PENNSYLVANIA FISH COMMISSION PsinnAiflvania (foiql&h DIRECTORY Published Monthly by the PENNSYLVANIA FISH COMMISSION EXECUTIVE OFFICE COMMONWEALTH OF PENNSYLVANIA ALBERT M. DAY Executive Director William W. Scranton, Governor ROBERT J. BIELO • Assistant Executive Director PENNSYLVANIA FISH COMMISSION EDWARD R. THARP Assistant Executive Director WALLACE C. DEAN, President Meadville Watercraft Safety Division JOSEPH M. CRITCHFIELD, Vice President Confluence WARREN W. SINGER GERARD J. ADAMS — Hawley ROBERT M. RANKIN - Galeton Assistant to Executive Director MAYNARD BOGART Danville R. STANLEY SMITH Waynesburg JOHN W. GRENOBLE Carlisle RAYMOND M. WILLIAMS East Bangor PAUL F. O'BRIEN HOWARD R. HEINY Williamsport Administrative Officer JOHN M. SMITH Comptroller • MARCH, 1964 VOL. 33, NO. 3 DIVISIONS Aquatic Biology GORDON TREMBLEY Chief GEORGE W. FORREST, Editor Fish Culture HOWARD L. FOX Superintendent Renl Estate and Engineering fontsuntA CYRIL G. REGAN Chief EDWARD MILLER Asst. Chief PENNSYLVANIA'S NEW MOTOR BOAT REQUIREMENTS-Com- mander Edward Tharp, USCG(Ret.), Assistant Executive Director, Law Enforcement Watercraft Safety Division, Pennsylvania Fish Commission WILLIAM W. BRITTON — Chief Conservation Education-Public Relations 7 IZAAK WALTON AS AN ANGLER-Jim Hayes RUSSELL S. ORR Chief 10 ALLEGHENY SUCKER FISHERMEN-Steve Szalewicz • 12 IT'S TIME TO GET READY-TROUT SEASON COMING UP! NORTHWEST REGION 14 TIME TO COLLECT WORMS FOR THAT TICK-TOCK BITE-Thad S. CARLYLE SHELDON Warden Supervisor Bukowski 1212 E. Main St., ConneautviUe, Pa., 16 IT'S SPRING-GO FLY A KITE WITH A FISHING POLE-Don Shiner Phone: 3033 18 BOWFISHING-Edwin L. Atts SOUTHWEST REGION 19 MORE FUN WITH HOMECRAFTED WIRE PRODUCTS MINTER C. JONES Warden Supervisor 20 NOTES FROM THE STREAM R. D. 2, Somerset, Pa. Phone: 445-4913 22 SOMETHING OLD-PENNSYLVANIA'S EEL INDUSTRY NORTHEAST REGION 24 CITATION FISH AND CATCHES H. CLJUB FLEECER Warden Supervisor 25 SCHOOL'S OUT-Ned Smith 351 Terrace St., Honesdale, Pa., Phone: 253-3724 Cover Photo by Steve Szalewicz SPRINGTIME is "Suckertime" on the Allegheny River. Clare A. Seely, SOUTHEAST REGION Oil City, Pa., with a fine catch at Rockmere. JOHN S. OGDEN Warden Supervisor 1130 Ruxton Rd., York, Pa Phone: 2-3474 POSTMASTER: All 3579 form* to be returned to Dunlap Printing Co., lnc.t Cherry and Juniper Stt., Philadelphia 7, Pa. The PENNSYLVANIA ANGLER is published monthly by the Pennsylvania Fish CommissioO, NORTH CENTRAL REGION South Office Building, Harrisburg, Pa. Subscription: One year-$2.00; three years-$5.00; 25 cents JOHN 1. BUCK Warden Supervisor per single copy. Send check or money order payable to Pennsylvania Fish Commission. DO NO* P. O. Box 5, Lock Haven, Pa., SEND STAMPS. Individuals sending cash do so at their own risk. Change of address should reacn us promptly. Furnish both old and new addresses. Second Class Postage paid at Harrisburg, F0> Phone: 748-7162 and at additional mailing offices. Neither Publisher nor Editor will assume responsibility for unsolicited manuscripts or illustratioo* while in their possession or in transit. Permission to reprint will be given provided we recerv SOUTH CENTRAL REGION marked copies and credit is given material or illustrations. Communications pertaining to manuscript' material or illustrations should be addressed to the Pennsylvania Fish Commission, Harrisburg, r8' HAKOLU COIUJIN Warden Supervisor 521 13th St., Huntingdon, Pa., NOTICE: Subscriptions received and processed after the 10th of each month will begin toith «W Phone: 643-0355 second month following. Pennsylvania 9s NEW MOTOR BOAT Requirements By CDR. E. R. THARP, USCG (Ret.) with the approval of the Pennsylvania Number- *?6 System under the provisions of the Federal Boating fl of 1958, we stand on the verge of a very significant ^!eP in the field of boating. We, for the first time, have he tools to deal with the fallout from the boating boom. j Although amendment to the Pennsylvania "Motor Boat i hy" has been slow in coming and evolved from a legis- p tive compromise, it provides the basis for a good system. °r example, the delay permits us to take advantage of ;*lstakes that have been made in other states. Also, the Pl °visi0n £or an Advisory Board of experienced boatmen >Pled with a broad law allows us by regulation to utilize ,.e changing innovations in the field of boating. In ad- °n, the numbering of all undocumented motor boats is <n excellent start. Many states have been fighting for ^'s to achieve this identification goal. _ the old and troublesome method of both State and °ast Guard registration is now a thing of the past. All tor boats within the Commonwealth will receive one Uf f>ber that will be recognized by both the Federal Gov- COMMANDER E. R. THARP, USCG (RET.) • ment and our neighboring states. After the start of th•. new license year, 1 April 1964, all boats must either Play a number issued by the Miscellaneous License Di- l0n of the Pennsylvania Department of Revenue under our new regulations or an unexpired Coast Guard number. New regulations governing operation and equipment 411 ^oasC t Guard numbers which have expired will be re- have not been adopted as this material goes to press; how­ ed Vjy j.jle Commonwealth. Under our new require- ever, a reproduction of our present "Motor Boat Law" and nts a > the same PA-number will be reassigned as long the regulations governing Numbering and Boating Acci­ a boat remains within Pennsylvania. dents follows: t¥ ^ftCH-_i964 No. 400 a new section to read: Section 1.2. (a) Within the limitations set forth, the Fish AN ACT Commission is the primary agency for the administration of this act, for orderly administration especially in official contacts with Amending the title and act of May 28, 1931 (P. L. 202), en­ other states and the Federal Government. All reports, includ­ titled "An act providing for the licensing and regulation of ing numbered vessels and boating accident reports, shall ema­ motor boats operated or navigated upon any public stream, nate from the Fish Commission but be based upon such mate­ artificial or natural body of water, or non-tidal waters of any rial as the Fish Commission has obtained from the Navigation river within the Commonwealth; conferring powers and im­ Commission for the Delaware River and its navigable tributaries posing duties on certain police officers and the Board of Fish as to matters which are within the jurisdiction of the latter Commissioners including the enforcement of certain existing commission. laws; and prescribing penalties," further regulating motor (b) The navigation commission for the Delaware River and boating, prescribing powers and duties of the Navigation its navigable tributaries is authorized to assume concurrent jur­ Commission for the Delaware River and its navigable tribu­ isdiction and enforce this act upon the tidal waters of Pennsyl­ taries, bringing certain tidal waters within the scope of the vania and is also authorized to accept any additional jurisdic­ act, providing for registration fees and additional penalties, tional authority which may be delegated to it by the Fish allocating fines, fees and penalties, and making editorial Commission and which it is granted under this act. changes. (c) There is hereby created in the Fish Commission an Ad­ The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsyl­ visory Board for Boating which shall consist of the Secretary of vania hereby enacts as follows: Forests and Waters, or his designate, and the assistant execu­ Section 1. The title, act of May 28, 1931 (P. L. 202), en­ tive director of the Fish Commission in charge of the Water- titled "An act providing for the licensing and regulation of craft Safety Division, both of whom shall be ex officio members, motor boats operated or navigated upon any public stream, and five members to be appointed by the Governor who shall artificial or natural body of water or non-tidal waters of any be experienced boatmen as evidenced by (1) the ownership of river within the Commonwealth; conferring powers and impos­ a vessel, and (2) active membership in representative boating ing duties on certain police officers and the Board of Fish Com­ associations, yacht clubs, or other similar organizations. As far missioners, including the enforcement of certain existing laws; as possible the members of the board shall be bipartisan and and prescribing penalties," is amended to read: represent the various geographical sections and boating interests of the Commonwealth. The members of the board shall receive no salary or traveling expenses or other reimbursement. AN ACT (d) The advisory board shall consist of five voluntary mem­ bers all of whom shall be appointed for terms of office as fol­ lows: two members to serve terms of three years, two members Providing for the registration and regulation of motor boats op­ to serve terms of four years and one member to serve a term of erated or navigated upon any public stream, artificial or natu­ five years from the first day of February, 1964. Upon expira­ ral body of water, or any river within the Commonwealth; tion of said original terms, subsequent appointments shall be conferring powers and imposing duties on certain police offi­ for five years, except in the case of a vacancy, in which event cers, the Pennsylvania Fish Commission and the Navigation appointment shall be only for the remainder of the unexpired Commission for the Delaware River and its navigable tribu­ term. The committee shall annually select one of its members as taries, including the enforcement of certain existing laws; chairman. granting powers and imposing duties upon the Department (e) The committee shall meet at such times as may be speci­ of Revenue; and prescribing penalties. fied upon call of the chairman, three members or the commis­ Section 2. Section 1 of the act, amended June 21, 1937 sion.
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