Old Kin9's Club Sir ROBERT ANDREW KCB NewsletterNo. 96 April 2000 FORTHCOMING EVENTS OLD KING'S CLUB 11th May 2000 School Careers Advisors' evening 12th May 2000 OK Golf Society Spring meetin g - see Golf Report 24th June 2000 Commemoration Day «tilltgt, 11.otibon . 23rd September 2000 Gaudy for the up-to-1949 leavers - see below 24th September 2000 OKC Sports Day * 17th November 2000 OKC Annual Dinner at the Clubhouse - see below * Telephone OKC Office for details: 020 8255 5390 · . , A,, ~ fot_..,~ ,,<:(___l l>c .g 11>11,omiJIAle SCHOOL ~~h~~~ - - Summer term begin s on Tuesday 25th Apri l and ends on Wednesday 5th July. Half term is n.g«l- .!J - 1un oo ih<, ~ of~ - la1t, u • P uFil 111ti le Monday 29th May to Friday 2nd June 2000. Autumn term begin s on Monday 4th September and ends on Friday 15th December . Half !bat~®~'I. term is Monday 23rd to Friday 27th October 2000. He h~• btto Nl11C&ledonilc r the can, o~ ~ GAUDY FORTHE up-to-1949 LEAVERS &Udbi• ,@.. <-: :Nit.lo aL-9.../#, 4~ •• ..- .,#. ... Old Boys who left King's at any time before the end of 1949 will be recei ving an invitation to a Gaudy at the School, to be held on Saturday, 23rd September , 2000 . Unfortunately we no longer have the current addre sses for a number of OKC members who left during this period; a list of those whose present address is not known to us is given towards the end of this edition of the Newsletter . Please look through this list, and if you know the current address of any of these members, or any other .. information about them, please write to the Hon Secretary, and let him know. • ~ ~ & f~ .... T-oT._ . ... , .lf' . /,11 .__ :en- .. .. .. I I • • """"""""bor .... , . ·· · a 1a • Tocolhi-t .. ,ll , 4' . ~ OKC ANNUAL DINNER l',c,_L A'--'?-u~. Advance notice This year our Annual Dinner will be held at the OKC Clubhou se. The date will be: Friday I 7th November 2000 above A typical nomination form (see article 'From the Archives' in this issue). This example, dated 5th May 1845, is for the nomination of William Cubitt, then 9 years old, by and the Guest Speaker will be Mike Rafter, the former England and Sir George Staunton, Bart. MP. Cubitt was later to be awarded the Victoria Cross for bravery during the Indian Mutiny, Lucknow 1857. British Lion Rugby player. front cover Sir Robert Andrew KCB (1947), President of the Old King's Club. Sir Robert Please make a note in your diaries now, to be sure that you do not miss this event. has this year retired from the Governing Board of KCS after 25 years of service, the last ten Full details and an application form will be included in the next Newsletter , which of which he was Chairman of the Governors. will be sent to you in October 2000. OLD KING'S CLUB 3 OLD KING'S CLUB: OFFICERS AND COMMITTEE PRESIDENT: Sir RobertAndrew KCB SECRETARY'S NOTES ANNUAL GENERAL PAST PRESIDENT: RM Reeve VICE PRESIDENTS: CLUB OFFICE MEETING R B Armitage (1991 ), L R Barkey ( 1985), M Barron (1996), D DCBelchamber (1986), The Old King's Club office is in the Lodge (next to the I Sth January, 2000 JC Burr (I 987), KA Collyer (1974), RE Dawson ( 1979), RF Diacon (I 983), p K Gerhold (J 984), Sports Hall) and is open on Tuesday and Thursday J D E Hamilton (1983), A D Hein ( 1986), J Keeling ( 1987), H R Lewis OBE (1969), morningsfrom I 0.00 am to 1.00 pm; callers are welcome. The Annual General Meeting was held at 11.30 a.m. on R G Mathews (1995), D M Maxton MBE (1970), EA Stokes ( 1996), C Taylor (1973), Our telephone number is 020 8255 5390. In addition, the I 5th January 2000, in Collyer Hall. N R Topping (1984). Year of election shown in brackets messages can be left during School hours on any day with CHAIRMAN:M PC Francis the School switchboard operator on 020 8255 5300; you Present: HON SECRETARY:BJ Stokes can fax us at any time on 020 8255 5439, or send an e­ The President Sir RobertAndrew HON TREASURER: P J Grant FCA mail to [email protected]. Chairman MPC Francis Elected members: R J Bannister, M PC Francis, P L Gibbins, R J Hudson, H M G King, Hon. Secretary BJ Stokes A G P Lang, G C McGinn, D W Parry SCHOOL SHOP Hon. Treasurer P J Grant Representatives of Accredited Activities: and about 30 members. A wide range of OKC items is available from the School Cricket: T PHowland Shop in the Lodge. A list of these, together with the Cross Country: J PH Smith Apologies for absence were received from Mrs opening hours and other information, is given at the end M Fencing: D G Tilles Armitage, MrsJ Belcher,P J deC Newman, GP NPhillips, of this Newsletter. Golf: M PC Francis and RM Reeve. Hockey: RTH Carter Rifle Club: R J Hudson THE NEWSLETTER 1. The minutes of the last AGM , held on the 16th Rugby Club: NM Crockford This issue of the Newsletter was edited by B J Stokes. January 1999, were circulated in Newsletter No 94, April Soccer: J Parrish Contributions for future issues are always welcome, and 1999, on pages 4-7. Richard Armitage proposed and Len Squash: MT Williamson should be sent to The Editor, Old King's Club, King's Barkey seconded that they be approved. All agreed and Swimming: P J de C Newman College School, Wimbledon, London SW 19 4TT; or they they were signed by thePresident. There were no matters Tennis: C G Diacon may be faxed to 020 8255 5439 or sent by e-mail to arising. KCS Lodge: H M G King [email protected]. Material forinclusion in the next issue, to be published in October 2000, must reach the Editor by 2. Hon Secretary's report Sub-Committees: I st. September 2000. During the year under review your Committee has met on Finance: RBArmitage (Chairman), M Barron, M PC Francis, P J Grant, R JHudson, B J Stokes fiveoccasions under the Chairmanship ofMark Francis. Social: M PC Francis (Chairman), RB Armitage, M Barron The Old King's Club is not responsible forindividual These meetings have discussed a wide range of matters of Trustees of the Old King's Club:M Barron, LE Glover, ADHein opinions expressed in the OKC Newsletter. Editorials and importance to the Club, and although none of these may Trustees of the Invested Funds:M Barron, D W Parry, MA Smith other contributions do not necessarily represent the views be of immense significance, such attention to detail is Hon Auditors:J H Hole, G P N PhillipsAC A or policies of the Club, the Club Committee, or the Editor, important to the efficientrunning of the Club. Benevolent Fund: except where explicitly identified as such. Management Board:L R Barkey (Chairman and Trustee), ACV Evans (H ead Master, KCS), Additionally, the Committee receives reportsfrom the M Barron, JDE Hamilton (Trustee), ADHein (co-opted), R Lowndes, RJ Morris (Treasurer and Trustee), Finance, Social, and Chairman's Sub-Committees on L D Peters, D V Smedley, C Taylor (Trustee) FROMTHE CHAIRMAN matters that have been referred to them, and makes Careers for School Leavers: decisions on their recommendations. Reports are also Old King's Club Adviser:J G Robson, 27 Westminster Gardens, Marsham Street, Westminster, We remain determined to involve our younger members received fromthe various accredited activities. London SW IP 4JD (020 7828 9576) more actively in Club activities. That's why I'm particularly delighted to welcome Paddy Gibbins (our Richard Morris has resigned fromthe Committee due youngest recruit) to the Old King's Club Committee. to pressure of other commitments. Richard was firstelected to the Committee at the 1989 Annual General Meeting, Paddy is seconded straight onto the Social Sub­ and has given eleven years of valuable service forwhich Committee to encourage more 80s and 90s leavers to he has our sincere thanks. Happily, he will continue as attend the OKC Sports Day (September 24th) and the Treasurer of the Benevolent Fund. Annual Dinner at the Clubhouse (November 17th). Aftera busy year in 1998 the Finance Sub-Committee, Last year's dinner was particularly successfulbecause under the Chairmanship of Richard Armitage, has enjoyed of the excellent speakers. We will continue this welcome a comparatively quiet year. Last year's recommendations new trend with ex-England international rugby star, Mike are now in place. The new arrangements for Life Rafter as this year's main speaker. Please book the date Membership fees mentioned in my reportlast year promise in your diaries now! to place our financialaffairs on a much sounder basis, and Mark Francis the new computer system forthe OKC officehas now been working successfully forover a year. 4 OLD KING'S CLUB OLD KING'S CLUB 5 The Social Sub-Committ ee has organized the various Com memora tion Day, on June 26th, saw the usual outlined the role of the Ma gic Circle and explained that 3. Hon Treasurer's report and accounts for the year social activities of the year, ranging in scale from a bar in OK teams compe ting aga inst the School, as bn efly the Circle had been founded in 1905 by three people, two ended 31st August 1999 the OK tent on Commemoration Day to the highly mentioned earlier. Once again we thank the School for of whom were Old Boys of KCS .
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