holding a hearing in Mississippi on reauthorizing the War on ADecade that Changed History Poverty. Clark and several colleagues, including Sens. Robert F. Kennedy (D-NY) and Jacob Javits (R-NY), were startled by the testimony of young civil rights attorney Marian Wright, It was a textbook example of how awareness leads to who, instead of emphasizing the poverty program, talked action — and how a group of dedicated activists and leaders about the near-starvation she was seeing in the state. can change history and dramatically improve people’s lives. Having heard this, Clark and Kennedy decided to change From 1967 through 1977, these leaders set in motion a their itinerary to see things firsthand. Accompanied by series of events that combined to shock Americans’ Kennedy’s aide, Peter Edelman, and Wright (who were later consciences about the existence of hunger in the midst of married), they went the next day to visit families living in plenty, to then revolutionize federal food and nutrition policy, shacks with no food in the pantry and severely malnourished and finally, to dramatically reduce hunger in our nation. children with distended bellies. Hunger was not a new problem in the 1960s. Those at the Kennedy was deeply moved and remarked to Peter Edelman bottom of America’s economic ladder have always had and others that he had seen such conditions only in Third trouble feeding their families, and this problem had become World countries. He returned to Washington determined to particularly acute during the Great Depression. follow up. However, after the post-World War II decades of robust This experience had a profound impact not only on Kennedy, growth in America’s economy, Americans’ consciousness of but on millions of Americans, since what he saw was seen hunger faded. Even after the launch of President Lyndon by the entire nation that evening thanks to the coverage Johnson’s “war on poverty,” hunger was not on the radar provided by then-CBS correspondent Daniel Schorr. screen and many people simply did not know that millions of their fellow citizens continued to suffer from levels of hunger In Washington, Clark and Kennedy confronted Johnson and malnutrition that in some cases were comparable to administration officials. Agriculture Secretary Orville Freeman those in the developing world. did agree to eliminate the food stamp charge for families with no income. But the Administration’s response became At the time, the primary federal tool for fighting hunger was more and more defensive. At that point, the White House’s the surplus commodities program, which made cheese, top priority was the war in Vietnam; its commitment to powdered milk, peanut butter and flour available to the poor. domestic anti-poverty efforts was fading. Anti-hunger forces Food stamps were in their infancy, a pilot program available also encountered openly hostile opposition from too many only in some counties and then only with a copayment (the legislators, particularly two long-tenured senators from “purchase requirement”) which few poor people could afford. Mississippi. There was even a charge to be paid by people with no income at all. Clark, Kennedy and Javits kept plugging away. They held additional hearings and their findings were reinforced by a Bearing Witness Field Foundation study which reported that Mississippi It was in this context that the first precipitating event children were “living under such primitive conditions that occurred. In 1967, the Senate Committee on Labor and we found it hard to believe we were examining American Public Welfare, chaired by Sen. Joseph Clark (D-PA) was children in the 20th century.” 12 13 Their efforts bore some further fruit in November 1967, as More significantly, that same year, the Senate Select Congress passed an emergency food aid bill, although the Committee on Nutrition and Human Needs was established, Johnson administration failed to implement it for five more chaired by Sen. George McGovern (D-SD). McGovern long months. already had long been a champion of efforts to meet basic human needs in the U.S. and abroad. The Select Committee A Year of Hope and Tragedy became the key force in the effort to keep hunger at the The momentum for action to stop hunger continued to build top of the public agenda and to overcome turf battles that in 1968. CBS News aired the landmark documentary “Hunger had emerged between various committees that shared in America” on national television in prime time, Dr. Martin jurisdiction over nutrition and anti-poverty policy. For years to Luther King, Jr., launched the Poor People’s Campaign, and come, the Select Committee would be the fulcrum for key Robert F. Kennedy made the fight against hunger and poverty anti-hunger efforts. a pillar of his campaign for president. But then disaster struck with the assassinations of Dr. King in April, and McGovern had served as the first director of the Food for Senator Kennedy two months later. Peace Program under President John F. Kennedy, and he combined a deep personal commitment to social justice with As devastating as these tragedies were, the anti-poverty and an understanding of the needs of America’s farmers. anti-hunger movement pressed on. The Poor People’s Appointed to the committee were members from the Senate Campaign came to Washington in the spring and summer of Labor and Agriculture Committees, and its make-up brought 1968 demanding action. Assistant Attorney General Roger together senators from farm-producing states and from Wilkins found himself in the key position of consulting with urban states affected by poverty, creating the first sparks of Wright and other campaign organizers at night, and then work- the bipartisan producer-consumer coalition that would be ing during the day to persuade the Johnson administration to essential to federal nutrition policy for many years to come. adopt their proposals — in particular, the idea of providing free Committee members included Javits, the ranking Republican, food stamp benefits to anyone earning a dollar a day or less. Walter Mondale (D-MN), Charles Percy (R-IL), Hubert Humphrey (D-MN) and Robert Dole (R-KS). It was a struggle, but eventually, President Johnson agreed to support the plan. However, it was blocked by some McGovern also made a point of hiring an extraordinary powerful committee chairs in Congress. In November of that group of staff, including Bill Smith, Nancy Amidei (who later year, Richard Nixon was elected president, and Clark was became director of FRAC), Kenneth Schlossberg, Gerald defeated in his reelection campaign. Cassidy, Jack Quinn, Robert Shrum, and Alan Stone and Marshall Matz (both of whom serve on FRAC’s board today). New Movement for Change Anti-hunger leaders kept pressing forward. Their tenacity Building Pressure for Action led to the 1969 White House Conference on Hunger, in While McGovern and his colleagues were doing this vital which President Nixon called for an end to hunger in work, an important development was taking place outside of America. While the Conference had points of controversy, it government. Recognizing that ending hunger required a did produce a list of important policy recommendations, broad panoply of strategies — including an independent many of which, such as the Supplemental Nutrition Program organization to mobilize support, serve as a watchdog, prod for Women, Infants and Children (WIC), eventually made their agencies, provide reliable research, and ensure that nutrition way into law. Equally important, it kept the issue of hunger programs are properly implemented — Ron Pollack founded high in the public’s consciousness. the Food Research and Action Center (FRAC) in 1970. 14 15 FRAC immediately had an impact in the states, in Congress, In 1977 the Field Foundation again sent a team of doctors to at USDA, and in the courts. For example, FRAC quickly some of the poorest areas of the country. They reported: launched litigation in 26 states that ultimately led to a “Our first and overwhelming impression is that there are far requirement that every state must operate either a food fewer grossly malnourished people in this country today than stamp program or a commodity distribution program in all there were ten years ago. Malnutrition has become a subtler counties. problem…Even in areas which did not command national attention ten years ago, many poor people now have food.” Changing Policy for the Better In 1970 and 1971 Senator McGovern’s Committee moved The panel found that this improvement resulted not from an from gathering facts to advocating solutions. While it did not overall improvement in living standards but from The Food have bill-passing authority, any time there was a consensus Stamp Program, the nutrition aspects of Head Start, school among members, those who also served on the Agriculture lunch and breakfast programs, and WIC. or Labor Committees took the initiative to introduce key leg- islation and spearhead the fight for passage, supported from The broad structure of the federal government’s anti-hunger the outside by FRAC and other anti-hunger advocates. policy was now in place. While there have been many ups and downs since then in the fight against poverty and The results speak for themselves. In just the first few years hunger, nutrition programs have largely maintained their the nation saw: broad, bipartisan support through thick and thin, and have grown and evolved to better meet the needs of America’s • The creation of WIC in 1972, providing food assistance, low-income people. nutrition education and support in accessing health care to poor women, new mothers and at-risk infants and For this, we can thank this evening’s panelists — George children — perhaps the single most cost-effective anti- McGovern, Daniel Schorr and Roger Wilkins — the founders hunger initiative ever devised.
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