Xavier University Exhibit All Xavier Student Newspapers Xavier Student Newspapers 1999-01-27 Xavier University Newswire Xavier University (Cincinnati, Ohio) Follow this and additional works at: https://www.exhibit.xavier.edu/student_newspaper Recommended Citation Xavier University (Cincinnati, Ohio), "Xavier University Newswire" (1999). All Xavier Student Newspapers. 2815. https://www.exhibit.xavier.edu/student_newspaper/2815 This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the Xavier Student Newspapers at Exhibit. It has been accepted for inclusion in All Xavier Student Newspapers by an authorized administrator of Exhibit. For more information, please contact [email protected]. X-A V.I E R -UN IVE· RS I Ty' r_ruit;ion·up 3.8 percent ·. Srt1,gllestincrease iliover 20 yedrs . BY.SARAH 'KELLEY . .· ;Campus NewsEditof Tuition will increase by 3.8 per~ · cent 11ext year, the smallest increase in over 20 years .. This equates to a ·· .$550 increase, putting the tuition at $14,9~0 per :Yeitr. for full-time stu­ dents. fo a letter written to students and · ·parents sent out_ Monday, Xavier . _President Rev. James :EL Hoff, S.J., .·explained the reasons for the change and expressed the desire "to provide an academic environment in which you can receive the hlgh~ NEWSWIRE PHOTO ILLUSTRATION BY Bill TERRY est quality Jesuit edi.H,:ation." Office of Retention Services, which the 28 Jesuit universities in· the Specifically,' Hoff stated that new will increase· pre-professional ad­ United States. - . arid upgraded computer facilities, vising services to aid in the plact'.­ Because Xavier is a private in­ afollg with classrooms that will be' merit of graduates in faw and medi­ stitution, it receives ri.o state fund­ · equipped with interactive compllt­ cal schools: · ing. Therefore, it is necessary to illg capabilities, will be improve­ Xavier will also continue renq­ raise tuition accorqing 'to the ments funded by the increase. : · vation and construction projects on amount of money needed to coyer In' addition ,to .these technologi­ campus"; which will. be partially all cost& and improvements. cal ad~a~ces, the operating budget funded by the increase. Senior A~ron Duckworth feels . ·.· ... ,'·-·•I' .:-1. ·: . .·. , ... "':'·· - ..... ••·· · >' ·. • · Iri Cincinnati, the Crosstown . ·· Above: of th'e iibrary, which has increased "We are. 'very' concerned about that the increase is unnecessary, but ' .. · . · : Shootout is simply refemd to a.S "the In the '96- more than 20- percent in the past .costs," Bundschuh said, "but we are . he is not surprised considering lt · . : . · : game.'' Hi~ b}rfar th~ !J!ggest : ' '97 Shoot~tit five years,. will· receive ~dditioµal equally concerned with m~intain­ happens every year. •• ; baskei:b:ill contest, .and arguably, the · Lenr;iy·· fondi:rig. · · ' irig an'outstanding faculty and fa~ "I. don't feel that we need to pay ·XAVIER . biggest sporting event that takes Brow1.1 hit "This tuition increase will en- cilities.i' · any more ~han we already do, but I : place ih the city. each ye!J.r.: th~g~~e . able>U!i· to.fund projects _that Will. El).ch year, a budget coJnmittee · · am glad that the increase is at least • . Up untll this'se~on, the Shoot~ut . winning. promote a· first class education/~ meets in. the' fall to discuss tuition a small one this year," _Duckworth said. Vice President of Academic· for the school year_. This said. · · : : ~ad ,been Cincinnati's quietly kept · sho_t against . : .· . ' . ' . ' ,. ' followi~g > ..... ~.• secret. This season, as the teams · the1_1 No. l Affairs Or. James· Bundschuh. year, Hoff. gave a directive not to . Hoff's letter also reminded par­ ·prepare to meet for· th~ 6!}th dme" Cincinnati. ''.Maintaining buildings, imprqv­ significantly in~rea.se tuition. ents the Office of Financial Aid ex­ :····. however, the entire nation will be illg classrooms, increasing student "We made a conscientious and ists ·~o help· students in· financing :watchingon.ESPN.. services and compensating faculty deHberate attempt not to raise tu­ their Xavier education through c . : ; For complete coverage, ~ee pages 8-9 are all priorities." ition higher than·absolutely neces­ grants, scholarships, loans and stu- · The priority .of enhancfog ser­ . sary," 13undschuh said: . dent. employment. CINCINNATI · -~Game tim·e: 9:30 p,m. · vkes to be.nefit students will be Ranked according to tuition, Increases have ayeraged 5.6 per­ -· apparent in the. expansion .of the Xavier remains in the lower half of . cent for the last five years. Females· cQnstitute solid majority on .campus BY KARA BENKEN · 1$Jl Women also outnumber men in t~nce in· high school may contrib­ Ma_naging Editor. every category of higher education: ute to the general greater. success The female population at Xavier . searching tor onuilibriu'm public, private; religio~sly affili­ of females in school. Also, more fe­ .has. steadily in~reased over recent Percentage offemale. undergraduates at Xavier ated, four-year schools and two- males iden~ify success in the "real years, mimicking national trends in year schools. · '_ world" with a higher education, and higher education. Xavier'-s. perc_entage of female have more recently utilized the fifty-six percent of undergradu­ undergraduates peaked last year at ·ineans to· achieve that education. ate students enrolled at Xavier for 60 percent. :. · For most college admissions of­ the-'98-'99 academi~ year are fe- · Concerns regarding this trend ficials, the gender imbalance is not · ~ale. The last time males repre~ · · existon a nat_ional and local level. a great concern. While people used sented 56 percent of the. under~ Some educators are interested in the to get w9rried at the 4S-55. split, · graduate population was inJ978, idea that a libe~al art_s degree may now the consensus seems to .be be­ over 2o years ago .. ·:Xavier accepted ..........................................................................-,..... .................................... ~..... ..._ .. seem more of a woman's ~amain, yorid the 40c60 ratio. its first women students in.1969~ · while others are concerned with the . "We. wantto keep (he numbers "It is true t_hat the number of fe-. ·.. U.S~ Department of Education.sta- . cade ago, and· has since: risen consequences of fewer men ·with - of male ind female stildents. close male st:udents has ris~n consider-· -tistics, there: \\'ere 8.~ million steadily.. The nllmber of:rpen in· advanced educations. < . because it is a· to-educational in­ ably," said Dr. James Bundschuh, women arid 6;7 million men en- college had declined between 1991 One possible explanation for stitution; however, it does not seem vicepresidentforacademicaffairs. rolled in college in i9Q6i.the la~t and 1995, _b~t.in '96rose again, men foregoing .college.is a.strong .to ·be a big concern," .. said "This is true of mosfJesuit univer- year for which statisti~s were avail- The Department of Education e_conomy, which yields to some Bunds_chuh.: · · sities." able. - projects the gender gap will be men the' sense that they can sue-· ·"We· are .looking for diversity," . Although census-figures show . Nationally, the nu~ber of larger•by the year 2007, with 9.2 ceed withou(a degree,.whether in . said Director of Admissions Dr. t~ere are slightly rriorecollege-age wome~ enrolled in 'higher ed.uca- million women 'and 6.9 million computer work or·the military. David Flaspohler. "Although there males. than females: according tff tio_n Began to ~ncrease over a de- men. However; for women, their persis- See Females, Page 3 ©1999TheX~vierNewswire · · All rightS.re!;!er:ved N·EWS: O.·P:-·:Eb: SPORTS: DIVERSIONS: ' ' '· . RrWJbt~~ Xdvier.wtrisfirst ar,td second -Xav(er is in cf.anger . Women's basketball.wins ·Henry Rollins' spoken-word Advertising> : · ~·,cs13> 745-3s6:1 · .... ritCrosstown Shout-Out· · oflosing its identity. .·· two intffe perfonnance at Bogart's · --~]] . " .'. , Editor~in-cllief (513) 745-3~0.1 •. · :~AGE4 .·.PAGE 6 . PAGE 11 PAGE13 . '. ' ..... ,•A.' 1) M A J 0 'R' E '·K•'A f?\ E' ., '"Ii"·•,!. '""·'"HY·, .. ,.,,._ '·K''A' '',·· ·.'·' .' ,• ... ; ,, .... ' ... ~ . ' . ' ' J;\ ' ' /VI LJ ' ' , ' ~]'. ~ .L A'~~' JX'" "if;'\, - 'JV;I '. " ' " 'l ~" ---~.' ' ';'", ,., '0.''' . ' " ' . · 2 week.ofJANUARY27, 1999. CAMPU·S NEWS· .. THE XAVIER NEWSWIRE >Sarah Kelley/Editor· .· >News Room:'._745-3 i 22 >[email protected] JAMIE··CURRAN ..-.1 mtn 1 er 11· News.Writer. · .·· .. · Senate· action- Students from XU and UC cast off their f~anf of public speaking· Monday, Student S~nate ap­ .. and participated in an event . pointed a new Board of Elec­ pro~ tions, chaired by senior Steve moting. school .pride. along .. with:. Noga, for the remainder of the . : some:friendly rivalry. · year. Senate dismissed the origi­ Students. from Xavier University and the University. mil. board .in October for mishan­ of Cincinnati dling· the freshman Senate elec-· prepared and deliv:ered 8-10 minute tions. ·speeches for. Cincinnati's .. second The new board will condt.1.ct annual Crosstown Shout-Out. the· executive electfons in Feb­ This ye;i~·~ topic disp~ted ruary and the Sen.ate elections in · whether a private or publicinstitu-· March~ .·. · · · '. tion provides coll~ge students with . .· .. In other action, freshman J.P. a better uridergn1duate education . Englebrecht replaced senior Ja­ · •:The evenfis a wonderful op­ son Thomason, who resigned this portunity for students to erit~r.a for~ · semester to intern in Representa­ . mal 'competitio·n/' said Mfriam tive· R,ob Portnian 's offi~e in Firich, chair of Xavier's Communi~ cation Arts department. "It gives Washington, D.C. Junior Peet · · :' NEWSWIRE PHOTO BY ERIN MOONEY ·Zeller. will take over for them a public forum th«?Y normally · In addition to the Shout-Out, Skyline <:hili spo~s~red a:Cro~~~c)\/Vn Parfy at its .Fourth Street store . wouldri 't have:' · · · Thomason as chair 'of the Rela­ oi:i Monday night, in anticipation of Thursdays game.· ·Above: 'rrierJ's basketball coach Skip Prosser The contest. commenced. with a tions committee; answers questions from the crowd. ' ·· . · - . · - · .. preliminary round.·.. held' at· each • ., ,J ·school ori Jan.
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