retirement that he might prepare himself for Christmas, having committed the care of the church to three cardinals. This again was an occasion of fresh scruples, when he reflected that a pastor is bound himself to a personal attend- ance on the duties of his charge. These fears of conscience, the weight of his dignity, which he felt every day more and more insupportable, and the desire of enjoying himself in solitude, moved him at length to deliberate whether he might not resign his dignity. He consulted Cardinal Benedict Cajetan, a person the best skilled in the canon law, and others who agreed in their advice, that it was in the power of a pope to abdicate. When this became public, many vigorously opposed the motion; but no solicitations or motives could make the holy man alter his resolution. Wherefore, some days after he held at Naples a consistory of the cardinals, at which the King of Naples and many others were present: be- fore them he read the solemn act of his abdication, then laid aside his pontifical robes and ornaments, put on his religious habit, came down from his throne, and cast himself at the feet of the assembly, begging pardon for his faults, and exhorting the cardinals to repair them in the best manner they were able, by choosing a worthy successor to St. Peter. Thus having Pastor: Rev. Fr. Joseph Terra, FSSP Associate: Rev. Fr. Kenneth Walker, FSSP sat in the chair four months he abdicated the supreme dignity Office: 602-253-6090 Cell: 480-231-0573 (for urgent messages) Fax: 602-253-8013 in the church, on the 13th of December, 1294, with greater joy Church: 1537 W. Monroe St. Phoenix, AZ 85007 Mail: same as church address than the most ambitious man could mount the throne of the Email: [email protected] Website: www.phoenixlatinmass.org richest empire in the world. This the cheerfulness of his coun- tenance evidenced, no less than his words. Cardinal Benedict Cajetan, the ablest civilian and canonist of his age, was chosen Notitiæ in his place, and crowned at Rome on the 16th of January fol- lowing. May 18, 2013 St. Celestine immediately stole away privately to his monastery of the Holy Ghost at Morroni. But several who were Sunday Masses offended at some acts of justice and necessary severity in the Fourth Sunday after Easter, Class II, White new pope, raised various reports as if he had by ambition and Propers: fraud supplanted Celestine: others advanced that a pope could Readings: James 1:17-21; John 16:5-14 not resign his dignity. Boniface, moreover, was alarmed at the 7:00am Low Mass; 9:00am Low Mass; 11:00am High Mass at Mater Misericordiae Mission multitudes which resorted to Morroni to see Celestine, on ac- Intentions: 7:00am: Betty Sullivan; 9:00am: Anne Girand; 11:00am: Pro Populo count of the great reputation of his sanctity; and fearing he might be made a handle of by designing men, the conse- 9:00 am Low Mass at Saint Cecilia’s Mission, Clarkdale quence whereof might be some disturbance in the church, he Intention: 9:00 am: Pro Populo entreated the king of Naples to send him to Rome. The saint seeing that he could not be permitted to return to his cell, be- Weekday Masses took himself to flight, and put to sea, with a view to cross the At Mater Misericordiae Mission, Monroe St. Church Adriatic gulf; but was driven back by contrary winds into the Monday-Friday: 6:30 am and 6:30 pm, Saturday: 6:30 am and 8:00 am harbour of Vieste, where he was secured by the governor, pur- suant to an order of the king of Naples, and conducted to Pope Monday, May 19 Thursday, May 22 Boniface at Anagni. Boniface kept him some time in his own Propers: St. Peter Celestine, Pope and Confessor Propers: Fourth Sunday after Easter palace, often discoursing with him that he might discover if he Class III, White Class IV, White had ever consented to those who called his abdication null and Readings: I Peter 5:1-4, 10-11 Readings: James 1:17-21 invalid. The saint’s unfeigned simplicity bearing evidence to Matthew 16:13-19 John 16:5-14 the contrary, many advised the pope to set him at liberty, and Intentions: 6:30am: William Haas Intentions: 6:30am: Christopher Krysak send him to his monastery. But Boniface, alleging the danger 6:30pm: Bruce Hannay 6:30pm: Barbara Bruno of tumults and of a schism, confined him in the citadel of Fu- mone, nine miles from Anagni, under a guard of soldiers. The Tuesday, May 20 Friday, May 23 authors of the life of the saint say, that he there suffered many insults and hardships, which yet never drew from his mouth the least word of complaint. On the contrary, he sent word to Boniface, by two cardinals who came to see Propers: St. Bernadine of Siena, Confessor Propers: Fourth Sunday after Easter him, that he was content with his condition, and desired no other. He used to say with wonderful tranquillity, “I de- Class III, White Class IV, White sired nothing in the world but a cell; and a cell they have given me.” He sang the divine praises, almost without in- Readings: Ecclesiasticus 31:8-11 Readings: James 1:17-21 terruption, with two of his monks who were assigned him for his companions. On Whit-Sunday, in 1296, after he had Matthew 19:27-29 John 16:5-14 heard mass with extraordinary fervour, he told his guards that he should die before the end of the week. He immedi- Intentions: 6:30am: Jean Davis+ Intentions: 6:30am: Lashutka Family ately sickened of a fever, and received extreme unction. Even in that dying condition he would never suffer a little 6:30pm: Jean Davis+ 6:30pm: Mahar Family straw to be strewed on the hard boards on which he always lay, and prayed without interruption. On Saturday, the 19th of May, finishing the last psalm of lauds at those words, Let every spirit praise the Lord, he calmly closed his Wednesday, May 21 Saturday, May 24 eyes to this world, and his soul passed to the company of the angels, he being seventy-five years old. During his ten Propers: Fourth Sunday after Easter Propers: Saturday of Our Lady months’ imprisonment he never abated anything of his ordinary austerities. Pope Boniface with all the cardinals per- Class IV, White Class IV, White formed his funeral obsequies at St. Peter’s. His body was sumptuously buried at Ferentino; but was afterwards Readings: James 1:17-21 Readings: Ecclesiasticus 24:14-16 translated to Aquila, and is kept in the church of the Celestines near that city. Many miracles are authentically rec- John 16:5-14 John 19:25-27 orded of him, and he was canonized by Clement V in 1313. Intentions: 6:30am: Joseph Casey Intentions: 6:30am: Syriac Peter+ OUR MISSION STATEMENT 6:30pm: Mary Dunlap 8:00am: Stacey Williams Mater Misericordiæ (Mother of Mercy) Mission glorifies God, uniting its members in faith, hope and Confessions charity through confession of the One Holy Catholic and Apostolic Faith and through participation in At MMM Church in Phoenix: Mon-Sat: 30 minutes before each Mass. Saturdays: 3:30-4:30 pm. the Sacraments and Traditional Rites of the Missale Romanum of 1962, under the governance of the Sundays: Between 7am & 9am Masses, between 9am & 11am Masses, and after the 11am Mass. Bishop of the Roman Catholic Diocese of Phoenix and the Priestly Fraternity of Saint Peter. At St. Cecilia’s: Saturdays: 3-4 pm. Sundays: Before the 9am Mass. Other times by arrangement. SUNDAY COLLECT. PARISH ANNOUNCEMENTS St. Peter Celestine—From Butler’s Lives of the Saints O God, who makest the faithful to be of one mind Congratulations to all those Humility raised this saint above the world, and preserved his soul free from its poison, both amidst its flatteries and and will: grant to Thy people the grace to love what who received First Holy Communion under its frowns. He was born in Apulia about the year 1221. His parents were very virtuous and charitable to the Thou dost command and to desire what Thou dost today. There will be a small reception poor to the uttermost of their abilities. After his father’s death, his mother, though she had eleven other sons, seeing promise, that amid the changes of the world, our for them following the 11am Mass. his extraordinary inclination to piety, provided him with a literary education. His progress gave his friends great ex- hearts may there be fixed where true joys are to be The May Crowning of Our Lady will pectations; but he always considered that he had only one affair in this world, and that an affair of infinite im- take place before the Mass. found. Through our Lord... portance, the salvation of his soul: that no security can be too great where an eternity is at stake: moreover, that the way to life is strait, the account which we are to give of all our actions and thoughts most rigorous, the judge FSSP PRAYER REQUESTS infinitely just, and the issue either sovereign happiness or sovereign misery. He therefore made the means, by which SUNDAY EPISTLE: James 1:17-21 he might best secure to himself that bliss for which alone he was created, his constant study. An eremitical state is Dearly beloved: Every best gift and every perfect May 18: Fr. Kenneth Walker only the vocation of souls, which are already perfect in the exercises of penance and contemplation.
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