4 ST. LOUIS CHRISTIAN ADOO TE 21 L n ST JULY 1875 s- PECANSPECANS- pa ii GOODS sSt.ll LLowsi hr tian Advocate j RAILROAD TIME TABLE St. 5 k PECANSPEANUTS Per Ib 5 8 t PEANUTS J 53 1875 1875 Arrival andaud DepartureJ of Trainsins at StSt. DRIED FRUIT-APiFRUIT ApplesI s-L 5ga 7 PeachesFRUITlb POALS Per a 8 and Pacific andaDd Missouri TOBACCO Per Ibs s r 00oo Pacific Ticket Officee Horthorth TOBACCO on 7 TH J WESTERN METHODIST N O ERN FURS AND SKINS Demand THEThEt Fourth streets Depot corner Seventh and H r Demandlbs Poplar s. t-to SKINS j streetsstreetas Peractive and prices i stiff 0 1 N Y- h T Nto j TRAINS LEAVES i Y T-. I-S. B. BLEW STST. LOUIS LIVE STOCK MARKET STT LOOdl My Atlantic and Pacific Texas ExEx- WW.oW CC. JOHNSONJOHNSOH EditorEditor- B cCO Publishers S. j i L- press 9 SOp m I o NORTH FROM CHICAGO HHOGS 60 B From to oo Mf p I II jj 00 per lbsIhs r Pacifici TTexas Express pE m n 0 a JHso 6 in cago id UIL iiii uie FromHoGs 8 sad Northwestern Rail way ts the BEEF tO 6 Kansas City OmahOmaha and CaliCallCali- t f 25 jo 75 per JOO Ibslbs B EI 1 I loiteat direct from Chicagol a to Milwaukee 3 fornia ExpressI t a so in No Texan and 50 to 3 75 perr loo lbsIbs KansaKansasCity l enver Atchisonhisonf i an TWO Elvers Minneapolis1 ouk RELIGIOUSIOUS x Bttpault. PaulPeul and Omaha B p 8B A FAMILYPAMILY It LI ER t SSHEEP From to Express 0 m ana pi I NEWS aaG een naDayBay Eso MI 3 75 6 25 i Washington Accommodationf imp m fT 828 2 amau m n Rought maekekel andalIand all points north 1 Kirkwood Trains aft is the only route for HORSEHOESE MULE MARKET Leave a in p m p m rii 3AND JE Kirkwood Trains x II. q c HORSEsHORSES Plug common to extra Arrive Taa irm AUKEE Plug Kirkwood Sunday FouFondr PortFort HowardI good heavy workers choice do lle i kiLa ArriveTrain LoavesLeaves 1 00 p rn Arrives mm- MemphisM North MississippiMigs Arkansas White River Littlei I R-Rock ld O ti i L. S. MarqUette iSo Franklin SundaySunday- f koah lLiSL S Fo o i n ee. andn the heashores ofo LakLake Superior under one MULES From 75 to according to size Tram Leaves m Arrives m Mission Conferences of th-the maJ FromMULEs Indian and quality ro andannd StSt.t LouisAo Ticket l This bla thetho Only route betweenn Will be sent to subsubscribers i Pstpostage prepre- Office NorthForth Fourth street corner PinePlate I Ticket 1 t CHICAGO AND ST.T. 1 AUL Depot Sprucee Streete Ferry East St louiaLouIs j PAUL I eM EI STT OXFORD COLLEGE paid by publishers atf r following ratesi Ferr M C Via Barabooo and and is the eNONLYrr.Y tf Express p The iwen secondy-secondy-seco 4 year SEPTEMBERE 1st lud Mah t m pmm I to running Pullman Palace CarsCare between Chicago ThisThIB CoilColl ge hahll ea bu tand groundsbt Passenger tF 5 00 PIllp m 1030 am IC y an a large ma ableuble oros or and at PaulPa 1 of a andlind TeachTeach- One Subscriber One Year 50dO I ersera I1 ladies will Lintfind superior advantageses On Chicago and Alton Ticket J Ts to- on in 2 Thia the Shortest Quickest aadeadm d Best Route to AI Ticket M darnidem s an i antan 1 MuMu- Office Forthworth Fourth street cornercorricor r PiPinea StSt.t Paul and Minneapolisis s c-andc and htlit m ratsrat s. Prof Karl Me z ilieIbe Ill s ap famousandcompiler aol rateachero to TheeThree Months 75 Depot Carr Street FerryPerry East StSt. LouisLouie z A TO r Theihutrack is of the beetbeat rail eidand allaU the apap- direct SUBSCRIPTION 5 YEAR PREACHERS seI 111 tot SUBSCRIPTION YEA the MtMil Jor ir please address the PresI- l iicc. n n uth cIusclass The trains are made UDU ft irs ilease PrestPrest- Chicago Day 7 35 amsom. tf pm i dent JevRev RR. DD. 1 DD. ssUfordOxfordOO. ford Ohio 4 Keokukeo uk nBurlingtonnt Drawing Boom and il of Pullmantul Palace leepleep- l Years ulin nd Three 6 00 and Peoria Express ft 70 na ri tf 7 10 pmp so expressly i 1 CCoaches built this line luxurious M Jacksonville and iag forJorth MORAVIAN S Louisiana VIAN Sf s Mail wenw lighteddd. addaridi ww ilU ventilated Day Coaches andaud Mail p m a m P FORFORyou YOUNG L Sprin flold Accommodation t 4 45 som- wi ii To all Preacher whether laId tion P inm a m Business mnmenm n wishingtot fumo te their tradele in West Tennessee North pleasant and smoking The Cars are I Ii g nd cars TenthTenCh Tearrear come s 1 catalogue Preach Chicago Lightning Express 145f8 7 o p mso a mso o l' t. For tacky and throughout Arkansass thetise Indian Nation arearc assured that the Western Methodist ia A Q11 equipped withth bethe celcelebratedbratelJiMiller SSafe y PlatPintPIa t. admissionor jippp y to Rev l'i R. HOLLANDlt Hope ludand t B C l R mmediumchum fortoe lul erti i circulationtion inia the poucountrytry mentioned hb tug 18 than that of any otherou firsti and Ii Buffers and Couplings JunlyY Indiana Illinois Central Railroad Chicag-ogo nt advertising in ing form aed t Y v. Localoca or Travelingli g v i 25 g lOV to l tUcn s paper advadvertisingg low suitstiltt time Address the publishers Air and evevery applappi at Through Line RailroadOffice papel the times SafeySafety ad other ne that teHEADACHE credrca by BrDr KennedysKennedy's Ticket ForthNorth Fourth it ruj Ling passenger SICwJ K Immediate Ticket Depot Juts been devised for the safety of Sample Street VandaliaLineB. E. East St. LouisL uis 1 package foror Bentsent post paid upon receipt ofor tenLen B E St trul cooncents i i telegraph a- Address KonKennedydy IIA Oo Any person who will send sub- its H trains t n aJ this8 Dr J. Co No MalaMaui St. RIchmond us ten sub- Lnl' are Mm bby In worda th J St IndInti sub Express and Mai I 7 m op sat l fu tr tt5000 IIma f m t GREAT LINE hahas the bear and smoothest track and ChDubuque and ama m t a m i 3 i scribersscribers one timetithe Chicago Night Express 1 p m t a us m Sie motmo t elegant and comfortable equipment of any at one shall receive the pm t. 00 am UNCLE BOBSBOB'S LETTERS TO-TilETO TIlETHE CHILDREN Editionn. Muslin l An extremely Night Express p m t a so TilE n l goadad WestW st andnd has no competitorC for in the i E tf popularpu ar hook with theh children martymany old as as young have read and approved 53SS pcr eadtt iaIn hethe coancoan- l look well it 1lj isy s eminently theth favoritelt rOroute to 0 FAYETTE UIItU Advocate FREE for one year dl to preachers andaud the Sam pIc copy sentBent mailmall for ty It the fa the Northrth and StSt-LonisSt. Louis RailroadRailroad- discount trade pie by 81 i t Ticket OfilOffice c 1 Ut ndmd Northwest ThisThia ii a ColL-ge of first for its North FourtFourth StreetStr Depot Nort ia ge grades ce orth r AllAU railroad tktickettet agents can give you information thorough scholarship and goodnoteddi Total Spruce Street Ferry StEa t StBtt Louis this line andaud the timetune of its traine OUR CHURCHm SANDBURG nysBy SS. WW.Wl Moore DD. DD. of the MenphisMemphis COuffConference S trains expenses need not exceedt ducSessionS Day t r O a m tf 7 85 a mso 00 Edition A volume d pic ingmg Methodist Church lije Ee d delight enOn the arrivalof the trains from the East or South Night s t11457 p mtm tf 7 5 p in LmLino charming lila and Mattoon Accommodation p Inm ama mus profit lyby many pel eons percentper discount to preachers endand theibe StogieSingle copy tetOO trainsteams of the Chicago ndand Railway For catalogue full address f r twenty cent trade eave AGO asa follows tt by snailmail for five 3nn. J. WILLSoC PrPL A CHEAP PAPER Kansas and Texas Railway 12 JoJ APER MissouriOffice With monmoneymonayY for thesethene books and for the Western aro will bee promptly filledOiled Address FOR STST. PAUL ANiAND MINNEAPOLIS Two r p Ticket Walnut6StrStreetet DepoDepot through rtrainsains daily with Pullman Palace Cara at- corner Seventh and Poplar ain rB at OP C tied on both trainstr in STUDY ThThe verylow price at which the ChrisChris- KaniKani-aa Express f 8 I 80 am FOR GREEN BAY ANDAlEANDI SUPERIOR Twowo low Kansas andond Texasoxa Through 6 RR. i W BLEWW COOO. PUBLISHERS KExpress I pmmus jU p msom- daily withwi Pullman Palacel lace CarsCa attached and FIRST YEAR zantian Advocate isie pupublished places it within J TENN J NOWO MMAIN STREET MEMPHIS TENS canning through to otte Discipline Chap Ir I and 2 50 Ohio and Mississippi Railway Ticket JJ SeesSecs 2 Office and North Fourth Streett. HWWW FOftFOR MILWAUKEE through trains dallydAily Manual of the Discipline Chaps I1 and 2 ix 00oo the reach of any family or individual who lot10 t 21 Wesley'sVesley's Sermons corner Chestnut j DeptDepotricketCarr Street ParrFerryerry on night trainstratrains'nf vol i cloth 15 1 i IS 1 ast St. Louis J Ralston's St FOR and points ini Minnesota One Elements of Divinity 6 00oo I may desire to read We know no OR Divinitycloth it of Cincinnati and Louisville Day Watson'sWatsons Institutes part price corncomcom- train daily Ii com n t Pr 4 I Express 1I 7 10 am PP.m.P- mm- I FORHOR LAILAKE GENEVA FourFo i daily plete 5 oo paper of the same quality published eitherei OEVA trains Cincinnati and Louisville Night .
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