Dear Reader, This book was referenced in one of the 185 issues of 'The Builder' Magazine which was published between January 1915 and May 1930. To celebrate the centennial of this publication, the Pictoumasons website presents a complete set of indexed issues of the magazine. As far as the editor was able to, books which were suggested to the reader have been searched for on the internet and included in 'The Builder' library.' This is a book that was preserved for generations on library shelves before it was carefully scanned by one of several organizations as part of a project to make the world's books discoverable online. Wherever possible, the source and original scanner identification has been retained. Only blank pages have been removed and this header- page added. The original book has survived long enough for the copyright to expire and the book to enter the public domain. A public domain book is one that was never subject to copyright or whose legal copyright term has expired. Whether a book is in the public domain may vary country to country. Public domain books belong to the public and 'pictoumasons' makes no claim of ownership to any of the books in this library; we are merely their custodians. Often, marks, notations and other marginalia present in the original volume will appear in these files – a reminder of this book's long journey from the publisher to a library and finally to you. Since you are reading this book now, you can probably also keep a copy of it on your computer, so we ask you to Keep it legal. Whatever your use, remember that you are responsible for ensuring that what you are doing is legal. Do not assume that just because we believe a book to be in the public domain for users in Canada, that the work is also in the public domain for users in other countries. Whether a book is still in copyright varies from country to country. Please do not assume that a book's appearance in 'The Builder' library means it can be used in any manner anywhere in the world. Copyright infringement liability can be quite severe. The Webmaster mm-^ ff^icii TimjJiftfine mjantr ntldti^ ^ffws I t ^ mr qi\an milla nilpa jqftat miK6 hiffcn tt Ititt C(tim(tr '^fhm[j ^ 2 1 ? 'V^ VjtJc J / fmnh^ 7/x 7^,. " • r r . 7s. lliuhl^frtfto ~ ^ f > ^ 7 7 ^1 7 7=^ ^ ' ^ 7—•^ 7 --: mCm twr nmtifitt mttm mmtn miMnmrnMc BEGINNING OK DUBLIN Qutni quarn/t's, FROM BODLEIAN RAWLINSON LITURGICAL MS. D. 4 (14TII CENTURY) THE MEDIAEVAL STAGE BYE.K.CHAMBERS.VOL.II OXFORD U N T \' E R S I r Y PRESS M.CMIII 9hf Ca Cop. 7 I'irst Edition i^oj the This impression has been prodnced photograpTiically by MusTON Company, from sheets of the First Edition Printed wholly in England for the MusTON Company By Lowe & Brydone, Printers, Ltd. Park Street, Camden Town, London, N.W. i. CONTENTS Volume I PAGE Preface V List of Authorities xiii BOOK I. MINSTRELSY CHAP. I. The Fall of the Theatres I II. MiMus AND Sc6p • 23 III. The Minstrel Life . 42 IV. The Minstfel Repertory . 70 BOOK II. FOLK DRAMA V. The Religion of the Folk 89 VI. Village Festivals 116 VII. Festival Play . 146 VIII. The xMay-Game . 160 IX. The Sword-Dance 182 X. The Mummers' Play . 205 XI. The Beginning of Winter 228 XII. New Year Customs . 249 XIII. The Feast of Fools. 274 XIV. The Feast of Fools {continued) 301 XV. The Boy Bishop 336 XVI. Guild Fools and Court Fools 372 XVII. Masks and Misrule . 390 Volume II BOOK in. RELIGIOUS DRAMA XVIII. Liturgical Plays ..... I XIX. Liturgical Plays {continued') . 41 XX. The Secularization of the Plays . '68 XXI. Guild Plays and Parish Plays 106 XXII. Guild Plays and Parish Plays {continued' 124 XXIII. "-y Moralities, Puppet-Plays, and Pageants V 149 IV CONTENTS BOOK IV. THE INTERLUDE CHAP. PAGE XXIV, Players of Interludes . 179 XXV. Humanism and Mediaevalism 199 APPENDICES A. The Tribunus Voluptatum . B. ToTA Ioculatorum Scena C. Court Minstrelsy in 1306 . D. The Minstrel Hierarchy E. Extracts from Account Books I. Durham Priory .... II. Maxstoke Priory HI. Thetford Priory .... IV. Winchester College V. Magdalen College, Oxford . VI. Shrewsbury Corporation VII. The Howards of Stoke-by-Nayland, Essex VIH. The English Court . F. Minstrel Guilds G. Thomas de Cabham .... H. Princely Pleasures at Kknilvorth I. A Squire Minstrel II. The Coventry Hock-Tuesday Show I. The Indian Village Feast . J. Sword-Dances ..... I. Sweden (sixteenth century) . II, Shetland (eighteenth centur3) K. The Lutterworth St, George Play L. The Prose of the Ass .... M. The Boy Bishop I, The Sarum Office II, The York Computus . N, Winter Prohibitions , . O. The Regularis Concordia of St. Ethelwold P. The Durham Sepulchrum Q. The Sarum Sepulchrum R. The Dublin Quem Quaeritis CONTENTS APP. PAGE S, The Aurea Missa of Tournai T. Subjects of the Cyclical Miracles 321 U. Interludium de Clerico et Puella 324 V. Terentius et Delusor .... 326 W. Representations of Mediaeval Plays . 329 X. Texts of Mediaeval Plays and Interludes 407 I. Miracle-Plays .... 407 II. Moralities . • • 436 Popular i III. Tudor Makers of Interludes . 443 IV. List of Early Tudor Interludes 453 SUBJECT INDEX 462 BOOK III RELIGIOUS DRAMA heje vpon a doune, l^er al folk hit se may, a mile from pe toune, aboute J?e midday, rode is arered pe vp ; his frendes aren afered, ant clyngep so pe clay; pe rode stond in stone, marie stont hire one, ant * ' seij? weylaway I CHAPTER XVIII LITURGICAL PLAYS — {^Bibliographical Note. The liturgical drama is fully treated by W. Creizenach, Geschichte dcs neiieren Dramas (vol. i, 1893), I^k. 2; L. Petit de Les i. ch. 2 A. Julleville, Myst^res {ii2>o),vo\. ; d'Ancona, Origini del Teatro Italiano (2nd ed. 1891), Bk. i, chh. 3-6;' M. Sepet, Origines catholiques du ThMtre moderne (1901), and by L. Gautier in Le Monde for Aug. and Sept. 1872. The studies of W. Meyer, Fragnienta Burana (1901), and C. Davidson, English Mystery Plays (1892), are also valuable. A. W. Ward, History 0/ English Dra??iatic Literature (2nd ed. 1899), ^'O^* i. ch. I deals very slightly with the subject. A good popular account is M. Sepet, Le Drame chritien au Moyen Age{\Z']%). Of older works, the introduction to E. Du y\.tx'\V % Origities latines du ThMtre moderne (1849, facsimile reprint, 1896) is the best. The material collected for vol. ii of C. Magnin's Origines du The'atre is only available in the form of reviews in theJournal des Savants (1846-7), and lecture notes in the Journal general de Vlyistrtcction publique (1834-6). Articles by F. Clement, L. Deschamps de Pas, A. de la Fons-Melicocq, and others in A. N. Didron's Annates archeologiques (1844-72) are worth consulting; those of F. Clement are reproduced in his Histoire de la Musique religieuse (i860). There are also some notices in de Dictionnaire des — J. Douhet, Mysteres (1854). The texts of the Quern quaeritis are to be studied in G. Milchsack, Die Oster-und Passionsspiele,\o\. i (all published, 1880), and C. Lange, Die lateinischen Osterfeicrn (1887). The former compares 28, the latter no less than 224 manuscripts. The best general collection of texts is that of Du Mdril already named : others are T. Wright, Early Mysteries and other Latin Poems E. de (1838) ; Coussemaker, Drames liturgiques du Moyen Age (i860), which is valuable as giving the music as well as the words and A. Les de la ; Gaste, Drames liturgiques CatMdrale de Rouen (1893). A few, including the important Antichristus, are given by R. Froning, Das Drama des Mittelalters (1891). The original sources are in most cases the ordinary service-books. But a twelfth-century manu- script from St. Martial of Limoges (Bibl. Nat. Lat. 1I39) has four plays, a Quern quaeritis, a Rachel, a Prophetae, and the Sponsus. Facsimiles are in E. de Coussemaker, Histoire de PHarmonie au Moyen Age (1852). A thirteenth-century manuscript from Fleury {Orleans MS. 178) has no less than ten, a Quern quaeritis, a Peregrini, a Stella in two parts, a Conversio Pauli, a Susciiatio Lazari and four Miracula S. Nicholai. Two later plays and fragments of three others are found in the famous thirteenth- century manuscript from Benedictbeuern {Munich MS. 19,486, printed in J. A. Schmeller, Carmina Burana, 3rd ed. 1894, with additional fragments in W. Meyer, Fragmenta Burana, 1901). This is probably the repertory of travelling goliardic clerks. The twelfth-century manuscript which preserves the three plays of Hilarius {Bibl. Nat. Lat. 11,331, printed in J. J. Champollion-T^igeac, Hilarii Versus et Ludi, 1838) is of a similar character.— The tropes are fully dealt with by L. Gautier, Hist, de la CHAMBERS, n 3 2 RELIGIOUS DRAMA i and W. H. Pohie liturgique au Moyen Age, vol. (all published, 1886), Frere, The Winchester Troper (1894). I have not been able to see A. Reiners, Die Tropen-, Prosen- unci Prdfations-Gesdnge des feierlichen Hochatntes ini Mittelalter (1884). Antiquarian data are collected by Week Ceremonial and H. J. Feasey, Ancient English Holy (1897), A. Heales, Easter Septtlchres, in Archaeologia, vol. xlii. I have printed Ethelwold an important passage from the Regidaris Concordia of St. A. Schon- (965-75) in Appendix O. The Planctus Mariae are treated by bach, Die Marienklagen (1874), and E. Wechssler, Die romanischen ztir der deutschen Marienklagen (1893 1. W. Koppen, Beitriige Geschichte Weihnachtsspiele (1893), and M. Sepet, Les PropBtes du Christ (1878), contain valuable studies of the evolution of the Stella and the Prophetae Middle is respectively.
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