Study Plan for Bayshore Municipal Buses STORY BELOW Weather Partly cloudy, warm and hu- mid today and tomorrow, Ugh THEDAILY la mid 80s each day. Mostly fair and warm tonight, low In upper Middletown-Bayshoref FINAL 60s. Outlook Saturday, fair and warm. MONMOUTH COUNTY'S HOME NEWSPAPER FOR 89 YEARS DIAL 741-0010 PAGE ONE VOL. 90, NO. 17 THURSDAY, JULY 20, 1967 7c PER COPY New Navy Secretary Among Victims Probe Crash Fatal to 82 HENDERSONVILLE, N.C. (AP) Wreckage and bodies show- The smaller plane blew up, John T. McNaughton, 46, who W.Va., for a convention of the — The newly named secretary ered down over a wide stretch of some of it welded to the fuselage was scheduled to' become secre- Stokely Van Camp Co. of the Navy, business executives, the resort area near this city in of the bigger craft. tary of the Navy in about two Hours after the crash, a team their wives and at least 10 chil- the Blue Ridge foothills. Just After Takeoff weeks; his wife, Sara, and their of investigators from the Nation- dren were among 82 persons The main part of the airliner The collision ocurred at 12:01 11-year-old son, Theodore,, were al Transportation Safety Board, killed in the flaming collision of missed a. crowded youth camp p.m., just three minutes after the aboard the airliner. Theodore headed by ex-Gov. John H. Reed a big jet airliner and a small by only 50 yards. Piedmont Airlines 727, carrying had been attending a summer of Maine, recovered the airliner's private plane. No one on either plane sur 74 passengers and a crew of camp, and his parents had come flight and voice recorders. He said both .instruments appeared A spokesman for the Federal vived. five, took off- from the Asheville to take him back to Washington. to T)e intact. They were sent to Aviation Administration said the There apparently was no warn airport en route from Atlanta to The passengers included about Washington, Washington for study. small twin-engine private plane ing before the crash, witnesses 30 food brokers from across the The smaller plane, a Cessna Harold Roberts, FFA tower "was about 12 miles south of said. country. They had gathered in where it should have been," in The smaller craft swept out o 310 heading for Asheville, carried chief at the Asheville airport, the crash Wednesday over west- the mountain haze ,and ripped a wo Missouri businessmen and its Atlanta and Asheville for the said the small plane, piloted by era North Carolina mountains. huge gash in the airliner's side pilot. flight to White Sulphur "Springs, (See CRASH, Pg. 3, Col. 4) CRASH VICTIMS — John T. McNaughton, who was to become secretary of the Navy about Aug. I, and wife and son were among 82 killed when a Piedmont Airlinat Booing 727 jet and a small private plane collided over Hendersonville, N. C, Wing Construction yesterday. Picture was made earlier In day, before thair departure. (AP Wirephoto) Search Damage Ups Is Closing Library RED BANK — Construction of the new wing at the Red Bank Public Library, 84 West Front St., has progressed to Tension i Intermunicipal Bus the point the facility must be closed for the rest of the sum- mer. PLAINF1ELD (AP) - Police intended to be cursory. He said were searched. Some Negroes, The Library Board of Trustees last night decided to stop and National Guardsmen kept only about 15 places and a however, angrily said the hunt issuing books tomorrow, and to close the library at the end watch today around a still edgy garden apartment complex ended because^ it violated an of the day—9 p.m.—next Wednesday. Negro riot area after a hunt for agreement that looked apart- For Bayshore Eyed The board hopes the library will re-open by the end of guns left some apartments in ments would not be forced open. September. disorder and stirred new resent- Middletown "There may or there may not By CHARLES A. JOHNSTON by himself and Commissioner Al- Mayor Bellezza's suggestion All books, including two-week books, will be due back ment. -. have been this type of thing," KEANSBURG - A publicly- phonsus McCrath, to eliminate for an intermunicipal bus in the library by Aug. 2, and fines will be incurred as of said Kelly. (Photo, Page 3) operated bus service in part of beach fees, said his bus plan line that would travel between Aug. 3, the board said. After Wednesday, books may be Meetings Set Three carbines were recov- the Bayshore may be in the off- would not deal directly with vis- Keansburg and connecting points returned to the book return box in front of the building. A house-to-house search by MIDDLETOWN - Mayor Er- ered. Officers also collected ing. itors and the beach problem. of existing bus carriers, The request for the closing came from A. P. Busch, the State Police and guardsmen nest G. Kavalek said yesterday three other guns, including a The man who had steadfastly The mayor said his concern For the main part^ , he said, the general contractor for the addition, who is ready to begin ' Wednesday was cut short as that he had arranged area in- hunting rifle. opposed regional or intermuniri-jwas wjth l°caI people, particular- jdea would be to carry patrons second floor alterations and first floor work in the existing tensions built up over com- terreligious and interracial con, 1 As the search ended, a news- pal operation of public services; ^ senior citizens who represent:to and [rom points. in Middle- building. All books on the first floor are being moved into plaints that doors were broken ferences to help cut down pos- storage. sible man heard a plainclolhes offider is the author of the plan. He Is 10 per cent of the borough's 8,500] town' Township, where there are down and beiongings tossed riot overtones in the area. tell a Negro, "I know we prom- Mayor Leonard Bellezza. population, who can't travel major business establishments This week a pile driver is sinking footings for the two- about. The mayor said he was grati- from their immediate confines. story addition in the excavated area at the rear of the library, iserl you. there would be no The mayor took a dim view of and also where there are other But a group of Negro youths fied that no problems had de- where 'the new section will overlook the Navesink River.- breaking into apartments but t state planner's proposal, two Morales' Zinger bus connections to Red Bank. at a meeting after the search in veloped in the wake of demon- That work is expected to be completed by Friday. apparently somebody didn't get months ago, that Keansburg and Mayor Joseph A. Morales, who (See BUSES, Pg. 3, Col. 5) the sealed-off area agreed to strations elsewhere. the word. We're sorry and we're Its neighbors weigh co-opera- said he favored the bus idea but "make sure the people know "We are grateful if we have pulling out." wanted to study the financing how to keep it cool." The been lucky," he said. "But the tive ideas of escaping from a Study Committee details, threw in a political zin- p.m. curfew came quietly. problem is ahead, to preven "honky tonk" identification. The Plainfield violence flared ger. Police manned checkpoints things happening again. Th BeUezu'f View Sunday night after four days of But now, with enthusiastic sup- "I hope," he said, "that the 4-H Fair Opens Today the perimeter of the 112-square best effort is to prevent before, rioting in Newark. Gov. Richard block are,a where a Negro gang and not correction after, and tha port from mayors of two heavily- mayor will speak for himself and J. Hughes announced in Trenton EATONTOWN - The 21st an shot and stomped a white is what we hope to achieve." populited adjacent towns, May- the borough, and that he will ride in a parade through the live jazz concert. They will be he would jet up a blue ribbon nual County 4-H Fair'opens to1 policeman to death Sunday The mayor said he has invited or Leonard Bellezza acknowl- muzzle the township attorney shopping center at 7:30 p.m. prior followed by a square dance exhi committee to study causes of day at Monmouth Shopping Cen- •night,/- : • George Flemming, chairman of edges that there are areas for (Patrick J. McGann, Jr.) to. the start of the contest. Each bition at 9 p.m. by Roy Keleig] Negro violence that left 27 dead co-operation and mutual econ- "The mayor and I get along ter. girl will be presented and inter- of the Hayloft in Asbury Park! The abortive hunt for caches the Middletown • Neighborhood of guns- was begun primarily in in northern New Jersey. The omy. very well but when I read state- Highlight,of the day will be the viewed by the master of cere- Fun contests for boys and girls Council, and the state Republi- an effort to find 36 military car- can treasurer, and other lead- Newark toll frorrt five.days of .,.,;, ,"!-think, this is one," he said. ments from the attorkey that 4-H queen contest beginning at monies. Councilman Alfred E. will take place at 7 p.m. tomor- bines', stokn. Jmm. ,a..nearby... jriu- violence was 25 dead. Mayor Bellezza, who is con-|Raritan is a hard place to get 8 pTm. Ten contestants "will" be Sahders of Freehold. -Pie-eating,- •watermelon as.
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