Testimony Teacher of Poignant the Year moments, DCC’s Kathleen some surprises Kunkle receives in new film recognition from about late Wal-Mart, page 4. pope, page 2. www.ErieRCD.org BI-WEEKLY NEWS BULLETIN OF THE DIOCESE OF ERIE November 2, 2008 Church Calendar Events of the local, American and universal church Catholic schools see enrollment challenges for ’08-’09 Catholic school enrollment in the Erie Diocese Feast days Decline stems U.S. Catholic School Enrollment In more recent years, the decrease in student Elementary Secondary Total Percent enrollment is seen primarily in elementary schools. from a number and middle decline from ENROLLMENT in millions schools previous year 1.91 of factors, 1.84 1.78 5.25 1.73 elementary 1.68 2005-06 7,282 2,535 9,817 n/a officials say 2006-07 6,768 2,472 9,240 -5.9% .65 .64 .64 .64 .64 2007-08 6,188 2,579 8,767 -5.1% By Jason Koshinskie 4.37 secondary FaithLife editor 2008-09 5,819 2,433 8,252 -5.9% 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 Enrollment in the Erie Di- SCHOOL YEAR ENDING 6RXUFH(ULH'LRFHVH¶V2I¿FHRI(GXFDWLRQ ocese’s Catholic schools fell 3.14 St. Martin St. Frances 5.9 percent for the 2008-09 Sacred Heart School, Erie, and St. Titus School, Titusville, closed after 2006-07 school year de Porres Xavier Cabrini school year, a decline of 515 2.59 2.65 St. Andrew School, Erie, closed after 2005-06 school year total students from 2007-08. 2.32 For 2007-08, dioceses St. Michael School, Fryburg, closed after 2004-05 Nov. 1 All Saints across Pennsylvania reported 1960 1970 1980 1990 2000 2007 Nov. 2 All Souls an average decline of 6.0 per- Source: United States Catholic Elementary and Secondary Schools a number of reasons as to less social pressure for Catholic Nov. 3 St. Martin de Porres cent (see chart on page 3). The Annual Statistical Report on Schools,. Enrollment and Staffi ng, NCEA 2003-2007 ©2008 CNS With 8,252 students en- why that is the case.” families to enroll their children in Nov. 4 St. Charles Borromeo rolled in Catholic elemen- First, Father Rouch said, Catholic schools than there used Nov. 10 St. Leo the Great tary, middle and secondary Father Nicholas Rouch, the Pennsylvania. is parents need to come up to be,” he said. “Where that’s Nov. 11 St. Martin of Tours schools for the current aca- diocese’s vicar for education, “We’re noting a decline with tuition dollars in the coming from, that’s tough to get Nov. 12 St. Josaphat demic year, officials from the and Ron Fronzaglia, special in enrollments in non-public midst of a nationwide eco- at. But enrolling their children in diocese’s Catholic Schools assistant to the vicar for edu- schools throughout Pennsyl- nomic slowdown. Catholic schools doesn’t seem to Nov. 13 St. Frances Xavier Cabrini Office say a number of fac- cation, attribute the decline vania, and certainly our di- Second, he said there are be a given in as many families as Nov. 15 St. Albert the Great tors have contributed to the in students partly to changing ocesan schools are following a number of cultural fac- formerly was the case.” steady decrease in enrollment demographics and a decline that trend,” Father Rouch tors at play. numbers. in population in northwestern said. “I think we can put forth “There seems to be See ENROLLMENT, page 3 North American Forum on the Catechumenate – Nov. 6-8 The North American Forum on the Catechume- Vatican prepares three alternative endings for dismissal at Mass nate will hold an international conference in Cleve- land Nov. 6-8. The Forum is a worldwide network By John Thavis “Ite in pace, glorificando vita of pastoral minis- Catholic News Service vestra Dominum” (Go in peace, glo- ters, liturgists, cat- rifying the Lord by your life). echists and theo- VATICAN CITY — The Vatican “Ite in pace” (Go in peace). logians “dedicated has prepared three alternative endings The idea for alternative words at to making a fully for the words of dismissal at Mass, to the end of Mass was raised at the implemented Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults emphasize the missionary spirit of 2005 Synod of Bishops on the Eu- (RCIA) a reality for all.” the liturgy. charist. Many bishops wanted the The agenda includes talks on rediscovering the Pope Benedict XVI pper- final wwords to reflect a more church’s identity as an apprenticing community, ex- sonally chose the threee explexpliciti connection between ploring the substance of the faith we hand on and options from suggestions MMassa and the church’s mis- experiencing the ancient and new role of liturgical presented to him after a ssionio of evangelization in catechesis in making Christians. two-year study, Cardi- tthehe world. Anyone interested in attending can contact Sister nal Francis Arinze told Cardinal Arinze Nancy Fischer, SSJ, director of community forma- the Synod of Bishops in sasaid the concern was that, tion and lay minister training for the Erie Diocese at mid-October. fforo many Catholics, the 814.824.1217. For more information on the forum, The Vatican newspa-a- prepresent words of dismissal visit www.naforum.org. per, L’Osservatore Romanoo, sounsounded like “The Mass is published an interview ended, go and rest.” Theology on Tap – Nov. 6 Oct. 17 with Cardinal The cardinal said Arinze, head of the his congregation un- “Ite, missa est,” which has not been He asked for the study on moving the Erin Landini-Grogan, di- Congregation for Di- dertook a wide con- abolished, Cardinal Arinze said. sign of peace from a moment just be- rector of Parish Social Min- vine Worship and the Cardinal Francis Arinze sultation and came The cardinal said the congregation fore Communion to another time in istry and Respect Life for the Sacraments. up with 72 different still was studying another suggestion the liturgy. Erie Diocese, will explore the He said along with “Ite, missa est,” possible alternative phrases. Of these, made during the 2005 synod, that of Cardinal Arinze said that, after teaching of St. Paul and how the Latin phrase now translated as the congregation chose nine and pre- moving the sign of peace to a differ- consultation, the congregation had it relates to serving our neigh- “The Mass is ended, go in peace,” the sented them to the pope, who chose ent part of the Mass. written to bishops’ conferences ask- bors in today’s world during new options are: the final three. In 2005, the pope said the sign of ing their preference between leaving a Theology on Tap session “Ite ad Evangelium Domini The three alternatives were pub- peace had great value, but should be the sign of peace where it is now and Thurs., Nov. 6 at The Brew- annuntiandum” (Go and announce lished in October in the latest edition done with “restraint” so that it does erie at Union Station in downtown Erie beginning the Gospel of the Lord). of the Roman Missal, along with not become a distraction during Mass. See MASS DISMISSAL, page 3 at 7 p.m. Check out the complete Theology on Tap schedule at www.ErieRCD.org. Politics, liturgy, priorities to be Faith offers a focus of bishops’ fall meeting prescription for peace By Nancy Frazier O’Brien meeting. First to come before the bishops What happens when faith and medicine meet? A Catholic News Service will be a 700-page translation of the proper surgeon, an internist, a chaplain and a family phy- prayers for Sundays and feast days during WASHINGTON — Meeting less than a the liturgical year, which was rejected at the sician at St. Vincent Health Center in Erie share a week after the election of a new U.S. presi- June USCCB meeting in Orlando, Fla., and conversation on this topic in the Nov/Dec 2008 is- Diocesan churches with a St. Paul connection dent, the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bish- in subsequent mail balloting. sue of maga- St. Paul Parish, Erie Faith ops will discuss “the practical and pastoral The rejected translation, in the works for zine, scheduled to Ss. Peter and Paul Mission, Grassflat implications of political support for abor- more than two years, was the second of 12 Ss. Peter and Paul Mission, Hawk Run tion.” sections of the Roman Missal translation arrive in homes of Ss. Peter and Paul Oratory, Pettis But the agenda for the Nov. 10-13 USCCB project that will come before the bishops the Erie Diocese fall general assembly at the Baltimore Mar- through at least 2010. In commemoration of during the first riott Waterfront Hotel also will focus on a The translation had come from the In- week of Novem- the 2,000th anniversary of wide range of other issues, including such ternational Commission on English in the St. Paul’s birth, Pope Bene- frequent topics as li- Liturgy, known as ICEL, but at the Orlando ber. dict XVI has dedicated a ju- turgical translations meeting many bishops expressed frustration Also on tap: a bilee year to the apostle that and priorities for the that recommendations they had submitted feature on the in- will run until June 29, 2009. work of the bishops’ to ICEL to clarify the sentence structure or For events and resources for conference itself. revise archaic language had been rejected. augural season the Year of St. Paul in the The agenda item The Vatican recently gave its approval to of the Spartans Erie Diocese, visit www.Eri- on politics and abor- the first section, a translation of the main football team eRCD.org.
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