Modern Architecture Meets New Education Renaat Braem's Design and the Brussels Decroly School (1946)

Modern Architecture Meets New Education Renaat Braem's Design and the Brussels Decroly School (1946)

Modern archi ec ure "ee # ne$ educa ion Renaa Braem%# desi&n and he Br!##e'# (ecro') #choo' (1+,6- .R/(/RI0 H/RM2N1 (oc or o3 /d!ca iona' 4cience# 5 0a ho'ie6e 7ni8ersi ei Le!8en 2NG/L9 :2N G9R;2 2##ocia e ;ro3e##or 5 0a ho'ie6e 7ni8ersi ei Le!8en .R2N014IM9N .!'' ;ro3e##or 5 Ghen 7ni8er#i ) BR7N91:2N9BB/RG/N G!e# ;ro3e##or 5 Ghen 7ni8er#i ) M2RC1(/;2/;/ <<<<<<<<<<< .!'' ;ro3e##or 5 4!=-fac!' ) o3 ;#)cho'o&) and /d!ca iona' 4cience# *0ortri>6- 1. (/4IGN12;9TH/94I4 IN TH/ H/2RT19. B/LGI2N1/(7C2TI9N2L R/N/?2L 2 nu"ber of a"bi iou# and innova iona' p'ans $ere #6e ched in he cour#e of he1 $en ie h cen ur) 3or L%@cole (ecrol) '%/r"i a&e, a progre##i8e #choo' 3or Anor"a'A chi'dren 3ounded in 1907 =) 98ide (ecro') *1CB1-1932).3 2"on& 1. .rederi6 Her"an $a# a re#earch a##i# an a he Centre for the History of Education (Katholieke Universiteit Leuven). .or he pa# 3o!r )ear#, he ha# $orked on hi# ;h( he#i# on #choo' c!' !re*#- in he $en ie h cen !r) in Be'&i!". Thi# pro>ec con#i# ed o3 3o!r "ain ca#e # !die#D he app'ica ion o3 #choo' re&!'a ion# and he p!ni i8e "ea#!re#E he !#e o3 #choo' no e=oo6#E he %"o!'din&% o3 he #choo' archi ec !re =) he eachers and he archi ec # and, 3ina''), he de8e'op"en o3 he #choo' de#6 and he 3ea#i=i'i ) o3 he di33eren de#i&n#. The re#earch $a# #!pervi#ed =) ;ro3e##or (r. Marc (epaepe and ;ro3e##or (r. 2n&e'o :an Gorp, and $a# cond!c ed in c'o#e coopera ion $i h ;ro3e##or (r. .ran6 4i"on. 2. Corre#pondence concernin& hi# artic'e #ho!'d =e addre##ed o .rederi6 HermanD .rederi6.Her"anFho "ai'.co"E 2n&e'o :an GorpD 2n&e'o.:anGorpFped.6!'e!8en.=eE .ran6 4i"onD 3ran6.#i"onF!&en .=eE Br!no :ano==ergenD =runo.8ano==er&enF!&en .=e or o Marc (epaepeD Marc.(epaepeF6!'e!8en-kortri>6.=e 3. (ecro'), a Be'&ian ne!ro'o&i# and p#)chia ri# , i# pri"ari') 6no$n a# an ed!ca iona' re3or"er, 3or he de8e'oped hi# o$n ed!ca iona' "e hod and i# con#idered o =e one o3 he pioneer# o3 he Ne$ /d!ca ion .e''o$#hip. 4 artin& 3ro" cri ici#" on he Ao'd #choo'A, and con#iderin& ha a chi'd o=#erve# hin&# &'o=a''), he pre#en ed he #!=>ec "a er no in BTNG | RBHC, XLI, 2011, 1-2, pp. 135-166 he" $ere he 1946 plans of archi ec # Renaa Brae" *1910-2001) and Jac6 4okol *1911-1977) and he 1972 de#i&n of he Groupe Brederode *c3. .i&ure 1)., The 'a er de#i&n da e# bac6 o he period in $hich he #choo', 'oca ed on he edge o3 Ter6a"erenbos in 766e' *#outh of Br!##e'#-, $a# hrea ened $i h expropria ion beca!#e of he plans o expand he Br!##e'# Ring.5 2 hi# i"e, archi ec # /""anue' de Ca''a a), Miche' La") and Geor&e# :ranc6K $ere a$are of he po##i='e #a'e of unde8e'oped 'and in 766e'. The) 3ir# #6e ched a de#i&n 3or a re#identia' par6. 9nl) 'a er, in anticipa ion o3 he #earch =) he #choo' admini# ra ion 3or a ne$ 'oca ion and ne$ 3aci'i ie#, he) incorpora ed a pa8i'ion #chool into heir de#i&n. Howe8er, he p'an $a# de8e'oped $i ho! here ha8ing been any cons!' a ion =e $een he" and he #choo' admini# ra ion.6 .or hi# rea#on, $e pu a#ide he plan of he Groupe Brederode and $i'' concentra e on he de#i&n =) Brae" and 4okol. Thi# pro>ec of 1946 a rac ed our a en ion13or a number of rea#on#. .ir# , "oderni# ic #choo' =!i'ding# and de#i&n#, #uch a# he one of Brae" en 4okol, $ere ra her an exception in Be'&i!" in he 1940s. The ri#e o3 Modern 2rchi ec !re during he inter$ar period, $i h he Interna iona' Congre## of Modern 2rchi ec ure a# i # Leni h, unti' hen had )ie'ded 'i 'e "ore in Be'- &i!" han a hand3!' of "odern #choo'# *:erpoe# , 1992; Brae6en, 2009, 3).B Ne8er he'e##, he "odern #choo' cons r!c ion in he #!rrounding countrie# $a# &aLed a in $onder"ent 3rom Be'&i!" a'ready in he hir ie#. Thi# i# #!=>ec # =! in 'arger $ho'e#. The #!=>ec "a er, $hich had o =e proce##ed ac i8e') and eKpre##i8e'), $a# 'in6ed o he #o-ca''ed cen re# o3 in ere# o3 he chi'd, $hich $ere organi#ed aro!nd 3o!r =io'o&ica' need#D he need 3or 3ood, pro ec ion, and de3ence * he#e a'' $en =ac6 o he =a#ic need 3or #e'3-pre#er8a ion), and he in# inc o3 #o'idari ) or he =a#ic need o a##!re he #!rvi8a' o3 one%# o$n #pecie#. .ro" hi# per#pec i8e, "!ch a en ion $a# de8o ed o #ocia' de8e'op"en . The (ecro') Me hod ha# o3 en =een #!""ed !p in he #'o&an Apo!r 'a 8ie, par 'a 8ieA *3or "ore de ai'#, #ee, :an Gorp, 2005). 4. The#e de#i&n dra$in&# are pre#erved in he Centre d'Études Decrolyennes *C/(- and les rchives de l' rchitecture !oderne *22M). 4ince here i# no re'ia='e c'a##i3ica ion #)# e" in he CE(, and 3or he #a6e o3 no =!rdenin& he no e# and &'o##e# !nnece##ari'), $e re3er o he #o!rce# $i h he a==re8ia ion C/( or 22M, he 3i'e na"e, #!pp'e"en ed $i h a i 'e or a de#crip ion o3 he doc!"en , and 5 $here po##i='e 5 he na"e o3 he a! hor and he da e. 5. The ro! e o3 he Rin& $a# re8i#ed in 1+B2 *C/(, 3i'eD Le Rin& 1+B0-. The 1+2B #i e ha# =een re ained !p o he pre#en . 6. In ervie$ $i h /""an!e' de Ca''a a), 1BI03I200+ *0inder"an## raa 5, 1050 Ixe''e#-. 7. Les Con"r#s Internationau% d'Architecture !oderne (CIAM), 3o!nded in 1+2C =) Le Cor=!#ier and o hers, and c'o#ed do$n in 1+5+, $ere in erna iona' p'a 3orm# 3or "odern archi ec # #!ch a# Hendri6 Berla&e, H!&o HMrin&, 2ndrN L!rOa , /rn# Ma), Hanne# Me)er, Lo!i# Her"an (e 0oninc6, and H!i= Ho# e. The 3ir# 3o!r con&re##e# 5 o3 a #erie# o3 en 5 $ere he'd in 1+2C, 1+2+, 1+30, and 1+33 in La 4arraL *4$i Ler'and), .ran63!rt, Bru##e'#, and 2 hen#. G136H.. H/RM2N I 2. :2N G9R; I .. 4IM9N I B. :2NOBB/RG/N I M. (/;2/;/ #hown, 3or eKa"ple, =) he richl) i''!# ra ed pub'ica ion &nder'i(s en Scholenbouw in Bel"i+ en ,ederland */duca ion and 4chool Cons r!c ion in Be'&i!" and he Ne her'ands- o3 1931. In i , he "odern #choo' archi ec !re $a# &rea ') prai#ed, par ic!'ar') he Ne$ ;ra&"a i#", he Ra iona'i#", and he Interna iona' .unc iona'i#" a"on& our nor hern nei&hbour#.C 2 number of i"por an (! ch archi ec # #uch a# Hendri6 ;e r!# Ber'a&e *1856-193,-, ?i''e" Marinus (!do6 *1884-1974), and Jan (!i6er *1890-1935) and heir crea ions, $hich ha8e become &enera'') $e''-6nown, $ere re8ie$ed in de ai'.+ .IG7R/ 1D (/4IGN 9. TH/ GR97;/ BR/(/R9(/ (1+B2- 4econd, he de#i&n i# a'#o # ri6ing 3or i # )polog)E i broke, a# i $ere, 3rom he ='!eprin $hich unti' hen had &uided #choo' cons ruc ion in Be'&i!" *c3. Bur6e, 2010, 655), and $hich had 3ound i # ori&in in he "id-nine een h- cent!r) 'a"ent over he #o"e i"e# $re ched condi ions in $hich educa ion $a# provided. In Be'&i!" and, "ore &enera'') in he ?e# ,10 he 'oca ion, he #iLe, he # )'e, he "a eria'#, he cons ruc ion "e hod, he 'i&hting, he 8. :'aa"#e 9p8oed6!ndi&e :ereni&in& *:9:), &nderwi(s en )cholen*ou' in Bel"i+ en Nederland, 2n $erp, 1+31, pp. 1-C0. 9. 2"on& o hers, Johanne# (!i6er'# &penluchtschool voor het "e-onde kind in 2"# erda" (1+2+-1+30- and he 8ario!# #choo'# in Hi'8ers!" de#i&ned =) ?i''e" (!do6. 10. 4ee, e.&., Barnard *H.), )chool rchitecture, Ne$ Pork, 1C,C, pp. ,0-62. M9(/RN2RCHIT/CT7R/M//T4N/?/(7C2TI9N G13BH hea ing, he 8enti'a ion, a# $e'' a# he #choo' 3!rni#hing#11 $ere de#cri=ed and #peci3ied e8er "ore echnica'') and in e8er "ore de ai' *Ber e'#, 2008, 263-273; :anmeirhae&he, 2006; :erpoe# , 1+92).12 Thi# "e##a&e $a# repea ed 3or a 'ong i"e and 3ur her re3ined in a'' #or # o3 peda&ogica' publica ions.13 The Be'&ian #choo' rea i#e# o3 he nine eenth centur) $ere com"i ed o he de8e'op"ent of "ode' #choo'#, $hich $ere in ended o "a6e1#)# e"a ic1#chool cons ruc ion pos#i='e1*:anmeirhae&he, 2006, 64-.

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