Den farlige etnicitet - Et kvalitativt studie af mediediskurser og unge indvandreres identitetsforståelse Nadia Holm Christiansen Studienr.: 20072046 Julie Vibeke Rahbek Studienr.: 20072003 Sara Dahl-Jensen Studienr.: 20072049 Speciale PPSA, Psykologi Vejleder: Thomas Szulevicz Aalborg Universitet 31. januar 2013 Samlet antal tegn: 453.462 Specialets samlede antal tegn (med mellemrum): 453.462 Svarende til følgende antal normalsider: 189 Julie Vibeke Rahbek Nadia Holm Christiansen Sara Dahl-Jensen Abstract The aim of this thesis is to explore the identity formations of adolescents with culturally diverse backgrounds. The study will investigate media discourses about ethnic minorities and how these affect the adolescents in their everyday life. The adolescents are living in a hybrid culture where they mix and try to integrate the Danish way of living with their parents’ cultural background. This brings new possibilities and challenges into the lives of these young people. The thesis is based on sociocultural theory with the emphasis on discourse and culture as important parts of how the adolescents perceive themselves. A basic assumption is that identity must be seen in a social and historical context. The empirical study is founded on two qualitative methods, as we are interested in understanding and interpreting human phenomena. At first, a discourse analysis of articles found in Danish newspapers will be presented. The analysis shows that even though the newspapers bring stories on many different subjects concerning immigrants, the overall picture is that the newspapers have a negative and generalizing perspective on immigrants. Furthermore, we present six interviews with bilingual adolescents aged 14-15 years, three girls and three boys, who are attending school in the area Gellerup in Aarhus. The data collection of the interviews is based on phenomenological theory with a desire to build on the adolescents’ experiences and narratives. We are interested in the subjects the adolescents find important in their identity development, their reflections about themselves and their opinions and attitudes about the society they live in. Through the thesis there will be a focus on identity formation, culture, being a minority, how the adolescents form relationships and the role of the media in relation to their everyday life in different contexts. We discuss both micro and macro perspectives, and how aspects in their everyday life, political decisions and media discourses may pose extra challenges to the adolescents compared to young people with a Danish background. In general, the adolescents in this study seem to overcome many of the challenges of being a minority in the Danish society, but they all point at religion, living in a ghetto and stereotypes as especially challenging. The newspapers in Denmark have a negative spin on stories about immigrants and this poses a challenge for the adolescents in creating a positive identity formation. The negative discourses play an important role in the fact, that the adolescents find it hard to see a Danish national identity as part of their own identity. The adolescents are facing opposition and othering in their daily life, which results in the adolescents defending their normality as they want to be identified as the majority of the Danish youth. The media discourses and living in a ghetto makes the identity as a criminal very pronounced in the adolescents’ minds and presents an identity position that they are distancing themselves from. Instead, the adolescents in this study are very ambitious regarding their education and identify themselves with their future academic and job possibilities. They describe that their parents are pointing out education to be important, but some of the adolescents find it hard to fulfill the ambitions. On the other hand, the high ambitions can be seen as positive compared to the picture painted by the newspapers where young immigrants are seen as academically weak. The adolescents also identify themselves through their religion. It is seen as a guideline in their life through values and being part of a community. However, in the media discourses Islam is portrayed as the opposite of Danish culture, and therefore the adolescents are very conscious about their religion and they often have to defend their beliefs. The adolescents’ residential area Gellerup has a special meaning for their identity. Both the media and the adolescents produce a stereotype about the young people living in Gellerup linked to crime. The adolescents distance themselves from the stereotype, but in that way they are also participating in the production of the stereotype. There exists causality between ethnicity and crime in the media and in the way that political laws are formed. This causality affects the adolescents’ view of ethnicity in a way that prevents them from understanding crime in Gellerup in relation to socioeconomic inequalities. We suggest that this focus on ethnicity and crime is a general discrimination of ethnic minorities on the basis of cultural differences. In the fact that the young immigrants take part in the society, they are both creating a hybrid identity, reshaping and redefining the Danish society and what it means to be Danish. Indholdsfortegnelse DEL 1: GRUNDLÆGGENDE TEORETISK FORSTÅELSESRAMME INDLEDNING ...................................................................................................................................... 2 PROBLEMFORMULERING OG BEGREBSAFKLARING ......................................................................... 4 SPECIALETS STRUKTUR .................................................................................................................... 7 DET SOCIOKULTURELLE PERSPEKTIV .................................................................................... 9 VIDENSKABSTEORETISKE OG METODOLOGISKE PERSPEKTIVER ............................. 15 ETISKE OVERVEJELSER .............................................................................................................. 18 DEL 2: DISKURSER I MEDIERNE TEORETISK PERSPEKTIV OM MEDIEFREMSTILLING ....................................................... 22 METODISK TILGANG TIL DISKURSANALYSE ....................................................................... 31 DISKURSANALYSE ........................................................................................................................... 31 FORSKERENS ROLLE OG FORFORSTÅELSE ..................................................................................... 34 DISKURSANALYSENS KVALITET ..................................................................................................... 36 UDVÆLGELSESKRITERIER FOR DATA ............................................................................................ 37 ANALYSEMETODE ........................................................................................................................... 40 DET DISKURSIVE INDVANDRERBILLEDE .............................................................................. 44 FORDELING AF AVISARTIKLERNE .................................................................................................. 44 ROLLEMODELLER ........................................................................................................................... 49 DEFINITIONSSPØRGSMÅL ............................................................................................................... 52 POLITIK ........................................................................................................................................... 54 KRITIK AF INTEGRATIONSPOLITIK ................................................................................................ 56 JOB .................................................................................................................................................. 57 FREMMEDFRYGT ............................................................................................................................ 59 DISKRIMINATION ............................................................................................................................ 65 KRIMINALITET ................................................................................................................................ 68 RESSOURCEFOKUS .......................................................................................................................... 70 SOCIALE PROBLEMSTILLINGER ..................................................................................................... 72 UDDANNELSE .................................................................................................................................. 74 OPSAMLING PÅ DISKURSANALYSE ......................................................................................... 78 DEL 3: UNGES IDENTITETSFORSTÅELSE TEMAER I IDENTITETSFORSTÅELSENS UDFORDRINGER ............................................... 81 INTERVIEWETS METODISKE OVERVEJELSER .................................................................... 88 DET KVALITATIVE FORSKNINGSINTERVIEW .................................................................................. 88 METODENS KVALITET .................................................................................................................... 89 ANALYSEMETODE ........................................................................................................................... 90 INTERVIEWGUIDE ..........................................................................................................................
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