Abbotabhad Formation, 138, 139, 140 Abruzzi Ridge, 62 Actinolite, 142

Abbotabhad Formation, 138, 139, 140 Abruzzi Ridge, 62 Actinolite, 142

Index [Italic page numbers indicate major references] Abbotabhad Formation, 138, 139, Askolc, 69 fluvial, 288 140 assemblage, heavy mineral, 131 gravel, 244, 251, 253, 255, 261 Abruzzi Ridge, 62 asthenosphere, 44 lacustrine, 288 actinolite, 142 Astor River, 25 limestone, 206, 208 Adak Island, 80 Astor Valley, 279 mudstone, 305 Afghanistan, 2, 48, 135 Attock thrust, 126, 267 sandstone, 305 age Attock-Cherat Range, 265, 266, 272, Berinag quartzite, 35 conventional, 7 273 Bering Nadi, 253 cooling, 3, 8 Aza Khel Khwar, 269 beryl, 36, 65 fission-track, 8 Besham, 138, 140, 142, 148 spectra, 6 backfolding, 146, 157 deformation, 146 Aghil Formation, 54 backthrusting, 50, 115 metamorphism, 142 Aghil Range, 51 Badrinath peak, 36 Besham antiform, 138 Alaknanda River, 34 Badrinath, 34 Besham Group, 138, 146, 151 Alaska, 80, 91 Baghanwala Formation, 102, 104, basement rocks, 151 albite, 42, 174 105 gneiss, 148 Aleutian Arc, 80, 87 Bagrot, 288 Besham nappe, 151 Aling Valley, 65 Bagrot Valley, 279 Bhaga Valley, 156 allanitc, 57 Bahadur Khcl Formation, 111 Bhagirath Kharak glacier, 34 alluvial plains, 109 Bakhor Das, 64 Bhagirathi leucogranite, 33 alluvium, 104, 109, 110, 269, 288 Baltistan, 203 geochronology, 37 almandinc, 62, 142 Baltoro Glacier, 48, 54, 57, 60, 69 isotopes, 37 Alpurai, 142 Baltoro plutonic unit (BPU), 57,58, model, 42 Alpurai Schist, 139, 140, 142, 147, 62, 69, 70 petrochemistry, 36 148, 151 geochronology, 58 Bhagirathi peak, 35, 36, 37 Altyn Tagh fault, 187 Baltoro region, 47, 69 Bhagirathi pluton, 39, 148 alumino-silicatc, 68 Baluchistan, 135 Bhagirathi River, 34, 35 Amb Formation, 101, 105 banding, 177 Bhagirathi valley, 34 Amc Ges, 284 Banna, 140 Bhaun, 124 amphibolc, 6, 78, 85, 86, 299 Banna Formation, 140 Bhaun section, 118 Bhedabari, 255 pargasitic, 87 Banna sequence, 151 Bheri River, 254,255 amphibolitc, 24, 61, 62, 64, 76, 78, Bannu Depression, 109 Bhilangana valley, 34 133, 137, 138, 142, 148, 173, Bannu Plain, 109, 110 Bhutan, 34, 256 239 Bari Gad Fault, 244, 256,260 amygdular, 65 Bari Gad River, 256, 259 Biafo Glacier region, 47, 48, 58, 69 anatexis, 42, 44 barium, 70 Biafo Gyang Glacier, 193 andalusitc, 36, 68 Baroch Group, 102 biotite, 3, 7, 26, 29, 36, 54, 57, 59, andesite, 76 Baroluma fault, 177, 178 60, 61, 62, 63, 69, 70, 142, anhydrite, 109 basalt, 65, 87 174, 206, 211 Annapurna, 157 pillow, 65 garnet, 57 Annapuma massif, 165 tholeiitic, 165 blueschist, 50, 138, 146, 149, 204, anomalies basement 206 gravity, 221, 225, 227, 239 crystalline, 39, 137, 150, 156, Border Ranges complex 80, 91 negative, 87, 90, 239 165, 173, 180, 221, 225, 226, Borit Jheel, 288 positive, 87, 91 232, 234 Borit Jheel advance, 277 anorthite, 26 granite, 140 BPU. See Baltoro plutonic unit anorthositc, 76, 77, 80 basin brachiopods, 101, 208 apatite, 36, 57, 189 intcrmontane, 183, 184, 193, 221, Brainta Lukpar Glacier, 69 aplite, 10, 57 265, 272, 305 Braldu-Askole area, 70 aplitc-pegmatiic sheets, 49 piggyback, 118, 124, 193 Braldu gorge, 64 aquamarine, 173 pull-apart, 188, 193 Braldu River, 64 arcs Batkor Gah, 288 Braldu Valley, 69, 70, 209 calc-alkaline, 2 Batura advance, 277 Bransfield Strait, 87 environmncnt, 92 Batura plutonic unit, 57 breccias, 77 island, 2 Batura Valley, 279 Broad Peak porphyry, 54 magmatism, 238 Bauma-Harel Formation, 206, 209 Broad Peak Range, 54 argillite, 266, 270 Bauma-Harel line, ¡93 bryozoans, 101, 208 argon, 9, 10 Bauma-Harel Lungma, 208, 209, 210 Budhi schist, 157 Arwa River, 34 bcdrock, 115, 269, 273 Bulache antiform, 177, 178 Arwa valley, 37 norite, 283 Buldar Glacier, 289 ash-flow tuffs, 54 plutonic, 306 Buner Limestone, 138, 140 Asian plate, 31, 76, 137, 203, 209, beds Buner outcrop, 279 213 boulder, 115, 117, 121, 244 Buner terrace, 283 Downloaded from by guest on 28 September 2021 312 Index Bunhar River alluvium, 104 Chinji-Upper Siwalik interval, dacites, 165 Bunji, 289 135 Dadot Formation, 104 Bunji Canyon, 175, 176, 177 Chinji Village area, 130, 131, 133, Dak Chauki, 288 Bunthang 135 Dak Chauki moraine 279 deposition duration, 304 Chisal Algad, 109 Dakhner Formation, 270 outcrop, 189, 301, 306 Chitral region, 48, 49 Daltumbore Formation, 208, 209, till, 298 chlorite, 35, 142 213 Bunthang sequence, 184, 193, 194, Choa Saidan Shar area, 104 Dang Dun, 253, 255 295,298, 307 Chogolisa Glacier, 61 Darband fault, 271 age, 303 Chogolisa Mountains, 69 Darel-Shatial demagnetization, 302 Chomolungma Thrust, 159 ice mass, 290 lower, 299, 302, 304 Chor Gali Formation, 103, 105 lake beds, 290 middle, 300, 305 chromitite, 77, 80, 85 moraines, 290 upper, 300, 303, 304 chromium, 209 Darel Valley, 283, 289 Buri Khel, 107 Chunda, 193, 299 Darjeeling Himalaya, 244, 261, 262 Burji, 206 Chung La pluton, 34 Darkot Pass plutonic unit, 49, 57 Burji Formation, 206 clastics, 115, 204, 282 Darma fault, 256 Burma arc, 218 clasts Dassu, 65, 211 glacial origin, 117 Dassu Canyon, 176 calc-alkaline, 69 granitic, 117 Dassu felsic gneiss, 65 calc-silicates, 24 limestone, 65, 266 Dassu Gneiss, 211, 214 calcite, 299 quartz, 64 Datta Formation, 99, 102, 107 calcium, 211 sandstone, 119 Daud Khel area, 109 Cambrian clay, 104, 105, 110, 271 decompression, 29 Late, 101 clay-shales, 104, 109 deformation, 68, 113, 146, 173, 177, Middle, 101 claystonc, 299 194, 241, 267, 279 Campbcllporc basin, 266, 273 clinopyroxenc, 80, 81, 84 brittle, 176 carbonate, 54, 64, 115, 142, 159, clinozoisitc, 142 Dchra Dun, 261, 263 204, 206, 283 coal, 103, 104, 110 Deosai Mountains, 184, 298 pedogcnic, 119 conglomerates, 54, 65, 103, 104, Deosai Plateau, 298 shallow-water, 115 105, 106, 107, 109, 119, 121, Deosai region, 193 Carboniferous, 101 140, 204, 206, 208, 266, 279 deposits, 125 Central Crystalline complcx, 73 basal, 101, 146 alluvial, 103, 110, 298 Central Potwar, 134 belts, 64 alluvial-fan, 273 cephalopods, 102 fluvioglacial 101 clastic, 103 Ceratitc Beds, 105 glacial, 101 flood, 270 chalcopyrite, 84 gypsiferous, 104 flood-plain, 271 Chalsa, 251 conodonts, 208 fluvial, 117, 130, 254, 260, 273 Chalsa Cliff, 251 continental shelf, 166 glacial, 176 Chalsa fault, 251 convergence, postcollision, 50 lacustrine, 273, 286, 288 Chambal area, 102 cooling ages, 3, 8 saliferous, 95, 101 Chambal ridge, 103, 104, 124 cooling histories, 9 shelf, 163 Chambal scarp, 104 corals, 101 talus, 255 Chambal structures, 121, 124, 126 cordicritc, 209 terrace, 261 Chambal thrust, 114 corrals, horn, 208 Dhariala, 103, 105 Chamon transform zone, 169 crcnulations, 146 Dhaukgiri Southwest fault, 256, 261 Chandra Valley, 156 Crctaceous, 102 Dhauli Valley, 157 Chani Khcl, 130 crinoids, 208 Dhodha Wahan gorge, 106 Chaudabisc Khola, 260, 261 cross-bcds, trough, 130 Dhodha Wahan section, 107 Chcl River, 244 crust, 2, 3, 9, 23, 30, 48, 60, 70, Dhok Pathan Formation, 120, 121, Chcnab River, 130, 135 71, 155, 165, 167, 189, 191, chert, 204 227, 228, 230, 232, 233, 130, 131, 135 241 Dhok Pathan/Socan, formational Chharat Group, 102, 103 boundary, 119 Chhidru, 101, 111 continental, 3, 8, 42, 44, 60, 70, Dhok Pathan/Tatrot, faunal boundary, Chhidru Formation, 101, 105, 110 169, 180, 204, 218, 221 119 Chhidru Hills, 106 crystalline, 231 diabase, 35 Chichali Formation, 102 foreshortening, 184 diamictite, 277, 279, 286, 290 Chikkim Formation, 166 loading, 115 basal, 298 Chilas, 77, 282, 283, 289 occanic, 10, 49 Dianyor, 288 Chilas Complex, 75, 92, 174, 204 shortening, 70, 180, 241, 262, Dianyor moraine, 288 mineral chcmistry, 78 263 diapirism, 103 origin, 89 stacking, 151 dikes, 36, 37, 54, 57, 60, 68, 69, wholc-rock geochemistry, 87 thickcning, 148, 189, 238, 241 77, 174, 206, 211, 213, Chile, southern, 87 Crystal Peak, 54 Diljabba-Karangal Thrust, 104 Chingkang-la, 62, 69 crystallization, 78 diopside, 60 Chingkang Valley, 64, 65, 68 crystals diorite, 76, 77 Chinji Formation, 109, 122, 130 muscovite, 142 hornblende, 60 Chinji-Nagri, lithostratigraphic suspensions, 77 quartz, 54 boundary, 133 cumulates, 92 Dir River, 76 Downloaded from by guest on 28 September 2021 Index 313 Dobang, 256 strike-slip, 48, 109, 115, 188, geobarometers, 26, 143 Doda Valley, 156 189, 221, 259 gcothermal activity, 165 Dogra Slates, 3 tear, 2, 31, 104, 109, 110, 115, geothermometer, 63 Doksam scqucncc, 54 180, 181 Ghatte Khola, 261 dolerite, 232 thrust, 24, 31, 106, 115, 146, Ghothamal Canyon, 299, 300, 301 dolomite, 102, 105 155, 185, 187, 191, 225, 238 Ghulkin ice advances, 277 Domeli ridge, 126 fauna, cephalopod, 101 Ghundi, 109 Drang, 279, 284 feldspar, 36, 61, 299 Gilgit, 211 Dras, 91 alkali, 26, 27, 36 Gilgit channel, 288 Dras Volcanics, 76, 165, 204 fibrolite, 69 Gilgit River, 10, 191, 194, 275, dropstone, 279, 300 fields, oil, 111 286, 288 Dubhair, 141 flexure modeling, 228, 232, 234 Gilgit-Skardu line, 191 Dudishal till, 279 flora, 101 Gilgit Valley, 279, 282, 286, 288 Dumordo unit, 64 flow Ginne, 289 dunite, 77 glacial, 194 Ginne Valley, 279 Duns, 253 heat, 165 Giumal Formation, 166 paths, 196 glacial chronology, 291 earthquakes, 186, 188, 189, 262, plastic, 103 glacial erosion, 184, 194, 198, 276, 305 263, 290 fluoritc, 62 eclogite, 30 flux, heat, 149 glacial flow, 194 Eocambrian, 101 flysch, 156, 159, 265 glacial ice, 297 Eocene, 102 folds, 35, 107, 124, 138, 146, 147, glaciation, 184, 194, 196, 276, 305, late, 103 150, 175, 190, 214 307 epidoto, 174, 206 thrust, 114 mountain, 275 equilibrium, hctcrogcneorus, 27 foliation, 61, 68, 70, 176, 177, 211 glaciers, 288, 301, 306 erosion, 3, 30, 102, 103, 104, 106, cross-cut, 174 boulders, 65 110, 113,

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