Becoming Sunny- THEDAILY FINAL Becoming sunny late today. Fair, quite cold tonight. Red Bank, Freehold Long Branch EDITION Cloudy, cold tomorrow. I 7 (Beo Detail!. Paie 2) Monmouth County's Home Newspaper for 92 Years VOL. S3, NO. 126 RED BANK, N. J., WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 24, 1969 28 PAGES 10 CENTS ••••in ••••iiimiiiiiiiiii iiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiBniuiiniHiiiiiii Peoples of the World Ready for Christmas Millions of persons around pilgrims. One estimate said er than last year, but many The Vietnam Moratorium the world made last-minute more than 1,000 troops and attributed the increase to Committee took note of the preparations today to cele- police were on duty in the higher prices brought on by holiday theme of peace and brate Christmas. town. inflation rather than addition- scheduled a series of Christ- Although the message of In Vietnam, the allied com- al volume. mas Eve vigils. The observ- the birth of Jesus Christ is mands and the Viet Cong ob- Hundreds of thousands ance in New York includes "Peace on Earth," the wars served cease-fires. Fighting flocked to airports, railroad a candlelight procession to the world had with it last had been at a low level for stations and bus terminals, Central Park with Mayor year remained in Vietnam several weeks, and after the heading home to see rela- John V. Lindsay and other and Nigeria. The Mideast sit- truce began it dropped off tives and families or taking political leaders scheduled to uation remained unsettled. even more. vacations. participate. Three loud explosions rat- Radio Hanoi began broad- Among the travelers will In Europe, the festive sea- tled windows today in Beth- casting recorded messages be President Nixon, his wife son was sneezy with flu but lehem, the birthplace of from American prisoners of and daughter Tricia, who are in full swiTi": French fisher- Christ. One Israeli official war to their families, as it going to San Clemente, Calif., men put 23,000 tons of oys- said they could have been has done in past years. Friday after spending Christ- ters on thu market. A mer- caused by supersonic air- Soldiers in Vietnam and at mas at the White House. The chant in West Germany ped- craft. other U.S. military installa- Nixon's other daughter, Julie dled gold-plated ski bindings. It is the hilltop city's.third tions in the Far East, Europe Eisenhower, is in Brussels Italians battled strikes and Christmas under Israeli'rule, and the United States gave with her husband David, traffic jams. Rain - sodden and in the shade of the Christmas parties for chil- whose father is U.S. ambas- Britons streamed out of the Church of the Nativity scores dren at orphanages and hos- . sador there. country by the thousands. of Israeli security agents pitals. Nixon went to Capitol Hill In Paris, the Champs-Ely- mingled with the Christmas Christmas in the United yesterday to lunch with con- sces was dazzling in white States is quieter this year gressional leaders shortly be- lights and a .department store than lastjln 1968, the Apollo fore they adjourned the first displayed a giant moon on its 8 astronauts were circling the session of the 91st Congress roof. AskQuick moon, and the crew of the and headed home. Last - minute buyers spy ship Pueblo was coming Many of them will find a thronged shops • in Germany home after 11 months of cap- white Christmas. A snow- despite grumbling that the tivity. storm blanketed the Midwest traditional German Christ- ActionOn As usual, shoppers jammed and the U.S. Weather Bureau mas is becoming commercial- the stores to make those forecast snow for the North- ized. Dealers reported busi- down - to-the - wire purchases east. The bureau also said ness was up 10 to 40 per cent from stocks that have dwin- there was snow in the Pacif- over last year. RateRule dled steadily since Thanksgiv- ic Northwest, northern Cali- Italy seemed to be facing ing. Department store offi- fornia and inland to Utah and the bleakest Christmas in TRENTON (AP) - Blue cials said revenue was high- Cross asked the state yester- the Rockies. (See World, Pg. 2, Col. 5) day for a decision by Jan. 16 on whether it will grant the 35 per cent rate increase the hospital insurance plan is seeking. Cahill Retains Kelly The request came as five days of hearings into the TWAS THE NIGHT BEFORE...— Melissa Piccola,,2 *fr, daughter of Mr. and Mrt. L. Anthony Piceola of Ruttic rate increase application, Drive, Oalchurst, peeks as Santa, gets some last minuta rest before his busy work schedule itarti tonight. Scene which could mean subscrib- ers will be paying 73 per Head of State Police wit Turner Brothers Nursary in West Long Branch. ' . ' (Register Staff Photo by Don Lord!) cent more than they were a year ago, ended. By DAVID M. GOLDBERG den State Race Track; and he named Rich- The Jan. 16 date was re- TRENTON (AP) - State police super- ard MeDonough, his Union County campaign 9quested because Blue Cross intendent David B. Kelly, a career police- manager, as head of the Alcoholic Beverage is required by law to give man who rose through the ranks, will re- Control Board. State's ^Christmas Family subscribers 90-day notice on main in his job with a Republican adminis- KeHy, while an enrolled Democrat, has increases and officials said tration. never been active hi politics. He joined they would need time in Gov.-elect William T. Cahill said that the State Police as a trooper in 1946 and order to mail the notices out he will retain Kelly in the job he was ap- worked his way up to deputy superintendent by Feb. 1. The increase, if pointed to in 1965 by Gov. Richard J. in 1962 before being appointed by Hughes to granted would go into effect Hughes. the top spot. Includes Kids of AII Races May 1. "I believe law enforcement should be McCrane, 45, is an ex-Marine and for- Work Pledged nonpartisan," Cahill said at a news confer- mer West Point football player, who was ence here. "Most of the citizens of New By MARY V. CORDON her husband Kurt, 56, there The family, all 20 with the year helping to feed the fam- Horace J. Bryant, the one of Cahill's principal fund raisers dur- ily. commissioner of banking and Jersey are aware of the excellence of our ing the gubernatorial campaign. < WHITEHOUSE (AP) - is not. They adopted their exception of the oldest, Kath- • Work as Team insurance, told the Blue state police — an excellence due in part to He said he would get rid of any in- They came from the lonely first child, John, in 1956; erine, 23 and married, share • "You know, I was ex- Cross representatives he the personal qualities of Col. David Kelly." terest in Garden State, which is owned by hills of South Korea and an when Mrs. Lerke was doing the seven-room farm house hausted when I had two chil- would work; to get the deci- Cahill also announced two other ap- his father-in-law, Eugene Mori. And.Cahill American Indian reservation volunteer work for an adop-'' on two acres of land with > dren," Mrs. Lerke said sion out as quickly as pos- pointments. He confirmed that he has added that he is considering moving the In the West, from the Deep; tion agency, and their most 31 cats, three dogs, and two laughing. "But with so many sible. chosen as state treasurer Joseph M. Mc- State Racing Commission from the Treasury South and here in New Jer- recent child, Karoline, this gpats. They, drink four gal- . it's not hard. They all But Bryant noted testi- Crane Jr., a longtime personal and political Department to the Secretary of State's of- sey. fall, Ions of milk a day, eat 36 loaves of bread.a week, and straighten each other out." mony that numerous factors associate and the general manager of Gar- fice. Some were 111 and oUiers "We didn't plan it this go into rate increases and ' way," explained a petite and used one bathroom — "until As if to illustrate her point, hungry when they left the in- Daddy made another one out John, 13, screamed from the that Blue Cross and hospitals stitutions and broken homes. enthusiastic Mrs. Lerke. "We may have to work out ways took the children in tempor- of the pantry." kitchen for mother to inter- But things are better now. Daddy, Mr. Lerke, is a vene in a fight with a to cut costs. Christmas is always somer arily and then kept them to - "I don't think government keep them from having to go white collar worker at Lock- younger sister. thing special at the white heed Electronics and earns "You better tell her to shut is the entire answer," he back to institutions. And it's said. frame farmhouse where $8,000 a year. His little up," he screamed, "or I'll there's always been room worked out beautifully." Bryant also said his final AH Races farm produces 3,000 pounds punch her in the mouth." decision would take into ac- for one more at the table. of vegetables and fruit in a (See State's, Pg. 2, Col. 6) "They are all races and The children, six boys and count not only what is best have every physical disa- 12 girls, range in age from for Blue Cross, "but what bility imaginable," the moth- two to 23. They are Negro, can best serve the public." er of 16 adopted and two American Indian, Oriental natural children said of her and Caucasian and some suf- Pershie Says CrimeNo Register brood.
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