• 'By the Students, 7 he South~ s 'Best For the S tudents College ~ewspaper t Z-178 Wuhington and Le~ University Semi-Weekly LEXINGTON, VIRGINIA, APRIL 19, 1940 NUMBER 51 VOL.XLill FRIDAY, Delegations Completed; Herman's Blues Set Off Conclave Opens Tuesday Spring Dances Tonight * 1-F Sing Finals Faculty Requires Attendance ·------------------------ Combined With At Two of Three Sessions New Collegian By AL FLEISHMAN tlon will be able to vote. tor under Swing Concert the rules adopted by the conven­ Has Variety With the announcement laat tion's rules committee, proxies will Here we go on what promises to night of the apportionment of the not be accepted. be the grandest fun of the year student body Into the various state Members of the credentials com­ Of Features as Woody Herman swings his and territorial deletraUons by mittee said that they hoped no one "Band 'lbat P lays the Blues•· to­ Budcly Foltz. Washington and "would be oJfended" by the plac­ Five short stories, four articles night In Doremus aymnasiwn. fir­ Lee's e I g h t b mock convention lnl of delegates and that they also and an assortment of cartoons. Ml8s Anna Mae Feacbtenberrer, Ing the opening gun of the Spring awaited only the keynote speech hoped tbat every one "would enter verse and departments make up Sweet Briar senior from Bluefield, dance set of 1940. Over a thou­ into the aplrit of the thlna." sand guests have swarmed to the of Congressman James Wadsworth the sprlng Lssue of the SOuthern w. va., and BIUy Buxton. Cotillion The program aa announced by Collegian. which came off the campus In what ls definitely the at 2:30 p. m. Tuesday to begln ac­ club president, who w1ll lead the tual operation. omclal convention Taylor this morning is as follows: presses yesterday. moat activity-filled week-end or program and faculty ruUnp dur­ FIRST SESSION: Convene Tues­ Featured among the short stor­ figUre at tomorrow night's Cotil­ the year, If not the gayest. Ing the convention were released day, April 23, at 2:30 p. m. Recess ies is "Too Perfect," by Steve lion club ball ln Doremus gym. Top feature of the week-end Is this mornlna by Student Body tor dinner. Reconvene, AdJourn­ Campbell. It's about Joe, a clever shared by tw,O famous orchestras President Cectl Taylor. ment. guy who makes his living by forg­ as Herman features his clarinet <A complete list of the state SECOND SBSSION: Convene ing checks. Joe tbinks of almoet DANCE TIMETABLE tonight and aa Gene Krupa drums. delegations wU be found beginning Wednesday, April 2t, at 10:00 a. everything while plying his trade, Irene Daye sings, and all settle of page two of this issue of The m. Recess for lunch. Reconvene. but almost isn't quite enough when FRIDAY down to "solid sending" for the Ring-tum Phi.> AdJournment 8:00 p. m. Joe tries to cash In on the name 10:00 .. "13" Club Formal Dance afternoon concert and then re­ Foltz. ln a meeting of state dele­ of a wealthy old man. and Joe vert to danceable tempos as the THIRD SESSION : Convene 11:00 ............... .. gation chairmen and faculty . ad­ goes the way of most criminalS. n.ure Cotlllion club ball gets underway. Wednesday, 7:30 p. m. Adjourn­ visers last night. W'led all mem­ Another of the short stories is 1!:15 . ... ...... l~rnmbMdoa Top feature of Saturday will be bers of the student body to enter ment. ''Pbllanthropist.'' by Fred Shella­ 1!:45 . ...... .. Dance Resumed the ftnals of the Interfraternity Into the convention with the prop. 'lbe faculty's executive commit­ barger. whoee cartoons and cover 2:30 . .......... Dance Sing, sponsored by the Interfra­ er splrit. "Whi.Lr we have been un­ tee ln allowinl suspension of school deslans have been featured In the ternity council. The Beta Theta PI able to place every one In the dele­ work on next Wednesday stipulat­ magazine all year. Shellabarger's SATURDAY and Delta Tau Detla fraternities ed that attendance would be re­ gation from hls home state, we tale Is of an attempt to befriend 2:00 .. ... Duke Lacros~e Game will compete Saturday afternoon have apportioned the students to quired o( all students at two of a little newsboy who, Instead of at ftve o'clock for the Sing trophy t: 00 .... lnt.erfrat.emlb Council the best of our abWty,'' Foltz stat­ the three sesalona of the conclave. being the poor little fellow he ap­ which wtll be a warded at the con­ and CoWUoa Club Swlnr ed. "It was not an easy, but was Attendance will be taken by state pears to be, has ''been around" Concert chUilon of the contest. an arduous task: and we would ap­ chairmen under the method used and knows wbat the score is. 'lbe campus sports light will be preciate If any mistakes are re­ In University assemblies, and the the Rabbit.'' by Lou Schultz: "A 5:M.Int.erlraternl&y Slar FlDala shared by the track team. who en­ ported to our committee at the same penalties tor non-attendance the Rabbit." by Loy Schultz; "A 6:H . .. ........ Concert Entia tertain Richmond university this Student Union from 2 to 4 p. m. of compulsory University asaem­ Squire's Tale," and "Honest Con­ 9:H . .... CotliUon Club Ball afternoon to set off the fuse for bllea will be lmpoaed during the on Monday,'' he continued. feaalon,'' signed by one Clayton 10:30 .................. Flrure the week-end; and the lacrosse The credentlala committee fur­ mock convention. Parker. game between the co-champions 10:45 . Ten Minute lnt.ernmllaloa ther emphasized that a lot of Taylor called the final meetl~ The magazine's leading article of the Dlxle leaaue, Washington delegates w1ll be oftlclala at the before the convention on Monday is by SOnny Heartwell, former 1!: 00 ........... ... Ball Encla and Lee and Duke. This game will convention and w1ll act also on a nltht at 7:30 p. m. ln Newcomb Ring-tum Phi sports columnist. be played at 2:00 Saturday after­ particular delegation. Thole men hall. He requested that ·all mem­ who analyzes a much-talked-about. noon on Wilson fteld as a prelude wlll vote when their names are bers of committees servlns durlni problem In "Subeldizatlon - Pro­ to the Krupa swing concert. called and will be part and parcel the convention be present. ln or­ fesslonallsm and Washington and Bllly Buxton, president or the of their particular delecatlon. der that they might learn the Lee." ~Modern Refinements' to be Incorporated Cotillion club, will lead the ball Only those men who are pres­ methods In which the convention "Olris' School? ..." by Ernest saturday night accompanied by ent at the sessiona of the conveli- will be run. Woodward n presents a discussion Mlsa Anna Mae Feuchtenberger of of rules and regulations such as In New and Reconstructed Donnitories Sweet Briar colleae. He will be as­ are laid down by neighboring In­ sisted by Judge Sutherland. who Alnutt, Sugrue Win Major Roles stitutions. while ''Law tor the Lay­ All modern refinements In the lng glazed panels In the coun­ and reception room. used tor con­ will escort Miss VIckie Vaughan man,'' by Pete Barrow, Jr., and student housing field wtll be Incor­ cllors' doors. to escape from any versation during day time and of Holllna college. The ftgure will "Propaganda," by Pat Warfteld. porated In the new and recon­ part of either of the three build­ study at night. A slmllar room wUl be at 10:30 and a ten-minute in­ In Tryouts for ~Mice and Men' round out the group of Collegian structed dormitories, which were Ings by way of any other ln case be located In the ftrst-ftoor center­ termission wlll follow. articles. planned after trips by administra­ of a locallzed ftre. section entrance hall ln Lees. Prank Nichols, president of the John Alnutt will take the part • --------------------­ "Town Girl,'' a long verse by tion and faculty members to· a Each of the ftoors. besides Its Councllors' rooms w1ll be sliaht­ " 13" club, wUl lead the figure or of George, and Pran cla Sugrue will Latham 'lbiapen, and two ballads number of other schools to ac­ unit division. will be further cut ly larger than those of the fresh­ the " 13" club formal tonight with portray Lennie In the forthcom1nl by Ed Trioe-"In the Pinch" and cumulate Information on the sub­ lnto sub-unlta by means of swlng­ men. and equipped with private Miss Edythe Hobson of Hollins Troubadour producUon of "Of ACP Rates "Yankee at a SOuthern School"­ Ject. lng doors, which will place the lavatories. college. Billy Ayers will assist In K1ce and Men:• o1llcia1l ot the are featured amona the magazine's 'Ibe U-shaped range of bulldtngs rooms of tour to eight students to­ In the basements will be located leadln& the ftgure w1lh Miss Ca­ club announced today. In addi­ poetry. will be divided Into ftve sections. gether ln a separate sub-unit. to adequate trunk storage rooms, and mille Anderson of Mary Baldwin tion. It waa stated that Alnutt wW "32 Mlaap" <MatUnalY is my of tour ftoors each making 20 units lessen noise, and Increase privacy. the present dormitory st.ore, which college. The " 13" club figure will be handle the direction for this third Ring-tum Phi reaistrar: I shall not cut ...>. in all. Two sections will be In Lees, 1be bulldlnrs wtll accommodate may be equipped with soda foun­ at 11 :00 o'clock, while the lntcr­ play of the year.
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