RESTRICTED DO YOU KNOW YOUR POWER PTANT? The supercharged power plant of the modern tion, and shows how all factors work together airplane is indeed a complex machine. With to produce the manifold pressure indicated on automatic devices such as constant speed pro- the instrument panel. pellers, electronic supercharger controls, and The first unit in the cycle is the air filter. This carburetors for controlling fuel-air mixtures, removes dust and fine sand from the air enter- it is a far cry from the aircraft engine of 20 ing the power plant, preventing the rapid wear years ago. such grit would cause on moving engine parts. In this discussion of its operation, it is essen- A slight drop in pressure results from the pas- tial first to consider the power plant as a whole, sage of air through the filter, but rvhen the since when one factor in the intricate system turbo control is working the turbo compressor changes, other factors-even those apparently rpm is increased to cornpensate for the drop. remote-may also be afiected. For clarity's sake, At high altitudes, however, you should trrrn the discussion will deal chiefly with the elec- the filters off, or the turbine will reach over- tronic turbo-supercharger control, rather than speed at a lower altitude than normal. the early type with oil regulated control. Next is the turbo-driven compressor. The To gain a better understanding of the oper- amount of pressure boost it delivers depends ation of a supercharged engine, and thus help upon its rpm and upon inlet pressure. Four clear up the existing confusion about manifold factors afiect the rpm of this unit: Exhaust pres- pressure and its influence on engine perform- sure in the turbine nozzle box; exhaust gas ance, 1et us first consider the accompanying temperature; atmospheric pressure and temper- diagram. It shows the location of ,the various ature, and quantity of air flow through the parts of the power plant which afiect manifold compressor. pressure during the complete cycle of opera- Leaving the compressor, air passes through RESTRICTED t05 RESTRICTED e o eEg x F 4e o I @ <e; 5aq a z r iz* I F EaJ 4 U o 59? € z o Et3 3 6 gii E:EpEi z <uFOx ??= :3 2=a .:n rffit !I z F e e o o o o \z F d F o z E lll ES- E o eeL==g o d, p o II ;:= c E o59...6 F F F z o J- z =6gE5 o EE 6 o o <26 c I z= E F gF E tr, = 4 tal 33 o. - f s === ra 5EE:; z e-=dE rl| 3Fs=* {6€N- =aa cl e F 2 ra o> I -5>-oi9:Ei E x rI =E=E5=EEF= o E F z e l (p lL5 e ; E: o* do EO EE 5qE=== ;d E E F c,z J E - 6==E o a BB c, oa e=Eee9, g E (JEDe ==.-F9E 4E s-=2EEEE 9: = == r06 RESTRICTED RESTRICTED the intercooler. Since this is an integral part of Another function of the carburetor is to the induction system, a pressure drop occurs regulate the mixture of fuel and air, maintain- here whether the intercooler shutters are open ing the weight ratio constant in the normal or not. For full power conditions, this drop operating range. Manual mixture adjustment is amounts to approxirnately 1" Hg. provided for high and low power conditions. The regulator sensing uni.t, or Pressuretrol, Changing from automatic rich to automatic is connected to the induction system between Iean doesn't afiect manifold pressure appre- the intercooler and the carburetor. It reacts ciably, but excessive carburetor inlet pressure to the carburetor inlet pressure (CIP), or upper affects the mixture. Carburetors on B-24 air- deck pressure. This not the manifold pressure, planes are designed to maintain a constant is the pressure the pilot selects with the turbo fuel-air ratio for variable inlet pressures up to boost selector (TBS), which operates through 31" Hg. Above this pressure the mixture be- the Pressuretrol to control the waste gate posi- comes lean; if carried too high, this causes deto- tion and produce the required CIP. (On the old nation and high cylinder-head temperatures. type oil regulated turbos, there is no Pressure- The next unit in the system is the internal trol, and the CIP has no efiect on waste gate blower. Since this blower is driven directly setting.) by the engine, any change in engine rpm causes Since the regulator reacts to the CIP, it is the blower speed to change. This causes a irnportant that the ducts and joints of the entire change in the boost added to the lower carbu- system be tight. Remember that altitude in- retor deck pressure to give the indicated mani- creases the pressure difierence between the fold pressure. inside and outside of the system; a leak that is At higher engine speeds with rvide open not apparent during ground operation or at throttle, the boost from this blower is a large low altitude will cause a greater pressure loss part of the total manifold pressure, and a small at altitude. Leaks will cause excessive "droop" change in engine rpm, resulting from a sluggish and unstable power, and will make the turbo propeiler governor, will bring a noticeable overspeed control cut in below the nolmal alti- change in manifold pressure. (This effect is tude. common in low temperatures, which cause the The next unit in the system is the carburetor, oil in the propeller dome to congeal and slow where the position of the throttle controls the the rate of change in prop pitch. You can cor- manifold pressure. When the throttle is at its rect this by working the prop governor back optimum position (ofiering minimum resistance and forth a few times to send u'arm engine to air flow), the rnanifold pressure will be at a oil through the dome.) maximum if other factors do not change. The If the engine rpm is reduced excessively, the optimum position of the throttle butterfly is turbine will have insufficient gases to operate not wide open, but several degrees from this on and a complete collapse of the cycle may point. Opening it beyond the optimurn position occur. This gives the impression of improper may cause an instability and loss of manifold turbo-supercharger regulation. When it occurs, pressure. If the open-throttle stops are set so the engine rpm should be increased. that the throttle cannot open to the optimum The next part of the system is the intake position, an excessive pressure drop will exist manifold, which obviously must be leak-proof across the carburetor. In order to obtain take- if you are to get stable pressures. The engine ofl power, the regulator would have to be re- itself comes next. Since manifold pressure calibrated to give a higher induction pressure. depends upon a uniform flow of exhaust gas to (The regulator should not be re-calibrated to drive the turbine, it follows that any flaw in offset incorrectly adjusted throttle stops, how- engine operation-faulty valve action, faulty ever.) This condition will exist at all altitudes ignition, or changes in rpm-rvill alter the and will cause the turbine to overspeed at a manifold pressure by causing fluctrrations in lower altitude. exhaust pressure. Ignition is a common cause RESTRICTED 107 RESTRICTED of unstable manifold pressure at altitude, to relieve exhaust back pressure, and then because decreased atmospheric pressure leads closes it at a slower rate to establish the limit- to increased leakage throughout the electrical ing turbo speed. Since turbine speed, instead system. The ignition system must be in perfect of pressure, is controlled, a slight instability condition to ofiset this tendency at altitude. in manifold pressure will exist at higher The exhaust duct, turbine, and waste gate powers. The fluctuation warns you when the complete the supercharger systern proper. The overspeed control takes efiect. position of the waste gate controls the speed Note: Manifold pressure should be reduced of the turbine by determining the amount of slightly whenever the overspeed control goes exhaust back pressure and, consequently, the into operation. The device is designed to work amount of exhaust flow through the turbine when the turbine reaches maximum rated wheel. The TBS knob and the Pressuretrol, as speed plus 10/o. This overspeed rating should already explained, act upon the waste gate be limited to 5 minutes, as continued operation motor to control the position of the waste gate would greatly shorten the life of the turbine by reference to CIP. A further control of tur- wheel. Reduce the turbine rpm about 10% by bine speed is exercised by the overspeed con- reducing manifold pressure approximately 1.5" trol feature of the governor. Hg, and continue to reduce it by 1.5" for each 1000 feet you climb above that point. The parts of the regulating mechanism which The foregoing discussion is a general explan- can cause hunts in rnanifold pressure are the o ation of how your engine works. The material governor and the Pressuretrol. Improper func- which follows deals in greater detail with the evident all tioning of these units will be at individual parts of the power plant. altitudes whenever boost is being used. To prevent turbine speed from overshooting Tu rbo-superchorgers its limit during power changes at altitude, the The turbo-superchargers are installed behind overspeed control opens the waste gate rapidly the mount support of each engine, below the r08 RESTRICTED RESTRICTED wing's lower surface.
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