e Eat. 1868 - AP Leased Wire, AP Wirephoto, UP Leased Wire - Five Cents 18, 1951 - Vol. 85 No. 259 Chinese Army Dr. L. E. Morris Confesses Named for Mission 6 More Communist Reshuffled Stole Umbrella in 1917 To ,Visit Israel, Iran During Rain MINNEAPOLIS «PI - A tiny, Front' white-haired old woman walked Along timidly into police headquarters Leaders Arrested TOKYO (SATURDAY) (11'1- Friday and said she wanted to ~ed officers reported today that confess. Chinese veterans of the west­ "Confess what?" Detective John central Korean front had been Mcc arthy asked. pulled far back from the fighting "My crime," she said. By Federal Agents· line along the flank of the iron The little lady !!Bid that in 191'1 triangle. she was caught in a rain down­ WASIllNGTON (JP) - Six more Communist par ty leaders were The mysterious shuffle of Com­ town and took an umbrella from a arrested Friday in the fourth roundup since the supreme court upheld JIIunist armed strength in the Yon­ dry goods store, now long since the conviction of 11 top leaders in June. chon-Chorwon sector was accom­ closed. FBI Director J . Edgar Hoover said those arrested had been con­ panIed by heavy artillery and McCarthy said he didn't believe nected with Communist party ac­ motar fire. Allied officers lacked the police would want her and f IS' tivities in Pennsylvania and West an explanation, and were unable that. she should go home and for- unera ervlces Virginia. to say whether fresh troops moved get It. Among those seized was Steve up to take the place of the veter­ "Thank you, thank you," the F D L d · Nelson who was trained as a pro-­ ans. lady said. "Now it won't worry me U fessional revolutionist at the Lenin or ean wig school in Moscow. The withdrawal was the first anymore." This brought to 46 the number potential sign of a Communist re­ To Be Held in Tiffin of Communists seized. on charges ductio!) in battlefront strength of plotting the overthrow of the .i1ice the Kaesong armistice con­ services Today Funeral sl'7:vices for Dean Lewls government by force and violence Wence opened. Ludwig, 19, Tiffin farm youth who since the supreme court decision Along the rest of the front, Dr. Morris in the case of the big 11. "limited objective" attacks by the 1 of 14 Doctors For Mrs. Kabela was electrocuted on a farm near ,In addition to Nelson, the fol­ Allies met stiff and sometimes fa­ North Liberty Thursday, were lowing have been arrested in the natical resistance from soUdly en­ Dr. Lucien E. Morris. assistant Services will be at 10 a.m. still pending Friday night. The new roundup and charged with trenched Reds. professor of anesthesia in the SUI Monday at St. Wenceslaus church services will be at the Methodist violation ot the Smith act: The hardest fighting of the day college of medicine, has been for Mrs. Frank Kabela, 20, h h' Tift' William Albertson, 401, of De­ Was northwest of Yanggu, above R. R. 5, who died Thursday of .c urc 10 m. troit. He was identified as union tile Hwaehon reservoir. Tbe battle named one of 14 distinguished injuries suffered in an auto acci- Dean, the son of State Rep. G. secretary, district seven, of the be,an Thursday morning and went American and European d~ctors to dent Aug. II, near Moberly, Mo. M. Ludwig and Mrs. Ludwig of Communist party at DetrOit. He was arrested in bis car near Flat on for more than 12 hours. participate in a medical nussion to Born in Iowa City, May 4, 1931, Tiffin, dIed in an accident on the Isreal and Iran during September Mrs. Kabela, the former Leila Rock, Mich. Arter a three-hour rest, the op­ J . C. Fuhrmeister farm, eight miles and October. Jean Miller, was a graduate of Benjamin Lowell Care:lthers posin, forces went at it again. The northwest of Iowa City. Sr., of Pittsburgh. He was identi­ Allies blunted a Red attack and The mission was organized at City high school and a member of 'St. Wenceslaus church. He had been helping with the fied as Communist party treas­ counter-attacked. Friday morning the invitation of Israel and Iran Her parents are Harold T. and haying operations on the farm but urer in Western PelUlllylvania. He hand ~ hand fighting raged fo r so that medical faculties of these was arrested in Pittsburgh. some time. The battle subsided, Agnes Miller, 1120 Franklin st. was employed by Furhmeister's She was married to Frank E. James Hulse Dolsen, &5, of but at mid afternoon scattered countries might benefit through son, Lorence. Only witness to the Pittsburgh. He was identified as clashes in the area still were going exchange of scientific informa­ Kabela Sept. 21, 1950. accident was Eric Furhmeister, Western Pennsylvania representa­ In addition to her parents, Mrs. on. tion with American and European seven year-old grandson of J . C. tive of the Daily Worker, Com­ Kabela is survived by two sisters, Fuhrmeister. • In another area nearby, also doctors. munist party newspaper, and a Mildred Miller and Mrs. Grace Dean was valedictorian of his charter member of the Communist north of the reservoir, UN units The mission is sponsored joint- Boorman, and two brothers, Har­ met heavy resistance from Reds ... high school class and was the reg­ party. He was arrested at Steve old Miller Jr., and Kenneth Mil­ ular center on the Tiffin basket­ Nelsons home in Pittsburgh. entrenched on a strategic hill. The 1y by the Umtanan servIce com- ler, all of Iowa City. outcome of the engagement still mittee and the World Health or- ball team. .Andrew Rudolph Onda, 46, of Burial will be 10 the new sec­ Pittsburgh. He was arrested at his was in doubt when night fell. ganization. tion of st. Joseph's cemetery. The He was a member of the Tiffin Methodist church and the Johnson home. He was described as steel United Press Correspondent In Israel, the mission will visit rosary will be recited at 8 p.m. organizer fo r district five of the Warren Franklin reported from Tel Aviv, Haifa and J erusalem. Sunday at Beckman's. county Junior Farm bureau. Dean was born April 5, 1932, on Communist party, covering West­ the west-central front thar the Morris and eight othe~ members ern P ennsylvania. a farm adjacent to the present area in which Red troops were of the group will take part in the Ir ving Weissman, 38, N~w York shuffled stretched from Wf'st of Iranian trip which will be con­ Summer Grades Ludwig home, one mile south of city, was arrested at the New York Yonchon to northwest of Chol'\von. centrated at the University of Tiffin. public library, 42nd st. and 5th Tehran medical school. Survivit'lg are his parents, three ave. Weissman is former district The members of the mission Available Monday sisters, Phillis, Helton, Ky., Mrs. chairman of the West Virginia dis­ Genevieve Merck, Deep River, Ia., will give lectures and demonstra­ Grades for the 1951 summer trict of the Communist party and Rioting Moslems tion as well as making ward and Nona, 16, at home; and two now is assigned to national head­ session will be available beginning brothers, George, a lieutenant in Knife 6 rounds, conducting round table Monday. quarters in New York. Nelson, 47, Officers and informal discussions and act­ the airforce at Boise, Idaho, and was arrested in Philadelphia. Students in the colleges 01 liber­ Robert, 20, at home. In Battle ing as consultants to various Is­ al arts and commerce and the Warrants for the arrests were Street raeli and Iranian health agencies. Also surviving is the maternal issued by the U. S. commissioner graduate college may pick up their grandmother, Mrs. Rosa Hein, Morris received his M. D. de­ at PittsbUrgh on a complaint filed TEHRAN (JP)-Moslem fanatics grades at the registrar's office. Dawson, Nebr. knifed six policemen trying to gree from the school of medicine Students in the colleges of engin­ by an FBI agent acting upon the break up an anti-British oil na­ at Western Michigan in 1943. eering and pharmacy may get their authorization of Atty. Gen. How­ tionalization rally Friday. More After intership and residency, he grades from the offices of their INVESTIGATION ENDS ard McGrath. than a dozen leaders of the nation­ spent two yea:s in the army medi­ deans. WASHINGTON (JP) - The sen­ The six will be arraigned before alistic Fedayan Islam (Crusaders cal corps. Grades will be mailed by the ate crime investigating committee U. S. commissioners in the cities for Islam) were arrested. He came to SUI in 1949 after registrar to students who have closed out its more than a year of where the arrests occurred. About 200 demonstrators and he was a resident and instructor previously left a stamped selI­ colorful public hearings Friday scores of blue-clad police fought in anesthesia at the Wisconsin addressed envelope at the regis­ after a futile last-minute search 'a 10-minute battle on the eve of General hospital in Madison. trar's office. for two key witnesses. Hint Truce Teams • what may be the showdown ses­ sion in two weeks of negotiations over the fate of the Iranian oil May Decide On industry, which the British ran for 50 years. Heartsick Doclor ·Tells of 'Tragic Error' Sp~it Defense Lines Richard R. Stokes, the chief 01 VERMILLION, S. D., «PI -Dr. Mrs. Marjorie Stuvland, a third for prosecution appeared slim un­ Britain's cabinet mission, said Fri­ Louis F.
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