TIIH OMAHA DAILY HEHi TIItmSDAY, AUGUST 7t mua. the strnal waa set acslnst the work trsln Coal and Ircn company, and he places their1 and thst the tel'rrapri operator notified I1ANNA TALKS OF STRIKES SHOW GOOD MARKSMANSHIP EDWARD LEWES HIS JACI1T Conductor Crels; that the friht truln hud value at about $300,000 each. Tha other already left Collins, th nil station west, colliery la th Lawrence and la owned by Amusements. ADSULUTE and waa then eaatbound tltMn the two tha Sheaffer estate of PotUvllle and alio pieees. Itn&tor ia Iddren at CbiuUtiqna Ttllg of Back-inghg- m The cTlcl.ls of tbe company are utterly represent about $300,000. Guontri at 0 recti port Do Tin Wgrk in At Krw Park. Ecglarid'i Baltr One More Sack at Con-doct- Mr. Stein out of tb thirty-- ' t loss to enplnln the conduct of Labor and Ospltal, estimate that - Practice, Anyone doubting (hat (his Is a metropol- London. of engineer Ttxgit . Taltct, t'ralg end that the of six collieries In bis district only g In fovirt.B itan, city would hav had the the work train leaving Rhmles without ar r. orilti, with tbe aisnal set against their la a condition for Immediate Idea dispelled if be atood at tbe entrance ami another WORK DONE BY THE CIVIC TEDERAT'ON If th (trlk wer ended. The other ar FRCilDENT ROOSEYtlT WELL flEAStD APPEARS TO EE IN SPIRITS I fit train t!r Infrma'lon thai . of Krug park last night and watched tbe CXCtlliNT waa on tin way. Relief trains were In such a condition that it would requlr venttrln out promptly and every aid given tucoeteioa ot cara landing at tha rate of wi Cea-fra- et anywhere from one to tour "months to clear - to (h Injure.! men, w . , y Wkrat Labarlnty Me Melt one a mlaute- and ncloadlng their hurdeea 111- -f (hem of water and make repairs. H ald Presses a mil Into the Read ef rtetarsi le Arrosaplished Wtthowt , tV'opiM oav ef summer resort patrons, wsa a strong Toms fiitkt Trestle. They giay hr i, a Vs gvtrsg it ( Genuine tb time would ba about two Every Prise Wlawer aad Yells ettestroeut to the survival of ragtime, a ffeefs, the Delight of All Thee VI LI B, Ky., Aig. An , HOPKINS hawai la Rrmt Mlwera' months. Tb abandonment of tb At col- They Did HI ibe Illinois Central rosd These Ba. concert of this clai ef papular music being Was Have Watehed erIOB trstil'bn Cawveatlon. lieries will compel 1,000 rr.ln worker to the special of program. caught Ova young omfH on high, trestls employment eellewtly. feature the varied Beeevery. seek In other parti of th Not only wat It as large a crowd as has at Dawson Spring this evening. Two region they may In find- Carter ' and hav trouble - attended thl season on evening, hut wei- 'crushed to death, and the others, VRBANA. O., Aug. Senator M. A. ing It If th thousand of men wbo ta - bar OREENPORT. L. I., Aug. President It wts noticeably distinguished by th fash- LONDON, Aug. I. Th royal yacht Vic- lurriplnG,r w i robaply. fststly. Injured. Haitna addressed th t'rbana. Chautauqua left th region during th strlka should " Roosevelt waa on Mayflower today la mlfnlo ionable. Huster' band played twelve toria and Albert, with King Edward on Cud:., , . today oa th toflo; "Labor aad Ita Rela- retura. Littlo Liver Pills. joHNVY war. Th maneuvers which th ship In- regular number aad In response to encor hoard,, left Co we at l:t0 thl afternoon for , SMITH." Padticah, Ry. '.,t tion to Capital." i. t This condition Of affaire, the mine In- dulged la were It might gob many Portsmouth.. Th harbor atatloo at Ports- ivNSON, - thos have rendered nearly a more. Including IX'CY JTK Hickory Yt- The was feci 1st 8prlngfleld by 1 - eyf Cre,' ahator spector aald, a serious matter, hot only through gun prac- mouth waa ebortly Mutt Hmr Stgnaturo '. la active battle- Tb tb latest coon melodies. Ia the audience reached after o'clock. Iniurfd! ; . , ,. g large escort made up of prominent cltl-se- o With th companies, but also with Ih rnen. tice ef the crew" ot Mayflower Indicates were fully . 500. who, A pclal train to convey hi majesty to Flint, Paducab, ky. ".. of Springfield and Presi- that children with the MIf' Id Urbana and After the strike shall hav been ended most tb men behind the gun ea board Ameri- women, took special delight la Prof. London awaited hi arriv! at Portsmouth. Edith Stvnson, Hickory Grov, Ky. dent George W. Hitt of tba Chaatauq.ua as- of th workmen will to in ' hav remain can war vessels Ire eve more efficient and Clark'a dog ahow, tbe little animate per- A th royal yacht bearlsg th king wa .unl Nlchom, Hawe. Ky. , '; '.' and by apacial trolley Into sociation taken Idlenes for another period of tlm until accurate thaa they were at the memorable forming a stunt full of (rlckt, In moored alongside, the dockyard Jetty at All were young women wbo war sojourn- camp . clever tha near Urbana. th collieries are placed working condi- vio-to- ry la battle bay Japanese warship fired Pae-MsB- ing (h Springs. ef Manila or at the decisive which they displayed unusual Intelligence Pertamouth two fee Wrapper Below at . An audience 'of nearly 1,000. greeted him tion. In th coal field south of here. Mr, were, followed by sp'esk. achieved br the American fleet off for dumb brutes. - A usual much Interest salute and all the at tha tabernacla when he aros tb Stein said, sit oat Ion la had. Ulspane-Atnerle- tba about as Santiago. The a war" waa manifested la th Mont Pelee volcanlo ships In th harbor. Vest ansMM mm mm eesny The senator waa Introduced by Colonel W. In Wyoming re- But tha and Lackawanna demonstrated tot fact that th United disaster the "Passion Play." Th bowl The .king waa officially received at the to t&fce aa TRACY! END HIS LIFE R. Warneck, member of congress from this gions tb mines In much better con- ad art State navy contained fin mtrksmea and ing alleys, merry-go-roun- d and shooting landing place by Admiral Sir Cbarlea Fred- district. Ha waa first given tha Chautau- dition. Th Rue-tel- mln Inspector's tatment the presence aboard Mayflower today ef conrso vrsr crowded with pleasure seekers erick Hotham and General Sir Baker l. rsi musn. qua salute a waving of handkerchief crested considerable interest here, as It wa A waa ICARTERlS (Continued from First Page.) President Roosevelt evidence el hi wbo crowded their tla between the many guard of honor mounted on ' - - and then heartily applauded. His address confirmed the of some i belief of tea coal delr personally and by every means la the dockyard Jetty. wa vigorously cheered. company pastime. rex the cause of the maa'a despondancy. On frequently , and officials that a full resumption of hla power to foster and Improve tola im- The first complete dress rehearsal ot tht tiucsisu. t was purely extemporaneous 'and was Coal mining will not taks plac thl year portant navy. ceremony waa In West- r:x Tcxmuvia. hot had broken jibe leg between tha, ankle branch of the work of tb - DEATH RECORD. coronation held and the knee. The other cut tba (lbtal largely devoted to' an explanation of th and In consequence th tendency of coal To thl end It ta the purpose the presi- minster abbey1 today. The participants In- r:x c:sstipat2S3. origin, alma and accomplishment of tha price down- artery, which of ltaelf waa ufflclen( caui will he upward rather than dent to urge the necessity of Continuing FrfsiSat rioaeer Dead.' cluded all the chief actor In the ceremony M m tiue w ix! a. ri for death. .,, Clvio federation,, of which Senator Hanna ward. target practice, by the ere wa ot American save their Majesties. J la tha president, v Tb aituallon so far aa th peac of th warship. witnessing work FREMONT. Neb., Aug. 8. (Special.) klng'k company of rcamcsmtxiss . It la believed tba( both of (bate wound After the ef The the Grenadier oaualiKsrae newt tiptm', wer received after the convict left (h H said the object of tha organisation Shenandoah region was concerned remains th crew, ef No. Bun, the winners of th Judge W. H. Ely died thlt mornlg at It Guards was posted at tbe abbey annex and to to age 81 shelter of tha rock and tnada his break to better tha condition of labor., bring unchanged today.' It wa probably . th contest, he' personally went to the. gut O'clock at the of years. He was a (he peer and. peeresses and tht royal pages for the whea( field. labor Into closer contact with capital and Culetest day since the soldiers were called pointer, W. J. 0Donaelt,' and, shaking hit native of Boolland and cams to Wisconsin all assumed their robe la the dressing CURS ICK HCADACHS Tba murderer feed taken a strap and If possible by effort and ducatlon to mak eut on week ago tonight. hand cordially said: "Yon did well ex- while a young man. Ia 1857 ht came to Ne- room In the annex. The gorgeous corona- . up buckled It tightly around bl leg In an pt It Impoelbla to have atrlkea. cellently." braska and took a claim near. North tion carpet and tapestries were uncovered to stop th bleeding.
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