HOMEOPATHY - KEYNOTES FOR 341 DRUGS INFORMATION EXTRACTED FROM ARCHIBELS' RADAR/SYNTHESIS v8.1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # ABELMOSCHUS (abel.) Mind - IRRATIONAL FEAR OF ANIMALS agg. night. - Delirium with hallucinations. Generals - agg. Night. - amel. Eating small quantity. - Addison's disease. - Pernicious anemia. - Tetany. Food and drinks - Desire: Cold food and drinks. Head - Migraine. - Heavy feeling, as if in a vice. Eye/vision - Pain as from a nail. - Scotoma: spots before eyes with difficult vision. - Glaucoma. Detached retina. Ear/hearing - Difficult hearing on ascending stairs. Face - Paralysis, trembling lips and jaw. - Clenched jaw. - Pale, yellow; itching. Mouth - Salivation increased, with sensation of dryness. - Saliva thick, sticky. - Difficult speech. Throat/external throat - Swallowing difficult. - Pain sides throat on turning head. Stomach - Pain in pit of stomach. Respiration - Difficult. Chest - Tight feeling region of heart. - Palpitations with anxiety. Extremities - Trembling, weakness, paralysis; with edema. Dd Apis, Ars, Bell, Carc, Chin, Stram. # ABIES CANADENSIS (abies-c.) * Esp. digestive problems. Mind - Irritability, moody, peevish (Nux-v). Snappish. - Not as impatient or driven as nux-v. - Mental exhaustion. Dazed. Indifferent. Generalities - Chilly; as if blood were ice-water. - Wants to lie down. Lies with legs drawn up. Sluggishness not amel. by eating stimulating food. - agg. Right side. - amel. Pressure. Food and drinks - Desire: Coarse, indigestible food. - Aversion: Sour food. - agg.: Coarse food, tea. Head - Faint, drunken feeling. Stomach - GNAWING PAIN; GREAT APPETITE, TENDENCY TO OVEREAT. Faint feeling at epigastrium, ext. to head. - Distention agg. eating. Abdomen - Sensation as if RIGHT LUNG AND LIVER SMALL AND HARD. - Pain right hypochondrium, ext. to right scapula (Chel.). - Rumbling agg. eating. Rectum - Burning pain (constipation). Genitalia - UTERINE DISPLACEMENT; PROLAPSE.(Sep.) Sensation as if uterus is soft. Respiration - Difficult from distention of stomach. Chest - Palpitations from distention of stomach. Back - Coldness. Sensation of a WET CLOTH ON THE BACK, as if cold water between scapulae. Sleep - Position: With limbs drawn up. Dd Abies-n., Ang., Chel., Gels., Lyc., Nux-v., Sep. # ABIES NIGRA (abies-n.) * Gastro-intestinal system. Mind - Hypochondriacal. Fear of cancer. Sad. - Feels mentally aged. Mind feels blocked. Difficulty in 'digesting' information. Generalities - Sensation of a lump (throat, lungs, stomach). - Indigestion with heart complaints or dyspnea, esp. in old people. Food and drinks - Desire: Cucumber. Head - Congestion. Face - Flushed. Stomach - FEELING OF A LUMP (egg, stone) or constriction in top of stomach. agg. Immediately after eating. - Want of appetite in the morning; but excessive at night. - Indigestion, agg. tea, tobacco. Chest - As if something hard had to be coughed up. - Heart works slow; feels heavy. Sleep - Restless. Sleeplessness with hunger. Dd Abies-c., Asaf., Bry., Chel., Ign., Nux-v., Thuj. # ABROTANUM (abrot.) * Metastasis (alternating complaints) Mind - Cheerfull, talkative with people they like. - Alternating moods. - Angry. Cross. Ill-humored. - Malicious, vindictive, violent, cruel. - Anxiety about health. Fear of idiocy. - Mental fatigue. - Children: Irritable, obstinate, melancholic. Sit by themselves. Dull. Depressed. Generalities - METASTASIS: One diseased condition disappears and another takes its place. Mumps go to testes or mammae; rheumatic or cardial sx. when diarrhea stops. Hemorrhoids, bleeding, as soon as rheumatism is better. Suppression of one condition brings on another. - Ailments from suppressed discharge, eruption, hemorrhoids, rheumatism, etc. - amel. DIARRHEA, discharges. - agg. Night. - Chilly. agg. Cold, wet. - MARASMUS: Wasting of lower extremities, ext. upward. Babies, children not gaining weight, with eruptions and discharges from umbilicus, old looking (face wrinkled). - EMACIATION WITH RAVENOUS APPETITE. - Anaphylaxia after T.B. vaccination. - Weakness, esp. after influenza. - Anaesthesia, paresis. Food and drinks - Desire: Bread, milk. - Aversion: Sweets. Head - Pain alternating with hemorrhoids. - Unable to hold head up from weakness, in infants (Aeth., Calc-p.). Face - Old looking. - Wrinkled, pale, dry. - Cold with blue discoloration around eyes. Distented veins on temples. Stomach - Empty, weak feeling with increased appetite. - Stomach feels relaxed, hanging down. Abdomen - DISCHARGE FROM UMBILICUS, esp. in newborn (Calc., Calc-p.). - Enlarged glands with emaciated abdomen. Rectum - Diarrhea with rheumatism. - Hemorrhoids alt. with rheumatism. Male genitalia - Hydrocele in boys after suppressed eruptions. - Swelling of testes after mumps. Chest - Cough alt. with diarrhea. - Rheumatic heart conditions. - Pleurisy, agg. right side. Back - Weakness. Pain at night, amel. motion. Extremities - EMACIATION OF LOWER LIMBS, ext. upward. - Rheumatic pain in all joints, alt. with diarrhea, hemorrhoids; amel. motion. - Sore or neuralgic pains amel. motion. - Weakness with numbness, prickling, coldness. - Chillblains. Skin - Flabby, loose, shrivelled. - Purplish discoloration after eruption disappears. Dd Absinth., Aeth., Agar., Bar-c., Calc., Calc-p., Cham., Cina., Gels., Lyc., Mag-c., Petr., Sil., Sulph., Tub., Zinc. # ACETICUM ACIDUM (acet-ac.) * Wasting diseases. Mind - Anxiety about his declining health; his children. - Fear something bad will happen (Chin-s.). Fear of people, strangers, water. - Complaining in a peevish way. Irritable, agg. with headache. - agg. Emotional excitement. - Tormenting panic-attacks with feeling of suffocation. Sighing. - Ailments from grief, vexation. - Weakness of memory. Dull, indifferent. - Confusion: Does not recognize his children; esp. during fever. - Children: Peevish, complaining, des. to be carried, av to be touched on head. Generalities - Remedy for WASTING DISEASES like tuberculosis, pernicious anemia, cancer, aids; old opium users. - Anaemia, emaciation, loss of appetite, weakness, cachexia. - Night-sweat, burning thirst, cough, diarrhea, vomiting, polyuria. - Face pale, waxy, bluish lips, sunken eyes with dark circles. - HEMORRHAGES. - Dropsy. (DD: Apis: thirstless). - Hectic fever with coughing and night-sweats. - Effects from chloroform. - amel. Lying on abdomen. - agg. COLD; sleeping on back. Food and drinks - Aversion: Cold drinks, salty things. - agg. Cold drinks, vegetables. Head - Pain from abuse of narcotics, since narcosis. Face - Pale, waxy, emaciated, with bluish lips. Eyes sunken, surrounded by dark rings. Stomach - Cancer. Violent burning followed by coldness and cold sweat on forehead. - Severe gastritis. - Stomach as if full of sour, vinegar (like the remedy). - EXTREME, burning THIRST. Abdomen - Flatulence, distention. - Colic-like pains. - Sore to touch. - Sinking sensation while lying on back. Rectum - Chronic diarrhea. - Hemorrhage. Bladder - Profuse urination. Male genitalia - Impotency from weakness. - Semen passes at stool. Female genitalia - Menses profuse. Metrorrhagia. Larynx and trachea - Croup. Cough - Chronic hacking cough. Expectoration - Hemoptysis. Back - Pain amel. lying on abdomen. Extremities - Weakness and lameness. Paralytic sensations. - Edema of lower limbs with diarrhea (phtisis). Skin - Naevi. - Waxy skin. Sleep - Lying on back impossible. Dd Agn., Apis., Ars., Carb-ac., Chin., Nit-ac., Phos., Tub. # ACHYRANTHES CALEA (achy.) Mind - Sadness; fear of suffering. - Want of moral feeling. - Anxiety of conscience. Religious preoccupations. Begs forgiveness and excuses himself for his errors. - Light agg., needs darkness. Sensitive to noise. - Desire for company, but averse being spoken to. - Apathy, indifference towards environment. - Stupor, sudden starting from sleep; wakes often, only for a short time. - Answers in monosyllables. Generals - agg. Change in barometric pressure. - agg. Cold, damp, motion, during heat. - amel. Rest, strong pressure. - Left sided. - DRYNESS, BURNING. - Sensation of heat, but desires covers. - Weakness, fatigue, agg. mental exertion. - ACUTE, CONGESTIVE FEVER. Meningitis. - Inflammation of bone-marrow (osteo-myelitis). - Sepsis. - Muscular stiffness. Food and drinks - Desire: Cold drinks. - Aversion: Solid food. Head - Severe congestive frontal headache. Pulsation temples. Pain agg. touch, amel. pressure. - Noises in head. Eyes - Photophobia. - Pain burning; as from sand. Painful eyeballs, amel. pressure. - Bloodshot. - Yellow discharge, agglutination. - Eyelids heavy, hot; eyelashes turn upward. Ear/hearing - Itching, heat, dryness meatus. - Acute hearing. Nose - Sinusitis. - Dry, stopped, painful; amel. discharge. - Blackish discharge. - Epistaxis agg. left, blowing nose. Face - Pain in masseter and zygomatic muscles unable to close mouth. - Red, swollen, as from sun. Mouth - Hot and dry. Burning tongue. - Water tastes bad. - Aphthae from sun or indigestion. Throat/external throat - Dry, burning. Needs to swallow often to moisture. - Prickling after cold drink. - Torticollis. Gastro-intestinal - Gastritis. Colitis. - Thirsty. - Acute epigastric pains from cold. - Constipation, no urge. Urinary tract - Burning pains. - Frequent urination of small quantities hot urine, with pressing pain. - Urine reddish. Male genitalia - Penis hot and flacid. - Scrotum congested, veins distented. - Sexual desire wanting, agg. cold. - Erections incomplete; ejaculation seldom. Female genitalia - Dry, burning vagina. - Relaxation of external
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