July 24, 2018 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S5269 the contributions of the system of gov- sian Federation without another senior SENATE RESOLUTION 590—RECOG- ernment of the United States to a more United States official present; and NIZING THE 171ST ANNIVERSARY free and stable world. (2) the President, or a designee of the OF THE ARRIVAL OF PIONEERS President, should within 7 days report to AMENDMENT NO. 3402 BELONGING TO THE CHURCH OF Congress, in the appropriate setting, on the At the request of Mr. CRUZ, the JESUS CHRIST OF LATTER-DAY substance of President Trump’s meeting names of the Senator from Mississippi SAINTS TO THE GREAT SALT with President Putin, including any agree- LAKE VALLEY IN UTAH, AND (Mrs. HYDE-SMITH), the Senator from ments or commitments made on behalf of Florida (Mr. RUBIO) and the Senator the United States. THE CONTRIBUTIONS OF THE from Oklahoma (Mr. INHOFE) were CHURCH AND ITS MEMBERS TO THE UNITED STATES AND THE added as cosponsors of amendment No. f 3402 intended to be proposed to H. R. WORLD 6147, a bill making appropriations for Mr. HATCH (for himself, Mr. LEE, the Department of the Interior, envi- SENATE RESOLUTION 589—DESIG- Mr. CRAPO, Mr. RISCH, Mr. FLAKE, Mr. ronment, and related agencies for the NATING JULY 28, 2018, AS ‘‘NA- HELLER, and Mr. UDALL) submitted the fiscal year ending September 30, 2019, TIONAL DAY OF THE AMERICAN COWBOY’’ following resolution; which was consid- and for other purposes. ered and agreed to: AMENDMENT NO. 3405 Mr. ENZI (for himself, Ms. HEITKAMP, At the request of Mr. HELLER, the S. RES. 590 Mr. RISCH, Mr. MERKLEY, Mr. HOEVEN, name of the Senator from Oregon (Mr. Whereas in the years following the estab- Mr. CRAPO, Mr. THUNE, Mr. INHOFE, Mr. MERKLEY) was added as a cosponsor of lishment of The Church of Jesus Christ of amendment No. 3405 proposed to H.R. BARRASSO, Mr. TESTER, Mr. UDALL, Mr. Latter-day Saints (referred to in this pre- ROUNDS, Mr. BENNET, Ms. CORTEZ amble as the ‘‘LDS Church’’) in 1830, the 6147, a bill making appropriations for early members of the LDS Church (referred the Department of the Interior, envi- MASTO, and Mr. HELLER) submitted the to in this preamble as ‘‘Latter-day Saint pio- ronment, and related agencies for the following resolution; which was consid- neers’’) experienced religious persecution fiscal year ending September 30, 2019, ered and agreed to: manifested through physical assault, de- and for other purposes. struction of their houses and businesses, S. RES. 589 theft of their property, exile from their f Whereas pioneering men and women, rec- homes, threats of violence and war, impris- SUBMITTED RESOLUTIONS ognized as ‘‘cowboys’’, helped to establish onment, rape, and murder; the American West; Whereas the petitions of the LDS Church Whereas the cowboy embodies honesty, in- to the United States Government for assist- SENATE RESOLUTION 588—EX- tegrity, courage, compassion, respect, a ance and redress were frequently unanswered PRESSING THE SENSE OF THE strong work ethic, and patriotism; and produced no relief; SENATE REGARDING THE NEED Whereas the cowboy spirit exemplifies Whereas the leader and prophet of the LDS FOR TRANSPARENCY REGARD- strength of character, sound family values, Church, Joseph Smith, and his brother, ING MEETINGS BETWEEN PRESI- and good common sense; Hyrum, were shot and killed by an armed Whereas the cowboy archetype transcends mob; DENT DONALD J. TRUMP AND Whereas in a letter addressed to the Presi- ethnicity, gender, geographic boundaries, RUSSIAN PRESIDENT VLADIMIR dent of the United States, James K. Polk, and political affiliations; PUTIN the new leader of the LDS Church, Brigham Whereas the cowboy, who lives off the land Young, wrote, ‘‘. [W]hile we appreciate Mr. MERKLEY submitted the fol- and works to protect and enhance the envi- lowing resolution; which was referred the Constitution of the United States as the ronment, is an excellent steward of the land most precious among the nations, we feel to the Committee on Foreign Rela- and its creatures; that we had rather retreat to the deserts, is- tions: Whereas cowboy traditions have been a lands or mountain caves than consent to be S. RES. 588 part of American culture for generations; ruled by governors and judges . who de- Whereas it is the unanimous conclusion of Whereas the cowboy continues to be an im- light in injustice and oppression’’; the United States intelligence community portant part of the economy through the Whereas in pursuit of liberty and religious that the Government of the Russian Federa- work of many thousands of ranchers across freedom, the Latter-day Saint pioneers jour- tion interfered in the 2016 Presidential elec- the United States who contribute to the eco- neyed westward in the winter of 1846, and ul- tion, at the direction of Russian President nomic well-being of every State; timately travelled more than 1,300 miles of Vladimir Putin, to advance the candidacy of Whereas millions of fans watch profes- wilderness across vast prairies, barren then-candidate Donald J. Trump; sional and working ranch rodeo events annu- deserts, jagged mountains, and turbulent riv- Whereas President Trump has repeatedly ally, making rodeo one of the most-watched ers; cast doubt on intelligence community con- sports in the United States; Whereas the Latter-day Saint pioneers en- clusions regarding Russia’s attacks during Whereas membership and participation in dured extreme weather conditions, illness, the 2016 election and suggested at his Hel- rodeo and other organizations that promote hunger, and exhaustion, resulting in the pio- sinki press conference, as he has in previous and encompass the livelihood of cowboys neers losing young children, spouses, par- ents, and friends to exposure, disease, and statements, that he believes President span every generation and transcend race starvation; Putin’s denials despite evidence to the con- and gender; trary; Whereas upon entering the Great Salt Whereas the cowboy is a central figure in Whereas President Trump and individuals Lake Valley in Utah on July 24, 1847, literature, film, and music and occupies a associated with his 2016 presidential cam- Brigham Young announced, ‘‘This is the central place in the public imagination; paign remain subjects of an ongoing inves- right place,’’ foretelling how the valley tigation led by Special Counsel Robert S. Whereas the cowboy is an American icon; would become home to many Latter-day Mueller III relating to Russia’s efforts to and Saints and their posterity; interfere in the 2016 United States presi- Whereas the ongoing contributions made Whereas the Latter-day Saint pioneers dential election, an investigation which has by cowboys and cowgirls to their commu- worked together to plant crops, irrigate yielded 32 indictments and 5 guilty pleas to nities should be recognized and encouraged: fields, and build homes and businesses, trans- date; Now, therefore, be it forming the desert into a thriving commu- Whereas President Trump reportedly per- Resolved, That the Senate— nity where they could live in safety and sonally requested that his meeting at the (1) designates July 28, 2018, as ‘‘National practice their religion without prejudice and abuse; July 16, 2018, Helsinki Summit with Presi- Day of the American Cowboy’’; and Whereas on July 24, 1849, the Latter-day dent Putin be one-on-one and excluded other (2) encourages the people of the United United States officials; and Saints first commemorated their arrival to States to observe the day with appropriate Whereas, since the Helsinki Summit, their new home with a procession to Temple ceremonies and activities. President Trump and President Putin al- Square in Salt Lake City for a special devo- luded to oral agreements they made, the spe- tional, followed by a feast of thanksgiving; cifics of which have not been made known Whereas ‘‘Pioneer Day’’ is a Utah State publicly: Now, therefore, be it holiday celebrated on July 24th to remember Resolved, That it is the sense of the Senate and honor the early settlers with parades, that— flag ceremonies, re-enactments, devotionals, (1) President Trump should not meet with sporting events, feasts, dances, concerts, fes- President Putin or any official of the Rus- tivals, rodeos, and fireworks; VerDate Sep 11 2014 06:40 Jul 25, 2018 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00043 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A24JY6.021 S24JYPT1 lotter on DSKBCFDHB2PROD with SENATE.
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