한국균학회지 The Korean Journal of Mycology Research Note Monotropoid Mycorrhizal Characteristics of Monotropa uniflora (Ericaceae) Collected from a Forest in Korea Eun-Hwa Lee and Ahn-Heum Eom* Department of Biology Education, Korea National University of Education, Cheongju 363-791, Korea ABSTRACT : The roots of Monotropa uniflora were collected from a forest in Korea. Morphological characteristics of monotropid mycorrhizas of the plants were determined. Thick mantles covered the roots and fungal pegs inside the epidermal cells of the roots were observed. Fungal symbionts were identified by sequence analysis of internal transcribed spacer region. Phylogenetic analysis based on the sequences demonstrated that the fungus was the most closely related to Russula heterophylla. The result support the strong specificity between M. uniflora and Russula species. KEYWORDS : Monotropoid mycorrhizas, Monotropa uniflora, Russula sp. Monotropoideae is a subfamily of the Ericaceae, and The mycorrhizal structure has typical ectomycorrhizal most of the species in this subfamily are achlorophyllous, characteristics, including a hyphal mantle covering the and thus, heterotrophic plants [1]. These plants are not roots and Hartig nets between cortex cells of the roots. able to fix carbon by themselves because they have very In addition, fungal hyphae penetrate and produce fungal low amounts of chlorophyll-related pigments [2]. They pegs inside the epidermal cells of plant roots, which is obtain fixed carbon from photosynthetic plants through the characteristic structure of monotropoid mycorrhizas. mycorrhizal hyphae; plants exhibiting this relationship Fungal pegs have been known as structures that trans- are referred to as mycoheterotrophic plants [3, 4]. The locate photosynthetic carbon compounds from the fungi mycorrhizal relationship between Monotropoideae plants to photosynthetic plants. and fungi is referred to as monotropoid mycorrhiza. Monotropoideae consists of 15 species belonging to 10 Such relationships are associated only with certain genera genera [1], and many species of Monotropoideae are en- of fungi, including Lactarius, Rhizopogon, Russula, and dangered because of habitat destruction. It is important Tricholoma, which also form ectomycorrhizas with sur- to conduct studies on Monotropoideae to protect the de- rounding photosynthetic plants [5-8]. In particular, Lac- clining populations of these plants, as well as to provide tarius and Russula are well known as relatively dominant important clues regarding translocation of nutrients ectomycorrhizal fungi in forest ecosystems [9, 10]. through the hyphal networks [14-16]. Structures of monotropoid mycorrhizas have been stu- Monotropa spp. are distributed in the northern hemi- died in species of several Monotropoideae plants [11-13]. sphere. In particular, M. uniflora are often found in sha- ded and wet areas of old forests in Korea. The mycor- Kor. J. Mycol. 2014 September, 42(3): 243-246 rhizal status and fungal symbionts of M. uniflora have http://dx.doi.org/10.4489/KJM.2014.42.3.243 pISSN 0253-651X • eISSN 2383-5249 not yet been determined in Korea. The purpose of this © The Korean Society of Mycology study was to investigate the symbiotic fungi in the roots *Corresponding author of M. uniflora collected from a forest in Korea. E-mail: [email protected] A total of seven individual M. uniflora were collected Received September 12, 2014 from a mixed forest in Gangwon-do, Korea (37o43'29" N, Revised September 20, 2014 o Accepted September 20, 2014 128 35'53" W). The roots along with the soil were collec- ted and taken to the laboratory. These were then washed This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial License (http:// under running tap water to remove the attached soil par- creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/3.0/) which permits unrestricted ticles. The root balls were observed under a stereomicro- non-commercial use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited. scope (Olympus SZX9, Olympus, Japan). Root tips were 243 244 Eun-Hwa Lee and Ahn-Heum Eom removed and sectioned using a microtome (CM1850, In particular, the structure of the mantle covered with Leica, Germany) to examine the morphological charac- the cystidia is the typical characteristic of mycorrhiza teristics of monotropoid mycorrhizas. between Russula spp. and M. uniflora, which has been To examine the molecular characteristics of the fungi, supported by several studies, including the results of this the individual root tips were removed and washed seve- study [19-21]. Moreover, fungal pegs were observed in- ral times with sterile water, then, the genomic DNA was side the epidermal cell of the mycorrhizal root tips (Fig. extracted. The fungal specific primers ITS1F and ITS4 1D), which is another typical characteristics of monotro- were used for PCR to amplify the internal transcribed poid mycorrhizas, and form the location of nutrient ex- spacer (ITS) region of fungal rDNA [17]. Subsequently, change between the plants and fungi. about 650 bp of amplified products was confirmed from Sequence analysis of the fungal ITS region amplified 1.5% agarose gel electrophoresis and sequenced at Mac- from the root tips of M. uniflora showed that all of the rogen (Seoul, Korea). Sequences were compared with si- samples collected in this study were Russula sp. (Fig. 2). milar sequences obtained using BLAST in NCBI; further, This indicates that a single species of fungus formed Bayesian phylogenetic analysis was performed using mycorrhizal relationship with the M. uniflora collected in MrBayes [18]. this study. The result of BLAST search showed that Rus- Morphological characteristics of monotropoid mycor- sula heterophylla was the most similar with the sequence rhizas of M. uniflora were examined under a microscope. from this study but the similarity was not enough to The roots of all seven plants were colonized by mycor- identify these fungi in species level (94~97%). Therefore, rhizal fungi, forming root balls (Fig. 1A). The mycor- additional analyses are needed to confirm the phylogene- rhizal root tips were short and unbranched, and the shape tic identity of this fungus. of mycorrhizal tips observed in the roots was identical in In general, it has been reported that ectomycorrhizal all the individual plants. In cross-sections of the root fungi have symbiotic relationships with various host plants tips, a thick hyphal mantle covered the roots (Fig. 1B), [3]. However, there seems to be strong specificity with and cystidia were observed outside the mantle (Fig. 1C). fungi among mycoheterotrophic plants. Strong specificity Fig. 1. Structure of monotropoid mycorrhizas of Monotropa uniflora collected from this study. A, fungal root tips of M. uniflora; B, thick mantle structure of the root tip; C, numerous cystidia on the root surface; D, fungal peg (arrows). Scale bars: 10 µm. Monotropoid Mycorrhizal Characteristics of Monotropa uniflora (Ericaceae) Collected from a Forest in Korea 245 Fig. 2. Bayesian phylogenetic tree constructed using ITS sequences of the fungi associated with the Monotropa uniflora. Lactarius oomsisiensis was used as an outgroup. Sequences from this study are in bold. of Russula species with M. uniflora has been reported in of mycoheterotrophy in Ericaceae and Orchidaceae [23]. studies from Japan and China, which are geographically close to the sample sites of this study [20-22]. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS In previous studies, it was shown that Monotropa spe- cies are able to form symbiotic relationships with differ- This work was supported by the 2013 Research Grant ent species of Russulaceae depending on the area, even funded by Korea National University of Education. though they showed strong specificity with fungi at the family level [5, 21, 22]. 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