Active International Space Act Agreements by Signature Date (as of June 30, 2017) Execution NASA (Signature) Expiration No. Installation(s) Partner Name Country Title/Purpose Type of Agreement Activity Description Date Date Goddard Space Japan Aerospace Japan (JA) Geotail Scientific Satellite Program Project-Specific MOU implementing exchange of diplomatic notes 12/19/1989 12/31/2018 Flight Center Exploration Agency Agreement (PSA) agreement JA-0134 of 09/25/1989 for the development, (GSFC) (JAXA) launch, and operation of a scientific satellite, designated the Geotail Satellite, to investigate the geomagnetic tail regions of the magnetosphere JA-0134 deleted - dip notes included here. 1 Goddard Space National Centre for France (FR) WIND Mission OPEN Project-Specific Participation by three CNES scientists as Co- 10/15/1990 12/31/2018 Flight Center Space Studies (CNES) Geomagnetic Tail Agreement (PSA) Investigators in the investigation "An Experiment to (GSFC) Measure 3-D Plasma and Energetic Particle Distribution in the OPEN Geomagnetic Tail and the Interplanetary Physics Laboratories "during the development, mission operations, and data analysis phases of the Wind mission of the Global Geospace Science (GGS) element of the International Solar-Terrestrial Physics 2 Program (ISTP). Goddard Space German Aerospace Germany (GM) Solar Wind and Suprathermal Ion Project-Specific Participation by three MPI scientists as Co-Investigators 10/18/1990 12/31/2018 Flight Center Center (DLR) Composition Studies Agreement (PSA) on the Solar Wind and Suprathermal Ion Composition (GSFC) (WIND)/WIND Mission Studies investigation of the Global Geospace Science (GGS) element of the International Solar Terrestrial Physics Program (ISTP) Max Planck Institut (MPI), GM. 3 Goddard Space German Aerospace Germany (GM) WIND Mission/Experiment to Project-Specific Participation by G. Paschmann of MPI as a Co- 10/18/1990 12/31/2018 Flight Center Center (DLR) Measure 3-D Plasma and Agreement (PSA) Investigator on the investigation "Experiment to (GSFC) Energetic Particle Distributions Measure 3-D Plasma and Energetic Particle Distributions in the OPEN Geomagnetic Tail and the Interplanetary Physics Laboratories' of the Global Geospace Science (GGS) element of the International Solar Terrestrial Physics Program (ISTP) Max Planck Institut (MPI), GM No expiration date in the agreement. Investigating whether still active. In meantime, made active with same expiration date as other WIND 4 agreements. Goddard Space German Aerospace Germany (GM) WIND Mission/OPEN Project-Specific Participation by Dr. F. Neubauer of the University of 10/18/1990 12/31/2018 Flight Center Center (DLR) Interplanetary Physics Laboratory- Agreement (PSA) Koeln as a Co-Investigator on the "Proposal for OPEN (GSFC) Magnetic Field Measurement Interplanetary Physics Laboratory-Magnetic Field Measurement" investigation of the Global Geospace Science (GGS) element of the International Solar Terrestrial Physics Program (ISTP) Max Planck Institut (MPI), GM No expiration date in the agreement. Investigating whether still active. In meantime, made active with same expiration date as other WIND 5 agreements. Goddard Space National Centre for France (FR) WIND Mission Radio and Plasma Project-Specific Inclusion of the investigation "Wind Radio and Plasma 10/26/1990 12/31/2018 Flight Center Space Studies (CNES) Wave Experiment (WAVES) Agreement (PSA) Wave Experiment (WAVES)" in the development, (GSFC) mission operations, and data analysis phases of the Wind mission of the Global Geospace Science (GGS) element of the International Solar-Terrestrial Physics 6 Program (ISTP). 1 Active International Space Act Agreements by Signature Date (as of June 30, 2017) Execution NASA (Signature) Expiration No. Installation(s) Partner Name Country Title/Purpose Type of Agreement Activity Description Date Date Goddard Space European Space European Space WIND Mission/Origins of Plasma Project-Specific Participation by ESTEC's R. Reinhard, T. Sanderson, 12/6/1990 12/31/2018 Flight Center Agency (ESA) Agency (ESA) in the Earth's Neighborhood Agreement (PSA) and K. Wenzel as Co-Investigators in the development, (GSFC) (OPEN) mission operations, and data analysis phases of the investigation "An Experiment to Measure 3-D Plasma and Energetic Particle Distributions in the OPEN Geomagnetic Tail and the Interplanetary Physics Laboratories" under the WIND mission of the Global Geospace Science (GGS) element of the International Solar Terrestrial Physics program. There is no expiration date for the cooperation. Uncertain if activity is ongoing. OER is investigating. 7 Goddard Space German Aerospace Germany (GM) Geotail Mission: Energetic Project-Specific Participation by Dr. F. Gliem of the University of 4/8/1991 12/31/2018 Flight Center Center (DLR) Particles and Ion Composition Agreement (PSA) Braunschweig as a Co-Investigator in the EPIC (GSFC) EPIC Experiment experiment of the Geotail Mission as part of the Solar 8 Terrestrial Science Programme. Goddard Space National Centre for France (FR) Solar and Heliospheric Project-Specific Participation in SOHO by Dr. J. Delaboudiniere from the 5/1/1991 12/31/2018 Flight Center Space Studies (CNES) Observatory (SOHO) Extreme Agreement (PSA) Laboratoire de Physique Stellaire et Planetaire as a (GSFC) Ultraviolet Imaging Telescope Principal Investigator with his EIT, whose objective is to (EIT) study coronal heating and solar wind acceleration using remote sensing techniques to evaluate quantitatively the contribution of different coronal mechanisms to 9 global balances. Goddard Space National Centre for France (FR) Solar and Heliospheric Project-Specific Participation in SOHO by Dr. J. Bertaux from the 5/1/1991 12/31/2018 Flight Center Space Studies (CNES) Observatory (SOHO) Solar Wind Agreement (PSA) Service d'Aeronomie as a Principal Investigator with his (GSFC) Anisotropies (SWAN) SWAN, whose objective is to map the sky interplanetary hydrogen emission almost entirely every other day. 10 Goddard Space National Centre for France (FR) Solar and Heliospheric Project-Specific Participation in SOHO by Dr. A. Gabriel from the 5/1/1991 12/31/2018 Flight Center Space Studies (CNES) Observatory (SOHO) Global Agreement (PSA) Institute d'Astrophysique Spatiale as a Principal (GSFC) Oscillations at Low Frequencies Investigator with his GOLF experiment, whose objective (GOLF) is to study the internal structure of the sun by measuring the spectrum of free global oscillations. 11 Goddard Space Federal Office for Switzerland (SZ) Solar and Heliospheric Project-Specific Participation of Dr. J. Geiss of the University of Bern 5/1/1991 12/31/2018 Flight Center Education and Science Observatory (SOHO) Agreement (PSA) and Dr. M. Huber of the Swiss Federal Institute of (GSFC) Technology as Co-Investigators in SOHO on an investigation involving the use of an Ultraviolet Coronagraph Spectrometer(UVCS) to investigate mechanisms for accelerating the solar wind mechanisms for heating the coronal plasma and to locate and characterize the coronal sources of solar wind and coronal phenomena that establish the plasma 12 properties of the solar wind. Goddard Space General Secretariat of Greece (GR) Energetic Particles and Ion Project-Specific Participation by Dr. E. T. Sarris, Director of the Institute 5/3/1991 12/31/2018 Flight Center Research and Composition (EPIC) Experiment of Agreement (PSA) of Ionosphere and Space Science of the National (GSFC) Technology (GSRT) Geotail Mission Observatory of Athens, as a Co-Investigator on the Energetic Particles Experiment (EPIC) of the Geotail mission element of the Collaborative Solar-Terrestrial 13 Research (COSTR) program. 2 Active International Space Act Agreements by Signature Date (as of June 30, 2017) Execution NASA (Signature) Expiration No. Installation(s) Partner Name Country Title/Purpose Type of Agreement Activity Description Date Date Goddard Space German Aerospace Germany (GM) SOHO: Ultraviolet Coronagraph Project-Specific Participation in the Solar and Heliospheric Observatory 7/4/1991 12/31/2018 Flight Center Center (DLR) Spectrometer (UVCS) Agreement (PSA) (SOHO) project by Dr. S. Livi of MPI as a Co- (GSFC) Investigator for the UVCS, whose objectives are to investigate mechanisms for accelerating the solar wind mechanisms for heating the coronal plasma and to locate and characterize the coronal sources of solar wind and coronal phenomena that establish the plasma 14 properties of the solar wind. Jet Propulsion German Aerospace Germany (GM) Solar and Heliospheric Project-Specific Participation in SOHO by Dr. D. Hovestadt of the Max 7/4/1991 12/31/2018 Laboratory (JPL) Center (DLR) Observatory (SOHO): Charge, Agreement (PSA) Planck Institut fuer Extraterrestrische Physik with his Element, and Isotope Analysis investigation "Charge, Element, and Isotope Analysis (CELIAS) (CELIAS)," whose objectives were to measure the mass, ionic charge, and energy of the low- and high- speed solar wind, of suprathermal ions, and of low- 15 energy flare particles Goddard Space German Aerospace Germany (GM) SOHO: Comprehensive Project-Specific Participation in the Solar and Heliospheric Observatory 7/4/1991 12/31/2018 Flight Center Center (DLR) Suprathermal and Energetic Agreement (PSA) (SOHO) project by Dr. H. Kunow of the Institut fuer (GSFC) Particle Analyser (COSTEP) Kernphysik at Kiel University as a Principal Investigator with his COSTEP investigation, which will use particle emissions from the sun over a wide range of species and energies as tools to provide for
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