rules for young peo- In crafts the children have made been especially effective in offer- : Predbyterlaiu Greet ie«./ Tw:prlo»':)iM'=WBjSr" mpared with 16.830,776.38 in the previous year, hat been reported story in April, the junior class at ple to follow during the summer plaster statues, bracelets, pot hold- Ing boys not going away for the the college decided-to sponsor a months and added the following ers and hot pads, leaders in theentire summer, lupervised activity / Hyman Kadeth of r (49 period. The People* Bank by John H. Traynor,' postmaster, Three From Hungary hit offer was accepted, I id Trust Co, revealed d«po>itB oh Mr. Traynpr aaid the increase was fund drive to bring Joe and Mtsot warning: basketball shooting contest are: that it both helpful and meaning- to thit country "to see the Amer- "It is only natural for young Bob Gardner, William Green, Son- ful, according to the director*. better bida being ane 30 of 113,991,288.94 com- in. contrast to decreased business The Pretbyterian Church yet- day night. The htfbeet of tht; ired with $13,088,294.03 in 1949. reported by other Union County ican way of life in action." The folk to let off steam now that ny Peterson and Jim Robinaon. The program include! out-of-door irday welcomed to Westneld a tlonal•• bid*' wa* .tb* $4MN;' he Wertneld Trust Co, reported offices. ' • • . > • Upsala students in turn were aid- school is out and restrictive super- The leading point winner to farithletics, swimming, handicraft*, displaced Hungarian family who oinph ' A. Porter, KHiteeta', ! 17,813,616.83 in deposit! thii ed by citizens of East Orange and vision it no more.. Boys will be this week is Fay Robinson. Table itory telling, movies, "tent group' rrived in New York on the Gen-orney. - The o(*»er. 6fefliliiife..^^ Total receipts. here were[ approx- otheV interested individuals, and a :«r, in comparison -with $16,428,- imately $230,000, an increase of boys—and In their exuberance games and circle games are very meetings, and many other special ral S.
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