TRA[HDEWSLETTER and Traa:k5tats Vol. 19, No. 15 May 10, 1973 UNITED STATES OUTDOOR NEWS JC Relays,Fairfield, 'Calif., Feb. 24-120HH(w), Pierce(Sky­ 187-8; 5. Bessette(Conn) 186-7. JT(a), Geraci(Phil TC) 273-8 line JC) 14.0. (258-0,236-8, f, 273-8,f, p); 2. Kouvolo(unat) 257-5; 3. Sta­ JC Dual, Hayward,Calif., March2-TJ(ok), Byrd (ChabotJC) hovic (BruceTC) 238-4. DisMedR(a),Quantico 9:50.0 (Luzins 51-3¼. 1:51.7, Michael4:02.3). 4MR(b), Quantico16:45.0 (Luzins JC Dual,Woodland Hills, Calif., April 6-HJ, Miles(LBCC) 7-1. 4:08.0, Michael4:07.0); 2. William & Mary 16:49.8. Chico-Nevada,Chico, Calif., April 7-St, Brown (C) 9:03.2. TennesseeIntercollegiate, Clarksville, Tenn., May4(a)-5(b)­ BakersfieldRelays, Bakersfield, Calif., April 14-PV, Selzer LJ(a, ok), Carter(A-Peay St) 25-3½; 2. Haynes(Mid Tenn St) (GlendaleCC) 16-¼. HT, Ballway(Full JC) 181-10(JC best). 24-10¾. T J(b, ok), Haynes51-1¾; 2. McClure(Mid Tenn St) JT, Goldie(Chaffey JC) 237-8. 50-10. WaylandInvitational, Wayland,Jex., April 28-LJ(ok), Ford Dartmouth-Brown,Hanover, N.H., May 5-HT, Bartlett (B) (Tex Tech) 25-3½. 188-10. NortheasternInvitational, Boston, Mass., April 29-HT, Hall Harvard-Army,Allston, Mass.,May 5-PV, Kleiger(H) 16-8. (unat) 209-0; 2. Djerassi(NEn TC) 204-6; 3. Bessette(Conn) HT, Hughes(H) 184-1; 2. Butts (A) 183-10; 3. □ strand (A) 201-11(US age-19record). 182-11. AC, ScotchPlains, N.J., April 29-DT, Swarts(Shore AC) Princeton-Yale,Princeton, N.J., May 5-HT, Greenwood(P) 200-2; 2. Zabelski(Shore AC) 184-3. 183-9. Army 96-Manhattan58, WestPoint, N.Y., May 2-Mile, Colon CIAA, Winston-Salem,N.C., May 5-120HH(w), Adams(W­ (M-P Rico)4:01.9. T J(ok), McBryde(M) 51-9¾. Salem)14.0. NewJersey lntercollegiates, Trenton, N.J., May 2-880, Weiss SouthernIntercollegiate Conference, Atlanta, Ga.,May 5- (Monte St) 1:50.0. HT, Greenwood(Prin) 177-8. LJ(ok), Boyd (Fisk) 25-4. Tri, Kent, Ohio, May 2-HT, Accambray(Kent St-Fr) 213-9. Georgia-Auburn,Athens, Ga., May 5-SP, Griffin (Ga) 58-2. CIAA Northern Division,Petersburg, Va., May 2-120H H(nwi), Florida82-Florida State 63, Tallahassee,Fla., May 5-PV, Richardson(Hampton) 14.0. Cotton (Fla) 17-3. Texas108½-Texas A&M 40½-Rice19, Austin, Tex., May 3- Florida JC Champs,Tallahassee, Fla., May 5-LJ(ok), Brown 220(3.0),Sturgal (Tex) 20.9. 440, Lee(Tex) 46.9; 2. Dicke(R) (Lake City CC)25-½. 47.1. 120HH(6.0)-1.Lightfoot (Tex) 13.9. LJ(ok), Rogers Quad,Bowling Green, Ohio, May 5-120HH(w), Fegley(B (A&M) 24-11½; 2. Berry (Tex) 24-8. SP, Dolegiewicz(Tex-Can) GreenSt) 13.9. 61-9¼. 440R, Texas40.3 (Jackson,Sturgal, McKee, Lee). Tri, Kent, Ohio, May 5-lOO(w), Tinker (Kent St) 9.1; 2. MileR,Texas 3: 10.8 (Griffith, Goss,Lee, Sturgal); 2. TexasA&M Mason( Kent St) 9.2; 3. Fizanno(Wn Mich) 9.4; 4. Turner 3: 11.4. (Kent St) 9.4. 220(w), Tinker 2010; 2. Mason21.0. PV, Wil­ AC, Long Beach,Calif., May 4-3M, Smith (AIA) 13:55.2. liams(Wn Mich) 16-9; 2. Anderson(Wn Mich) 16-4. HT, Accam­ HT, Galle(USAF) 198-10; 2. Shuff (Ft Mac) 193-10; 3. Casey bray ( Kent St-Fr) 207-8. (Ft Mac) 180-0. MichiganState 99-Notre Dame44, EastLansing, Mich., May GoldenGate JC Conference,Pleasant Hill, Calif., May4-TJ 5-Mile, Popejoy(MS) 3:57.0 (16th performerall-time US, 11th (ok), Byrd (ChabotJC) 52-0. performerall-time college). 880, Mock ( UCTC-guest)1 :50.0. MarineCorps Relays, Quantico, Va., May4(a)-5(b) /cool with 440IH, Steele(UCTC-guest) 51.2. heavywinds/-880(a), McElroy (Viii) 1:49.9; 2. Weiss(Monte St) Michigan78-lllinois 62, Ann Arbor, Mich., May 5-880, Man• 1:50.0. Mile(b), McElroy4:09.4. St, Lucas(Geotwn AA) 9:01.0. go (I) 1:49.4; 2. Kaemerer(I) 1:49.9. 120HH(w),Murray (M­ 5000(a),McKay (Geotwn AA) 14:05.4 (13:39.6y); 2. Sink Jam) 14.0. OT, Adams(M) 178-11. MileR, Michigan3: 11.2. (NYAC) 14:09.6 (13:43.6y). 10,000(b),Sieben (Rutgers) Indiana100-Tennessee 63, Bloomington,Ind., May 5-lOO(ok), 29:50.4 (28:58.4y); 2. Misner(Fla TC) 29:54.2 (28:59.6y). Love(I) 9.4. 220(ok), Love20.7. 440, Bond (T) 46.9. 880, 4401H(a),Bruggeman (Ohio TC) 53.3; ... 3. N.Lee(Bait OC) Garrison(T) 1:50.0. Mile, 6. □ .Brown (T) 4: 14.4. St, Kelley 53.9. TJ(b, ok), McClellan(USAF) 51-¾; 2. Swan(Bermuda) (unat-guest)9:00.8; 2. Wysong(I) 9:03.0. 3M, Mandera(I) 50-8. DT(b), Swarts(Shore AC) 194-0; 2. Drescher(Spts Int) 13:44.6. PV, Sprung(T) 16-3¼. LJ(ok), Cobb(I) 24-11. 191-6. HT(b), Hall (unat) 201-6; 2. Dinneen(DC Strid-P Rico) 440R, Indiana40.7. 198-3; 3. Cramer(Springfield) 188-2; 4. Zilincar (ShoreAC) Northern Illinois Invitational, DeKalb,Ill., May 5-440, Lyles Page 141-May 1_0,1973 I (Linc) 46.6; 2. Sowerby(Murray St-Ant) 46.8. SP,Bilder (Nn (A) 50-6; 3. Peoples50-2½. SP,Semkiw (AS) 62-2½. DT, Gun­ 111)60-10¼. DT, Stoltman(Wn 111)180-1. zel (A) 194-5.JT, Hawkinson(A) 237-8. 440R, ArizonaState Missouri78-UCTC 62-Northaast Missouri State 40, Columbia, 40.2 (Wells,McCullough, Chewni~g, Peoples). Mo., May 5-880, Sparks( UCTC)1 :49.4. Mile,Wohlhuter (UC BeehiveInvitational, Logan, Utah, May 5-220(ok), Lawson TC) 4:02.6 PR. TJ(ok), Craft (UCTC)52-5½. (IdahoSt-Jam) 20.9. 440, Enyeart(Urah St) 46.4. LSU-Baylor-MississippiState, BatonRouge, La., May 5-100 MissionConference JC Champs,San Diego, Calif., May4-3M, (ok), Misher(LSU) 9.4. Sp 100(ok),Miller (B RougeTC) 9.4. Mendoza(Grossmont JC) 13:43.0(JC best). 220(ok), Misher21.0. 440, Wills (LSU) 46.5; 2. Stephens(LSU) Tri, Irvine, Calif., May 5-DT, Nilsson(Int U-Swe)178-1. 46.9. 880,Smith (LSU) 1:48.9. 120HH(ok),Shipp (Spts Int­ JC Conference,Woodland Hills, Calif.,May 5-HJ, Miles guest)13.9. 440IH, Stevens(Baylor) 51.4. LJ(ok), Brabham (LBCC)7-0. (Bay) 24-10½.440R, LSU40.7. MileR, LSU3:11.5; 2. Baylor UCLA 89-SouthernCal 55, Westwood,Calif., May 5 /65~ (Son45.3). sunny; attendance12,213/-100(6.7), Ouarrie (SC-Jam) 9.4; NortheastLouisiana Invitational, Monroe, La., May 5-JT, Al­ 2. Peppars(UCLA) 9.5; 3. McAlister(UCLA) 9.6; 4. R. Wil- len (La Tech)238-6. liams(SC) 9.6. 220(13.4),Quarrie 20.3; 2. B.Brown(UCLA) GreatPlains Conference, Pittsburg, Kans, May 5-St, Nixon 20.6; 3. Gibson(UCLA) 20.9. 440, Brown45.0 (fastestever (Pitt St) 9:00.8 (also4: 11.3n& 14:02.0). JT, Hynek(Emp St) in collegedual meet)(=11th performer,=20th performance 239-3. all-timeworld, USone-lap; 5th performance,6th performance Kansas82-Karisas State 72, Lawrence,Kans., May 5-1 OO(w), all-timeworld, US440); 2. Parks(UCLA) 46.3; 3. Randle(SC) Williams(KS) 9.2; 2. Lutz (K) 9.2. 220(w), Lutz 20.5; 2. Wil­ 46.4; 4. Gaddis(UCLA) 47.0. 880, Baxter(SC) 1:48.8; 2. Jiams20.6. 120HH(w),Vandaveer (K) 13.5; 2. Robinson(K) Burks(SC) 1:49.8. Mile, Johnson(UCLA) 4:09.1. 2M, Brown 13.6. 440IH, Bornkessel(K) 51.5; 2. Lee(KS) 51.9. HJ,Smith (SC)8:59.6. 120HH(11.6),Rich (UCLA) 13.8; 2. Jackson (K) 7-0. PV, Marrs(KS) 16-8;... nh-Porter (K). LJ(w), Seay (UCLA) 13.8. 440IH, Guerrero(UCLA) 51.4; 2. Coffman(SC) (K) 25-3½.SP, Brosius (KS) 59-11¾;2. Guevara(K) 58-3¼. 51.4. HJ, Owens(SC) 7-1; 2. Fletcher(UCLA) 7-0. PV,Traca- 440R, KansasState 40.3 (Washington,Fields, Merrill, Williams). nelli (UCLA-Fr) 17-1½. LJ(ok), McAlisterV-½ (bestever in OklahomaState 84-Southern Illinois 61, Stillwater,0 kla., collegiatedual) (6th performerall-time world; 4th performer May 5-lOO(w), Schultz(OS) 9.1; 2. Pettes(OS) 9.2. 220(w), sill-timeUS; 2nd performer,=2nd performanceall-tifTl& college) Schultz20.4; 2. Smith (SI) 20.8. Mile, Manke(OS) 4:03.0. (26-3½,27-½ (3.9], p, f, p, p); 2. Williams26-6¾ (25-4, 26-6¾, 440R, OklahomaState 40.3 (Burks,Pettes, Kurrasch, Schultz). 25-10¾,f, f, 25-11¾);3. Bendixen(UCLA-Nor) 25-3½. TJ(ok), NAIA District 8, Houston,Tex., May 5-880, Fulton (Tex Freeman(UCLA) 53-2¾(53-2¾ [0.0], f, f, p, f, 53-1); 2. Tiff Sn) 1:49.8 (also4: 13.2, 14:55.4&32:50.0). (UCLA) 52-6¾[2.7]; 3. Cochee(SC) 50-¾. SP,Schiller (UCLA) AC, El Paso,Tex., May 5-220(ok), Reid(UTEP-Trin) 20.7. 60-7½; 2. Freberg(UC LA) 58-11¼; 3. Pagel(UCLA) 58-1. DT, ~-:-✓- 440R, UTEP40.8. HT, Diehl (Ft Mac)187-6. Gordon(UCLA) 190-0; 2. Freberg(UCLA) 183-7. JT;Dow (SC) BVU83-New Mexico 65, Albuquerque,N.M., May5-T J(ok), 243-11; 2.
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