f ■‘4 d* ^ > Tk* Weethor A v e n g * D g ily Net Pres* R o n Tu e s d a y , A p r i l , i 9 e r 27 Vbr the Veek Ended PA6B TWENTY ly 1968 iianrlf^Btfr lEtt^ning .............................. ....... ■' 'L* Fair, assi tatoghl, tog isealsf 1 4 ,1 3 8 lug, isw 4*-l8j partlF MMqr aa« Education In . Hartford and mild tsmorroar, kigk 88-ee. EUght area men will attend ing of Uw Connecticut Rheu­ Mmuber a< toe A o6h iianrIjF0tFr lEumtttg HFralu Hobby Show Set Doctors Holding matism Association of which must be submitted one week In B o n a n e f OkroOlathm the 20th reunion of the Hart­ advance of the examinations. Manehe$ter— A City of Village Charm About Town ford Institute of AccounUng on Dr. Harold J. Lehmus ef Man­ In Luther Hall The Salvation Army Thursday at the Sutler Hilton State Assembly chester is president, and Dr. To qualify for the tests, ap­ Harold S. Barrett, also of Man­ PRICX SEVEN CENTS Court Orel*. Manchester Hotel, Hartford. They are Rob­ plicants must be at least 19 PRESENTS (ClaM ifM Advertlstaig m Pi« « M ) chester, Is secretary. years old, must have been out Mrs. Albert Robinson and V O L. L X X IO V . NO. 177 (TWENTY-EIGHT PAGES—TWO SEC?nONS) MANCHESTER, CONN., WEDNESDAY, APRIL 28, 1965 branch of the Transathuitic ert J. Bombardier, Roger A. The Connecticut State Medi­ Brtdee and ParenU Association, Dion, Hugh F. Hennessey, Rob­ Hundreds of practicing physi­ of high school at least one year, Mrs. Fred A. Johnson are co- cal Society is holding Ite 173rd chairmen of a Hobby Show at wjll meet Thursday at 7:30 p.m. ert King, Alfred W. Sleffert, cians from all parts of the state a Connecticut resident for at annual meeting and scientific least six months preceding the Emanuel Lutherein Church, Capf. Ernesf A, Miller at Susannah Wesley Hall of Dominick J. Vasques, James R. are expected to attend the Woddl; aH of Manchester, and assembly this week in Hartford three-day convention. date of application, and the Tuesday from 2 to 4 and 7 to 9 HOST AND NARRATOR OF TV's South Methodist Church. For p.m. in Luther Hall. The public more iitformatkm, contact Mrs. William J. Byrnes Jr. of Cov­ at Hotel America. class with which the applicant Events entered high school must have is Invited. "Time for Hobbies” Angelo Parandes, 34 Margaret en Uy. A host of guest speakers and numerous meetlngis o f sections graduated. is the theme of the show, which "THE UVING WORD" Rd. State to Offer is sponsored by the Lutheran Wessin Seen Winning Charles Hewitt o f Burbank, of the society highlight tomor­ There is a $8 fee for first ap­ row's program. plicants. The fee for retake is Church Women. AND In State Ethdl Henln Bowens o t l<ong- Calif., supreme grand master of Diploma Exams Mrs. LdlUan A. Gustafson arid meadow, Maas., an actress, Loyal Orange I ^ g e will make The Heieklah Beardsley Pe­ 32. No fee is required of vet­ diatric Club, of which Dr. Win­ erans or members of the armed Mrs. Richitrd Moore are co- morvologist and dramatic re­ an official visitation, tomorrow chairmen of a coffee shop which viewer of plaje. will be the at 7:30 p.m. to Washington field T. Moyer of Manchester is Ebumiinations for those wish­ forces or their auxiliaries. CONCERT BY THE CITADEL BAND secreUry, will meet jointly with will be open throughout the Judge Rejects guest entertainer at the Man­ IxKlge in Orange Hall. Mem­ ing to earn a high school In general, the fields cov­ show. two other pediatric organisa­ chester Hadassah’s Donor Din­ bers of Daughters of Liberty diploma will be offered on Fri­ ered by the tests include Eng­ Exhibits will Include painting 8:00 P.M. Policemen’s ner tonight at 7 at Temple Beth Nos. 17 and 125 are invited to tions for a panel discussion of lish, mathematics, natural sci­ on velvet, Unsel glass {Anting SAT.. MAY 1st Dominican Power Test Sholom. the event. Refreshments will be problems relating to pre- and day, May 21', at the U.S. Army ences and social studies. The Reserve Training Center, 700 rug hooking, bec^work, metal at YOUTH CENTER served after the meeting. post-natal morbidity and mor- tests will be held from 9 a.m. tooling, felt craft, and other arts TICKETS $1.25 Appeal Case The BuUteley High School Ulity. S. Quaker Lame, West Hart­ to 3 p.m., with one hour for 6«I MAIN STREET ford. Applications are available and crafts of the past and pres­ Class of 1955 will mark Its 10th Miss RoberU Johns, daugh­ Thursday, the .section meet­ lunch. ent. LITCHFIELD (AP)— A ings include a business meet­ from the State Department of anniversary with a reunion on ter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert M. Court of Common Pleas | Expect Junta Saturday. May 22, at DePas- Johns of 250 Greenwood Dr., qusJe's Restaurant, Newington. will present selections on the judge criticized three for- j For more information, contact flute at a senior recital for stu­ mer Torrington policemen j To Be Named James Oanlvan, 288 Brown St., dents in the department of mu­ today for refusing to take 1 Hartford, or Gllda Lisella laia, sic at Lebanon Valley College, a lie detector test and up­ •4 Crown St., Hartford. Pa., on Sunday at 3 p.m. at SPECIAL PURCHASE! Later Today Engle Hall at the college. held their suspension from •The Silk Town Pour,” a the city police force. SANTO DOMINGO, Do­ Manchester baiberShop quartet, The Hartford Pembroke Col­ BEZZINI BROS. SPECIAL PURCHASE OF Judge John R. Doherty dis­ will sing tonight at 7:30 at the lege Club will have its annual missed the appeals cases of the minican Republic (AP)-— 2 Masonic Temple in Wallingford May brunch and election of of­ ORTHO-QUILT three and refu.sed damages of Young army men and civil­ at a show sponsored by the In­ ficers on Sunday at noon at the $4,000 sought by each from the ians trying to return Juan surance Entertainment Bureau home of Mrs. Alfred B. Sund- city of Torrington. Bosch to the presidency of Hartford. quist, national president of the The three men, Ugo Maniago, association, 40 Wyllys St. Mrs. MATTRESS or BOXSPRINO Nicholas Molino and Vance battled today to hold th« The Hartford Northfleld Club Anthony DlBiasio will be co­ Williams, were suspended by the center of this capital. ,, wUl have its annual meeting hostess. Prof. John R. Work­ Board of Public Safety la.st Brig. Gen. Elias Wessin J and potluck Wwhiesday ait 7 man of Brown University will Twin or Full October for what Police Chief We.s.sin’s air force and army Angelo B. Buffa called "failure unit.*! oppf>sed to Bosch, ap- pm . at the home of Mrs. James speak on "Three Campuses.” Size I Carpenter, 27 Oreenrldge Lane, For more Information and re.s- to cooperate” in an investiga­ ' peared to have the upper hand, West Hartford. Mrs. George ervations, contact Mrs. E. Cor­ $ 0 0 . 9 5 tion dealing with departmental however, as resumed. 8 procedures. A military junta was expected Katz of (Manchester will be a bin Sweeney, 175 Main St. 10-Year j hoetew. Contact Mrt. Oaipenter Guarantee Buffa said that the sole to be .sworn in later in the day. for reoervationB. Holy Family Mothers Circle OPEN STOCK GROUP Four Uamtramck Teacher* Take It Easy During School Sit-In reason for suspension was a re- It will be dominated by We.ssin, will meet tomorrow at 12:30 fasal by the three to take a Ue although he may not be a mem­ Warrington Schoo* PTA will p.m. at the home of Mrs. Wil- I detector test. ber. meet and elect officers tonight 11am Martens, 9 Stephen St. ' Judge Doherty said he was The country was without a at 8 in the school cafeteria. The Mrs. John Haney will be co­ “ not impressed with th^claims government. The presidenUal Grade 6 Glee Club will present hostess. Teachers Continue Sit-In made in plaintiffs' brief that palace wa.s empty and badly Its annual concert. A short bus­ polygraph (lie detector) tests .scarred by th® three days of iness meeting will precede the Robertson School PTA will are not reliable...” heavy fighting. * program. Refreshments will be sponsor a military whist card The judge said he con.sidered Rafael MoHna Urena, te- served. party tomorrow at 8 p.m. In the refusal "indeed a failure to stalled by the pro-Bosch force# the school auditorium. Refresh­ cooperate in the Inquiry.” as provisional president after Manchester Chapter of the ments will be served. Mrs. In Bid for Higher Wages John A. Nettling, aittornSy for they kicked out the U.S.-backed Retreat League o f Our Lady of Michael DiBella and Mrs. Don­ the three men, said the deci.sion civilian junta Sunday, to<rit asyl­ Retreat House, Farmington, ald Bums are oo-chairmen. A camped for the second'^mate 3,800 students were sent would be appealed t o , toe State um in the Colombian Embas.sy. will sponsor a card party Fri­ business meeting at 7:30 will HAMTRAMCK, Mich. * . .... •. »_ 1home _ erv........4Tue.sday M from schools Ivlin Supreme Court of Errors. The Wessin troops describe night Tue.sday night in make.sh- the fighUng aa a mopup, but to# day at 8 pjn.
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