E PL UR UM IB N U U S Congressional Record United States th of America PROCEEDINGS AND DEBATES OF THE 114 CONGRESS, FIRST SESSION Vol. 161 WASHINGTON, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 24, 2015 No. 138 House of Representatives The House met at 8:30 a.m. and was PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE The Assistant to the Sergeant at called to order by the Speaker pro tem- The SPEAKER pro tempore. Will the Arms, Ms. Kathleen Joyce, announced pore (Mr. WOMACK). gentleman from New York (Mr. TONKO) the Vice President and Members of the f come forward and lead the House in the U.S. Senate, who entered the Hall of the House of Representatives, the Vice DESIGNATION OF THE SPEAKER Pledge of Allegiance. President taking the chair at the right PRO TEMPORE Mr. TONKO led the Pledge of Alle- giance as follows: of the Speaker, and the Members of the The SPEAKER pro tempore laid be- I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the Senate the seats reserved for them. fore the House the following commu- United States of America, and to the Repub- The SPEAKER. The joint meeting nication from the Speaker: lic for which it stands, one nation under God, will come to order. WASHINGTON, DC, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. The Chair appoints as members of September 24, 2015. f the committee on the part of the House I hereby appoint the Honorable STEVE ANNOUNCEMENT BY THE SPEAKER to escort Pope Francis into the Cham- WOMACK to act as Speaker pro tempore on PRO TEMPORE ber: this day. The gentleman from California (Mr. JOHN A. BOEHNER, The SPEAKER pro tempore. After MCCARTHY); Speaker of the House of Representatives. consultation among the Speaker and The gentleman from Louisiana (Mr. f the majority and minority leaders, and SCALISE); PRAYER with their consent, the Chair an- The gentlewoman from Washington nounces that, when the two Houses The Chaplain, the Reverend Patrick (Mrs. MCMORRIS RODGERS); meet in joint meeting to hear an ad- The gentleman from Oregon (Mr. J. Conroy, offered the following prayer: dress by Pope Francis of the Holy See, Eternal God, Father of us all, we give WALDEN); only the doors immediately opposite The gentleman from Indiana (Mr. You thanks for giving us another day. the Speaker and those immediately to MESSER); This day is a day of history. Send his left and right will be open. The gentlewoman from North Caro- Your Spirit upon the Members of the No one will be allowed on the floor of lina (Ms. FOXX); people’s House. May all be able to hear the House who does not have the privi- The gentlewoman from Kansas (Ms. the words spoken here this day with lege as prescribed by section 8 of House JENKINS); discernment and goodwill, in the spirit Resolution 380. Due to the large at- The gentlewoman from California in which they are to be delivered. tendance that is anticipated, this re- (Ms. PELOSI); And bless our most special visitor, striction regarding the privilege of the The gentleman from Maryland (Mr. Pope Francis. We thank You for his vo- floor must be strictly enforced. The co- HOYER); cation in the Church, the Pontiff, or operation of all Members is requested. The gentleman from South Carolina bridge-builder, specially charged with f (Mr. CLYBURN); bringing reconciliation where there is RECESS The gentleman from California (Mr. division. May his message of peace and BECERRA); healing, and his prophetic challenge The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- The gentleman from New York (Mr. wherever it may land, be a blessing of ant to the order of the House of CROWLEY); liberation and hope for all who have Wednesday, September 16, 2015, the The gentlewoman from Connecticut ears to hear. House stands in recess subject to the (Ms. DELAURO); and May all that is done this day be for call of the Chair. The gentleman from New Mexico (Mr. Your greater honor and glory. Accordingly (at 8 o’clock and 33 min- BEN RAY LUJA´ N). Amen. utes a.m.), the House stood in recess. The VICE PRESIDENT. The Presi- f f dent of the Senate, at the direction of b 0945 that body, appoints the following Sen- THE JOURNAL ators as members of the committee on The SPEAKER pro tempore. The JOINT MEETING TO HEAR AN AD- the part of the Senate to escort Pope Chair has examined the Journal of the DRESS BY POPE FRANCIS OF Francis into the House Chamber: last day’s proceedings and announces THE HOLY SEE The Senator from Kentucky (Mr. to the House his approval thereof. During the recess, the House was MCCONNELL); Pursuant to clause 1, rule I, the Jour- called to order by the Speaker at 9 The Senator from Texas (Mr. COR- nal stands approved. o’clock and 45 minutes a.m. NYN); b This symbol represents the time of day during the House proceedings, e.g., b 1407 is 2:07 p.m. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. H6191 . VerDate Sep 11 2014 01:25 Sep 25, 2015 Jkt 049060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A24SE7.000 H24SEPT1 SSpencer on DSK4SPTVN1PROD with HOUSE H6192 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE September 24, 2015 The Senator from Utah (Mr. HATCH); (Applause, the Members rising.) who are not led astray by facile pro- The Senator from South Dakota (Mr. POPE FRANCIS. Mr. Vice President, posals, and who face difficult situa- THUNE); Mr. Speaker, Honorable Members of tions, often as a result of immaturity The Senator from Wyoming (Mr. Congress, dear friends, I am most on the part of many adults. I wish to BARRASSO); grateful for your invitation to address dialogue with all of you, and I would The Senator from Missouri (Mr. this joint session of Congress in ‘‘the like to do so through the historical BLUNT); land of the free and the home of the memory of your people. The Senator from Mississippi (Mr. brave.’’ I would like to think that the My visit takes place at a time when WICKER); reason for this is that I, too, am a son men and women of goodwill are mark- The Senator from Maine (Ms. COL- of this great continent from which we ing the anniversaries of several great LINS); have all received so much and toward Americans. The complexities of history The Senator from Alaska (Ms. MUR- which we share a common responsi- and the reality of human weakness KOWSKI); bility. notwithstanding, these men and The Senator from Tennessee (Mr. Each son or daughter of a given coun- women, for all their many differences CORKER); try has a mission, a personal and social and limitations, were able by hard The Senator from New Hampshire responsibility. Your own responsibility work and self-sacrifice—some at the (Ms. AYOTTE); as Members of Congress is to enable cost of their lives—to build a better fu- EID); The Senator from Nevada (Mr. R this country, by your legislative activ- ture. They shaped fundamental values The Senator from Illinois (Mr. DUR- ity, to grow as a nation. You are the which will endure forever in the spirit BIN); face of its people, their representa- The Senator from New York (Mr. of the American people. tives. You are called to defend and pre- A people with this spirit can live SCHUMER); The Senator from Washington (Mrs. serve the dignity of your fellow citi- through many crises, tensions, and zens in the tireless and demanding pur- conflicts while always finding the re- MURRAY); The Senator from Vermont (Mr. suit of the common good, for this is the sources to move forward and to do so chief aim of all politics. with dignity. These men and women LEAHY); The Senator from Montana (Mr. A political society endures when it offer us a way of seeing and inter- seeks, as a vocation, to satisfy common TESTER); preting reality. In honoring their mem- The Senator from Michigan (Ms. STA- needs by stimulating the growth of all ory, we are inspired, even amid con- BENOW); its members, especially those in situa- flicts and in the here and now of each The Senator from Minnesota (Ms. tions of greater vulnerability or risk. day, to draw upon our deepest cultural KLOBUCHAR); Legislative activity is always based on reserves. The Senator from Maryland (Mr. care for the people. To this you have I would like to mention four of these CARDIN); been invited, called, and convened by Americans: Abraham Lincoln, Martin The Senator from New Jersey (Mr. those who elected you. Luther King, Dorothy Day, and Thom- MENENDEZ); and Yours is a work which makes me re- as Merton. The Senator from Maryland (Ms. MI- flect in two ways on the figure of This year marks the 150th anniver- KULSKI). Moses. On the one hand, the patriarch sary of the assassination of President The Assistant to the Sergeant at and lawgiver of the people of Israel Abraham Lincoln, the guardian of lib- Arms announced the Dean of the Diplo- symbolizes the need of peoples to keep erty, who labored tirelessly that ‘‘this matic Corps, His Excellency Hersey alive their sense of unity by means of Nation, under God, might have a new Kyota, the Ambassador of the Republic just legislation. On the other, the fig- birth of freedom.’’ Building a future of of Palau. ure of Moses leads us directly to God freedom requires love of the common The Dean of the Diplomatic Corps en- and thus to the transcendent dignity of good and cooperation in a spirit of tered the Hall of the House of Rep- the human being.
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